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Firestorm Phoenix: Turning Up the Heat! :)

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Posts: 4,231
02:45 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
jaysus, I pmd- u, didn't knew u were playing. u told me tht u were and I guess I automatically replied OK.
u cant blame tht score on me lol.

nt tho
Posts: 14,736
03:17 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You happen to be so disrespectful it's unreal,be a man and accept your own shortcomings,FBL i've been patient to wait for the last week as instructed by yourself,only for you to play all and sundry while i waited.And guess what you folded and subbed friendy in.(wp friendy you jammy git.)
Sl i logged in and caught you out,you actually played me (fool you eh.)
You played badly and now we have to believe you to be a victim of circumstances,poor sportsmanship on your part is what i believe it to be.
Looking forward to any games this season involving you already

GGs you played well, most frames were gifted on a plate tbh due to me being complete garbage but you still finished off the frames. I do think I was violated in the 1st frame but never mind not by yourself I will add.

You're a very good player and the SL is very unforgiving as it is - so well played and hopefully I can give you a better match next time even if I have to disable the sound or PM's completely from the applet.

1-5 should be 2-4 but we'll agree to disagree. All the best.

I didn't mean to come across as disrespectful - that's the last thing I am - I am a lot better than the shoddy performance which you were made to suffer and witness this evening. I can't help being a perfectionist and wanting to play my best against the better/top players on the game. Sorry.
Posts: 1,029
06:22 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You happen to be so disrespectful it's unreal,be a man and accept your own shortcomings,FBL i've been patient to wait for the last week as instructed by yourself,only for you to play all and sundry while i waited.And guess what you folded and subbed friendy in.(wp friendy you jammy git.)
Sl i logged in and caught you out,you actually played me (fool you eh.)
You played badly and now we have to believe you to be a victim of circumstances,poor sportsmanship on your part is what i believe it to be.
Looking forward to any games this season involving you already

This post about being a good sportsman is somewhat in doubt my end here as not only did you log out as soon as I won the final frame, but now to refer to the whole 8 frame match as me being a flukey or jammy git is quite disheartening. Maybe I'm misreading a funny joke, but this evening it's happened in two match reports where the description was inaccurate and disrespectful on both counts.

Edited at 04:26 Sat 31/10/15 (GMT)

Edited at 04:35 Sat 31/10/15 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
07:06 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ignore it Alex mate - it's one rule for one and another rule for another - the amount of hypocrites on this site is pretty alarming tbh. How they can all manage to congregate on one site is worrying to say the least.

I don't consider myself to be disrespectful in the slightest - in fact that comment and sentence is disrespectful & defamatory towards me. Me writing things to try and gee myself up during the match isn't against the rules. IF I'd passed a sinister or malicious comment/remark about my opponent then yes that would give him grounds to make such an accusation.

Alex you are in no way, shape or form jammy and if you fluked a ball in a game so what it's POOL at the end of the day. It's a lot down to luck and the roll of the balls unless you have other means to achieve perfection. Embrace the luck you're given my friend and stuff the opponent and their sour grapes afterwards.

I will be accused of being a hypocrite after that last sentence but I did say I played garbage and he fully deserved the other frames so nothing hypocritical about it one iota.

As for buckjam, how many times do you need to feel part of something which has nothing to do with you? Stay out of my business and I will continue to remain from yours. How many remarks/comments does it take for you to face the wrath from admin and be punished like others have? Give a fool a trowel eventually they'll turn it into a spade...keep digging!
Posts: 14,736
07:09 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Taken from Revs thread:

Do what you feel needs doing,but if you play like you did tonight it really wont help you will it.?

How rude are you?

Absolute joke! The format's very unforgiving as it is but to have to deal with a tool of a Captain who cannot follow a simple request is quite frankly pathetic.

No where near as rude as you by all accounts. Once again preaching on about how to be a human being without having the first idea of where to begin. You do make me laugh ashleen.
Posts: 6,417
08:17 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lmao comedy at its best
Posts: 6,417
08:47 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
jaysus, I pmd- u, didn't knew u were playing. u told me tht u were and I guess I automatically replied OK.
u cant blame tht score on me lol.

nt tho

Posts: 7,297
09:40 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You happen to be so disrespectful it's unreal,be a man and accept your own shortcomings,FBL i've been patient to wait for the last week as instructed by yourself,only for you to play all and sundry while i waited.And guess what you folded and subbed friendy in.(wp friendy you jammy git.)
Sl i logged in and caught you out,you actually played me (fool you eh.)
You played badly and now we have to believe you to be a victim of circumstances,poor sportsmanship on your part is what i believe it to be.
Looking forward to any games this season involving you already

Hes always disrespectful mate and his own players see this via thread all the time. Im suprised he played you tbh as he normally chickens out against a good player and subs himself out . Well done on thrashing him tho, he never has any chance against good players
Posts: 13,570
10:30 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Entertaining as ever, but most def OTT!

