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Posts: 2,588
02:42 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hence why we are all looking forward to the Super league. No dreaded straight
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02:58 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I miss the longer format but at least with only 2 games of each It keeps it interesting.
Posts: 2,588
02:59 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I miss the longer format but at least with only 2 games of each It keeps it interesting.

Be way too many games with a longer format in SL... Thats why i try to keep on top and get most of my games done in first week.. means new games to play every week.
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03:17 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah their was a lot less games when it used to be 4 of each game type.
Posts: 1,361
04:55 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I personally don't mind what game types I'm chosen to play in. I'm just happy to be playing regular games
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07:54 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I am in contact with both players, oh and UK is probably my worst type. I'll give it my best for both

I can confirm magic is crap at uk, good at inhaling life though
well said amigo! I can confirm this
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16:19 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
lolumadbro 1 vs 1 erigert

34 run for me

I should of lost this really tbh, eri got to 22 in the second game then was left on nothing. I managed to get to 34 without missing a sitter then played a poor positional shot on the last ball, smashed into the pack and got lucky to leave him nothing easy and he let me back in, good games bud unlucky.
Posts: 2,588
16:29 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 1 (Cont.)

FPD C Fixtures

FPD C vs Pocket Dynamos A

8us: ric_flair vs davyb0207
9us: watchinawe vs hambugerboy
8uk: ferretlady vs the__priest
Str: buckjam vs marksmith

FPD C (0) vs (2) DFE A

8us: mitch_bougi vs cortez
9us: ferretlady vs skidmarx
8uk: ric_flair (0) vs (2) poolbiird (2-5)
Str: buckjam vs g_h_o_s_t

FPD C (1) vs (1) Black Scorpions A

8us: watchinawe vs bigcjl2
9us: blackcabman7 vs kingdadcool
8uk: ferretlady vs my2cjms
Str: ric_flair (1) vs (1) tonyc455

Interclan Fixtures

FPD A (0) vs (2) FPD B

8us: whocares8x8 vs kris
9us: klien (0) vs (2) lolumadbro (1-5)
8uk: the__saint vs king8ball
Str: derik_dalton vs _psmon_


8us: lolumadbro vs _magic_
9us: _psmon_ vs blackcabman7
8uk: kris vs watchinawe
Str: fr34k_p0t vs mitch_bougi

FPD A (0) vs (2) FPD C

8us: derik_dalton vs blackcabman7
9us: the__saint vs mitch_bougi
8uk: scottyjr vs _magic_
Str: klien (0) vs (2) watchinawe

FBL Format:

8us, 9us & 8uk = best of 8 frames.
Straight = best of 2 frames.

Please message your opponents asap. If there are any problems drop bucky or klien a message or post here. Thanks and good luck.

Edited at 14:51 Tue 19/01/16 (GMT)
Posts: 2,588
16:29 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 1

FPD A Fixtures

FPD A vs Phoenix Revenge A

8us: scottyjr vs jamesmcgarry
9us: the__saint vs 2pac786
8uk: crazy_greg vs _fresh_
Str: whocares8x8 vs apples_back

FPD A (0) vs (2) Uprising Originals

8us: crazy_greg vs miss_harriet
9us: whocares8x8 vs w_hoolahan
8uk: klien (0) vs (2) r1p0m4n_v2 (3-5)
Str: scottyjr vs clifton188

FPD B Fixtures

FPD B vs Phoenix Revenge B

8us: im_crap_adam vs joeyy
9us: kris vs legend_pot
8uk: king8ball vs andyw1
Str: lolumadbro vs tinie_v17


8us: fr34k_p0t vs re_rack_jack
9us: im_crap_adam vs vixen_xox
8uk: _psmon_ vs _start_
Str: king8ball vs dvz

FPD B (1) vs (1) Uprising Strawberry Goats

8us: fr34k_pot vs dv8
9us: kris vs strange_daze
8uk: im_crap_adam vs zantetsukenz
Str: lolumadbro (1) vs (1) erigert

FBL Format:

8us, 9us & 8uk = best of 8 frames.
Straight = best of 2 frames.

