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_fresh_'s Mosconi Cup

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01:05 Thu 14 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
fran v blueberry

5-0 fran

2pac helped me get going with a session we had..colin had no luck at all..ul pal
Posts: 871
01:19 Thu 14 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
MOSCONI CUP FINAL (Best of 36, First to 19, 9 ball first to 5 racks)

USA (5) v (2) ROW


buckjam (5) v (4) dgeneratio
_knightmare_ v 2pac786
the__saint v thegame26
tinie_v17 v erigert
fran_ (5) v (0) blueberry
clifton188 (5) v (2) dvz

buckjam v 2pac786
_knightmare_ v thegame26
the__saint (4) v (5) erigert
tinie_v17 v blueberry
fran_ v dvz
clifton188 (5) v (2) dgeneratio

buckjam (5) v (4) thegame26
_knightmare_v erigert
the__saint v blueberry
tinie_v17 v dvz
fran_ (3) v (5) dgeneratio
clifton188 v 2pac786

Please add your opponents as friends and complete all 3 Fixture set 1 games ASAP.
Format is the same as the semi finals, first to 5 racks of 9 ball, 20 second friendly games.
Good luck and have fun!

Deadline : Midnight Sunday 24/01/16
Posts: 6,417
00:05 Sat 16 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Seems that my game against knightmare will have to go to default. He refused to play in the first week, and now in the second week he doesnt have a specific time when he can be on. Sorry but i cant be on 24 hours to please him when he wants to play, ive done my part.
Posts: 14,736
00:11 Sat 16 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
We have until 24th January do we not?
I have replied to every message you have sent - now it feels like I'm being nagged and harassed in to playing you just when it suits you. Unfortunately i do have other commitments and they will continue to come first - IF you cutting your nose off to spite your face is the sensible and mature way to go about it then fine so be it.

I've stated I'll be more available over the weekend, take it or leave it!
Posts: 14,736
00:32 Sat 16 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Playing thegame26 on Mon 18th Jan - 9/9:30pm
Hopefully playing 2pac786 on Sunday evening as he has his final exam tomorrow for Uni so I've tried not to nag him whilst he prepares for it.

So Mr Erigert: There's 2 opportunities and times I'll be on - sorry cannot be anymore specific but they'll do.
Posts: 6,417
00:35 Sat 16 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
while u waste 40 minutes posting and messaging it would have been better to get on and get the game played. And i wont be dictated from you, u also know my times so if u want to get the game played just be on while i am.
Posts: 14,736
00:46 Sat 16 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
You haven't given me any times, just said log on now....I have stated I'll be playing over the weekend, not tonight even if i could.
Posts: 6,417
00:48 Sat 16 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
u also said u didnt want to play in the first week.

i thought u had other commitments, why are u still here?
Posts: 6,417
00:49 Sat 16 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
and im available every day during 1-4 pm. Now u cant say that u dont know it
Posts: 14,736
01:05 Sat 16 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I cannot play during the day at all - I'll be playing from Sunday evening for these fixtures, not before now.

My other 2 opponents have been very patient, I have respected 2pac786's exam schedule and appreciate Rich is unavailable to play on Sunday evening too due to his partners birthday.

So kindly take a leaf from their book and I'll see ya from Sunday evening onwards. You say you can only play between 1-4pm every day - since when? You play matches all day and every day usually.

Final post on this from me.
Posts: 6,417
09:28 Sat 16 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I play matches during all day? Since when?
Posts: 6,417
08:50 Mon 18 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Knightmare failed to be on even at the only time he said he would be on 9-9:30 pm yesterday. So now, either he plays on my times or otherwise i ask for a default score. Thanks
Posts: 14,736
11:40 Mon 18 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah my apologies I couldn't make it unfortunately I wasn't very well and two I got delayed with my parents for one reason or another. I won't go into any detail as frankly it's no one else's business (my real friends are aware though) plus this is an online game. We play on here for fun, being constantly nagged and harassed into playing a match doesn't exactly encourage my spirits to play neither.

I'll be online tonight so hopefully so will some of my opponents. I am unavailable during the day, be online after 9pm.
Posts: 6,417
11:44 Mon 18 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
well not my faault u cant be on during the day. i managed to be on two consecutive days after 9 pm and u still didnt show.
Posts: 14,736
16:22 Mon 18 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Give yourself a gold star...bravo!!!
You're such an inspiration lol
Posts: 38,097
16:34 Mon 18 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
If it is out of eris comfort zone then he should be given a gold star or a medal being here when its inconvenient for him but if you came on during the day (already said you can't) when its inconvenient for you then you should be given a medal.

If i read it right its about two people whos time don't match, a swap in this case may be beneficial but not sure if Fresh will allow it.

If eri has been on after 9 (twice) when its inconvenient then i give him credit. You guys need to stop taking this seriously though and talk in private or something.
Posts: 14,736
16:49 Mon 18 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not saying any more - going around in circles. I've apologised for not being available last evening, personal reasons and developments occurred and they took priority over an online fun game. I will be online this evening - I do appreciate all his efforts and messages just wish some didn't appear to be categorised as nagging/harassing.

Thanks and I'll see you later...hopefully you can make it a third time after 9pm.

Much appreciated.
Posts: 3,072
21:49 Mon 18 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
dvz - fran

was gd to play fran after he not been on alot n enjoyed these alot, was both getting good n bad lk as 9 ball would expect was jst ul to not finish off last frame with a clear, ggs wp as always m8 :)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:55 Mon 18 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes dave was enjoyable games pal, was an up and down game for both

well done pal.
Posts: 871
01:34 Tue 19 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
MOSCONI CUP FINAL (Best of 36, First to 19, 9 ball first to 5 racks)

USA (5) v (3) ROW


buckjam (5) v (4) dgeneratio
_knightmare_ v 2pac786
the__saint v thegame26
tinie_v17 v erigert
fran_ (5) v (0) blueberry
clifton188 (5) v (2) dvz

buckjam v 2pac786
_knightmare_ v thegame26
the__saint (4) v (5) erigert
tinie_v17 v blueberry
fran_ (4) v (5) dvz
clifton188 (5) v (2) dgeneratio

buckjam (5) v (4) thegame26
_knightmare_v erigert
the__saint v blueberry
tinie_v17 v dvz
fran_ (3) v (5) dgeneratio
clifton188 v 2pac786

Please add your opponents as friends and complete all 3 Fixture set 1 games ASAP.
Format is the same as the semi finals, first to 5 racks of 9 ball, 20 second friendly games.
Good luck and have fun!

Deadline : Midnight Sunday 24/01/16
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_fresh_'s Mosconi Cup

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