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The Cues Brothers - "We're On A Mission From God"

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16:13 Fri 8 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Funky Pool Devils A (5) v (13) Cues Brothers A

triple_b (0) v (6)horse10000
count_raven (3) v (3) hippesville
whocares8x8 (2) v (4) marksmith
crazy_greg v _takeiteasy_

Black Scorpions A (10) v (4) Cues Brothers B

slimeball (4) v (4) im_crap_alot
kris v fastboysam
kingdadcool v b0nfireheart
tonyc455 (6) v (0) blueberry

Format: Two racks of 8US, 9US and 8UK. Run out or Golden Break awards you with extra point.

Deadline: 8/4/16 @ Midnight.
Deleted User
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16:15 Fri 8 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Deadline is tonight on these games so hopefully we can get them done B team, if not we tried with the players we have.

Going too speak too Connor and see how his game is going as well.
Posts: 6,262
21:51 Fri 8 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Funky Pool Devils A (5) v (13) Cues Brothers A

triple_b (0) v (6)horse10000
count_raven (3) v (3) hippesville
whocares8x8 (2) v (4) marksmith
crazy_greg v _takeiteasy_

Black Scorpions A (10) v (4) Cues Brothers B

slimeball (4) v (4) im_crap_alot
kris v fastboysam
kingdadcool v b0nfireheart
tonyc455 (6) v (0) blueberry

Format: Two racks of 8US, 9US and 8UK. Run out or Golden Break awards you with extra point.

Deadline: 8/4/16 @ Midnight.

Pretty sure Tony got a run out so he'd be on 7
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:53 Fri 8 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Funky Pool Devils A (5) v (13) Cues Brothers A

triple_b (0) v (6)horse10000
count_raven (3) v (3) hippesville
whocares8x8 (2) v (4) marksmith
crazy_greg v _takeiteasy_

Black Scorpions A (10) v (4) Cues Brothers B

slimeball (4) v (4) im_crap_alot
kris v fastboysam
kingdadcool v b0nfireheart
tonyc455 (6) v (0) blueberry

Format: Two racks of 8US, 9US and 8UK. Run out or Golden Break awards you with extra point.

Deadline: 8/4/16 @ Midnight.

Pretty sure Tony got a run out so he'd be on 7

ye great colin make my task harder lol
not talked to you in ages are uu only on when im not now lol
Posts: 6,262
22:09 Fri 8 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
No problem Tommy, good luck with Paul he's a good player and top bloke. I haven't been on much recently as I took out my anger on my laptop again and kicked it to bits, insurance refused to fix, not surprised. Been off the rails a bit too pal as I was betrayed by an old friend who stole a large amount of money but he'll never be able to do that again and won't be able to walk for a few months I'm told. No idea who gave him a kicking. Hey its mad what can be achieved for a few quid on some of those market places on the Dark net.
Posts: 2,062
22:16 Fri 8 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
^^ that's not creepy at all. Lol
Posts: 4,046
02:40 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
We need a sub real quick or crazy_gregs game will go to default and gives us no chance of the win. He needed 2 run outs i know but hes the man to do it. Give him a chance fgs
Posts: 7,297
02:48 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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03:16 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
We need a sub real quick or crazy_gregs game will go to default and gives us no chance of the win. He needed 2 run outs i know but hes the man to do it. Give him a chance fgs

Yeah i want to see a real winner not a default deciding the fixture!!!
Deleted User
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03:23 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Far as i am aware after speaking to Connor earlier today, Greg sent him a message saying he would be on today till 4PM and he was not on until he turned up an hour or so ago. I left this down too Connor as it was his game and Greg was offline for six/seven days within this fixture. If i was online when you asked for the sub i would have put someone in (Mr_Tumble) as i think he is the only active sub we actually have on the A side... i don't like defaults either and prefer all games played whether we win or lose it don't matter.
Deleted User
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03:29 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah just checked the above just now

all who could have subbed in where -

Tinie - Been offline three days and im sure it was five to six days before that log in.

Scarlets2k15 - Been offline two weeks, which aint too helpful

Letsgochamp - Does not respond too any messages sent too him. He has been on every few days as well.

Mr_tumble - Has been offline for a day but is usually active but i would have had no way too contact him.

