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***The Revolution***

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Posts: 851
02:22 Fri 4 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
aaaaaaaand i think that's me done?

Cheers for having me for the season Rev's, it's been good fun! We've had a few damn good eggs on the team this season and it's a shame to see the ship sink! Sorry i wasn't as active as i needed to be towards the end!

I swear every clan i join folds after a season or 2 of me being in it!! Does that say something about me?!

Best of luck to all of you for the future
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:39 Fri 4 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

mrmagic (10) vs (4) silent_hill

8US 4 - 2 (i ranout twice here...i want my bonus points!!)
9US 2 - 2
8UK 4 - 0

I was wrong
Posts: 38,097
18:49 Fri 4 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Me 8-4 Joe

Both had bad luck beyond repair, me 8US i went 3-1 down, Joe fouled black in last, he had bad luck in 9 ball (even narrowly missing a GB and an RO in two shots in same frame) and i took it 4-0 to take a 5-3 lead, I won first two UK to take it to 7-3 so Joe couldn't win at this point, we shared last two frames.

None of us deserved to win but he had more bad luck than i did, ggs pal and gl for rest
Posts: 4,231
00:12 Sat 5 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
great result mrmagic!

you have been a great help to our clan an i thank you for all the hard work you have put in my friend.

Thanks again and i shall see ya at the tables
Posts: 4,231
00:13 Sat 5 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
unlucky Joe, thanks for getting it played tho!
James can be pretty decent then the stars are at the right position
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19:25 Sat 5 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
hey guys im back after a good few months of bad health and no laptop, if u need me back drop me a inbox
Posts: 4,231
03:52 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
hey guys im back after a good few months of bad health and no laptop, if u need me back drop me a inbox

hi Leigh.
glad to see you back but The Revolution is gonna fold. so id say try to get back on ur game and ask other clans, im sure they would love to have ya matey
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03:53 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
ah man wtf happened
Posts: 4,231
03:59 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
ah man wtf happened

nothing really, we had a great team, but running a clan was a bit too much for i joined FPD-s for the next season. trying to fall in love with the game again

many other little issues also, but they are not worth to mention.

i hope that you will find a clan for yourself again matey
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04:01 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
gimme a shout if u ever need any1
Posts: 4,231
07:06 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
gsp swap

was kris-triple-b and veyron vs vixen_xox
is kris vs vixen_xox and veyron vs triple_b
Posts: 4,231
07:09 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
gsp game

kris vs vixen_xox

9us 7-4 to me

decent games, thanks DeeDee!
Posts: 4,231
07:13 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
GRAND SLAM CUP PLATE FINAL (29/11/15 to 13/12/15)

The Revolution 8 v 4 The Professionals

FCL welshnow18 v crazy_greg FCL format games - a maximum of 15 racks in total and 5 racks of each game type
FCL tip_doctor 2 v 0 lateo1993
SL derik_dalton 0 v 2 dgeneratio
SL mrmagic 2 v 0silent_hill
8 US veyron v triple_b 8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total
9 US kris 2 v 0 vixen_xox
8 UK poolbiird 2 v 0 thegame26
STR lolumadbro 0 v 2 dvz

good luck!
Posts: 1,617
12:37 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
why was my game swapped with you kris ??

you said you werent going be back for 8pm last night as you were out with friends , you also said we still had a week to get it played
Posts: 38,097
12:41 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not sure Sarah but i won't be canceling the game or reverse the swap as all members of pros has my authority to swap and sub. It's unfortunate that it happened but unlucky Dee and well played Kris
Deleted User
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14:04 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
why was my game swapped with you kris ??

you said you werent going be back for 8pm last night as you were out with friends , you also said we still had a week to get it played

Your not willing to try and help your team out just because a swap was made???

Well played Kris!!
Posts: 1,617
14:57 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
why was my game swapped with you kris ??

you said you werent going be back for 8pm last night as you were out with friends , you also said we still had a week to get it played

Your not willing to try and help your team out just because a swap was made???

Well played Kris!!

i am willing to help my clan out , its why i was trying to arrange my game , i did all i was asked to do , just not happy my game was subbed a few hours arrange couldnt make a arranged time .
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:55 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I see your point as there wasn't any need for a swap with a week still to go but It's done with now so you may as well continue helping your team out by arranging with your new opponent.
Posts: 4,231
22:38 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
why was my game swapped with you kris ??

you said you werent going be back for 8pm last night as you were out with friends , you also said we still had a week to get it played

i came online half 4 in the morning, Dee was on and asked me tht am i ok if she swaps it. i didnt ask for it.
Posts: 4,231
22:38 Sun 6 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
and thanks Alan!
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***The Revolution***

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