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DFE - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

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Posts: 2,327
02:38 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Seb is a brilliant player, so well done.There are still plenty of games left and unfortunately for you, you ended up playing their very best player, so thanks for getting it played so quickly!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:39 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
gsc vs whocares8x8

lost 1-6.

Many situations where I had it under control and then blew it somehow, mostly by snookering myself, etc. I did snooker when I could, but he played very well as usual. v wp ggs.

Bro 1 is good! LOL Seb is the best player on most list !

Thanks man. Yeah he is. I did know that very well going into it :)
Posts: 4,046
02:41 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
gsc vs whocares8x8

lost 1-6.

Many situations where I had it under control and then blew it somehow, mostly by snookering myself, etc. I did snooker when I could, but he played very well as usual. v wp ggs.

Bro 1 is good! LOL Seb is the best player on most list !

Thanks man. Yeah he is. I did know that very well going into it :)

Im sorry about putting him there in 8bus. He normally plays straight but your captain knew that
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:42 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
gsc vs whocares8x8

lost 1-6.

Many situations where I had it under control and then blew it somehow, mostly by snookering myself, etc. I did snooker when I could, but he played very well as usual. v wp ggs.

Bro 1 is good! LOL Seb is the best player on most list !

Thanks man. Yeah he is. I did know that very well going into it :)

Im sorry about putting him there in 8bus. He normally plays straight but your captain knew that

Always glad to accept a challenge.
Posts: 2,327
03:28 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
gsc vs whocares8x8

lost 1-6.

Many situations where I had it under control and then blew it somehow, mostly by snookering myself, etc. I did snooker when I could, but he played very well as usual. v wp ggs.

Bro 1 is good! LOL Seb is the best player on most list !

Thanks man. Yeah he is. I did know that very well going into it :)

Im sorry about putting him there in 8bus. He normally plays straight but your captain knew that

Aha hmm .. Did I
Posts: 38,097
14:08 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
i did

was expected Seb vs Dave in Straight lol
Posts: 38,097
15:09 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
should be playing Liam in around an hour hopefully. hopefully don't get called to dogsit

EDIT: Dogsit for 30 mins, should be on for 1 so will leave PC on

Edited at 12:16 Tue 10/05/16 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
17:12 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Not good i'm afraid guys.

Liam 8-5 Dgen

US: 2-2
9: 4-1
UK: 2-2

First was US and Liam had a mare and i let him off the hook with two poor misses, Should have me 3-1 me here, Could have pinched all 4 as Liam was unlucky in one or two.

9 Ball: The Balls simply never forgave me in this, Nice GB for Liam in one, Nice Snooker then 3-9 then feel he fluked a Snook but as he didn't apologise i'll give him benefit that it was played, i got out of it but left 3-9 after hitting 3 down table.

UK: Needed all 4 here, Wasn't too attacking but not too Tactical either but a mix of both, I went 2-0 up after Liam was Attacking and i Defended a bit and missed a tricky black for a tie breaking last frame. In last, i just attacked for fun as was over and Liam won it.

My own fault, i didn't get closer, If i won 3-1 in 8US, 1 behind and 4-0 then one in front going into UK which would have been nicely poised.

ggs mate and apologies guys, part glad i'm not in the other Final
Posts: 38,097
17:21 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Deadline: 22nd May

Killer Final:
DFE vs Uprising vs Phoenix

Need some times please that you can make it.

Super League Final:

Dragon Flame VS Uprising Strawberry Goats

__start__ vs dv8
re_rack_jack vs thegame26
dvz vs zantetsukenz
w_hoolahan vs dark_chocco

Best of luck guys! Give it your all and go get em!

Grand Slam Cup Plate Final:

Dragon Flame 0 VS 4 Funky Pool Devils

__start__ vs count_raven
w_hoolahan vs silent_phil
i_am_noob vs triple_b
dgeneratio 0 vs 2 scottyjr
asdfghjk 0 vs 2 whocares8x8
allypunk vs buckjam
re_rack_jack vs klien
dvz vs crazy_greg

If you need format, let me know

Good luck!!
Posts: 23
17:26 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Not good i'm afraid guys.

