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Pocket Dynamos Chapter 11

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Posts: 7,974
19:45 Sat 23 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
So he has to wait till after the football when it's not a suitable time for him..nah - you've had 2 weeks to get the match played let alone arranged. Connor asked me last evening via FB for an active player...I did exactly that.

Both players were content to play the match whilst online so your grievances mean diddly squat. Ang (poolbiird) has been in contact with andyw1 and he states he'll be online Sunday - so there's a little arrangement for you.

The main issue is/was only 1 fixture has been played between both sides, myself and fastboysam are arranged were due to play last evening but that became not possible (his end). So cut your whining and just accept a swap was requested got done.

he was asked to, he wasn't even online the minute I went he logged on really ???????/
ive waited 13 days
is that acceptable ??????????
Posts: 7,974
19:50 Sat 23 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi we have an FCL game to play
Online the__priest I am available most weekends
with a time
and any evening between 4pm to 9pm
let me know how ur fixed
Sent 13 days ago

joeyy joeyy yeah thats fine mate give me a few days to get back into it cos not played pool since season finished
Sent 12 days ago

Online the__priest any ideas when you may want to play this game
I noticed you hadn't played any games
as yet
there is plenty of time, but an indication would be helpful
Sent 10 days ago

joeyy joeyy now snooker has finished i can come on here more
Sent 9 days ago

Online the__priest any ideas
when we can get this game played
Sent 3 days ago

Online the__priest sorry to be a broken record
but any chance of a reply
takes 2 ppl to sort a game
Sent 2 days ago

joeyy joeyy yeah sorry possibly tomorrow or during the day saturday
Sent 2 days ago

I need to try and arrange a game
read your players messages

there is one player who tried to play this game
Posts: 7,974
19:54 Sat 23 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
andyw1 and he states he'll be online Sunday - so there's a little arrangement for you.

an arrangement

so I will sit around all day sunday
waiting for some one to log on

really, when I have a response to my message about an approx. time, then the game will be played
I wont be sat around waiting on anyone to suit you

and andy has also been off line

Offline since
11 days ago
Posts: 14,736
20:02 Sat 23 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 7,125
Online a day ago
talking to all 3 in my games
joeey is a prob, atm see what happens

strange daze hoping for the weekend
but has asked stu that he may need subbing
ferretlady tomorrow or sunday

will keep you up to date in all games


* Not a prob any more, correct we'll see what got played. IF I had known about the consistent discussions then I may not have made the swap but you clearly stated 'joeyy is a prob'. I do not have telekinesis powers and can only act on what i read.

That still doesn't deflect from the fact another team mate of yours requested a swap. I was helping out your player and ultimately both teams with getting another fixture completed.

IF that's wrong...then send me to HELL.
Posts: 7,974
20:10 Sat 23 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
* Not a prob any more, correct we'll see what got played. IF I had known about the consistent discussions then I may not have made the swap but you clearly stated 'joeyy is a prob'. I do not have telekinesis powers and can only act on what i read.

That still doesn't deflect from the fact another team mate of yours requested a swap. I was helping out your player and ultimately both teams with getting another fixture completed.

IF that's wrong...then send me to HELL.

no Ash read your posts above where you slated me
and posted untruths
maybe think before you post

also I thought captains would talk and agree these things, its called co-operation

but hey, give me one inactive player for another

end of this conversation, its this crap that makes people leave clans been messed around then been slated for trying to sort games

Zac take me out of this fixture please I will have a think this evening, then maybe I will leave clan pool once and for all
this guy is killing clan pool, I want nothing to do with it
its season after season same person same situations over and over

and not even an apology
Posts: 14,736
21:14 Sat 23 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Final post from me on this sorry punkpoet and team: What have I got to apologise for? Getting a fixture played?

Slated you? Where?
punkpoet unfortunately wasn't online at the time or I would have messaged him but both players were content with the suggestion I made.

I have zilch to apologise for, I have already stated had I known or been aware of your discussions then the swap possibly wouldn't have been made. Fact is it has been and a match played.

Anything else is none of my concern apart from if you need to be removed from the fixture then in order to move on we'll require a replacement asap.

Posts: 19,819
21:19 Sat 23 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

No more on this.
Lets cool down on this game for now okay.
Revisit it another time, though I won't be subbing Craig out as he has as showed above tried to get this game played.
Posts: 19,819
21:33 Sat 23 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Pocket Dynamos 58 v 32 Dragon Flame Eminence
_siber_man_ 11 v 4 asdfghjk
walktall v thegreatone7
the__priest 14 v 1 g_h_o_s_t
_takeiteasy_ v vixen_xox
punkpoet 7 v 8 northman
davyb0207 11 v 4 dvz
killer_504 7 v 8 red4eva
james_h 8 v 7 skidmarx

Uprising 53 v 22 Pocket Dynamos
ritcho 8 v 7 fastboysam
graftonspile 10 v 5 punkpoet
fran_ v davyb0207
horse10000 11 v 4 ang3l
zantetsukenz 12 v 3 hamburgerboy
strange_daze v the__priest
thegame26 v walktall
cgibson92 12 v 3 _siber_man_

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
31st jan

Good luck all ...

