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Phoenix Revenge - Resilient till the END!

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00:42 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Result: friendyboy (4) vs (2) askingfan - Firstly thanks to both players for getting the fixture played - another fine overall win for Phoenix Revenge B.

Awesome stuff - 15-9 Final Score.

Well Played Alex mate.
Posts: 14,736
00:47 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 1
Deadline: 14th February 2016

Phoenix Revenge A

Phoenix Revenge A (15) Vs (10) FPD A - Complete
apples_back (3) vs (4) whocares8x8
_fresh_ (5) vs (1) scottyjr
shadows (4) vs (2) klien
rapid_pot (3) vs (3) crazy_greg (s)

Phoenix Revenge A (12) Vs (12) Uprising Originals - Complete
_fresh_ (3) vs (3) corsair
2pac786 (3) vs (3) miss_harriet
apples_back (4) vs (2) w_hoolahan
(s) rapid_pot (2) vs (4) clifton188

Phoenix Revenge A (18) Vs (6) Dragon Flame A - Complete
_knightmare_ (4) vs (2) red4eva (s)
rewill (6) vs (0) skidmarx (s)
apples_back (5) vs (1) poolbiird
(s) rapid_pot (3) vs (3) asdfghjk

Phoenix Revenge A (14) Vs (13) Phoenix Revenge B - Complete
apples_back (1) vs (7) legend_pot
_fresh_ (4) vs (3) joeyy
rapid_pot (3) vs (3) hunter (s)
2pac786 (6) vs (0) friendyboy


Phoenix Revenge A (11) Vs (7) Pocket Dynamos A
2pac786 (3) vs (3) _siber_man_
_fresh_ (4) vs (2) _takeiteasy_
(s) apples_back vs hamburgerboy (s)
rewill (4) vs (2) davyb0207
Posts: 14,736
00:48 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Phoenix Revenge B

Phoenix Revenge B (12) Vs (12) Uprising Strawberries - Complete
tinie_v17 1) vs (5) dv8
joeyy (5) vs (1) horse10000
legend_pot (3) vs (3) zantetsukenz
(s) hunter (3) vs (3) erigert (s)

Phoenix Revenge B (16) Vs (10) Dragon Flame B - Complete
tinie_v17 (6) vs (1) __start__
legend_pot (4) vs (2) dvz
hunter (4) vs (3) dgeneratio
joeyy (2) vs (4) i_am_noob

Phoenix Revenge B (13) Vs (11) Pocket Dynamos B - Complete
friendyboy (3) vs (3) scarlets2k15 (s)
hunter (2) vs (4) punkpoet
(s) (swp) legend_pot (5) vs (1) james_h
(swp) _gerardddd_ (3) vs (3) jasonb

Phoenix Revenge B (15) Vs (9) Black Scorpions B - Complete
_gerardddd_ (3) vs (3) scallo
joeyy (5) vs (1) sinkemall
hunter (3) vs (3) callaway40
friendyboy (4) vs (2) askingfan (s)

Phoenix Revenge A (14) Vs (13) Phoenix Revenge B - Complete
apples_back (1) vs (7) legend_pot
_fresh_ (4) vs (3) joeyy
rapid_pot (3) vs (3) hunter (s)
2pac786 (6) vs (0) friendyboy

Phoenix Revenge A vs Phoenix Revenge B (Same as post above)
Posts: 14,736
00:49 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 2: 31/01/2016 >>> 21/02/2016

Phoenix Revenge (26) Vs (49) Uprising

legend_pot vs cgibson92
_fresh_ (7) vs (8) w_hoolahan
apples_back vs corsair (swp) (Mon 15/02 PM)
2pac786 (5) vs (10) miss_harriet
joeyy vs clifton188
rapid_pot (8) vs (7) r1p0m4n_v2
tinie_v17 (3) vs (12) dark_chocco
(s) rewill (3) vs (12) dv8 (swp)

