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Phoenix Revenge - 'The Cluster of Greatness!'

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Posts: 14,736
12:48 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

SL Fixtures - 14/02/2016 >>> 06/03/2016 (Ext 13/03/2016)

Phoenix Revenge A (Matches)

Phoenix Revenge A (9) vs (9) Black Scorpions A

_fresh_ (5) vs (1) kingdadcool
(swp) rewill/_knightmare_ vs _huts24_
(swp) (s) 2pac786 (1) vs (5) bigcjl2
rapid_pot (3) vs (3) slimeball

Phoenix Revenge A (14) vs (10) FPD's B
(swp) rewill (3) vs (3) buckjam (s)
_fresh_ (3) vs (3) silent_phil (s)
(swp) 2pac786 (4) vs (2) _psmon_
(s) rapid_pot (4) vs (2) lolumadbro

Phoenix Revenge A (13) vs (12) Strawberries

(s) rewill (2) vs (5) dv8
rapid_pot (2) vs (4) dark_chocco
_fresh_ (5) vs (1) horse10000
2pac786 (4) vs (2) zantetsukenz
Posts: 14,736
12:49 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Players Championship - Round 3 - 14/02/2016 >>> 06/03/2016 (EXT 13/03/2016)

(i) legend_pot (12) vs (6) horse10000
(ii) _fresh_ vs thegame26 (Sun PM)
(iii) clifton188 vs dark_chocco
(iv) whocares8x8 vs miss_harriet

Any news on these?

SL Fixtures - 14/02/2016 >>> 06/03/2016 (Ext: 13/03/2016)

Phoenix Revenge B (Matches)

Phoenix Revenge B (21) vs (3) FPD's C

andyw1 (5) vs (1) blackcabman7
friendyboy (5) vs (1) mitch_bougi
hunter (6) vs (0) ferretlady
joeyy (5) vs (1) watchinawe

Phoenix Revenge B (12) vs (8) FPD's A

legend_pot (6) vs (2) crazy_greg
andyw1 (4) vs (2) count_raven
(s) joeyy vs whocares8x8
hunter (2) vs (4) scottjr

Phoenix Revenge B (10) vs (15) Originals
legend_pot (4) vs (3) corsair
the__priest (2) vs (4) miss_harriet
joeyy (1) vs (5) r1p0m4n_v2
(s) andyw1 (3) vs (3) w_hoolahan
Posts: 14,736
12:49 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 3 - 21/02/2016 >>> 13/03/2016 - Updated

Phoenix Revenge (52) Vs (23) Pocket Dynamos/Cue Brothers

(swp) (s) shadows (11) vs (4) blueberry (s)
friendyboy(10) vs (5) scarlets2k15
the__priest (0) vs (0) mr_tumble (s)
(s) jmx (12) vs (3) i_am_rubbish
(swp) andyw1(9) vs (6) fastboysam
legend_pot (10) vs (5) marksmith
(s) _fresh_ vs sarahh (s)
joeyy vs hippesville (s)

Phoenix Revenge (44) Vs (31) Black Scorpions

(swp) (s) rapid_pot vs kingdadcool
legend_pot vs _huts24_
hunter vs callaway40 (swp)
jmx (9) vs (6) tonyc4ss
(swp) joeyy (9) vs (6) sinkemall
_fresh_ (11) vs (4) kris
2pac786 (8) vs (7) slimeball
rewill (7) vs (8) bigcjl2 (swp)

Phoenix Revenge (43) Vs (47) Dragon Flame

the__priest (4) vs (11) dvz
andyw1 (6) vs (9) __start__
friendyboy (6) vs (9) dgeneratio
_gerardddd_ (4) vs (11) i_am_noob
(s) legend_pot vs poolbiird
_fresh_ (14) vs (1) asdfghjk (s)
rapid_pot vs allypunk
hunter (9) vs (6) re_rack_jack

Phoenix Revenge (52) Vs (38) FPD's

(swp) rapid_pot vs whocares8x8
(s) shadows (8) vs (7) crazy_greg
_fresh_ (8) vs (7) klien
the__priest (7) vs (8) scottyjr
joeyy (8) vs (7) triple_b
andyw1 (9) vs (6) count_raven
(swp) legend_pot vs lolumadbro
2pac786 (12) vs (3) im_crap_adam

Edited at 14:47 Tue 08/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
12:50 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 3: 28/02/2016 >>> 20/03/2016


Phoenix Revenge A Matches

1. Phoenix Revenge A (1) vs (3) Dragon Flame A
8us: _fresh_ vs __start__
9us: im_crap_alot (1) vs (1) i_am_noob (4-4)
8uk: rewill (0) vs (2) dgeneratio (3-5)
Str: rapid_pot vs dvz

