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Firestorm Phoenix: Turning Up the Heat! :)

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Posts: 14,736
01:18 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team: Thank you all for completing all our fixtures, some incredible results - very well played.
Posts: 9,926
03:46 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Final Super League Table is as follows:-

Posted Image

Congratulations to Uprising A (Unbeatables) for winning the league section

Think everyone will agree it has been one of the most unpredictable and closest leagues ever in clans
Posts: 14,736
04:01 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Killer Challenge Cup

The draw is here...

Uprising v Revolution v Pocket Dynamos


Firestorm Phoenix v The Professionals v Funky Pool Devils

Games to be completed by 22nd November 2015.

Each match allows for a maximum of 5 players to take part from each of the three competing clans.

The winning team from each match goes straight into the final.

The 4 teams who are left will play off with 3 players per team in a one off game and the winning team will get the last place in the final. The other 3 will all be eliminated.

The final will be played with those 3 teams who qualify and each team will be allowed 5 players in the final.

Each Captain, or a representative, needs to message me as many days and times within the fixture period that they wish to play or please feel free to discuss and agree amongst yourselves but please advise myself on the agreed date / time.

Preferences of times and dates for when you would like to play your Killer Challenge Cup games sent to me between now and Midnight on 11/11/15.

If a suitable time cannot be found between the teams, the games will be played at the default time of 9pm on Sunday 22nd November.
Posts: 14,736
04:30 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry I didn't manage to get one of our 2 sides to the Play-Offs in the SL - very disappointing. I tried to give equal attention and effort to getting both sides the highest possible positions.

Had we only concentrated on 1 side's progression the players not selected would rightfully feel left out and inadequate. The team here operates as one and always will, I'm pleased with finishing in the top half of the league but we really should have qualified at least one of the sides.

I do feel a little violated and think something malicious, devious and sinister may have occurred this evening but without any proof it's impossible to justify.

So team we go again next season, hopefully we can continue with the great team spirit and camaraderie. Keeping the CORE of this team is essential for our progression and we really pushed Uprising all the way in the FCL and finished my highest ever 2nd in the FBL. Not to forget a fantastically close 1st round of the Cup vs Uprising, taking them to a Playoff which we lost on 2 deciding frames. So whereas SL has been disappointing and a failure by me we have had a very good season in the other leagues.

Let's try and win the Killer Cup and finish the season on a high.

Welcome: andyw1, sinkemall, potalot, roxbury_100 to the team for next season too - more to follow.

C'mon Firestorm
Posts: 14,736
04:33 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Firestorm Phoenix: Next far

_knightmare_ (CC)
friendyboy (CC)
joeyy (Vc)
_fresh_ (Vc)
miss_harriet (Vc)
TBA <Quality>
TBA <Quality>
Posts: 3,072
06:22 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
nothing malicious happened m8 dw :) i was jst crapper than i should have been
Posts: 399
09:06 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'd becareful ash if your insinuating that my result against kris is how you were violated. Not the first time you have insinuated I've cheated how many times you reported me to admin wrongly. Can never be gracious in defeat can you FPD have played well beating your clan and instead you put them down.

Shame on you!

Edited at 07:40 Mon 09/11/15 (GMT)
Posts: 38,097
11:01 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I do feel a little violated and think something malicious, devious and sinister may have occurred this evening but without any proof it's impossible to justify.

so everytime you lose you have to accuse someone of cheating? I have to laugh seriously, Liam/Kris isn't a cheater and neither is Dvz and Veyron. We had nothing to lose so i told dvz to go for the win and have fun playing as we had nothing to lose. Unfortunately even robots have their off day and Ritcho played very well. Giving this post though i am glad your out of the Super League even though Dvz lost.
Posts: 3,846
12:34 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
always the bridesmaid , never the bride
Posts: 14,736
12:39 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
nothing malicious happened m8 dw :) i was jst crapper than i should have been

Nothing against you dvz, incredible result from ritcho.
Posts: 6,417
13:03 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
nothing malicious happened m8 dw :) i was jst crapper than i should have been

Nothing against you dvz, incredible result from ritcho.

then what is malicious?
Posts: 4,046
13:15 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Had we only concentrated on 1 side's progression the players not selected would rightfully feel left out and inadequate. The team here operates as one and always will, I'm pleased with finishing in the top half of the league but we really should have qualified at least one of the sides.

I think that this is probably the silliest thing you have posted. Anyone with one brain cell would have put their best team forward as TEAM A and made sure they progressed. I dont think their is a captain here except you who wouldnt have finished 2nd with the TEAM you had.

But wait, it isnt the silliest thing. Now there is skuldugerry afoot again because you were inept. Once again the vallidity of our win is questioned. You have called us cheats before and was banned, how long this time will there be quiet on the threads and tranquilty for all?

I normally laugh at you Ashleen. Today i actually pity you. You poor ,poor muppet.
Posts: 14,736
14:19 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You need to get your facts right, I haven't accused anyone of cheating all I've done is wrote a remark which until proven false I will and have every right to believe to myself. I'm not disclosing any further more about it so you and the others can sit there and try to second guess or conjure up your own myths, fabrications and stories.

Nothing else to say, I have not mentioned anyone or anything specifically so I'm not breaking any rules. We are all entitled to have our own thoughts and have the freedom for expression and speech. What I say too my team is solely for them only, it's not my fault these threads are public and your nose is forever poking in things which are none of your concern is it? Mind your own business.

Posts: 6,417
14:41 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thats what u do best, brainwash your team mates lol
Posts: 2,588
14:43 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Buckjam has it spot on. The team firestorm had, its hillarious how Ash managed to miss out on a top 4 spot with one of his teams.

I'd just leave Ash to his usual 'we were cheated' sore-loser rant. Happens every time they just miss out on actually achieving something with his 'superb' team.

Massive Gratz to Uprising who secured all 3 of their teams a place in the play-offs, that is a great example of a captain right there.
Posts: 10,109
14:57 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't follow our forum rules. Replies may also be deleted.

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Posts: 14,736
15:02 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol yeah see that's where you get ahead of yourself and end up looking an idiot! Harriet didn't even play In the SL through her own choice.

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 22:10 Mon 09/11/15 (GMT)
Posts: 10,109
15:05 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Lol yeah see that's where you get ahead of yourself and end up looking an idiot! Harriet didn't even play In the SL through her own choice.

Aha, but you don't dispute you played your strongest available?? I excel at being an idiot, but you're an awful bs artist!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:11 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
wow wish someone would fone jeremy kyle and get yous lot on...ffs its a online game or admin step in and mute the lot off yous sick of reading pages of dribble ash this ash that faust this idiot this tool this ffs ,ash give them your twitter account they will troll ya then
Posts: 14,736
15:17 Mon 9 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I played the players who I felt would be the best at that time, tried to balance both sides instead of only focusing on the one and yeah ultimately that seems to have backfired on the team.

Do I regret it? I regret not having a side in this next stage of the competition. I don't however, regret trying to qualify and treat each side with the same amount of effort and application. Had I focused solely on one side and only selected the top same 4/5/6 then the other 10 would have every right to feel 'whats the point of me being here?' and that was what I was determined to avoid.

IF that makes me a bad or brainless Captain then that's fine a team is only as strong as it's weakest player so encouraging and giving all the opportunity to play will hopefully in the long run strengthen the team as a whole.

Gutted not to be in the Playoffs as I do feel I've let the team down but we go again next season and hopefully they continue to show belief and faith in the team and it's progression.

Congrats to those who have qualified.
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Firestorm Phoenix: Turning Up the Heat! :)

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