All Interclan Fixtures will be below FPD C fixtures.
Please message your opponents asap. If there are any problems drop bucky or klien a message or post here. Thanks and good luck.

Edited at 17:53 Tue 19/01/16 (GMT)
Posts: 2,588
16:31 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Set 1 Deadline 31/01/16


kingdadcool (9) vs (6) scottyjr
tonyc455 (6) vs (9) klien
dark_chocco vs crazy_greg
_egotistical vs whocares8x8
bigcjl2 (8) vs (7) king8ball
my2cjms(s) (4) vs (11) lolumadbro
sinkemall vs ric_flair
_flukez_ vs fr34k_p0t


clifton188 (9) vs (6) the_saint
dv8 (11) vs (4) kris
miss_harriet vs _psmon_
w_hoolahan (11) vs (4) ferretlady
r1p0m4n_v2 (12) vs (3) mitch_bougi
erigert (9) vs (6) im_crap_adam
zantetsukenz vs derik_dalton
the_game26 vs whocares8x8

D.F.E. (41) VS (34) FPD

dvz vs derik_dalton
dgeneratio vs crazy_greg
i_am_noob (12) vs (3) blackcabman7
vixen_xox (5) vs (10) lolumadbro
silent_hill (7) vs (8) scottyjr
poolbiird vs king8ball
latteo1993 (10) vs (5) the_saint
re_rack_jack (7) vs (8) klien

Contact you opponents as soon as possible and arrange your games. Any issues give klien or bucky a shout and we will do what we can. Have fun guys and girls, thats what its all about.
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16:33 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can you get on now m8?

Looking at the amount of fixtures there is already, I'm glad I won't be updating them anymore
Posts: 2,588
16:36 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can you get on now m8?

Looking at the amount of fixtures there is already, I'm glad I won't be updating them anymore

Yeah man...

I'm seriously thinking about spoilering the FBL fixtures under the subheadings:

fpd a
fpd b
fpd c

Takes up so much room.
Posts: 2,588
16:51 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
klien (1) vs (5) lolumadbro - FBL 9 ball.

First two frames I had no chance with how the balls fell. He just cleared after a snooker and a bad break. The rest he won on merit, similar to my only frame. Sorry A team
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16:51 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
lolumadbro 5 vs 1 klien

My luck was ridiculous here. I fluked the 9 in the first game, fluked a snooker in the 2nd game and fluked another snooker in the last game, the joys of 9ball, sorry mate good games unlucky.
Posts: 4,046
19:51 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
A very good couple of results there for FPD B
Posts: 2,588
19:53 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL 8UK - Imran (5) vs (3) klien

Honestly getting frustrated with how poor im playing lately. Getting really frustrating, 3 losses in FBL and 2 close wins in FCL which should have been larger victories. Back to the drawing board and practice for the SL games... Sorry guys.
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19:57 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unlucky m8, sure you'll get your game back soon, still a good result to keep it close against one of the best uk8 players on the site.
Posts: 529
23:09 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
greg 7 - 8 dgeneratio

2-3 (r-o greg)

I went 3-0 down while i got my eye in then came back well and got a runout. i got run of the balls a bit more in 9 ball but in uk then 2 fouls cost me frames before i won the next 2. in decider i went for a tough 3 ball plant and hit the jaw, he decided rather than find a pot he'd snooker me then cleared the rest. ggs
Posts: 10,109
23:12 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

miss_harriet (10) v (0) _psmon_

To be completed tomorrow
Posts: 4,046
00:31 Wed 20 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
greg 7 - 8 dgeneratio

2-3 (r-o greg)

I went 3-0 down while i got my eye in then came back well and got a runout. i got run of the balls a bit more in 9 ball but in uk then 2 fouls cost me frames before i won the next 2. in decider i went for a tough 3 ball plant and hit the jaw, he decided rather than find a pot he'd snooker me then cleared the rest. ggs

Good and close for your first game back. Thanks for playing
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