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Phoenix Revenge - Resilient till the END!

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Posts: 14,736
12:47 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 1: 5/24 Complete

Phoenix Revenge (57) vs (63) Uprising

(swp) friendyboy (7) vs (8) cgibson92
_fresh_ (6) vs (9) w_hoolahan
rapid_pot (8) vs (7) miss_harriet
joeyy (6) vs (9) dv8
hunter (5) vs (10) clifton188
2pac786 (7) vs (8) r1p0m4n_v2
(swp) (s) rewill (7) vs (8) erigert
legend_pot (11) vs (4) fran_

Phoenix Revenge (50) vs (25) Pocket Dynamos 3/8 Remaining

(swp) hunter (9) vs (6) walktall
(s) friendyboy vs james_h
_fresh_ vs killer_504
(swp) joeyy (11) vs (4) _takeiteasy_
(swp) (s) rewill (8) vs (7) the__priest
legend_pot vs davy0207
(s) _gerardddd_ (9) vs (6) fastboysam
2pac786 (13) vs (2) hamburgerboy

Phoenix Revenge (56) vs (34) Black Scorpions 2/8 Remaining

(swp) legend_pot vs kingdadcool (s)
rapid_pot (13) vs (2) tonyc455
_fresh_ (10) vs (5) dark_chocco (s)
(swp) 2pac786 (8) vs (7) bigcjl2
friendyboy (8) vs (7) sinkemall
jamesmcgarry (9) vs (6) my2cjms
(s) joeyy vs _egotistical (s)
hunter (8) vs (7) askingfan

Deadline: 31/01/2016
Format: 5 x 8us, 9us and 8uk
Posts: 14,736
12:47 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 1:
Deadline: 07/02/2016

Phoenix Revenge A

Phoenix Revenge A (3) Vs (1) Uprising Originals
8us: shadows vs miss_harriet
9us: 2pac786 (1) vs (1) corsair (4-4)
8uk: _fresh_ vs w_hoolahan
Str: apples_back (2) vs (0) clifton188

Phoenix Revenge A (4) Vs (0) FPD's A

8us: jamesmcgarry vs scottyjr
9us: 2pac786 (2) vs (0) the__saint (5-2)
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) crazy_greg (5-1)
Str: apples_back vs whocares8x8

Phoenix Revenge A (4) Vs (0) Dragon Flame A
8us: rewill vs asdfghjk
9us: _knightmare_ (2) vs (0) poolbiird (5-3)
8uk: shadows vs northman
Str: rapid_pot (2) vs (0) cortez

Phoenix Revenge A (3) Vs (3) Black Scorpions A

8us: _fresh_ (1) vs (1) kingdadcool (4-4)
9us: jamesmcgarry vs bigcjl2
8uk: rewill (0) vs (2) _egotistical (2-6)
Str: apples_back (2) vs (0) dark_chocco

Phoenix Revenge A (3) Vs (1) Phoenix Revenge B
8us: rewill vs tinie_v17
9us: apples_back (2) vs (0) _gerardddd_ (7-1)
8uk: _fresh_ vs hunter
Str: rapid_pot (1) vs (1) legend_pot
Posts: 14,736
12:48 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Revenge B (4) Vs (2) FPD's B
8us: joeyy (1) vs (1) im_crap_adam (4-4)
9us: legend_pot (2) vs (0) kris (5-1)
8uk: andyw1 vs king8ball
Str: tinie_v17 (1) vs (1) lolumadbro

Phoenix Revenge B (3) Vs (3) Dragon Flame B
8us: tinie_v17 vs _start_
9us: _gerardddd_ (2) vs (0) i_am_noob (5-1)
8uk: hunter (0) vs (2) dgeneratio (2-5)
Str: legend_pot (1) vs (1) dvz

Phoenix Revenge B (2) Vs (2) Pocket Dynamos B

8us: friendyboy vs fastboysam
9us: _gerardddd_ (2) vs (0) james_h (6-2)
8uk: joeyy (0) vs (2) blueberry (3-5)
Str: andyw1 vs jasonb

Phoenix Revenge B Vs Black Scorpions B
8us: joeyy vs askingfan
9us: (swp) tinie_v17 vs sinkemall
8uk: andyw1 vs captain_a
Str: (swp) legend_pot vs _flukez_
Posts: 14,736
12:48 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 1
Deadline: 14th February 2016