Phoenix Revenge (54) Vs (36) Dragon Flame

apples_back (9) vs (6) i_am_noob
hunter (7) vs (8) __start__
(s) tinie_v17 (7) vs (8) dvz
friendyboy vs allypunk
(s) joeyy (12) vs (3) dgeneratio
rewill (9) vs (6) re_rack_jack
_fresh_ (10) vs (5) lateo1993
legend_pot vs northman

Phoenix Revenge (52) Vs (23) FPD's

rapid_pot vs ferretlady
_gerardddd_ (13) vs (2) blackcabman7
joeyy (13) vs (2) _psmon_
tinie_v17 (7) vs (8) count_raven
hunter (8) vs (7) watchinawe
2pac786 vs _magic_
apples_back (11) vs (4) fr34k_p0t
rewill vs im_crap_adam

* I'll refrain from member tags for the time being - Week 2 they will be added as a gentle reminder.

Added now ^^^ except active players I've seen online.
Posts: 14,736
00:49 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 2 - 07/02/2016 >>> 28/02/2016

Phoenix Revenge A

Phoenix Revenge A vs Pocket Dynamos A
8us: flash_is_bac vs _siber_man_
9us: rewill vs hamburgerboy
8uk: _fresh_ vs davyb0207
Str: rapid_pot vs marksmith

Phoenix Revenge A (1) vs (1) Uprising Strawberries
8us: rapid_pot (1) vs (1) dv8 (4-4)
9us: 2pac786 vs thegame26
8uk: _fresh_ vs dark_chocco
Str: apples_back vs erigert

Phoenix Revenge A (2) vs (0) FPD's B
8us: rewill vs king8ball
9us: 2pac786 (2) vs (0) _psmon_ (5-2)
8uk: _fresh_ vs im_crap_adam
Str: apples_back vs lolumadbro

FBL Fix Set 2 - 07/02/2016 >>> 28/02/2016

Phoenix Revenge B

Phoenix Revenge B (5) vs (1) FPD's C
8us: friendyboy (2) vs ric_flair (5-3)
9us: hunter vs mitch_bougi
8uk: _gerardddd_ (2) vs (0) blackcabman7 (6-2)
Str: (43 run) joeyy (1) vs (1) watchinawe

Phoenix Revenge B vs Uprising Originals
8us: friendyboy vs miss_harriet
9us: legend_pot vs fran_
8uk: joeyy vs w_hoolahan
Str: tinie_v17 vs clifton188

Phoenix Revenge B (2) vs (0) FPD's A
8us: hunter vs crazy_greg
9us: tinie_v17 vs count_raven
8uk: joeyy (2) vs (0) scottyjr (5-0)
Str: legend_pot vs buckjam

* Member Tags to be added from next week unless arranged.
Posts: 14,736
05:20 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
23 points behind Uprising with 3 matches too play - pretty much impossible to win that league now but still we will try and win as many points as possible. Uprising fully deserve their lead this fixture set they simply have been the better side. Unfortunately I still feel had we Sam & Tinie available to us we could have won the 1st Fixture Set but we didn't. Everyone's efforts are never seen as in vain neither.

Every point represents this superb team we are lucky to have assembled. The FCL is just one competition there is still the FBL and SL which we are performing great in. The GSC (Grand Slam Cup) and Killer Cup will be released soon too so still very much to play for.

Let's keep doing what we are. IF we fall short....we get back up and TRY again.

SL Fixture Set 2:

Phoenix Revenge A

Vs Black Scorpions A
Vs FPD's B
Vs Uprising Strawberries

Phoenix Revenge B

Vs FPD's C
Vs FPD's A
Vs Uprising Originals

Team Lists to be submitted Sunday afternoon.
Posts: 38,097
14:32 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
North is back, but has he messaged Ryan back?

Asdfghjk and Red4eva are free to sub in too if Ryan sees them online.

Ally hes been playing games so hopefully that one is fine.

Posts: 14,736
15:06 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol - no need for panic stations, hold your horses. We have two fixtures to play, looks like all 4 players are active including northman.

