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The Funky Pool Devils - Buckys Legacy

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Posts: 4,046
23:53 Sat 12 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
One thing we know for sure Ric is silent_phil will not be returning period. Dont you worry all will be sorted before a new season starts and we will have a team or teams.

What do you mean?

Your the one who told me that FPD were folding and most of FPD's current players were going to your clan. I confirmed with klien a while ago that I was staying. But even he said himself that he wasn't sure if the clan was going to continue if theres a next season. There isn't going to be another season anyway!

Edited at 21:16 Sat 12/11/16 (GMT)

Well thats crap stiring at its finest. I never said anything about any clan folding and never said that anyone was going anywhere. There are a few on here having a pop at you on a regular basis. Now i no longer wonder why. You said you were quitting at the end of the season. I for one at this point would not be sad to lose your negativity and constant abrasiveness towards other players on this site for good.
Posts: 4,046
00:00 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
On a much more positive note FPD we will be putting out a team for next season without a doubt. Just waiting for a firm decision from the league runner as to wether he is running it and how the formats will shake out. You all know me by now to know that i dont mess about and if i have news or something to say i will say it. It will not be left to previous clan members to make Kliens or myself statements of intent for the future.

Just be patient and we will let you know whats happening when we do. For now lets concentrate on winning our two cup matches and become the new champions of the world
Posts: 404
00:23 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
On a much more positive note FPD we will be putting out a team for next season without a doubt. Just waiting for a firm decision from the league runner as to wether he is running it and how the formats will shake out. You all know me by now to know that i dont mess about and if i have news or something to say i will say it. It will not be left to previous clan members to make Kliens or myself statements of intent for the future.

Just be patient and we will let you know whats happening when we do. For now lets concentrate on winning our two cup matches and become the new champions of the world

You don't mess about? You deactivated twice for a short time, because you had a strop. You even told people that you were not returning.. But you still did! Did you deactivate for the attention? You got it from certain players.. Well done!

You didn't say it in those words like i wrote above. But the result is the impresson i got from what you told me. I'm not arguing. If klien would like me to stay, i'll stay. But at this moment in time, i very much doubt there'll be another season. So all this bickering over who goes to what clan. Its just absolutely pointless in my opinion.
Posts: 1,357
01:12 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your always saying there is no next season.. But You have managed to go clan hopping crazy LOL.. Left DFE joined FPD left FPD started your own clan no success so went to James's clan now going back to FPD lol!!! Phil you ok ?? lol
Posts: 661
01:18 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Anybody in FPD who hasn't let me know if they are staying or not, please get in touch with me or bucky.. Just so I can figure out how we stand and where we are going.

One thing I can say. We will have at least one team for next season (should there be one) and we will kick some major butt.

The two I haven't heard from are:


Mel said (as she's sitting right next to me) 'She's joining Buckie's team, as it's more her level'. xD
Posts: 2,062
01:27 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your always saying there is no next season.. But You have managed to go clan hopping crazy LOL.. Left DFE joined FPD left FPD started your own clan no success so went to James's clan now going back to FPD lol!!! Phil you ok ?? lol

In fairness, he didn't leave dfe, I kicked him out on his sorry buttocks.
Posts: 1,357
01:28 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your always saying there is no next season.. But You have managed to go clan hopping crazy LOL.. Left DFE joined FPD left FPD started your own clan no success so went to James's clan now going back to FPD lol!!! Phil you ok ?? lol

In fairness, he didn't leave dfe, I kicked him out on his sorry buttocks.

lol true.. Sorry phil
Posts: 404
01:29 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your always saying there is no next season.. But You have managed to go clan hopping crazy LOL.. Left DFE joined FPD left FPD started your own clan no success so went to James's clan now going back to FPD lol!!! Phil you ok ?? lol

In fairness, he didn't leave dfe, I kicked him out on his sorry buttocks.

Yeah you kicked me about 12 hours before I was going to leave. I hate you for getting the boot in there first.
Posts: 2,062
01:41 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah, you were gonna leave 12 hours later when you practically begged to get on the team.

Lol loooooooooossssssseeerrrrr
Posts: 2,588
01:45 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phil is ignoring all my messages despite saying he didn't want to argue on the thread. This is my first reply to his three messages that he sent me. Just to make sure he see's.


I cannot stop people making up rumours that are not true. If you were really committed to FPD you would have messaged me to find out the real truth about next season, not just up and leave...

I was never keen on signing you, but have to admit I warmed to you whilst we were playing killer and during the SL play-offs.. Hence my disappointment that you decided to leave without even telling me or asking me anything.

You had your chance.. FPD will be continuing and we will have players for next season, should there be one. But you are not welcome back whilst I am captain i'm afraid. Sorry.

