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Posts: 6,262
23:50 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ello magic think we know each other !
Posts: 83
09:01 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Jamie/Klein please check :


User type: Deactivated

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11:14 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi all have contacted Clifton should be playing at weekend but my other opponent latteo1993 seems to have deactivated

Posts: 399
11:22 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Try it with 1 t Jolene


Ive been in contact with Phil, hope to get that 1 played 1 day after work this week
King dad messaged just waiting on reply but I have a feeling that he's got computer problems so that might go on for a bit
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:53 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Been in contact with psycho will get it played today if he comes back online. Dgen has messaged curtis on FB, he's seen the message but hasn't replied, why do people join a clan who can't even be bothered reply to a message regarding the games nevermind log in and arrange em thereself.
Posts: 38,097
14:55 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dgen has messaged curtis on FB, he's seen the message but hasn't replied, why do people join a clan who can't even be bothered reply to a message regarding the games nevermind log in and arrange em thereself.

Not sure pal, knew we was taking a risk but hoping curt logs in, if not then i don't think dee will select him much in the future.

Usually reliable so hoping
Posts: 2,588
15:11 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Jamie/Klein please check :


User type: Deactivated

Hey man, no sweat will message vixen and dgen see what's happening. Thanks for the update.
Posts: 4,046
15:17 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Set 1 Deadline 31/01/16


kingdadcool vs scottyjr
tonyc455 vs klien
dark_chocco vs crazy_greg
_egotistical vs whocares8x8
bigcjl2 vs king8ball
physho vs lolumadbro
sinkemall vs ric_flair
_flukez_ vs fr34k_p0t


clifton188 vs the_saint
dv8 (11) vs (4) kris
miss_harriet vs _psmon_
w_hoolahan vs ferretlady
r1p0m4n_v2 vs mitch_bougi
erigert (9) vs (6) im_crap_adam
zantetsukenz vs derik_dalton
the_game26 vs whocares8x8


dvz vs derik_dalton
dgeneratio vs crazy_greg
i_am_noob vs blackcabman7
curtis vs lolumadbro
silent_hill vs scottyjr
poolbiird vs king8ball
latteo1993 vs the_saint
re_rack_jack vs klien

Contact you opponents as soon as possible and arrange your games. Any issues give klien or me a shout and we will do what we can. Have fun guys and girls, thats what its all about.
Posts: 38,097
15:17 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Messaged on FB pal, hoping its a moment thing
Posts: 2,327
16:46 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's very unlike Ang so we'll give it a few and hopefully she will be back. If worst comes to the worst and she doesn't, a sub will be provided.

As for Curtis, I was trusting that once messaged on FB/snooker he would come over to play games as and when they came up. If that fails over the first 2 week period, there will definitely be a sub for fuunky who will quite rightly have to match his availability in week 3 as I know with the fbl/sl releases games can get on top of people.
Posts: 4,046
16:57 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's very unlike Ang so we'll give it a few and hopefully she will be back. If worst comes to the worst and she doesn't, a sub will be provided.

As for Curtis, I was trusting that once messaged on FB/snooker he would come over to play games as and when they came up. If that fails over the first 2 week period, there will definitely be a sub for fuunky who will quite rightly have to match his availability in week 3 as I know with the fbl/sl releases games can get on top of people.

Thanks Vix. We are only 2 days in so its no problem atm. Tranquilo!
Posts: 2,588
18:37 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
My game with re_rack_jack is arranged for between 10pm and 10:30pm tonight
Posts: 2,327
19:20 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
curtis vs lolumadbro

is now

vixen_xox vs lolumadbro

I've removed curtis and will sub in myself as the 2 week rule won't apply.
Posts: 4,046
19:29 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
curtis vs lolumadbro

is now

vixen_xox vs lolumadbro

I've removed curtis and will sub in myself as the 2 week rule won't apply.

And why is that? Just asking?
Posts: 2,327
19:33 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
If the player is removed then the 2 week rule doesn't apply. So we can play the game any time in the 3 week period.

He wasn't answering James' messages and It's too risky, when I can replace him with a player there will be no problems with, I don't want to have issues especially when the fbl/sl games come out also. So was for the best all round. I was hoping he'd answer or show some interest, I probably shouldn't have put him in, so I'll take full punishment and sub in myself
Posts: 4,046
19:37 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
If the player is removed then the 2 week rule doesn't apply. So we can play the game any time in the 3 week period.

He wasn't answering James' messages and It's too risky, when I can replace him with a player there will be no problems with, I don't want to have issues especially when the fbl/sl games come out also. So was for the best all round. I was hoping he'd answer or show some interest, I probably shouldn't have put him in, so I'll take full punishment and sub in myself

Thats fine. Rather it was done too. Just thought there were no subs in the first 2 weeks period. I have no issues. Just checking
Posts: 2,588
19:58 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
If the player is removed then the 2 week rule doesn't apply. So we can play the game any time in the 3 week period.

He wasn't answering James' messages and It's too risky, when I can replace him with a player there will be no problems with, I don't want to have issues especially when the fbl/sl games come out also. So was for the best all round. I was hoping he'd answer or show some interest, I probably shouldn't have put him in, so I'll take full punishment and sub in myself

Thats fine. Rather it was done too. Just thought there were no subs in the first 2 weeks period. I have no issues. Just checking

If a player deactivates or is removed from / leaves the clan then subs are allowed I believe.. all good
Posts: 399
20:14 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Playing Phil in the next 30-40 mins
Posts: 4,046
20:17 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Playing Phil in the next 30-40 mins

Good luck my son Have it!!!!
Posts: 399
21:18 Mon 11 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
me vs silent_hill

8us 3-2
9us 2-3 (runout him)
8uk 3-2

overall 8-7

first game back after a while away, they were good games, he was unlucky but played well in most games

ggs unlucky
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The Funky Pool Devils - Dawn of the Underdogs: Home of the Fbl Golden Cue Winner & Players Champion.

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