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The Cues Brothers - "We're On A Mission From God"

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Posts: 38,097
23:37 Sat 26 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FB Convo to Ray (Versatile)

Me: could you reply to allypunk, ty mate you have a game :)

Ray: I can't tell him when is best for me cause I'm busy atm.. I accepted to join the clan has a reserve/sub not a full time player

Me: ok mate you need subbing out?

Ray: If it could help your player mate, please do.. I hate to be that guy who messes people about.. I've just had no time on my hands to log in and play

I apologize for the late reply also, not been on here much today

Me: nps mate i'll post and see what keith says :)

Ray: Thanks pal

Me: no worries mate tc

Ray: Take it easy pal

^ Hey guys just leaving this here for you guys, up to you what to do but sub maybe best if you have one.

Dee also told me that Harrys opponent has left the team so we need a sub there.

ty guys
Posts: 14,736
00:07 Sun 27 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Do you have anyone who can sub in vs legend_pot whilst he's online. He can play Sunday evening but it will be very late due to travelling. (After 10pm)

Thanks if we can get the match played tonight it would be appreciated.

Cheers, sorry to ask at this late stage.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:12 Sun 27 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Do you have anyone who can sub in vs legend_pot whilst he's online. He can play Sunday evening but it will be very late due to travelling. (After 10pm)

Thanks if we can get the match played tonight it would be appreciated.

Cheers, sorry to ask at this late stage.

He has Hippesville? Im sure i seen Gaz on earlier mate posting somewhere so think they could play easily?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:14 Sun 27 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Jimi_clapton I think

He was on snooker not long ago
Posts: 38,097
00:14 Sun 27 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Do you have anyone who can sub in vs legend_pot whilst he's online. He can play Sunday evening but it will be very late due to travelling. (After 10pm)

Thanks if we can get the match played tonight it would be appreciated.

Cheers, sorry to ask at this late stage.

He has Hippesville? Im sure i seen Gaz on earlier mate posting somewhere so think they could play easily?

Yeah, he played me on Snooker earlier and has been around, not butting in by the way
Posts: 14,736
00:21 Sun 27 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I rescind my sub request vs legend_pot I believe it's been arranged for later.

Posts: 13,570
02:18 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I rescind my sub request vs legend_pot I believe it's been arranged for later.


Ask b4 you request any subs please!

It's good to f*!kin talk!!!

hippes 3 - 3 legend_pot
ggs shooda wooda coda again. won first 3
then he declared himself queen of the NUMPTIES by clicking No for the 2nd rack of uk. It then took about 4 goes to get me my bloody break.

Note to Ash/Phoenix.....please send a chaperone next time fs!
Posts: 13,570
02:49 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
SL hippes 3 - 3 buckeejit

even stevens, ggs, n he's a plonker
Posts: 13,570
02:51 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
hippes 3 - 4 legend_pot.......forgot about run out lol
Posts: 9,926
05:07 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done hippes, gets us the win v phoenix
Posts: 9,926
05:07 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  

Dragon Flame Eminence (5) VS (5) Cues Brothers

dvz vs mr_tumble
__start__ (2) vs (0) letsgochamp
w_hoolahan vs tu_kan_choo
dgeneratio (0) vs (2) horse10000
asdfghjk (0) vs (2) _wales_lad_
i_am_noob (1) vs (1) hippesville
re_rack_jack (2) vs (0) _takeiteasy_
allypunk vs versatile

FCL = 5 racks each of 8US 9US 8UK
SL = 4 racks each of 8US 9US 8UK
FBL 8US = 10 racks in total
FBL 9US = 12 racks in total
FBL 8UK = 10 racks in total
Straight = 4 games in total

Once a winner has already been established you are under no obligation to complete the remaining frames as the scoring system is FBL style, 2 points for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss.

Good luck all
Posts: 9,926
05:10 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 3

Phoenix Revenge B (12) vs (13) Cues Brothers A

the__priest (2) vs (4) letsgochamp
legend_pot (4) vs (3) hippesville
jmx (3) vs (3) _egley_
friendyboy (3) vs (3) horse10000

Cues Brothers A (6) v (13) Uprising Strawberry Goats

horse10000 v 2andygorams
mr_tumble (1) v (5) thegame26
hippesville (1) v(6) dark_chocco
letsgochamp (4) v (2) erigert

Black Scorpions A (15) vs (11) Cues Brothers A

kris (2) vs (5) horse10000
tonyc455 (4) vs (2) hippesville
bigcjl2 (2) vs (4) letsgochamp
slimeball (7) vs (0) _takeiteasy_

Cues Brothers A (16) v (11) Funky Pool Devils B

mr_tumble (2) v (4) silent_phil
hippesville (3) v (3) buckjam
letsgochamp (6) v (0) king8ball
horse10000 (5) v (4) _psmon_

Deadline 27/03/16
Posts: 9,926
05:11 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Phoenix Revenge A (13) vs (5) Cues Brothers B

(swp) versatile (3) vs (3) i_am_rubbish
(swp) _fresh_ vs _wales_lad_
shadows (6) vs (0) beemerken
im_crap_alot (4) vs (2) b0nfireheart (s)

Uprising Originals (13) v (5) Cues Brothers B

fran_ (4) v (2) versatile
cgibson92 (5) v (1) i_am_rubbish
miss_harriet (4) v (2) wales_lad
clifton188 v blueberry

DFE A (14) vs (4) Cues Brothers B

poolbiird (3) vs (3) blueberry
asdfghjk (6) vs (0) b0nfireheart
skidmarx (5) vs (1) i_am_rubbish
allypunk vs fastboysam or _wales_lad_

Funky Pool Devils C (5) v (7) Cues Brothers B

ferretlady v i_am_rubbish
blackcabman7 v fastboysam or blueberry
ric_flair (4) v (2) b0nfireheart
watchinawe (1) v (5) _wales_lad_

Deadline 27/03/16

Please can we get a push on getting these games completed
deadline sunday

Can any players who have not played in fixtures sub themselves in if they see an opponent.
Posts: 2,062
05:59 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Since tu_kan_choo has been removed from team, can harry get a sub whenever possible? Thanks!
Posts: 368
06:17 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Since tu_kan_choo has been removed from team, can harry get a sub whenever possible? Thanks!

Yes mate i will sort out a sub in the morning,
Sorry for the delay.

Edited at 03:21 Sun 27/03/16 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
06:22 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Where have you messaged me???
Not on here you haven't and if you have on FB I haven't been on that since ages ago yesterday.
So sod's law.
Posts: 368
06:25 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Where have you messaged me???
Not on here you haven't and if you have on FB I haven't been on that since ages ago yesterday.
So sod's law.

I have messaged you on facebook bud.
Posts: 38,097
13:41 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
and Ray too if possible mate, no rush
Posts: 5,821
16:56 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
i am on till 5pm to play fastboy sam or bleuberry after that u need to ask bukjam for a sub as i be working or if u have a player that can sub in before 5 pm that be great
Posts: 4,046
17:00 Sun 27 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah we need someone on today guys or this wont get done. Messaged blueberry whilst he was on line and got nothing yesterday. Can you sort something for Cabbie please
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The Cues Brothers - "We're On A Mission From God"

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