P.S I rejected erigert (and potentially other uprising players who would follow him) to keep you as he gave me an ultimatum, you or him, that is how fond of you I was beginning to feel. Which leaves me even more dissapointed that you up and left without saying anything.
Posts: 2,062
01:53 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol poor Phil no one likes him. Even the people on his new team. Only a matter of time until he's kicked from there too and has to go back to playing with himself lol
Posts: 1,357
02:00 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol poor Phil no one likes him. Even the people on his new team. Only a matter of time until he's kicked from there too and has to go back to playing with himself lol

True and just a week ago he was saying Dgen should be banned lol Now that's the only team that might take him smh.... Well Ash might lol
Posts: 404
02:01 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol poor Phil no one likes him. Even the people on his new team. Only a matter of time until he's kicked from there too and has to go back to playing with himself lol


Edited at 00:40 Sun 13/11/16 (GMT)
Posts: 2,062
02:53 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol poor Phil no one likes him. Even the people on his new team. Only a matter of time until he's kicked from there too and has to go back to playing with himself lol

True and just a week ago he was saying Dgen should be banned lol Now that's the only team that might take him smh.... Well Ash might lol

He's not good enough for Phoenix. Ash would have to be desperate.
Posts: 9,926
03:12 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Clan League Finals games are released as follows:-

Super League XI Final

Grand Slam Cup Final

Grand Slam Cup Plate Final

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK on Sunday 4th December 2016.

Good Luck to all
Posts: 4,230
12:27 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol poor Phil no one likes him. Even the people on his new team. Only a matter of time until he's kicked from there too and has to go back to playing with himself lol

Phil is more than welcome. maybe cut the guy some slack, this negativity and digs aint gonna help anyone. also, special msg to u my friend- play a bit more, get better and competitive. It got tiredsome reading your bla-bla after every clan-game sayin you are playing bad and are rubbish. do something about it man, just cos Eric agrees and pats u on the sholder, doesnt mean u cant get better at it.
You watch, if DeeDee is gonna keep that team that she has right now- and i think she is, then you would be lucky to get a game in 3 fixtures. you will be the one who doesnt play , but "hes ok"...well, at least ur active on the forum :)
Posts: 2,588
21:20 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League Final

FPD vs Uprising Ultras

whocares8x8 vs dark_chocco
triple_b vs dv8
crazy_greg vs zantetsukenz
scottyjr vs miss_harriet

Grand Slam Plate Final

FCL: klien vs allypunk
FCL: naaaaaaaaath vs dvz
SL: scottyjr vs dgeneratio
SL: triple_b vs i_am_noob
8US: crazy_greg vs __start__
9US: gawa vs _epicshot_
8UK: buckjam vs _takeiteasy_
STR: whocares8x8 vs lolumadbro

Plate Format:

FCL = 5 frames of each
SL = 4 frames of each with bonus points for GB's and run-outs
8us and 8uk = best of 10 frames
9us = best of 12 frames
straight = best of 4 frames

Good Luck All! Bring home the bacon!
Posts: 404
21:25 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol poor Phil no one likes him. Even the people on his new team. Only a matter of time until he's kicked from there too and has to go back to playing with himself lol

Phil is more than welcome. maybe cut the guy some slack, this negativity and digs aint gonna help anyone. also, special msg to u my friend- play a bit more, get better and competitive. It got tiredsome reading your bla-bla after every clan-game sayin you are playing bad and are rubbish. do something about it man, just cos Eric agrees and pats u on the sholder, doesnt mean u cant get better at it.
You watch, if DeeDee is gonna keep that team that she has right now- and i think she is, then you would be lucky to get a game in 3 fixtures. you will be the one who doesnt play , but "hes ok"...well, at least ur active on the forum :)

Hahaha well said.. I bet i had a better win % then him and I didn't even take part in half of the season.
Posts: 1,617
21:31 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
bes of luck team mates , lets try our best in the remaining games of the season
Posts: 2,062
22:07 Sun 13 Nov 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol poor Phil no one likes him. Even the people on his new team. Only a matter of time until he's kicked from there too and has to go back to playing with himself lol

Phil is more than welcome. maybe cut the guy some slack, this negativity and digs aint gonna help anyone. also, special msg to u my friend- play a bit more, get better and competitive. It got tiredsome reading your bla-bla after every clan-game sayin you are playing bad and are rubbish. do something about it man, just cos Eric agrees and pats u on the sholder, doesnt mean u cant get better at it.
You watch, if DeeDee is gonna keep that team that she has right now- and i think she is, then you would be lucky to get a game in 3 fixtures. you will be the one who doesnt play , but "hes ok"...well, at least ur active on the forum :)

Sounds like a challenge. Come at me bro!!!!
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The Funky Pool Devils - Buckys Legacy

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