From an observers point of view, Ash no excuses as you can minimise a PM. Friendy, it really does read as banter.

Move on!
Posts: 38,097
10:46 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Entertaining as ever, but most def OTT!

From an observers point of view, Ash no excuses as you can minimise a PM. Friendy, it really does read as banter.

Move on!

Thats right, can't blame pms as they are minimised when its opened so you chose to read it and lose concentration so your own fault. I would have claimed also as it wasn't a disconnection. Guys would also claim if someone lags or mouse is broken you would still continue to win the frame.

On a personal note why is it that guys in this clan blame 'luck' for losing? it is never because the opponent outplayed you or you were simply poor on the night. Take me vs alex, i had some of the worst luck but i never blamed luck for losing (thats what a sore loser would do) even though without it, i could have won the match in a close encounter.

"if you fluked a ball in a game so what it's POOL at the end of the day. It's a lot down to luck and the roll of the balls unless you have other means to achieve perfection. Embrace the luck you're given my friend and stuff the opponent and their sour grapes afterwards. "

In your own words, it is Pool and must accept good and bad luck, all apart of the game so deal with it and accept the loss.
Posts: 10,109
11:14 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Every single match Ash loses, his reports are always the same. He never loses with grace and always plays the blame game. It's incredibly petulant and really disrespectful to the opponent. There is no shame in being a crap player, but there is in being a bad loser.

"Give a fool a trowel eventually they'll turn it into a spade...keep digging!" - is easily the stupidest thing I have ever read. As it doesn't make any sense whatsoever, I can only assume it's not even a proverb, or a quote?
Posts: 6,417
11:16 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link] Thats where he finds those quotes lol
Posts: 38,097
11:20 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
As for buckjam, how many times do you need to feel part of something which has nothing to do with you? Stay out of my business and I will continue to remain from yours. How many remarks/comments does it take for you to face the wrath from admin and be punished like others have? Give a fool a trowel eventually they'll turn it into a spade...keep digging!

This mean you cry to admin each time someone disagrees with you? they once told a friend of mine to stop running to them when their is a problem and try and sort it themselves.

We don't run to admin each time you disagree with us nor do i run to them when we argued all season.

Think they have enough problems with Java though
Posts: 3,846
12:04 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
When u wake up and read your comments ash, there's no doubt you are going to feel pretty stupid, and if u don't then you must be really stupid.
If you feel the need to justify every loss on something other than being beat fair and square, then yoybe serious problems with sportsmanship.
Best thing you could do is take that back seat you were on about taking last week, that lasted for all of 2 hours zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Posts: 4,046
12:46 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Give a fool a trowel eventually they'll turn it into a spade...keep digging!

Here you go again. Using terms you dont understand. You see a trowel and a spade are used in the garden for manual labour. Something you wouldnt no anything about. They are "tools" and are useful.

You are not useful so would not be labelled a "tool". There are other labels for you, which i would not use on thread as they would be "disrepectfull" and would upset admin and half the members.
Posts: 14,736
12:55 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 3
Deadline 01/11/15

Firestorm (8) vs (6) Uprising
8us: (swp) _fresh_ (2) vs (0) cgibson92 (5-1)
8us: miss_harriet (1) vs (1) dv8 (4-4)
9us: _payback_ (2) vs (0) fran_ (5-2)
9us: 2pac786 (2) vs (0) horse10000 (5-1)
8uk: (swp) joeyy vs corsair
8uk: davybaumers (0) vs (2) r1p0m4n_v2 (3-5)
Str: legend_pot (1) vs (1) turtle1560
Str: creek234 (0) vs (2) clifton188

Firestorm (11) vs (5) Pocket Dynamos - Complete
8us: nzym_visual (4) vs (4) jasonb
8us: friendyboy (0) vs (2) _siber_man_ (3-5)
9us: (s) davybaumers (2) vs (0) bulletzzzz (5-1)
9us: 2pac786 (2) vs (0) walktall (5-3)
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) re_rack_jack (7-1)
8uk: (s) joeyy (1) vs (1) the__priest (4-4)
Str: legend_pot (2) vs (0) fastboysam
Str: miss_harriet (1) vs (1) marksmith
Posts: 14,736
12:56 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Firestorm (12) vs (2) Pros
8us: friendyboy (2) vs (0) crazy_greg (5-3)
8us: miss_harriet (2) vs (0) silent_hill (5-2)
9us: (s) nzym_visual (2) vs (0)vixen_xox (6-2)
9us: davybaumers (2) vs (0) _wales_lad_ (5-3)
8uk: _fresh_ vs andyw1
8uk: alex_lewis (2) vs (0) lateo1993 (5-3)
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) dvz
Str: legend_pot (2) vs (0) dgeneratio

