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_fresh_'s Mosconi Cup

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Posts: 871
14:05 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok guys, thank you for all completed games up until now.
Everyone's shown good support to this event.

We still have a few outstanding fixtures from fixture set 1
These will simply be carried over (please message opponent and try and complete these matches before focusing on fixture set 2)

Everyone will have 2 more fixtures to complete within a 2 week deadline.

friendyboy has 5 in total as he has been away, but I have every faith he will complete games this week and next week.

the__saint and legend_pot have a remaining fixture
myself and thegame26 have a remaining fixture

All other remaining fixtures will be released shortly

Posts: 871
14:14 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Outstanding fixtures : (9 ball - first to 5)

Semi Final #1 USA v UK
the__saint v legend_pot
friendyboy v buckjam
friendyboy v fran_
friendyboy v tinie_v17

Semi Final #2 EUR v ROW
_fresh_ v thegame26
Posts: 871
14:34 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  


Semi-Final #1 - Fixture set 2 (first to 5 racks each match, NO BONUSES)

USA (5 1/2) v (5 1/2) UK (first team to 13 points wins)

kris v clifton188
_knightmare_ v _siber_man_
the__saint v friendyboy
tinie_v17 v re_rack_jack
fran_ v legend_pot

kris v _siber_man_
_knightmare_ v friendyboy
the__saint v re_rack_jack
tinie_v17 v legend_pot
fran_ v clifton188

Remember guys, the highest scoring loser qualifies for the final so ALL fixtures must be completed before we can move on to the final!

Good luck

Deadline : Midnight Sunday 13/12/15
Posts: 871
14:44 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  


Semi-Final #2 - Fixture set 2 (first to 5 racks each match, NO BONUSES)

EUR (5) v (9) ROW (first team to 13 points wins)

hunter v dgeneratio
fr34k_p0t v 2pac786
lolumadbro v thegame26
dvz v erigert
_fresh_ v blueberry

hunter v 2pac786
fr34k_p0t v thegame26
lolumadbro v erigert
dvz v blueberry
_fresh_ v dgeneratio

Remember guys, the highest scoring loser qualifies for the final so ALL fixtures must be completed before we can move on to the final!

Good luck

Deadline : Midnight Sunday 13/12/15
Posts: 6,417
16:26 Tue 1 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
erigert (5) - (4) lolumadbro

1 runout each.

The level of play wasnt bad from both sides. THey were some enjoyable frames, and i must say i rarely enjoy 9ball lol. Ggs fuunky
Posts: 871
17:19 Tue 1 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Semi-Final #2 - Fixture set 2 (first to 5 racks each match, NO BONUSES)

EUR (5) v (10) ROW (first team to 13 points wins)

hunter v dgeneratio
fr34k_p0t v 2pac786
lolumadbro v thegame26
dvz v erigert
_fresh_ v blueberry

hunter v 2pac786
fr34k_p0t v thegame26
lolumadbro (4) v (5) erigert
dvz v blueberry
_fresh_ v dgeneratio

Remember guys, the highest scoring loser qualifies for the final so ALL fixtures must be completed before we can move on to the final!

Good luck

Deadline : Midnight Sunday 13/12/15
Posts: 38,097
17:25 Tue 1 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice work lads
Posts: 871
17:31 Tue 1 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
All Over bar the shouting
Posts: 247
21:49 Tue 1 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
tinie_v17 (5) - (4) re_rack_jack

Valiant effort from him at 4-1 down pulling it back to 4-4 and the decider could have gone either way but I got the stroke of luck.

Good games mate.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:51 Tue 1 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
tinie_v17 (5) - (4) re_rack_jack

Valiant effort from him at 4-1 down pulling it back to 4-4 and the decider could have gone either way but I got the stroke of luck.

Good games mate.

Thanks mate well played !
Posts: 871
22:36 Tue 1 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Semi-Final #1 - Fixture set 2 (first to 5 racks each match, NO BONUSES)

USA (6 1/2) v (5 1/2) UK (first team to 13 points wins)

kris v clifton188
_knightmare_ v _siber_man_
the__saint v friendyboy
tinie_v17 (5) v (4) re_rack_jack
fran_ v legend_pot

kris v _siber_man_
_knightmare_ v friendyboy
the__saint v re_rack_jack
tinie_v17 v legend_pot
fran_ v clifton188

Remember guys, the highest scoring loser qualifies for the final so ALL fixtures must be completed before we can move on to the final!

Good luck

Deadline : Midnight Sunday 13/12/15
Posts: 247
21:47 Wed 2 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
tinie_v17 (5) - (0) friendyboy

No luck for him here.

Good games mate.
Posts: 6,417
21:53 Wed 2 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
erigert (5) - (4) dvz

He was unlucky or he could have won it. ggs Dave
Posts: 871
22:14 Wed 2 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers for getting results done guys
Posts: 871
22:15 Wed 2 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Semi-Final #1 - Fixture set 2 (first to 5 racks each match, NO BONUSES)

USA (7 1/2) v (5 1/2) UK (first team to 13 points wins)

kris v clifton188
_knightmare_ v _siber_man_
the__saint v friendyboy
tinie_v17 (5) v (4) re_rack_jack
fran_ v legend_pot

kris v _siber_man_
_knightmare_ v friendyboy
the__saint v re_rack_jack
tinie_v17 v legend_pot
fran_ v clifton188

Remember guys, the highest scoring loser qualifies for the final so ALL fixtures must be completed before we can move on to the final!

Good luck

Deadline : Midnight Sunday 13/12/15
Posts: 871
22:16 Wed 2 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Semi-Final #2 - Fixture set 2 (first to 5 racks each match, NO BONUSES)

EUR (6) v (11) ROW (first team to 13 points wins)

hunter v dgeneratio
fr34k_p0t v 2pac786
lolumadbro v thegame26
dvz (4) v (5) erigert
_fresh_ v blueberry

hunter v 2pac786
fr34k_p0t v thegame26
lolumadbro (4) v (5) erigert
dvz v blueberry
_fresh_ v dgeneratio

Remember guys, the highest scoring loser qualifies for the final so ALL fixtures must be completed before we can move on to the final!

Good luck

Deadline : Midnight Sunday 13/12/15

Edited at 21:02 Wed 02/12/15 (GMT)
Posts: 871
22:19 Wed 2 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Outstanding fixtures from SET 1 (9 ball - first to 5)

Semi Final #1 USA v UK
the__saint v legend_pot
friendyboy v buckjam
friendyboy v fran_

Edited at 21:02 Wed 02/12/15 (GMT)
Posts: 3,359
22:58 Wed 2 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Note to self*

dont play _fresh_ after 5 days off lol

lost 5-1 messed up at least 2 easy clears did manage a runout tho

ggs mate
Posts: 871
22:59 Wed 2 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
_fresh_ 5-1 thegame26

richie is a class act, so i think someone has pinched his laptop as he wasnt there tonight.
I played as well as i needed to and didnt miss anything but he missed a few key pots and had some bad luck at times, which made it easier for me.

Probably an irrelevant game anyway

ul pal ggs cheers for getting this one done
Posts: 871
23:00 Wed 2 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lovely runout pal, next time i know it will be a tougher test
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_fresh_'s Mosconi Cup

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