2. Phoenix Revenge A (4) vs (0) Pocket Dynamos B / Cues Bros ???
8us: (swp) im_crap_alot (2) vs (0) scarlets2k15 (5-2)
9us: 2pac786 vs fastboysam
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) b0nfireheart (s) (6-2)
Str: (swp) rewill vs sarahh (s)

3. Phoenix Revenge A (6) vs (0) Black Scorpions B
8us: _knightmare_ vs askingfan (3rd Attempt)
9us: 2pac786 (2) vs (0) sinkemall (5-3)
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) callaway40 (5-0)
Str: rapid_pot (2) vs (0) celticbhoy

4. Phoenix Revenge A (5) vs (1) FPD's C
8us: _knightmare_ (2) vs (0) blackcabman7 (5-1)
9us: im_crap_alot (1) vs (1) ric_flair (4-4)
8uk: rewill vs mitch_bougi
Str: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) watchinawe
Posts: 14,736
12:50 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 3: 28/02/2016 >>> 20/03/2016
Phoenix Revenge B Matches

1. Phoenix Revenge B (6) vs (0) PD's A / Cues Brothers
8us: friendyboy (2) vs (0) hamburgerboy (6-2)
9us: joeyy vs tombo1
8uk: jmx (2) vs (0) _takeiteasy_ (5-3)
Str: legend_pot (2) vs (0) marksmith

2. Phoenix Revenge B (3) vs (1) Dragon Flame A
8us: the__priest (2) vs (0) poolbiird (5-3)
9us: jmx (1) vs (1) asdfghjk (4-4)
8uk: andyw1 vs skidmarx
Str: joeyy vs allypunk

3. Phoenix Revenge B (1) vs (1) Black Scorpions A
8us: friendyboy vs kingdadcool
9us: hunter vs slimeball
8uk: the__priest (1) vs (1) bigcjl2 (4-4)
Str: legend_pot vs tonyc4ss

4. Phoenix Revenge B (1) vs (3) Uprising Strawberries
8us: the__priest (1) vs (1) dv8 (4-4)
9us: joeyy vs thegame26
8uk: andyw1 (0) vs (2) dark_chocco (1-5)
Str: legend_pot vs erigert
Posts: 14,736
12:51 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
*** NEW SL ***

SL Fixture Set 3: 06/03/2016 >>> 27/03/2016
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk (Bonuses awarded for GB event or Runout event ONLY)

Phoenix Revenge A (matches)

Phoenix Revenge A vs Dragon Flame B
rapid_pot vs dvz
_fresh_ vs __start__
rewill vs i_am_noob
2pac786 vs dgeneratio

Phoenix Revenge A vs FPD's C
im_crap_alot vs mitch_bougi
_knightmare_ vs watchinawe (Sat 12/03 10pm)
rapid_pot vs ric_flair
2pac786 vs blackcabman7

Phoenix Revenge A vs Cues Brothers B
_fresh_ vs i_am_rubbish
versatile vs sarahh
shadows vs beemerken
im_crap_alot vs chapster_7

Phoenix Revenge A vs Black Scorpions B
shadows vs sinkemall
versatile vs callaway40
_fresh_ vs askingfan
rewill vs celticbhoy
Posts: 14,736
12:51 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
*** NEW SL ***

SL Fixture Set 3: 06/03/2016 >>> 27/03/2016
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk (Bonuses awarded for GB event or Runout event ONLY)

Phoenix Revenge B (matches)

Phoenix Revenge B vs Black Scorpions A
andyw1 vs bigcjl2
joeyy vs kingdadcool
jmx vs _huts24_
the__priest vs slimeball

Phoenix Revenge B vs Dragon Flame A
legend_pot vs allypunk
andyw1 vs poolbiird
hunter vs red4eva
joeyy vs asdfghjk

Phoenix Revenge B vs Cues Brothers A
the__priest vs letsgochamp
legend_pot vs hippesville
jmx vs _egley_
friendyboy vs _takeiteasy_

Phoenix Revenge B vs FPD's B
the__priest vs lolumadbro
legend_pot vs silent_phil
friendyboy vs im_crap_adam
hunter vs buckjam

* The BEST of Luck and message your opponent(s) ASAP - Thanks.
Posts: 14,736
16:39 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL vs FPD's
Was: legend_pot vs whocares8x8 & rapid_pot vs lolumadbro
Now: rapid_pot vs whocares8x8 & legend_pot vs lolumadbro
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:40 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
ash you going to come online and play at some point or just browse all your life lol
Posts: 14,736
16:42 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
When I'm home of course I will, till then I'll just browse.

