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Posts: 83
14:58 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

king8ball (2) vs (4) sinkemall
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15:07 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
askingfan was offline 7 days, back for a day and now been offline another 2 days.

flash_is_bk was offline 5 days back for a day and now hes been offline another 2 days as well.

What can you do?

After having an inactive opponent for the first 2 weeks against pd's my new opponent has also been offline neally 2 days and I won't be available after Thursday, any chance of a swap If he doesn't show up by tomoz?

I don't think I'm gonna carry on with clans after this season, inactive opponent after inactive opponent, far to much hassle than It's worth.

Edited at 13:10 Mon 22/02/16 (GMT)
Posts: 4,046
15:17 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
askingfan was offline 7 days, back for a day and now been offline another 2 days.

flash_is_bk was offline 5 days back for a day and now hes been offline another 2 days as well.

What can you do?

After having an inactive opponent for the first 2 weeks against pd's my new opponent has also been offline neally 2 days and I won't be available after Thursday, any chance of a swap If he doesn't show up by tomoz?

I don't think I'm gonna carry on with clans after this season, inactive opponent after inactive opponent, far to much hassle than It's worth.

As much as i hate to say it i dont think you will be the only one bud. The same players are almost totally in-active but are still in the fixtures. All you can do is keep the information for default. I can message _huts24_ for a sub but we wont get one till sunday 5pm will we?

If you dont get to play i will sub you in where i can close to the weekend. Its funny how the better players are messed about as well isnt it. Almost like they are trying to upset the players from day 1.
Posts: 14,736
15:23 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL: Phoenix Revenge A vs FPD's B (Swap)
Was: _fresh_ vs im_crap_adam & flash_is_bac vs lolumadbro
Now: flash_is_bac vs im_crap_adam & _fresh_ vs lolumadbro

_fresh_ is a lot more active so I'm sure lolumadbro will have more opportunity to get his fixture played. I'll monitor flash_is_bac and act if necessary. Thanks.
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15:29 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah theres not much point asking huts for a sub, he was quick enough to ask for one when I'd only been gone 2 days tho lol.

I only send 1 message as I don't see the point in keep messaging someone that isn't even active, but if any games go to default then there can only be 1 outcome anyway.

I've never had a game go to default so I intend of keeping it that way but at the moment It's just impossible to play people that are barely online and make an appearance when I'm not available.
Posts: 404
15:32 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

silent_phil vs erigert

2-3 8us (1 run out for me)
1-4 9us
2-3 8uk

10-5 defeat for me.

He gifted me 2 frames 1 in 8us the other in 8uk. Other then that he didn't put a foot wrong, i took the chances that came to me, when he fluffed up. I did go out all attack were as he played it safe a lot of the time. I fouled far to many times in 8uk! And the biggest difference here was 9us. "Lucks" game. He had more of the luck aswell as good snookers. And good play in general. Good luck for the rest
Posts: 1,617
15:33 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Afternoon all. Hope everyone is well

Bigcjl2 has me on ignore .must me cause I was moaning to much . Anyway I can't sort out a time to play him

It's not like he was ever going sent me the first message in trying to arrange a time to play anyway .Oh wait it seems no 1 does that on pool
. I have be the first to start things off

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15:41 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL: Phoenix Revenge A vs FPD's B (Swap)
Was: _fresh_ vs im_crap_adam & flash_is_bac vs lolumadbro
Now: flash_is_bac vs im_crap_adam & _fresh_ vs lolumadbro

_fresh_ is a lot more active so I'm sure lolumadbro will have more opportunity to get his fixture played. I'll monitor flash_is_bac and act if necessary. Thanks.

Theres no point in this tbh as hes still in the fixture so it only means someone else can't play there game. Flash hasn't been back online since I messaged him so I'm happy to wait a bit to see if he comes back on and hopefully we can get something arranged. If not then I'll happily play fresh or anyone else.
Posts: 14,736
15:46 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
No the swaps fine, I have Adam and speak with him on FB so I'll ensure his fixture gets played even if I have to sub in myself.

The main premise for the swap is to accommodate you. Adam and I will deal with his.

Posts: 1,111
15:50 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can i just ask why was buckjam swapped to triple_b in our straight game? not complaining just wanted to know why
Posts: 38,097
16:00 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can i just ask why was buckjam swapped to triple_b in our straight game? not complaining just wanted to know why

Think Jamie moved to Team B mate so needed to be subbed out of Team A, He moved from Team C to Team A previously so had to sub out of one of our games.

Soz for posting Jamie mate, saw you weren't here so just posted to explain
Posts: 4,046
16:01 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can i just ask why was buckjam swapped to triple_b in our straight game? not complaining just wanted to know why

I had to move to team b bud.
Posts: 1,111
16:08 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can i just ask why was buckjam swapped to triple_b in our straight game? not complaining just wanted to know why

I had to move to team b bud.

ahh right no worries mate, just realised this was done a few days ago lol didnt realise till now
Posts: 7,297
16:54 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL swap :

8uk askingfan vs _psmon
str8 callaway40 vs king8ball

is now :

8uk callaway40 vs _psmon
str8 askingfan vs king8ball
Posts: 14,736
17:17 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spoken with apples_back says he'll be online today/tomorrow his usual times with regards to his two straight fixtures. 1 vs lolumadbro and 1 vs erigert

Posts: 7,297
17:26 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

8UK _egotistical vs klien
is now :
8UK bigcjl2 vs klien
Posts: 4,046
18:03 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

silent_phil vs erigert

2-3 8us (1 run out for me)
1-4 9us
2-3 8uk

10-5 defeat for me.

He gifted me 2 frames 1 in 8us the other in 8uk. Other then that he didn't put a foot wrong, i took the chances that came to me, when he fluffed up. I did go out all attack were as he played it safe a lot of the time. I fouled far to many times in 8uk! And the biggest difference here was 9us. "Lucks" game. He had more of the luck aswell as good snookers. And good play in general. Good luck for the rest

It's a good 5 points against eri bud.
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18:20 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
lolumadbro 3 vs 2 siber_man us8
lolumadbro 2 vs 3 siber_man us9
lolumadbro 3 vs 2 siber_man uk8

Overall 8-7 to me

It should of been 9-6, we were both awful in uk and neither of us had much luck either, good games m8.
Posts: 2,588
18:35 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL: Phoenix Revenge A vs FPD's B (Swap)
Was: _fresh_ vs im_crap_adam & flash_is_bac vs lolumadbro
Now: flash_is_bac vs im_crap_adam & _fresh_ vs lolumadbro

_fresh_ is a lot more active so I'm sure lolumadbro will have more opportunity to get his fixture played. I'll monitor flash_is_bac and act if necessary. Thanks.

This swap is reversed. Absolutely useless swap considering it still leaves Adam with an inactive player. Theres still 2 weeks till deadline, so absolutely no need for this swap, helps nobody.

Fixtures are:
_fresh_ vs im_crap_adam
lolumadbro vs flash_is_bac
Posts: 14,736
18:38 Mon 22 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
No the swaps fine, I have Adam and speak with him on FB so I'll ensure his fixture gets played even if I have to sub in myself.

The main premise for the swap is to accommodate you. Adam and I will deal with his.


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