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Posts: 2,327
08:25 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol why are so many people in this clan b1tchin because the captain wants the games to get played? Sure real life issues happen but it only takes a message to tell your captain that, without taking offense because he wants you to do what you signed up to a clan to do in the first place.

The only reason you're even in this clan Eddie is because kris was nice to you, it'll be a cold day in hell before your 'buddy' Ash invites you to join him so good luck with your own team.
Posts: 14,736
13:43 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
There you go again, leave him alone!

Leave him alone Dee (vixen_xox) all you've done since he left FPDs is torment and pretty much harass him. If anyone's b1tchin as you put it, it's you and you're nothing to even do with The Revolution team. Seriously lay off him and focus on your own issues and team. (I have numerous messages saying you've been moaning at him again).

He's not been well, been in hospital for the past few days and his main focus/priority should be to get his health back up to speed.

This teams lack of subs or resources isn't really his problem/fault and I commend him for even logging on last night to play the match vs joeyy. He'll try to complete the matches he has if he doesn't manage it then the Captains need to seek some contingency plans instead of barking orders at him. Hardly life or death now is it?

So thanks mate (fasteddie_) and you continue to get better, ignore any further posts tormenting you about previous decisions and actions. IF they continue then I'll suggest you just report them for bullying and harassment, you should be able to log on to an online game, play some pool and log out after or when you like without enduring any unnecessary rubbish from a person who's meant to be a Captain for the following season mate.

I'll always defend and support my mates on here. Leave him alone!

Edited at 11:46 Fri 06/11/15 (GMT)
Posts: 4,046
14:56 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you for that St Ash of Asissy. The saint of reliable players. Im glad you have their backs.
Posts: 10,109
15:04 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
There you go again, leave him alone!

Leave him alone Dee all you've done since he left FPDs is torment and pretty much harass him. If anyone's b1tchin as you put it, it's you and you're nothing to even do with The Revolution team. Seriously lay off him and focus on your own issues and team. (I have numerous messages saying you've been moaning at him again).

He's not been well, been in hospital for the past few days and his main focus should be to get his health back up to speed.

This teams lack of subs or resources isn't really his problem/fault and I commend him for even logging on last night to play the match vs joeyy. He'll try to complete the matches he has if he doesn't manage it then the Captains need to seek some contingency plans instead of barking orders at him. Hardly life or death now is it?

So thanks mate (fasteddie_) and you continue to get better, ignore any further posts tormenting you about previous decisions and actions. IF they continue then I'll suggest you just report them for bullying and harassment, you should be able to log on to an online game, play some pool and log out after or when you like without enduring any unnecessary rubbish from a person who's meant to be a Captain for the following season mate.

I'll always defend and support my mates on here. Leave him alone!

Loosely translated as "Cheers for throwing the games v joeyy, but you're still not joining"!
Posts: 38,097
15:18 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 16:49 Fri 06/11/15 (GMT)
Posts: 38,097
15:21 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 16:48 Fri 06/11/15 (GMT)
Posts: 2,327
15:46 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
HARRASS Eddie are you kidding me Ash? LMAO Eddie used to harrass me to a point where I had to tell him Kris was my boyfriend I lived with so he'd stop being pervy, so don't assume what occurs between me and somebody else in PMs just because he went whining to you once when I told him he was an idiot for leaving FPD's and that you were as bad as anybody else and deserved the majority of what you got (which was all I said). If that equates to 'moaning' to you, so be it.

And the only 'again' moaning I did, was to tell him not to talk to me again which he ignored and continued doing anyway. Otherwise I'd never have spoken to him again!

You know I'm right, you'd NEVER have him in your 'great squad' which is highly overrated and probably has something to do with why the majority of your 'great players' would rather be elsewhere next season. So perhaps there will be a space for him afterall. I won't hold my breath though.

I've never known one place in all of my life where there are so many 'grown men' who whine like lil pigtail wearing girls to the extent that some do on here.
Posts: 2,327
15:53 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Eddie was offline for about 3 days ^. Which over the course of an entire fixture, is not even a quarter of the time. So Kris has every right to be frustrated when someone who is supposed to be a part of his team openly ignores messages from opponents who are trying to get their games played. Why join a clan to start with if you're going to run and hide when a tough opponent comes along, a question I'm sure you yourself can answer, Ash.

In the entire time I've known Eddie, I've told him to go away ONCE, (last night) and told him 'Ash is as bad as anybody else he whines about' once. How on earth does that equate to 'constantly moaning at him'?

For somebody who has spent the majority of the season labelling entire teams, and certain individuals as cheats, and bullying James on a regular basis, you've got a bit of a cheek talking about any captain, pre existing or upcoming!
Posts: 4,046
15:57 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
HARRASS Eddie are you kidding me Ash? LMAO Eddie used to harrass me to a point where I had to tell him Kris was my boyfriend I lived with so he'd stop being pervy, so don't assume what occurs between me and somebody else in PMs just because he went whining to you once when I told him he was an idiot for leaving FPD's and that you were as bad as anybody else and deserved the majority of what you got (which was all I said). If that equates to 'moaning' to you, so be it.

And the only 'again' moaning I did, was to tell him not to talk to me again which he ignored and continued doing anyway. Otherwise I'd never have spoken to him again!