Phoenix Revenge A

Phoenix Revenge A Vs FPD A
apples_back vs whocares8x8
_fresh_ vs scottyjr
shadows vs klien
rapid_pot vs crazy_greg (s)

Phoenix Revenge A (3) Vs (3) Uprising Originals
_fresh_ vs corsair
2pac786 (3) vs (3) miss_harriet
apples_back vs w_hoolahan
jamesmcgarry vs clifton188

Phoenix Revenge A Vs Dragon Flame A

_knightmare_ vs cortez
rewill vs northman
apples_back vs poolbiird
shadows vs asdfghjk

Phoenix Revenge A Vs Pocket Dynamos A
2pac786 vs _siber_man_
_fresh_ vs _takeiteasy_
jamesmcgarry vs the__priest
rewill vs davyb0207

Phoenix Revenge A Vs Phoenix Revenge B
apples_back vs legend_pot
_fresh_ vs joeyy
rapid_pot vs tinie_v17
2pac786 vs friendyboy
Posts: 14,736
12:49 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Revenge B

Phoenix Revenge B Vs Uprising Strawberries
tinie_v17 vs dv8
joeyy vs horse10000
legend_pot vs zantetsukenz
andyw1 vs strange_daze

Phoenix Revenge B (6) Vs (7) Dragon Flame B
tinie_v17 vs __start__
legend_pot vs dvz
hunter (4) vs (3) dgeneratio
joeyy (2) vs (4) i_am_noob

Phoenix Revenge B Vs Pocket Dynamos B
friendyboy vs walktall
hunter vs punkpoet
andyw1 vs james_h
legend_pot vs jasonb

Phoenix Revenge B (8) Vs (4) Black Scorpions B
_gerardddd_ (3) vs (3) scallo
joeyy (5) vs (1) sinkemall
hunter vs callaway40
friendyboy vs _flukez_

Phoenix Revenge A vs Phoenix Revenge B (Same as post above)

Edited at 12:29 Thu 28/01/16 (GMT)
Posts: 1,753
12:52 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
can you reverse the swap mate me and scallo have arranged to play between 11 and 12 today?
Posts: 14,736
12:53 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
can you reverse the swap mate me and scallo have arranged to play between 11 and 12 today?

Doing it you type lol. No worries mate.
Posts: 14,736
12:59 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Swap: Phoenix Revenge A Vs Dragon Flame A
Was: (8us) rewill vs asdfghjk & (8uk) shadows vs northman
Now: (8us) shadows vs asdfghjk & (8uk) rewill vs northman

* shadows and northman obviously cannot be online the same time and they have an SL Fix too so can play both.
Posts: 1,753
13:07 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 1,753
14:09 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League games vs scallo

8US = 1-1

9US = 1-1

8UK = 1-1

Overall = 3-3
Posts: 14,736
14:28 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good draw mate - main thing is the match got played and you didn't lose. Good result. Keeps the side ahead too overall
Posts: 1,753
14:35 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 1,029
15:49 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Absolutely fantastic results the last few days, well done and Thanks for getting them all sorted! I'm going to try and play fastboysam on Saturday afternoon and awaiting times from James for our fcl match.

Keep up the great work, and good luck in any fixtures today :)
Posts: 14,736
16:13 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Absolutely fantastic results the last few days, well done and Thanks for getting them all sorted! I'm going to try and play fastboysam on Saturday afternoon and awaiting times from James for our fcl match.

Keep up the great work, and good luck in any fixtures today :)

Good to see ya Alex mate...remembered your password ...hehe

I echo all you've said, good luck in your matches and hopefully you'll catch james_h sooooooooon.
Posts: 133
17:50 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Results

davy 7 - 8 legend_pot

8 ball: 3 - 2
9 ball: 1 - 4
8 ball uk: 3 - 2

8 ball: i was lucky to take the win, after Ryan had the 1st chance to make 3-2
9 ball: Ryan started with a run out and outplayed me. After 0-4 i could win a game
8 ball uk: Ryan started again with a run out, i made a run out too in the 4th game

I was not really ready for this match, but i didn't play bad at all.

