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Posts: 4,046
23:41 Tue 23 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
For a few of the players on here it has become nothing but a chore playing pool. I realise it feels like you are banging your head against a brick wall and it doesn't help when they are ignorant as well as not caring about the matches they have signed up for. Their captains can't make them play or correspond with you so it's a just a case of patience and keeping the default info. When it gets to the third week and they are jumping up and down just treat them in the same fashion you yourself have been treated. It's a shame but it's the only course of action open to us all really.
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23:44 Tue 23 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah that's exactly how joey works, never commits to a day and time and just expects you to be online at the times you say your available hoping he will show up. It's a nightmare trying to arrange a game with him, you won't get a message off bigcj either, I've played him a few times and he's never once messaged me first.

He had a little rant about me pm'ing him in tourney and finished it off with something like maybe I should of asked him why he put you on ignore in the first place, wasn't interested in that I was only asking him take ya off ignore so you could arrange your game with him.
Posts: 14,736
23:57 Tue 23 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Sub: Phoenix Revenge A vs FPD's B
Was: Str: apples_back vs lolumadbro
Now: rapid_pot vs lolumadbro

Time is of the essence!
Posts: 4,046
23:58 Tue 23 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
It wasn't aimed at anyone particular. We have our own players that are not on as much as they would like. Work commitments change and things just happen. I like to think they still communicate with their opponents though. When the season started I was optimistic for more seasons. Not so optimistic now!!
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00:13 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah it would be much more enjoyable if all opponents were like the ones I've had recently, becomes frustrating when ya constantly looking for inactive opponents that don't seem interested, and a chore is exactly what it feels like.

Cheers Ash, didn't expect a sub tbh was just hoping Sam would show up tomoz but spoke to Adam so we should get it done tomorrow, couldn't reply to your message as you have me on ignore for some reason lol.
Posts: 14,736
00:16 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh sorry, I'm not sure why neither. Removed it now.
Posts: 1,617
00:18 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
triple_b 0-2 legend_pot

he hit 2 big over 30 runs , ggs wp
Posts: 1,617
00:20 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah that's exactly how joey works, never commits to a day and time and just expects you to be online at the times you say your available hoping he will show up. It's a nightmare trying to arrange a game with him, you won't get a message off bigcj either, I've played him a few times and he's never once messaged me first.

He had a little rant about me pm'ing him in tourney and finished it off with something like maybe I should of asked him why he put you on ignore in the first place, wasn't interested in that I was only asking him take ya off ignore so you could arrange your game with him.

thanks for pming big like that to get him to take me off his ignore list, shame tho when he was taking me off ignore he didnt send a message

some people are so easy to arrange with like legend pot , bu then you get bigcjl2 and joeyy and its a nightmare , makes me grumpy
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00:21 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unlucky Sarah. It's a big ask getting anything against legend, especially at straight.
Posts: 274
00:24 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
off topic but i lost to andyw1.

i rolled off nicely with nearly a whitewash in 8UK. the only frame i lost i overhit white on a thin black to also pot it after 3 cushions.

9US felt a bit like a revenge where andy played really well not giving me many chances which i screwed nicely. somehow managed to win 1 tho.

In 8US it looked quite even then but also got some unlucky when i was on black once...potted and white went in aswell. next frame i potted black accidently after first or second ball.

it could have ended same result my way but luck wasnt mine here.

very handy opponent, easy to arrange and interesting to play against.

count_raven 6 - 9 andyw1

8UK: 4 - 1
9US: 1 - 4
8US: 1 - 4

sorry team
Deleted User
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00:25 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah that's exactly how joey works, never commits to a day and time and just expects you to be online at the times you say your available hoping he will show up. It's a nightmare trying to arrange a game with him, you won't get a message off bigcj either, I've played him a few times and he's never once messaged me first.

