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Posts: 274
9 years ago  [Link]  
count_raven 2 - 4 andyw1

Was a bit lucky to get 2-0 in front in 8US where he missed some sitters. Later I got punished by him after I made some easy mistakes.
Enjoyable games anyway, nice lad as it seems. Sorry not to get the draw home.
Posts: 19,819
9 years ago  [Link]  
Hey any word on fr34k_pot? begging for a game of str8 tonight
Posts: 7,297
9 years ago  [Link]  
str8 dansta vs king8ball
is now :
str8 callaway40 vs king8ball
Posts: 2,588
9 years ago  [Link]  
Klien (7) vs (8) tonyc455

8us = 2 - 3
9us = 1 - 4
8uk = 4 - 1

Absolutely gutted. I was absolutely shocking in the us types and absolutely outclassed him in 8uk. Somehow managed to take it to a decider in 8uk, which he managed a fluke set-up for the 8 in what could have easily been left as a snooker or a shot with no opportunity to pot. Gutted that i've lost my undefeated streak in FCL this season.

However, it means FPD beat Black Scorpions overall in this fixture, so theres the bright side.
Posts: 404
9 years ago  [Link]  
Klien (7) vs (8) tonyc455

8us = 2 - 3
9us = 1 - 4
8uk = 4 - 1

Absolutely gutted. I was absolutely shocking in the us types and absolutely outclassed him in 8uk. Somehow managed to take it to a decider in 8uk, which he managed a fluke set-up for the 8 in what could have easily been left as a snooker or a shot with no opportunity to pot. Gutted that i've lost my undefeated streak in FCL this season.

However, it means FPD beat Black Scorpions overall in this fixture, so theres the bright side.

Great comeback from 7-3 down aswell mate against a pretty tricky opponent, sounds like a close match!
Posts: 1,617
9 years ago  [Link]  
Hard luck there Klien. You kept it really close
Posts: 1,361
9 years ago  [Link]  
Unlucky klien. Well done fighting back to keep it so close though
Posts: 4,231
9 years ago  [Link]  
cmon guys, pull the finger out!
you can all do so much better
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
9 years ago  [Link]  
cmon guys, pull the finger out!
you can all do so much better

they would pull the finger out, but then all your s%#t would blow out everywhere .. Better to keep it plugged
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
cmon guys, pull the finger out!
you can all do so much better

they would pull the finger out, but then all your s%#t would blow out everywhere .. Better to keep it plugged

Haha. Thanks Jack. Jim Henson lost one of his Muppets. We won 2 sets of FCL this fixture so we are doing brilliant. Cracking stuff
Posts: 2,588
9 years ago  [Link]  
cmon guys, pull the finger out!
you can all do so much better

they would pull the finger out, but then all your s%#t would blow out everywhere .. Better to keep it plugged

Haha. Thanks Jack. Jim Henson lost one of his Muppets. We won 2 sets of FCL this fixture so we are doing brilliant. Cracking stuff

I wonder what changed between the fixture sets which made us win 2 this time compared to only 1 last time out of 3. T'is an interesting question.

Of course, Raven and B have had massive impacts since joining and we still have Phil now too .

Getting stronger and more reliable players as we go along, always good to see.
Posts: 13,570
9 years ago  [Link]  
Keep er lit!
Posts: 7,297
9 years ago  [Link]  
fr34k_p0t deactivated 2 days ago , can we have a sub ? (FBL) thanks

He gets 7 days to re-activate so we will give it to him. He said he would be back next week.


fr34k_p0t still deactivated (6 days now) can we have a sub please
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
fr34k_p0t deactivated 2 days ago , can we have a sub ? (FBL) thanks

He gets 7 days to re-activate so we will give it to him. He said he would be back next week.


fr34k_p0t still deactivated (6 days now) can we have a sub please

Noted Ty 7-6= 1 day to go so won't be long
Posts: 116
9 years ago  [Link]  
Haven't lost as bad as this before and I thought were were pretty evenly matched

re_rack_jack 6 - 0 ferretlady
Posts: 274
9 years ago  [Link]  
nice comeback there klien and hard luck ferret.

count_raven 6 - 0 i_am_rubbish

8US 2-0 raven
9US 2-0 raven
8UK 2-0 raven

wasnt really in form but he/she left out sitters and handed me the win. ggs ul rubbish

Edited at 22:14 Wed 17/02/16 (GMT)
Posts: 1,617
9 years ago  [Link]  
hard luck ferret lady

great win there carsten

triple b 5-1 siber man

8us 2-0
9us 2-0
8uk 1-1

i played really well and played lil more defence , he did have bad luck at times but i still had to pot them , ggs
Posts: 274
9 years ago  [Link]  
wooo, very nice sarah
Posts: 2,588
9 years ago  [Link]  
Amazing results Raven and Sarah. Seriously class results that give us a firm hold on that fixture already!

Well played
Posts: 1,361
9 years ago  [Link]  
Well done Carsten and Sarah

Unlucky ferretlady
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