You know I'm right, you'd NEVER have him in your 'great squad' which is highly overrated and probably has something to do with why the majority of your 'great players' would rather be elsewhere next season. So perhaps there will be a space for him afterall. I won't hold my breath though.

I've never known one place in all of my life where there are so many 'grown men' who whine like lil pigtail wearing girls to the extent that some do on here.

I might point out that i havent worn a pigtail since the 90's and even then it was for a bet!! You get at em Vix!!
Posts: 6,417
16:02 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
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Posts: 14,736
16:07 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Eddie was offline for about 3 days ^. Which over the course of an entire fixture, is not even a quarter of the time. So Kris has every right to be frustrated when someone who is supposed to be a part of his team openly ignores messages from opponents who are trying to get their games played. Why join a clan to start with if you're going to run and hide when a tough opponent comes along, a question I'm sure you yourself can answer, Ash.

In the entire time I've known Eddie, I've told him to go away ONCE, (last night) and told him 'Ash is as bad as anybody else he whines about' once. How on earth does that equate to 'constantly moaning at him'?

For somebody who has spent the majority of the season labelling entire teams, and certain individuals as cheats, and bullying James on a regular basis, you've got a bit of a cheek talking about any captain, pre existing or upcoming!

Bullying James get over yourself, never heard so much rubbish in my life. There are some on here who cannot follow a simple request without thinking I'm bullying them. Probably stand in a mirror and accuse their reflection of doing the same thing.

I only labelled certain teams and individuals as potential cheats as I had proof and dialogue discussing and systematically showing their intentions. Throughout the season I have received numerous messages offline supporting and verifying exactly what I was initially informed about.
Posts: 38,097
16:12 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 16:48 Fri 06/11/15 (GMT)
Posts: 2,327
16:14 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well you just made the exact same presumption about me despite the fact the only thing I said to Eddie was that you deserve the majority of what you get and are as bad as anybody else! But I guess when it's you, it's different.
Posts: 2,327
16:15 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
HARRASS Eddie are you kidding me Ash? LMAO Eddie used to harrass me to a point where I had to tell him Kris was my boyfriend I lived with so he'd stop being pervy, so don't assume what occurs between me and somebody else in PMs just because he went whining to you once when I told him he was an idiot for leaving FPD's and that you were as bad as anybody else and deserved the majority of what you got (which was all I said). If that equates to 'moaning' to you, so be it.

And the only 'again' moaning I did, was to tell him not to talk to me again which he ignored and continued doing anyway. Otherwise I'd never have spoken to him again!

You know I'm right, you'd NEVER have him in your 'great squad' which is highly overrated and probably has something to do with why the majority of your 'great players' would rather be elsewhere next season. So perhaps there will be a space for him afterall. I won't hold my breath though.

I've never known one place in all of my life where there are so many 'grown men' who whine like lil pigtail wearing girls to the extent that some do on here.

I might point out that i havent worn a pigtail since the 90's and even then it was for a bet!! You get at em Vix!!

Haha.. Don't worry Jamie, some people can just pull it off and some can't
Posts: 14,736
16:19 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I honestly didn't want to believe it and tried to not even focus on it but when we lost solely on frame difference the fact some of the team selections imo could have been stronger versus our direct opponents.

Still taking nothing away the results are what they are, I hope the following season Captains play more fairly and show belief in their players and not throw fixtures just because they want to get one over me and my team.

As for you harassing fasteddie, you're meant to be a Captain next season. Set the precedent and example instead berating him over things with are none of your concern.

Kris has loosely slated a few on their team openly on a public thread, resulting in one leaving due to constant messages, another who seems to be slammed for recording defaults and others for not playing their matches. There are ways and methods to speak to people and also trying to resolve any issues, I do not agree with barking orders and moaning at own players. Fasteddie being one of them, he's their Captain but still doesn't mean he can talk to them like crap imo.

As for fausts comment about 'throwing the match', NEVER have we even contemplated such a devious and malicious act. Just goes to show how shallow you really are to even have the audacity to mention it. What a pathetic accusation when you're the one with the previous history not me or my team.
Posts: 2,327
16:22 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The only things I've ever said to Eddie about you were in response to him bringing you up first, although I'm sure your ego would like to believe otherwise.

And you giving advice on correct captain-behaviour is like Colonel Gadaffi advising Gandhi.
Posts: 38,097
16:29 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 16:48 Fri 06/11/15 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
16:39 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Comparing me to Colonel Gaddafi now: WOW that's rather extreme over an online game, now I'm as bad as someone who created a global terror for four decades and guilty of war crimes. You really are pathetic. I am in no way, shape or form a dictator. Ask everyone on my team, go for it.

You like to think you're Florence Nightingale when in fact more like Mumm-Ra from Thundercats. Nice when you get or want something then a complete nightmare when you don't. Usually revolves around you getting you're own way.

ETA next tantrum? Oh let me guess early hours of the morning, stick her on ignore fasteddie_ save yourself some peace and quiet.
Posts: 2,327
16:43 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
He wouldn't have to stick me on ignore if he'd leave me alone like I told him to last night

And I wasn't comparing you to Colonel Gadaffi, I was comparing the hypocrisy level. Over your head, clearly.
Posts: 38,097
16:43 Fri 6 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 16:48 Fri 06/11/15 (GMT)
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