He had a little rant about me pm'ing him in tourney and finished it off with something like maybe I should of asked him why he put you on ignore in the first place, wasn't interested in that I was only asking him take ya off ignore so you could arrange your game with him.

thanks for pming big like that to get him to take me off his ignore list, shame tho when he was taking me off ignore he didnt send a message

some people are so easy to arrange with like legend pot , bu then you get bigcjl2 and joeyy and its a nightmare , makes me grumpy

No worries just thought I'd ask when I saw him in chat room, I know from playing him a few times that his usual times are 7pm-9pm if that helps.

Unlucky against Andy count but nice 6 points, he's a class player.
Posts: 1,617
00:29 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah that's exactly how joey works, never commits to a day and time and just expects you to be online at the times you say your available hoping he will show up. It's a nightmare trying to arrange a game with him, you won't get a message off bigcj either, I've played him a few times and he's never once messaged me first.

He had a little rant about me pm'ing him in tourney and finished it off with something like maybe I should of asked him why he put you on ignore in the first place, wasn't interested in that I was only asking him take ya off ignore so you could arrange your game with him.

thanks for pming big like that to get him to take me off his ignore list, shame tho when he was taking me off ignore he didnt send a message

some people are so easy to arrange with like legend pot , bu then you get bigcjl2 and joeyy and its a nightmare , makes me grumpy

No worries just thought I'd ask when I saw him in chat room, I know from playing him a few times that his usual times are 7pm-9pm if that helps.

Unlucky against Andy count but nice 6 points, he's a class player.

thanks i keep a eye out for him
Posts: 274
00:30 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hard luck vs legend, sarah.
And thx funky.
Posts: 1,617
00:31 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
off topic but i lost to andyw1.

i rolled off nicely with nearly a whitewash in 8UK. the only frame i lost i overhit white on a thin black to also pot it after 3 cushions.

9US felt a bit like a revenge where andy played really well not giving me many chances which i screwed nicely. somehow managed to win 1 tho.

In 8US it looked quite even then but also got some unlucky when i was on black once...potted and white went in aswell. next frame i potted black accidently after first or second ball.

it could have ended same result my way but luck wasnt mine here.

very handy opponent, easy to arrange and interesting to play against.

count_raven 6 - 9 andyw1

8UK: 4 - 1
9US: 1 - 4
8US: 1 - 4

sorry team

hard luck carsten , hes quite good
Posts: 274
00:33 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you aswell sarah but in the end I can only blame myself that i wasn't focussed enough in 8US. those accidents coulda been avoided.
Posts: 1,617
00:39 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you aswell sarah but in the end I can only blame myself that i wasn't focussed enough in 8US. those accidents coulda been avoided.

dont be so hard on yourself , remember no 1 rule is to enjoy your clan games
Posts: 274
00:42 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you aswell sarah but in the end I can only blame myself that i wasn't focussed enough in 8US. those accidents coulda been avoided.

dont be so hard on yourself , remember no 1 rule is to enjoy your clan games

Doesn't mean I would put sand in my head now!

I enjoyed the loss!
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00:43 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you aswell sarah but in the end I can only blame myself that i wasn't focussed enough in 8US. those accidents coulda been avoided.

Your still a newbie to pool and already giving top players a run for their money so It's only gonna keep getting better for you bud.
Posts: 274
00:50 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you aswell sarah but in the end I can only blame myself that i wasn't focussed enough in 8US. those accidents coulda been avoided.

Your still a newbie to pool and already giving top players a run for their money so It's only gonna keep getting better for you bud.

Somehow true but after 6 years on snooker i should have had an eye for those. I am not getting depressive now

Really enjoyed that match up as it was interesting and thrilling. Rather lose that way instead of winning hugely.

But thanks mate. Hope your vision comes true lol!
Posts: 14,736
00:55 Wed 24 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Sub: Phoenix Revenge A vs FPD's B
Was: flash_is_bac vs lolumadbro
Now: rapid_pot vs lolumadbro

* they are playing the FBL Straight tomorrow maybe this can be played too -
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