Edited at 19:37 Sat 23/01/16 (GMT)
Posts: 19,819
21:34 Sat 23 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Phoenix Revenge 24 v 6 Pocket Dynamos
rewill v scarlets2k15
jamesmcgarry v james_h
_fresh_ v killer_504
joeyy 11 v 4 _takeiteasy_
andyw1 v the__priest
legend_pot v davyb0207
_knightmare_ v fastboysam
2pac786 13 v 2 hamburgerboy

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
31st jan
Good luck all..
Posts: 19,819
21:34 Sat 23 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 1

Pocket Dynamos A 3 v 1 Black Scorpions B
8 US hamburgerboy v captain_a
9 US davyb0207 v sinkemall
8 UK the__priest 4 v 4 askingfan
STR _siber_man_ 2 v 0 _flukez_

Pocket Dynamos A 2 v 0 Dragon Flame Eminence B
8 US killer_504 v __start__
9 US _siber_man_ 5 v 3 i_am_noob
8 UK _takeiteasy_ v lateo1993
STR davyb0207 v dvz

Pocket Dynamos A 0 v 2 Funky Pool Devils C
8 US davyb0207 v ric_flair
9 US hambugerboy 3 v 5 watchinawe
8 UK the__priest v ferretlady
STR marksmith v buckjam

8 racks of either 8b 9b 8buk, or 2 racks of str8
7th Feb
Posts: 19,819
21:36 Sat 23 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 1

Phoenix Revenge B 2 v 0 Pocket Dynamos B
8 US friendyboy v fastboysam
9 US gerarrdddd 6 v 2 james_h
8 UK joeyy v blueberry
STR andyw1 v jasonb

Black Scorpions A 2 v 2 Pocket Dynamos B
8 US dark_chocco v james_h
9 US tonyc455 2 v 5 punkpoet
8 UK _egotistica 6 v 2 blueberry
STR kingdadcool v fastboysam

Uprising Strawberry Goats 3 v 1 Pocket Dynamos B
8 US strange_daze v walktall
9 US thegame26 v scarlets2k15
8 UK graftonspile 5 v 1 ang3l
STR erigert 1 v 1 punkpoet
8 racks of either 8b 9b 8buk, or 2 racks of str8
7th Feb
Posts: 19,819
21:36 Sat 23 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fixture set 1
The Derby
Pocket Dynamos A 2 v 0 Pocket Dynamos B
8 US killer_504 v walktall
9 US _takeiteasy_ v scarlets2k15
8 UK the__priest 5 v 0 ang3l
STR marksmith v punkpoet

8 racks of either 8b 9b 8buk, or 2 racks of str8
7th Feb
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:16 Sun 24 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
afternoon all played dark_chocco in 8 frames of 8us what a cracking player fair play I had a bit of mis fortune after having some good performance on here all day however hes a very good player good luck in rest of season mate

over all me (2) dark_chocco (6)

he gave me a fantastic 7 ballering in the 7th frame wd mate
Posts: 7,974
16:31 Sun 24 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
ul James
chocco is a class player m8
on his day in the top on this site
Posts: 19,819
21:31 Sun 24 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
afternoon all played dark_chocco in 8 frames of 8us what a cracking player fair play I had a bit of mis fortune after having some good performance on here all day however hes a very good player good luck in rest of season mate

over all me (2) dark_chocco (6)

he gave me a fantastic 7 ballering in the 7th frame wd mate

very good player, ul pal
Posts: 13,570
21:48 Sun 24 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
How's my fave Pockamo's???
Posts: 19,819
23:03 Sun 24 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
How's my fave Pockamo's???

We is good how is the Irish wonder? lol
Posts: 13,570
00:38 Mon 25 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
How's my fave Pockamo's???

We is good how is the Irish wonder? lol

Still wondering lol xxx
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:01 Mon 25 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
won the funkypool 8uk world championship 2015 even though its 2016 lol,,,,dedi to red4eva for a sporting oppo,,pds,and zak for falling asleep in the room and missing me whitewash my oppo lol
Posts: 14,736
01:19 Mon 25 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Top quality result mate - WD

FCL vs Pocket Dynamos
Was: andyw1 vs the__priest
Now: hunter vs the__priest
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Pocket Dynamos Chapter 11

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