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16:04 Tue 22 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Round 1:
Match 1: blackcabman7 (DQ) vs (BYE) fr34k_p0t
Match 2: re_rack_jack (4) vs (5) friendyboy

Rest have a bye

Quarter Finals:

Match 3: vixen_xox (4) vs (5) fr34k_p0t
Match 4: blueberry (2) vs (8) punkpoet
Match 5: the__saint vs friendyboy
Match 6: dgeneratio (0) vs (8) _knightmare_

Semi Finals:

Match 7: fr34k_p0t vs punkpoet
Match 8: the__saint/friendyboy (8)vs (0) _knightmare_

Loser Braket.

Match 9: lolumadbro(BYE) vs (DQ) blackcabman7
Match 10: blueberry (2) vs (8) re_rack_jack

Loser's round 2:

Match 11: Loser of Match 5 vs lolumadbro
Match 12: vixen_xox vs re_rack_jack

Loser's round 3:

Match 13: _knightmare_ vs Winner of Match 11
Match 14: Loser of match 7 vs Winner of Match 12

Loser's Play Off:

Match 15: Winner of Match 13 vs WInner of Match 14

Winners Play off:

Match 16: Winner of Match 7 vs Winner of Match 8

Loser Bracket Final:

Match 17: Winner of Match 15 vs Loser of Match 16.


Match 18 Winner of Match 16 vs Winner of Match 17
Match 19: (If Winner of match 16 loses) there will be another set which will mean a replay of Match 18)

Winner will be overall of either Match 18/19 (if necessary)
Posts: 2,327
04:02 Wed 23 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
vixen_xox 5 vs 5 friendyboy

I missed a black here to 7ball which I didn't think went but it actually did!

he won 2-0 in 9ball where he played awesome

and in 8UK
I missed a sitter here to go 6-4 but we both had our run of good and bad luck so 5-5 was about as equal as it was gonna get.

vggs sweetie

Posts: 19,819
01:11 Thu 24 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
John I beat you in the cup
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:24 Thu 24 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Round 1:
Match 1: blackcabman7 (DQ) vs (BYE) fr34k_p0t
Match 2: re_rack_jack (4) vs (5) friendyboy

Rest have a bye

Quarter Finals:

Match 3: vixen_xox (4) vs (5) fr34k_p0t
Match 4: blueberry (2) vs (8) punkpoet
Match 5: the__saint vs friendyboy
Match 6: dgeneratio (0) vs (8) _knightmare_

Semi Finals:

Match 7: fr34k_p0t (3) vs (5) punkpoet
Match 8: the__saint/friendyboy (8)vs (0) _knightmare_

Loser Braket.

Match 9: lolumadbro(BYE) vs (DQ) blackcabman7
Match 10: blueberry (2) vs (8) re_rack_jack

Loser's round 2:

Match 11: Loser of Match 5 vs lolumadbro
Match 12: vixen_xox vs re_rack_jack

Loser's round 3:

Match 13: _knightmare_ vs Winner of Match 11
Match 14: ft34k_p0t vs Winner of Match 12

Loser's Play Off:

Match 15: Winner of Match 13 vs WInner of Match 14

Winners Play off:

Match 16: punkpoet vs Winner of Match 8

Loser Bracket Final:

Match 17: Winner of Match 15 vs Loser of Match 16.


Match 18 Winner of Match 16 vs Winner of Match 17
Match 19: (If Winner of match 16 loses) there will be another set which will mean a replay of Match 18)

Winner will be overall of either Match 18/19 (if necessary)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:38 Fri 1 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I played Vixen the last night sorry forgot to post!

re_rack_jack vs vixen

3-1 8us me
2-0 9us me
2-2 8uk tie

7-3 me overall
Posts: 19,819
21:30 Fri 1 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
just an update saint gave me 3 or 4 times, i struggled first 3 but was on for the last one where she no showed, she is offline 9 days, but i think she plays at the library? If so I'm guessing it has been closed so hoping to catch her next week.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:19 Sat 2 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Finally caught up with Zac although my fault was away anyway 5-5 tbh we both had gl but Zac was really ul on occasions ;

8us 2-2
9us 1-1
8uk 2-2
Posts: 19,819
17:20 Sat 2 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
punkpoet 5 v 5 the__saint

Caught her, it was really who made the most errors and luckily we made the same amount of errors lol.
She was rusty and I didnt feel too well so well, were some good bits but the finish's were one of us messing up lol.
Deleted User
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00:04 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
will update everything , been busy over the Christmas
Deleted User
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11:10 Wed 13 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Let's get back to playing pool guys
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