Chill out!
Posts: 14,736
15:12 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL: 8 Fixtures Remaining so we have done a stella job so far in completing 16/24. One is scheduled for tomorrow, ALL players from us and our opponents are Active so there's really no reason for any changes.

Will reassess the outstanding on Wednesday so in the meantime let's continue getting them played and winning as many points as possible.

Good Luck.

* FBL fixtures are also needed to be played but their Deadline is one week further away.

All's Good. (Message your opponents straight away let's get them arranged)

Cheers guys.
Posts: 38,097
15:12 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
so i actually encourage fixtures to be played early and your on my back lol. i'm trying to avoid deadline rush as each sunday i would have to stay online all day checking for opponents when i could be doing other things.

i've learned the later you sub the more chance the game won't be played so given you options now rather than when you ask for subs at the weekend.

your welcome
Posts: 14,736
15:23 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm asking you to relax, both teams players are active thanks for the alternatives but we'll keep to the original players till Wednesday at least.

Subs and Swaps I make nowadays are last resort unlike in the past I made to try and strengthen the lineups or give another player the opportunity to play due to a change of mind.

IF nothing has altered or updated from Wednesday then we can reassess them.

Okay with you?
Posts: 38,097
15:28 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm asking you to relax, both teams players are active thanks for the alternatives but we'll keep to the original players till Wednesday at least.

^ thats your choice, just gave option early its up to you and legend_pot when to use them.

Subs and Swaps I make nowadays are last resort unlike in the past I made to try and strengthen the lineups or give another player the opportunity to play due to a change of mind.

^ wouldn't ask you to sub out as its our fault in legend_pot game so i need to do what i can in week 3 as per guidelines to help him out. last resort subbing is what causes defaults so i'm trying to learn from that.
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15:42 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Had a lovely private message off some coward last night. Poor guy had to message me off an unknown account and deactivate it as soon as he'd sent the message.
Apparently he wasn't a fan of you, Ash and told me to do my "research" before I shouted my mouth off. He also called me a newbie. Now, if that "newbie" had done his "research" he'd have realised he was barking up the wrong tree by sending me a stupid message. I've been in the clan game probably longer than he's been on the site and I know what I'm talking about when I shout my mouth off.

I'll be honest, up until last year Ash and I never got on, for mainly the same reasons this idiot sent me in the message last night. The simple option would have been for me to sign for uprising start of this season but I wanted a challenge. So I gave Ash the benefit of the doubt and I've never regretted it since.

So when I say cut the bullsh, I mean, cut the bullsh.

Posts: 38,097
15:44 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Had a lovely private message off some coward last night. Poor guy had to message me off an unknown account and deactivate it as soon as he'd sent the message.
Apparently he wasn't a fan of you, Ash and told me to do my "research" before I shouted my mouth off. He also called me a newbie. Now, if that "newbie" had done his "research" he'd have realised he was barking up the wrong tree by sending me a stupid message. I've been in the clan game probably longer than he's been on the site and I know what I'm talking about when I shout my mouth off.

I'll be honest, up until last year Ash and I never got on, for mainly the same reasons this idiot sent me in the message last night. The simple option would have been for me to sign for uprising start of this season but I wanted a challenge. So I gave Ash the benefit of the doubt and I've never regretted it since.

So when I say cut the bullsh, I mean, cut the bullsh.

Probably ummagumma again mate, hes banned but admin can't stop him so keeps coming back and sends phony messages out to people. would take it with a pinch of salt pal
Posts: 14,736
16:02 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've been receiving them daily for a fair while now, new account. New messages then instant deactivations. You'd think with the amount of messages I get sent they'd like to be my penpal. I mean just ask...I can only say no lol.

Quite disturbing really how two of their accounts have been the exact name of the place I live too. Talk about stalking

Thanks for your post Jimmy, agreed we've clashed many times but I for one have no regrets signing you neither and am delighted to have you on this team.