Oh btw massive well done on the great 62 run earlier

Edited at 14:45 Tue 08/03/16 (GMT)
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(IP Logged)
18:09 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
beemer ken pmed n private pmed
Posts: 14,736
18:30 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
No probs mate - he's very new to clans so bear with him a bit.
Posts: 14,736
18:32 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

SL Fixtures - 14/02/2016 >>> 06/03/2016 (Ext 13/03/2016)

Phoenix Revenge A (Matches)

Phoenix Revenge A (9) vs (9) Black Scorpions A

_fresh_ (5) vs (1) kingdadcool
(swp) rewill/_knightmare_ vs _huts24_
(swp) (s) 2pac786 (1) vs (5) bigcjl2
rapid_pot (3) vs (3) slimeball

Phoenix Revenge A (14) vs (10) FPD's B
(swp) rewill (3) vs (3) buckjam (s)
_fresh_ (3) vs (3) silent_phil (s)
(swp) 2pac786 (4) vs (2) _psmon_
(s) rapid_pot (4) vs (2) lolumadbro

Phoenix Revenge A (13) vs (12) Strawberries

(s) rewill (2) vs (5) dv8
rapid_pot (2) vs (4) dark_chocco
_fresh_ (5) vs (1) horse10000
2pac786 (4) vs (2) zantetsukenz
Posts: 14,736
18:33 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Players Championship - Round 3 - 14/02/2016 >>> 06/03/2016 (EXT 13/03/2016)

(i) legend_pot (12) vs (6) horse10000
(ii) _fresh_ vs thegame26 (Sun PM)
(iii) clifton188 vs dark_chocco
(iv) whocares8x8 vs miss_harriet

Any news on these?

SL Fixtures - 14/02/2016 >>> 06/03/2016 (Ext: 13/03/2016)

Phoenix Revenge B (Matches)

Phoenix Revenge B (21) vs (3) FPD's C

andyw1 (5) vs (1) blackcabman7
friendyboy (5) vs (1) mitch_bougi
hunter (6) vs (0) ferretlady
joeyy (5) vs (1) watchinawe

Phoenix Revenge B (12) vs (8) FPD's A

legend_pot (6) vs (2) crazy_greg
andyw1 (4) vs (2) count_raven
(s) joeyy vs whocares8x8
hunter (2) vs (4) scottjr

Phoenix Revenge B (10) vs (15) Originals
legend_pot (4) vs (3) corsair
the__priest (2) vs (4) miss_harriet
joeyy (1) vs (5) r1p0m4n_v2
(s) andyw1 (3) vs (3) w_hoolahan
Posts: 14,736
18:34 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 3 - 21/02/2016 >>> 13/03/2016 - Updated

Phoenix Revenge (52) Vs (23) Pocket Dynamos/Cue Brothers

(swp) (s) shadows (11) vs (4) blueberry (s)
friendyboy(10) vs (5) scarlets2k15
the__priest (0) vs (0) mr_tumble (s)
(s) jmx (12) vs (3) i_am_rubbish
(swp) andyw1(9) vs (6) fastboysam
legend_pot (10) vs (5) marksmith
(s) _fresh_ vs sarahh (s)
joeyy vs hippesville (s)

Phoenix Revenge (44) Vs (31) Black Scorpions

(swp) (s) rapid_pot vs kingdadcool
legend_pot vs _huts24_
hunter vs callaway40 (swp)
jmx (9) vs (6) tonyc4ss
(swp) joeyy (9) vs (6) sinkemall
_fresh_ (11) vs (4) kris
2pac786 (8) vs (7) slimeball
rewill (7) vs (8) bigcjl2 (swp)

Phoenix Revenge (43) Vs (47) Dragon Flame

the__priest (4) vs (11) dvz
andyw1 (6) vs (9) __start__
friendyboy (6) vs (9) dgeneratio
_gerardddd_ (4) vs (11) i_am_noob
(s) legend_pot vs poolbiird
_fresh_ (14) vs (1) asdfghjk (s)
rapid_pot vs allypunk
hunter (9) vs (6) re_rack_jack

Phoenix Revenge (52) Vs (38) FPD's

(swp) rapid_pot vs whocares8x8
(s) shadows (8) vs (7) crazy_greg
_fresh_ (8) vs (7) klien
the__priest (7) vs (8) scottyjr
joeyy (8) vs (7) triple_b
andyw1 (9) vs (6) count_raven
(swp) legend_pot vs lolumadbro
2pac786 (12) vs (3) im_crap_adam
Posts: 14,736
18:35 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 3: 28/02/2016 >>> 20/03/2016