Liam 8-5 Dgen

US: 2-2
9: 4-1
UK: 2-2

First was US and Liam had a mare and i let him off the hook with two poor misses, Should have me 3-1 me here, Could have pinched all 4 as Liam was unlucky in one or two.

9 Ball: The Balls simply never forgave me in this, Nice GB for Liam in one, Nice Snooker then 3-9 then feel he fluked a Snook but as he didn't apologise i'll give him benefit that it was played, i got out of it but left 3-9 after hitting 3 down table.

UK: Needed all 4 here, Wasn't too attacking but not too Tactical either but a mix of both, I went 2-0 up after Liam was Attacking and i Defended a bit and missed a tricky black for a tie breaking last frame. In last, i just attacked for fun as was over and Liam won it.

My own fault, i didn't get closer, If i won 3-1 in 8US, 1 behind and 4-0 then one in front going into UK which would have been nicely poised.

ggs mate and apologies guys, part glad i'm not in the other Final

To be fair the better player came through n the end.
Posts: 38,097
17:31 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep you're right, always classed Liam higher than myself on Pool, Has the quality of Mich i would say, Just my analysis on the day as i know in straight up ability at our peaks, i would still lose, maybe by the same scoreline.

I missed an opportunity not to take an early lead though and not doing so, i got outplayed in 9 Ball, Second Snook was unfortunate to leave the combo but Liam deserved all his 9 Ball frames which meant it was a tall order in UK which i grinded and tried but missed a tricky black which i can forgive myself for.

Was all down to the two sitters that it wasn't closer, all of my own making
Posts: 38,097
17:51 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
The 22/05 (9pm) would be a good time, plenty of days in advance allowing enough adequate time to get 5 killer players for each team.

That day and time has been requested to the other Captains.

Deadline Day for the other fixtures too so seems logical.

What do you think of this guys? Bit quick in only 10 minutes but i think this suits Harry, suits Me but not heard from the rest so need some more time.

But if we disagree i sense it will be that time as in the default time.

Seems fine on paper but i'd rather have an 8 pm start as a Killer can last 2 hours or more which would take it to 11 pm which seems a bit late where 10 pm isn't that late.

Thoughts Guys?
Posts: 2,062
17:59 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Id rather have 8 as well, if I'm going to be able to play. But I am not a guarantee so don't make times based on me.
Posts: 38,097
18:38 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
np mate more general enquiry but i do have one concern if it is deadline evening and teams has other games, its either one or the other. If i had a clan + killer, unless the clan game finished at 9 pm then i couldn't do both and i would choose Killer if i had the option but i don't think you should have that weight on your shoulders but at same time, if you leave a game to deadline, it is your fault
Posts: 14,736
18:40 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe we could meet in the middle and say 8:30pm as I agree 9pm start could result in a late finish.

We have always started at 9pm also though.
Posts: 23
18:46 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Will Dee be on hand to grass any suspect players up to the nearest moderator?

Tut tut.
Posts: 38,097
18:48 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
true, i know Uprising like an 8 pm start so will talk to Stu on FB later as not had the chance yet, either time seems fine by me as a player but need to talk to our team about the time.
Posts: 1,986
19:15 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Team looks very good Dee,and all the best come new Season.
And a big Congrads to Jack our new MOD im told.A lot better than the one we all no would eat with the Pigs to be a MOD hehe.
Posts: 23
19:36 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Eric, or whatever he's calling himself today (Woooooooooooo), likes to tell people how suitable he is for moderator and how serving moderators have told him so.

He was spouting this months back in chat and it was very, very boring.
Posts: 1,986
19:42 Tue 10 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds like our friend Ashley lol.
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DFE - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

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