Connor has been on daily despite the day offline (hes started moving house this weekend). As you lads can see there is not much i could have done too even support your sub request I have messaged Keith and asked a few questions about rules because as it stands right now CB A team has five guys who can play games (four guys depending on how long it takes for Connor too get net set up at new place). As far as i am aware that was the only contact made between Connor and Greg, as said above Greg was offline nearly a full week prior too coming on for the last three days or so. I am here too help out till the end of the season and have stressed too others that there is not much i can do which so little breathing room in way of active players.

Edited at 00:34 Sat 09/04/16 (BST)
Posts: 4,046
03:45 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Connor cant play on his phone. He has not made him self available at all and made no effort to contact greg to tell him he wasnt available tonight as he agreed with him. And hes the Capt. Yeah alright pull the other one it has bells on it.

Edited at 02:42 Sat 09/04/16 (BST)
Posts: 13,570
03:57 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
That seems to be about the best ya can get if Connors moving house.
I get yer annoyed but no need for rudeness!
Sure there's still the Knockout Cup, do it
Posts: 4,046
04:33 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
That seems to be about the best ya can get if Connors moving house.
I get yer annoyed but no need for rudeness!
Sure there's still the Knockout Cup, do it

He always has an excuse for not doing what he said he was gonna. "i'll take over from Zac and keep it going, rename it, bring new players in and generally do what ever needs doing"

puff...... gone where to be seen. Been going on for weeks. If it hadnt been for mr_tumble and keith god knows what would have happened. People keep going on about "its a game". Makes me puke. Yeah its just a game when you get to come on, play a few games and then go. Its the organization behind all those games from day 1 that enables players to do that. And then you got so called captains that cant come on and play a single game. It aint the losing that bothers me, never has been, its the damn right ignorance. That i cant abide and it does wind me up.Sorry
Deleted User
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04:44 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I am not entirely sure who you are or used too be... but don't sit there and call me a monkey. I am telling you all that i know and the side that i know that is it, i also told you that even if i was on when you initially posted about i sub i would have done what i could have too try get the game played. But like i posted above you see the situation i would have had anyway regarding a sub for the A team, which is not as bad as the B team.

A team only has Keith, Gaz, Mark, Connor and Tumble there who during this week have been active at some stage. I've had no contact with Connor in the last few days and just figured the game was being arranged, if i had known i would have personally subbed in Tumble as he has been around but you never posted here regarding the game until tonight... I can only tell you what Connor told me earlier on the phone mate and from what i have seen.

I came here too help out too see out the season, not be talked down too and called a monkey when i personally have done nothing wrong in this situation or too you.

I get you are annoyed though and i would be too, and to be quite honest mate and after being able too think about it... i think the right thing too do is have CB lose on a forfeit despite us winning the fixture right now as if we go through its going too be hard too keep it going with only five reasonably actives on the A side, we can't add anyone too replace anyone else.
Deleted User
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04:49 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
And with Connor with no net right now it seems that leaves it down too just four players for a four man fixture. Which does not look good since the situation that happened with Mark (which was off thread)
Posts: 4,046
05:14 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
We would not accept a victory as we do not deserve one. We wanted the chance to play it. Greg was told he would get a game tonight. As per normal that didnt happen. The crux matches always end up a nightmare. We accept the defeat but i for one am not surprised or happy about it. As the two run outs required cannot be awarded through default it makes it impossible to draw. Some might wonder if that was the intention
Deleted User
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05:20 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I was not told what was said too Greg so i can not comment on that bud. I told the team and Connor that i was done as i am on B team and we 100% going too lose the fixture and i said i was going soon as B team season was over. I really hope your comment about maybe being intentional was not aimed at me though as it 100% does not have any affect on me as a player as i do not and can not play for the A team anyway.
Deleted User
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05:56 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If Connor cannot get on I will sub in no probs if Greg can be on after 8pm--10pm Sunday I will play it buckjam when I finish work
Posts: 4,046
08:14 Sat 9 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If Connor cannot get on I will sub in no probs if Greg can be on after 8pm--10pm Sunday I will play it buckjam when I finish work

Deadline was tonight i think buddy. Dont worry about it now. All done
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The Cues Brothers - "We're On A Mission From God"

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