Phoenix Revenge A Matches

1. Phoenix Revenge A (1) vs (3) Dragon Flame A
8us: _fresh_ vs __start__
9us: im_crap_alot (1) vs (1) i_am_noob (4-4)
8uk: rewill (0) vs (2) dgeneratio (3-5)
Str: rapid_pot vs dvz

2. Phoenix Revenge A (4) vs (0) Pocket Dynamos B / Cues Bros ???
8us: (swp) im_crap_alot (2) vs (0) scarlets2k15 (5-2)
9us: 2pac786 vs fastboysam
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) b0nfireheart (s) (6-2)
Str: (swp) rewill vs sarahh (s)

3. Phoenix Revenge A (6) vs (0) Black Scorpions B
8us: _knightmare_ vs askingfan (sub req'd 08/03)
9us: 2pac786 (2) vs (0) sinkemall (5-3)
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) callaway40 (5-0)
Str: rapid_pot (2) vs (0) celticbhoy

4. Phoenix Revenge A (5) vs (1) FPD's C
8us: _knightmare_ (2) vs (0) blackcabman7 (5-1)
9us: im_crap_alot (1) vs (1) ric_flair (4-4)
8uk: rewill vs mitch_bougi
Str: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) watchinawe

Edited at 17:47 Tue 08/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
18:36 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 3: 28/02/2016 >>> 20/03/2016
Phoenix Revenge B Matches

1. Phoenix Revenge B (6) vs (0) PD's A / Cues Brothers
8us: friendyboy (2) vs (0) hamburgerboy (6-2)
9us: joeyy vs tombo1
8uk: jmx (2) vs (0) _takeiteasy_ (5-3)
Str: legend_pot (2) vs (0) marksmith

2. Phoenix Revenge B (3) vs (1) Dragon Flame A
8us: the__priest (2) vs (0) poolbiird (5-3)
9us: jmx (1) vs (1) asdfghjk (4-4)
8uk: andyw1 vs skidmarx
Str: joeyy vs allypunk

3. Phoenix Revenge B (1) vs (1) Black Scorpions A
8us: friendyboy vs kingdadcool
9us: hunter vs slimeball
8uk: the__priest (1) vs (1) bigcjl2 (4-4)
Str: legend_pot vs tonyc4ss

4. Phoenix Revenge B (1) vs (3) Uprising Strawberries
8us: the__priest (1) vs (1) dv8 (4-4)
9us: joeyy vs thegame26
8uk: andyw1 (0) vs (2) dark_chocco (1-5)
Str: legend_pot vs erigert
Posts: 14,736
18:37 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
*** NEW SL ***

SL Fixture Set 3: 06/03/2016 >>> 27/03/2016
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk (Bonuses awarded for GB event or Runout event ONLY)

Phoenix Revenge A (matches)

Phoenix Revenge A vs Dragon Flame B
rapid_pot vs dvz
_fresh_ vs __start__
rewill (5) vs (1) i_am_noob
2pac786 vs dgeneratio

Phoenix Revenge A vs FPD's C
im_crap_alot vs mitch_bougi
_knightmare_ vs watchinawe (Sat 12/03 10pm)
rapid_pot vs ric_flair
2pac786 vs blackcabman7

Phoenix Revenge A (6) vs (0) Cues Brothers B
_fresh_ vs i_am_rubbish
versatile vs sarahh
shadows (6) vs (0) beemerken
im_crap_alot vs chapster_7

Phoenix Revenge A vs Black Scorpions B
shadows vs sinkemall
versatile vs callaway40
_fresh_ vs askingfan
rewill vs celticbhoy

Edited at 20:13 Tue 08/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
18:39 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
*** NEW SL ***

SL Fixture Set 3: 06/03/2016 >>> 27/03/2016
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk (Bonuses awarded for GB event or Runout event ONLY)

Phoenix Revenge B (matches)

Phoenix Revenge B vs Black Scorpions A
andyw1 vs bigcjl2
joeyy vs kingdadcool
jmx vs _huts24_
the__priest vs slimeball

Phoenix Revenge B vs Dragon Flame A
legend_pot vs allypunk
andyw1 vs poolbiird
hunter vs red4eva
joeyy vs asdfghjk

Phoenix Revenge B (2) vs (4) Cues Brothers A
the__priest (2) vs (4) letsgochamp
legend_pot vs hippesville
jmx vs _egley_
friendyboy vs _takeiteasy_

Phoenix Revenge B vs FPD's B
the__priest vs lolumadbro
legend_pot vs silent_phil
friendyboy vs im_crap_adam
hunter vs buckjam

* The BEST of Luck and message your opponent(s) ASAP - Thanks.

Edited at 19:38 Tue 08/03/16 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:44 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
shadows 6-0 beemerken

very very nice guy is all I can say .
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Phoenix Revenge - 'The Cluster of Greatness!'

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