Very good games. Some very nice shots from Ryan and a well deserved win. Very well done mate.
Posts: 14,736
17:53 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 1: 5/24 Complete

Phoenix Revenge (57) vs (63) Uprising

(swp) friendyboy (7) vs (8) cgibson92
_fresh_ (6) vs (9) w_hoolahan
rapid_pot (8) vs (7) miss_harriet
joeyy (6) vs (9) dv8
hunter (5) vs (10) clifton188
2pac786 (7) vs (8) r1p0m4n_v2
(swp) (s) rewill (7) vs (8) erigert
legend_pot (11) vs (4) fran_

Phoenix Revenge (58) vs (32) Pocket Dynamos 2/8 Remaining

(swp) hunter (9) vs (6) walktall
(s) friendyboy vs james_h
_fresh_ vs killer_504
(swp) joeyy (11) vs (4) _takeiteasy_
(swp) (s) rewill (8) vs (7) the__priest
legend_pot (8) vs (7) davy0207
(s) _gerardddd_ (9) vs (6) fastboysam
2pac786 (13) vs (2) hamburgerboy

Phoenix Revenge (56) vs (34) Black Scorpions 2/8 Remaining

(swp) legend_pot vs kingdadcool (s)
rapid_pot (13) vs (2) tonyc455
_fresh_ (10) vs (5) dark_chocco (s)
(swp) 2pac786 (8) vs (7) bigcjl2
friendyboy (8) vs (7) sinkemall
jamesmcgarry (9) vs (6) my2cjms
(s) joeyy vs _egotistical (s)
hunter (8) vs (7) askingfan

Deadline: 31/01/2016
Format: 5 x 8us, 9us and 8uk
Posts: 1,111
17:54 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Game

legend_pot 8 - 7 davyb0207

2 - 3 8 us
4 - 1 9 us (run out for me)
2 - 3 8 uk (run out for me and one for davy)

Had to be on my near top form here to get this result, i dont think he played a bad or wrong shot the entire match! 8 us, the first 2 frames I played my tactics spot on and i was rewarded, the next 2 saw davy play his tactical game perfectly as well, then in the last i was a bit ul not to finish on the black and i couldnt cut it thin enough and he took it from there. 9 us this is what won me the match, the spree of 4 quick frames in which i cleared from his break twice and made a run out myself, he took the last after a very nice combo shot off the 9 ball. 8 uk I took the first with possibly one of my best run outs so far in that type. We shared the next two, he won from some good tactical play in the one and he decided not to take the chance and play safe in the other, in which i cleared quite well, potting a black from off the cushion. He got a great run out the next frame potting a great black and i got ul in the last to give him two shots. He is some player when hes in that form, i possibly could have had a 9 - 6 maybe with that last 8 us frame but i think i did enough to win just about haha ggs mate v wp
Posts: 14,736
17:59 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great win Ryan mate vs an old friend and a TOP player in Davy - The match being mega close is no surprise, you're both quality. Well Done and I agree that 9us spree WOW - congratz on 2 runouts too. Another win for thee my mate.
Posts: 1,111
18:01 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks ash pretty happy with the win tbh hes already beat dvz in FCL so he must be doing something right haha
Posts: 14,736
18:15 Thu 28 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 1:
Deadline: 07/02/2016

Phoenix Revenge A

Phoenix Revenge A (5) Vs (1) Uprising Originals
8us: shadows (2) vs (0) miss_harriet (5-1)
9us: 2pac786 (1) vs (1) corsair (4-4)
8uk: _fresh_ vs w_hoolahan
Str: apples_back (2) vs (0) clifton188

Phoenix Revenge A (4) Vs (0) FPD's A

8us: jamesmcgarry vs scottyjr
9us: 2pac786 (2) vs (0) the__saint (5-2)
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) crazy_greg (5-1)
Str: apples_back vs whocares8x8

Phoenix Revenge A (4) Vs (0) Dragon Flame A
8us: rewill vs asdfghjk
9us: _knightmare_ (2) vs (0) poolbiird (5-3)
8uk: shadows vs northman
Str: rapid_pot (2) vs (0) cortez

Phoenix Revenge A (3) Vs (3) Black Scorpions A

8us: _fresh_ (1) vs (1) kingdadcool (4-4)
9us: jamesmcgarry vs bigcjl2
8uk: rewill (0) vs (2) _egotistical (2-6)
Str: apples_back (2) vs (0) dark_chocco

Phoenix Revenge A (3) Vs (1) Phoenix Revenge B
8us: rewill vs tinie_v17
9us: apples_back (2) vs (0) _gerardddd_ (7-1)
8uk: _fresh_ vs hunter
Str: rapid_pot (1) vs (1) legend_pot

Edited at 17:25 Thu 28/01/16 (GMT)
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Phoenix Revenge - Resilient till the END!

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