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Posts: 1,361
9 years ago  [Link]  
You're full of it. No way does that bogus replay count.

Quit bursting my bubble you lol I'm taking that win no matter what
Posts: 2,327
9 years ago  [Link]  
If both players agree to replay it they can replay it for real and not with Jack screwing around, if Keith agrees.

And Noob is my co-captain, he has as much say as I do, so technically he'd have to agree.
Posts: 2,062
9 years ago  [Link]  
Team sheets have been in late in the past. In fact team lists were postponed almost a week due to your team this season.

But w/e keep your paper win.
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
Posts: 1,361
9 years ago  [Link]  

Edited at 02:21 Tue 19/07/16 (BST)
Posts: 2,062
9 years ago  [Link]  
You're full of it. No way does that bogus replay count.

Quit bursting my bubble you lol I'm taking that win no matter what

nice result bud. seems you've had a tough couple of fixtures so its nice to see your game come back.
Posts: 1,361
9 years ago  [Link]  
Thanks noob
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
I wanted the game replayed because I believed the changes they were making would not have been made should you have won the previous nights game. If you had won 6-0 they would not have corrected the mistake and therefore left the stronger players in, but because you lost 6-0 they wanted to give the weaker players games.

Therefore the game needed replaying with the new team changes.

Good result by the way.

Seriously when I proved in screenshots that if jack was in a different position I would have removed jacks result regardless of won or lost.

You're a piece of work STILL calling me unfair even though I provided proof in a screenshot.

There's other words I want to use right now...
Posts: 2,327
9 years ago  [Link]  
Seriously when I proved in screenshots that if jack was in a different position I would have removed jacks result regardless of won or lost.

You're a piece of work STILL calling me unfair even though I provided proof in a screenshot.

There's other words I want to use right now...

James, the fact that result would have stood regardless of whether the original fixture was to remain or amended, seems to be lost on him.

You're being targeted for a simple mistake, anybody could have made just because you happen to also be a member of DFE, even though it's been proved both you and noob acted in your roles respectively.

If it was left as it was Dvz and trats would have been in that fixture, vs justadream and hustler, noob pointed it out because the original fixture was different. Jacks game would always have remained the same whether it was the original fixture or not and he and awe would have played at that time regardless so "if the result was different" shouldn't even come into it. There's no IF! Jack won fair and square in a game he would have been in whether the original fixture was stuck to or not!!
Posts: 2,588
9 years ago  [Link]  

Edited at 12:55 Tue 19/07/16 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
i agree (posting as a runner), that its relevant that Jack was the same on both lists so the result should have stood however both captains agreed to replay so it was as if Jack never played.

My integrity as a runner was questioned when said if awe won 6-0 i wouldn't remove the result or let awes result stand, whatever, not important.

Thing is i was going to remove Jacks result however when awe and jack was STILL paired together so i would have let the result stand regardless of the score, and i proved this in a screenshot and still been accused of being unfair however Captains agreed to replay Awe won 6-0 and i'm saying the result stands unless Keith removes it which i won't tell him to remove Awes score if i'm unfair to FPD then why aren't i forcing a rubber match?

DFE sent the lists in late (it happens on Snooker more often than not) and if i'm not busy i wait another 30 minutes then if no answer i use their last list. I was under pressure to release fixtures quickly due to that (and other things) so i copy and pasted as fast as i could, the lists were not in order which means i had to scroll up and down and i made one mistake as i had no time to double check them as i did with every other lists, Noob pointed it out, I gave him a choice to change which said "Yes", Jack vs Awe would have happened regardless so the result is irrelevant really, just a shame i'm being targeted even though i proved in screenshots that it was a genuine mistake.
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
but what can you do when you get complete abuse and every minor or major decision by the league 'runner' goes against you in favour of a different clan, despite rules being bent just to allow that decision to go in their favour. Of course most captains would argue against is should they be in my position.

^ lol, I let your replayed 6-0 win stand so i don't see how i'm favouring DFE here?
Posts: 14,736
9 years ago  [Link]  
I don't think anyone was questioning your integrity James, that's more a fabrication on your part. I can see where and why klien merely questioned your principles and the fact both incidents involved your own team.

A league Runner has to systematically remain impartial at all times, extending deadlines and then permitting changes or alterations after fixtures released (error or not) doesn't bode very well and 100% goes against the grain of being impartial. From an outsiders perspective it could be viewed as you favouring your own team regardless of any rules such as the no subs policy, team lists to be drawn at random (1st four names on team list) etc. This is pool also so I'm not really sure why snookers always mentioned or used as a comparison. They are both separate entities and should remain so.

Klien you took over the role as Captain to help out, you've done a good job and the team here imo is capable to survive as long as you all work together. I personally think the amount of fixtures released already is a joke and mistakes can easily be made due to this. Attitudes & Opinions are going to be strained as we all want the best for our teams. I think we need to drop one of the leagues and turn the omitted one into a cup/Knockout Competition instead.

FPD's are a good team and i personally hope you remain as one.
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  

Edited at 12:26 Tue 19/07/16 (BST)
Posts: 2,588
9 years ago  [Link]  
There will be no replay until Keith has made a decision. For now keep that game on hold. But yes.. Get the other games done.
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
Ok cool. Kliens back!!
Posts: 1,617
9 years ago  [Link]  
why did klien go to the shops or something
Posts: 10,109
9 years ago  [Link]  
I think you need to look at the bigger picture here. The controversial game was SL right? Who cares who won or who played, it's just SL ffs!! No-one is arguing about the FCL. I think all the problems stem from the short format games.

I don't think anyone other than Ash is confused enough not to realize there is exactly the same amount of games as last season. More may be released with longer deadlines but it all equates to the same amount. IF (and I'm not sure there are) there's enough that feel there are too many games, we should merge the FBL and the SL into a longer format competition incorporating the specialist format of the FBL, along with the bonus points of the SL. The FBL and SL take a lot of updating for two leagues that have lost their gravitas. And I reckon my opinion is fairly unbiased with us winning both comps the last 2 seasons.

It's clearly nothing to do with formats but what an excellent opportunity to jump on my hobby horse again! lol
Posts: 14,736
9 years ago  [Link]  
It really....pains me to say..I aggggg rr eeee (there I said it ) with faust about merging the FBL and SL. Im fully aware the amount of fixtures are the same as last season but I also said there were too many back then too. For a clan community of only 5 teams, 3 separate leagues is silly imo.
Posts: 2,588
9 years ago  [Link]  
quick update:

noob beat doge 4 -2 in SL.. which is a good result from doge.
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