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Pocket Dynamos Chapter 11

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Posts: 19,819
17:05 Sat 9 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unsure why some teams have more than 16?
I mean if we can have more id add hippy
Posts: 8,315
18:26 Sat 9 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unsure why some teams have more than 16?
I mean if we can have more id add hippy

Well goes for all if thats true add him or more lol..
Posts: 8,315
18:27 Sat 9 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good afternoon all.
Posts: 8,315
18:30 Sat 9 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
horse10000 .. FCL Season 27

I have drawn the season schedule and it can be found here:-

FBL Season 15

I have drawn the season schedule and it can be found here:-

Super League Season X

I have drawn the season schedule and it can be found here:-

Please make sure that you check full list of games in FBL and SL for submitting team sheets as all games between clans are happening in the first set.

Also can all captains please check their own team lists here:-

Any errors in players names etc. please advise asap

I require team lists in from all teams for the first set of FCL fixtures by Sunday night 10/01/16.
Posts: 13,570
21:33 Sat 9 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good Luck Pockamo's xxx
Posts: 4,231
01:59 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
all the best in the upcoming season!
Posts: 9,926
02:16 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Season 27 is launched...

Fixture Set 1 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 31st January 2016

Good luck to all
Posts: 2,327
02:54 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Very good luck guys, have a great season.
Posts: 19,819
03:13 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks folks gl to all teams this season, and gl to us pds :).
Posts: 19,819
03:16 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 Dragon Flame Eminence
_siber_man_ v asdfghjk
_takeiteasy_ v thegreatone7
the__priest v g_h_o_s_t
walktall v vixen_xox
punkpoet v northman
davyb0207 v dvz
killer_504 v red4eva
james_h v skidmarx

Uprising 0 v 0 Pocket Dynamos
ritcho v fastboysam
graftonspile v punkpoet
thegame26 v davyb0207
horse10000 v ang3l
zantetsukenz v hamburgerboy
strange_daze v the__priest
fran_ v walktall
cgibson92 v _siber_man_

Phoenix Revenge 0 v 0 Pocket Dynamos
rewill v scarlets2k15
jamesmcgarry v james_h
_fresh_ v killer_504
andyw1 v _takeiteasy_
joeyy v the__priest
legend_pot v davyb0207
_knightmare_ v fastboysam
2pac786 v hamburgerboy

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
31st jan

Will link and send messages tomorrow, good luck folks !!!
Posts: 8,315
12:33 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good Luck all ...
clan message sent..

Good morning ..

Edited at 10:39 Sun 10/01/16 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:24 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
11:22 Sun 10/01/16 Won the 8 Ball Billiards Tournament, winning 28 TournaPoints!

I know I was straight in the final but not bad considering I have been off for a month lmao..... up the dynamo's... missed y'all
Posts: 19,819
14:36 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
11:22 Sun 10/01/16 Won the 8 Ball Billiards Tournament, winning 28 TournaPoints!

I know I was straight in the final but not bad considering I have been off for a month lmao..... up the dynamo's... missed y'all

We thought you had died lol
Posts: 7,974
17:09 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
update FCL

all 3 players have been messaged

joeyy ( offline 10 days )
Posts: 14,736
17:13 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Craig, he's been offline 5 days on snooker so I'm sure you'll catch him within 20/21 days.

Failing that - I'll sub him out the beginning of week 3 - hope that's okay.
Posts: 19,819
17:55 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well under the beleif you cant do subs till week 3 that will have to do
Posts: 14,736
17:57 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's a shame subs cannot be made IF both Captains agree to them tbh. IF no agreement then the 3rd week rule comes to effect.
Posts: 19,819
18:31 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ive said that before ash, but keith runs it how he runs it...
Posts: 9,926
18:57 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
It is not a shame at all as the rule works perfectly. Ash you have chosen to pick an inactive players as opposed to one of your players who is active. If craig sends messages and is active for the 2 weeks before the subs are allowed and your player remains inactive. It is up to Phoenix to find an active sub that match craigs times / availability in week 3. Pocket Dynamos should not feel pressured into subbing Craig out in week 3 or worse still deadline day to get game completed and if the game went to default Phoenix would rightfully be punished for fielding an inactive player but this can be countered in week 3, if Phoenix have offered lots of times / players to be available to get game played against the active player and he either refuses or doesn't turn up or makes himself unavailable for whatever reason. But if Phoenix leave it hoping the inactive player returns in week 3 they would only have themselves to blame for not doing everything possible to get game played with a sub.
Posts: 7,297
19:06 Sun 10 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
It is not a shame at all as the rule works perfectly. Ash you have chosen to pick an inactive players as opposed to one of your players who is active. If craig sends messages and is active for the 2 weeks before the subs are allowed and your player remains inactive. It is up to Phoenix to find an active sub that match craigs times / availability in week 3. Pocket Dynamos should not feel pressured into subbing Craig out in week 3 or worse still deadline day to get game completed and if the game went to default Phoenix would rightfully be punished for fielding an inactive player but this can be countered in week 3, if Phoenix have offered lots of times / players to be available to get game played against the active player and he either refuses or doesn't turn up or makes himself unavailable for whatever reason. But if Phoenix leave it hoping the inactive player returns in week 3 they would only have themselves to blame for not doing everything possible to get game played with a sub.

Example : jamesmcgarry (25days offline )
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Pocket Dynamos Chapter 11

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