Firestorm (10) vs (2) Revs
8us: davybaumers (2) vs (0) welshnow18 (s) (5-1)
8us: miss_harriet (2) vs (0) veyron (6-2)
9us: (s) friendyboy (1) vs (1) tip_doctor (4-4)
9us: 2pac786 (2) vs (0) lolumadbro (5-3)
8uk: _fresh_ (1) vs (1) mrmagic (4-4)
8uk: nzym_visual (2) vs (0) poolbiird (6-2)
Str: joeyy vs tinie_v17
Str: legend_pot vs mikeybboy


GSC Round One
Deadline: 1st November 2015

Firestorm (6) v (8) Uprising
FCL: (swp) miss_harriet (0) vs (0) dv8 (7-8)
FCL: davybaumers (0) vs (2) turtle1560 (3-12)
SL: joeyy (0) vs (2) erigert (3-10)
SL: 2pac786 (2) vs (0) r1p0m4n_v2 (8-4)
8us: (10 Racks) (swp) _fresh_ (2) vs (0) cgibson92 (6-4)
9us: (12 Racks) _payback_ (2) vs (0) fran_ 7(7-5)
8uk: (10 Racks) nzym_visual (0) vs (2) corsair (3-6)
Str: (4 Racks) legend_pot vs clifton188

C'mon Firestorm - Every Frame/Rack Counts
Posts: 14,736
12:56 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fix Set 3
Deadline: 08/11/2015

Firestorm A (9) vs (10) Pros B
davybaumers (2) vs (4) andyw1
_payback_ (2) vs (4) lateo1993
joeyy vs toluca_is_bk
friendyboy (5) vs (2) dgeneratio

Firestorm A (15) vs (11) PD's B - Complete
nzym_visual (4) vs (2) _siber_man_
_payback_ (1) vs (5) the__priest
davybaumers (7) vs (0) walktall
joeyy (3) vs (4) re_rack_jack

Firestorm A (10) vs (4) Rev's B
(swp) davybaumers (6) vs (1) welshnow18
_payback_ vs fasteddie_
nzym_visual (4) vs (3) poolbiird
(swp) friendyboy vs mikeybboy

Firestorm A (8) vs (13) Uprising B
davybaumers (2) vs (5) r1p0m4n_v2
_payback_ vs erigert
joeyy (3) vs (5) clifton188
friendyboy (3) vs (3) zantetsukenz

Firestorm A (14) vs (4) FPD C
_payback_ (6) vs (0) ferretlady
nzym_visual (3) vs (3) king8ball
joeyy (5) vs (1) blackcabman7
davybaumers vs mitch_bougi
Posts: 14,736
12:57 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fix Set 3
Deadline: 08/11/2015

Firestorm B (8) vs (4) Pros A
legend_pot vs dvz
_fresh_ (5) vs (1) vixen_xox
2pac786 (3) vs (3) triple_b
slimeball vs _wales_lad_

Firestorm B (6) vs (1) PD's A
_fresh_ vs bulletzzzz
2pac786 vs marksmith
_knightmare_ vs punkpoet (Subbing out!)
legend_pot (6) vs (1) jasonb

Firestorm B (1) vs (5) Rev's A
_fresh_ vs veyron
_knightmare_ (1) vs (5) tip_doctor
legend_pot vs mrmagic
2pac786 vs lolumadbro

Firestorm B (15) vs (5) FPD B
slimeball (4) vs (3) fr34k_p0t
_fresh_ (7) vs (0) bonfireheart
legend_pot vs ric_flair
2pac786 (4) vs (2) watchinawe

Firestorm B (6) vs (0) FPD C
_fresh_ vs ferretlady
2pac786 vs king8ball
_knightmare_ (6) vs (0) blackcabman7
slimeball vs mitch_bougi
Posts: 1,029
13:16 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Entertaining as ever, but most def OTT!

From an observers point of view, Ash no excuses as you can minimise a PM. Friendy, it really does read as banter.

Move on!

Maybe it is, I am now over it though after a rough night of tears :P
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Firestorm Phoenix: Turning Up the Heat! :)

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