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Black Scorpions - Ready to Attack

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Posts: 7,297
10:06 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Won the Straight Pool Speed Tournament, winning 112 TournaPoints!

Won the 9 Ball Marathon Tournament, winning 224 TournaPoints!

Back to back tournaments, also putting me #2 on the 9ball leaderboard for ranking. Dedicated to you guys!

Well done matey ! Cheers for dedication :)
Posts: 2,327
10:17 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I subbed in vs kingdadcool since phil was banned, and swapped with noob as psycho is gone and you refuse to remove him and noob can't meet his times. How on earth is an original fixture not counting?
Posts: 2,327
10:20 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
mikee was telling jack to pm and play tony, or did that only count if tony won?
Posts: 2,327
10:30 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Rather than being a pair of idiots you should accept the fact that you are keeping in a player who has deacted and won't be back, and I am trying to work around that because you refuse to remove him.
Posts: 2,327
10:31 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Void the game if it makes you feel better, noob can play tony.
Posts: 38,097
12:21 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
tonyc455 (7) vs re_rack_jack (8)

Some funny games here but he got me in the end

Lucky I wasnt 7balled more than once LOL

GGS man

sorry guys but this result wont count as dragons swapped this fixture , i did post fixtures upbove .

Sorry "Nuts" but it was your "Vice" who asked to play, sure sub wasn't done right away but a sub can be done before, during or after a fixture so result should stand even if the sub was posted late. If not then fair enough, Dee can just reswap and game could be replayed but why bother when it is played already?

If Keith decides to replay then thats fair enough but leagues are suppose to be fun and it hasn't already and only in the first set. Last few seasons it has been far from fun for me and i really want that to change. Objective is to play the games though and one was played last night.
Deleted User
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13:45 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Do we have room to add tonyc45 to dragons team ? Just want wondering Dee Dee ..
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13:45 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ooops wrong thread sorry
Posts: 1,986
13:49 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Rather than being a pair of idiots you should accept the fact that you are keeping in a player who has deacted and won't be back, and I am trying to work around that because you refuse to remove him.

Be carefull who you call a idiot Dee as you lied about talking to Huts about making the swap.I in fact did ask was Huts aware of this swap.But yes I had agreed to let it get played after you lied to me..So you can knock off the idiot crap.I have tried to get along with you on this matter.But I'm not the Captain.Plus neither one f us ever posted 1 bad remark about Phil getting banned after you posted it on your thread.speaking only for myself only I want ever Team to get along and stop all the rubbish but it's apparent you do no,t are you would quit posting crap.
Posts: 38,097
14:00 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dee lied about talking to Huts about making the swap.I in fact did ask was Huts aware of this swap.But yes I had agreed to let it get played after she lied to me..

Captains don't need other Captains permission to do Swaps mate, If Huts disagreed then he would have to reverse before game is played but Huts is forgetting that you and Dee arranged to play (which i am grateful for ) so game should stand.
Posts: 14,736
14:41 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Vs Black Scorpions (FCL)
Was: 2pac786 vs _huts24_ & legend_pot vs bradonforest
Now: legend_pot vs _huts24_ & 2pac786 vs bradonforest
Posts: 14,736
14:49 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Any update on bradonforest and dansta? 15/16 days offline respectively. We have the FBL commencing shortly it would be appreciated if we had some active opposition to arrange with.

Posts: 2,327
14:50 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
How did I lie to you? I'll screenshot his message to me. So yeah I stand by my original diagnosis.
Posts: 2,327
14:52 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
And as James said, I don't need anyone's permission so have no reason to lie at all.
Posts: 2,327
15:00 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
You're getting all bent out of shape because jack won. That was the original fixture and it stands
There wouldn't even be an issue with swapping if you didn't insist on leaving a deactivated player in a fixture forcing the rest of us to work around your bad decisions.
Posts: 1,986
15:49 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
You're getting all bent out of shape because jack won. That was the original fixture and it stands
There wouldn't even be an issue with swapping if you didn't insist on leaving a deactivated player in a fixture forcing the rest of us to work around your bad decisions.

Man O Man so Jack won a big whooping 1 point,like that makes a difference.Just do not understand all the crying as i do not make the rules nor do you Dee.
So please stay on your thread and just let it be or we can do same thing and clutter up your thread with a ton of garbage.
Posts: 859
15:50 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 7,297
16:33 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im cool with the match result tonyc455 vs re_rack_jack. 8-7 result so no need to replay it . But in future if a swap is made then the swap will stand .
Posts: 38,097
16:34 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im cool with the match result tonyc455 vs re_rack_jack. 8-7 result so no need to replay it . But in future if a swap is made then the swap will stand .

can't reverse a swap if circumstances change then mate?
Posts: 7,297
16:42 Fri 15 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture set 1 :

Black Scorpions (29) vs (16) Dragon Flame Eminence

_huts24_ vs dvz
kingdadcool vs i_am_noob
dark_chocco (11) vs (4) dgeneratio
_egotistical vs northman
psycho vs vixen_xox (sw)
bigcjl2 (11) vs (4) poolbiird
my2cjms vs lateo1993
tonyc455 (7) vs(8) re_rack_jack

Black Scorpions (9) vs (6) FPD

kingdadcool (9) vs (6) scottyjr
tonyc455 vs klien
dark_chocco vs crazy_greg
_egotistical vs whocares8x8
bigcjl2 vs king8ball
psycho (0) vs (4) lolumadbro TBC
sinkemall vs ric_flair
_flukez_ vs fr34k_p0t

Black Scorpions (7) vs (8) Phoenix revenge

_huts24_ vs legend_pot
tonyc455 vs rapid_pot
dark_chocco vs _fresh_
brandonforest vs l2pac786
sinkemall vs friendyboy
my2cjms vs jamesmcgarry
dansta vs andyw1
askingfan (7) vs (8) hunter

Deadline : (10-1-16 to 31-1-16)

Please message your opponents to Arrange your matches and please keep all messages sent and recieved .

Format : 5x 8us, 9us , 8uk

Good Luck guys ! Lets start off well
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