One of the latest I got on my Birthday 2 days ago. Such a kindhearted & pleasant soul.

Edited at 14:35 Sun 14/02/16 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
16:40 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Revenge

_knightmare_ (CC)
friendyboy (CC)
joeyy (Vc)
_fresh_ (Vc)

Team: Please welcome the__priest. The past is the past we are acquiring a top player and one who can beat anyone on his day. So I'm very happy to have him back amongst us. Let's keep doing our talking on the tables.

Welcome Craig.
Posts: 14,736
17:41 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Result: apples_back (5) vs (2) hamburgerboy

8us: 2-0
9us: 1-2 (Runout for hamburgerboy)
8uk: 2-0

Cheers Sam for playing the match - that completes ALL the SL so now we can all have a nice relaxing day. Great win and well done to Dan for getting a runout too.
Posts: 14,736
17:44 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 1
Deadline: 14th February 2016

Phoenix Revenge A - COMPLETE

Phoenix Revenge A (15) Vs (10) FPD A - Complete
apples_back (3) vs (4) whocares8x8
_fresh_ (5) vs (1) scottyjr
shadows (4) vs (2) klien
rapid_pot (3) vs (3) crazy_greg (s)

Phoenix Revenge A (12) Vs (12) Uprising Originals - Complete
_fresh_ (3) vs (3) corsair
2pac786 (3) vs (3) miss_harriet
apples_back (4) vs (2) w_hoolahan
(s) rapid_pot (2) vs (4) clifton188

Phoenix Revenge A (18) Vs (6) Dragon Flame A - Complete
_knightmare_ (4) vs (2) red4eva (s)
rewill (6) vs (0) skidmarx (s)
apples_back (5) vs (1) poolbiird
(s) rapid_pot (3) vs (3) asdfghjk

Phoenix Revenge A (14) Vs (13) Phoenix Revenge B - Complete
apples_back (1) vs (7) legend_pot
_fresh_ (4) vs (3) joeyy
rapid_pot (3) vs (3) hunter (s)
2pac786 (6) vs (0) friendyboy

Phoenix Revenge A (16) Vs (9) Pocket Dynamos A - Complete
2pac786 (3) vs (3) _siber_man_
_fresh_ (4) vs (2) _takeiteasy_
(s) apples_back (5) vs (2) hamburgerboy (s)
rewill (4) vs (2) davyb0207
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:44 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks ash
Posts: 14,736
17:45 Sun 14 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Phoenix Revenge B - COMPLETE

Phoenix Revenge B (12) Vs (12) Uprising Strawberries - Complete
tinie_v17 1) vs (5) dv8
joeyy (5) vs (1) horse10000
legend_pot (3) vs (3) zantetsukenz
(s) hunter (3) vs (3) erigert (s)

Phoenix Revenge B (16) Vs (10) Dragon Flame B - Complete
tinie_v17 (6) vs (1) __start__
legend_pot (4) vs (2) dvz
hunter (4) vs (3) dgeneratio
joeyy (2) vs (4) i_am_noob

Phoenix Revenge B (13) Vs (11) Pocket Dynamos B - Complete
friendyboy (3) vs (3) scarlets2k15 (s)
hunter (2) vs (4) punkpoet
(s) (swp) legend_pot (5) vs (1) james_h
(swp) _gerardddd_ (3) vs (3) jasonb

Phoenix Revenge B (15) Vs (9) Black Scorpions B - Complete
_gerardddd_ (3) vs (3) scallo
joeyy (5) vs (1) sinkemall
hunter (3) vs (3) callaway40
friendyboy (4) vs (2) askingfan (s)

Phoenix Revenge A (14) Vs (13) Phoenix Revenge B - Complete
apples_back (1) vs (7) legend_pot
_fresh_ (4) vs (3) joeyy
rapid_pot (3) vs (3) hunter (s)
2pac786 (6) vs (0) friendyboy
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Phoenix Revenge - Resilient till the END!

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