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Firestorm Phoenix: Turning Up the Heat! :)

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Posts: 14,736
00:27 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 3
Deadline: 25/10/2015

Firestorm (31) vs (29) Pros
_fresh_ (4) vs (11) dvz
miss_harriet (12) vs (3) silent_hill
legend_pot vs johnythefox
(s) davybaumers (7) vs (8) andyw1
(swp) 2pac786 vs crazy_greg
friendyboy vs bigcjl2 (TBC 3-0)
_payback_ vs dgeneratio (TBC - 2-2)
(swp) joeyy (8) vs (7) lateo1993

Firestorm (71) vs (34) Pocket Dynamos
slimeball (6) vs (9) jasonb
_fresh_ (12) vs (3) bulletzzzz
(s) davybaumers vs punkpoet (s)
miss_harriet (12) vs (3) marksmith
nzym_visual (13) vs (2) _siber_man_
joeyy (10) vs (5) the__priest
2pac786 (7) vs (8) w_hoolahan
friendyboy (11) vs (4) re_rack_jack

Firestorm (63) vs (42) FPDs
miss_harriet (12) vs (3) klien
legend_pot (10) vs (5) scottyjr
(s) davybaumers (4) vs (11) whocares8x8
alex_lewis (5) vs (10) the__saint
_knightmare_ (10) vs (5) _jesus_
nzym_visual (7) vs (8) king8ball
_payback_ vs fr34k_p0t
_fresh_ (15) vs (0) bonfireheart

Firestorm (18) vs (12) Revs
_fresh_ (11) vs (4) kris
miss_harriet (7) vs (8) mikeybboy
legend_pot vs fasteddie_ (s)
2pac786 vs veyron
joeyy vs poolbiird
friendyboy vs mrmagic
_payback_ vs lolumadbro
(s) davybaumers vs tip_doctor

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us & 8uk
Good Luck

Edited at 21:59 Mon 19/10/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
00:28 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 3
Deadline 01/11/15

Firestorm (5) vs (3) Uprising
8us: joeyy vs cgibson92
8us: miss_harriet (1) vs (1) dv8 (4-4)
9us: _payback_ (2) vs (0) fran_ (5-2)
9us: 2pac786 (2) vs (0) horse10000 (5-1)
8uk: _fresh_ vs corsair
8uk: davybaumers vs r1p0m4n_v2
Str: legend_pot vs turtle1560
Str: creek234 (0) vs (2) clifton188

Firestorm (4) vs (2) Pocket Dynamos
8us: nzym_visual (4) vs (4) jasonb
8us: friendyboy vs _siber_man_
9us: alex_lewis vs bulletzzzz
9us: 2pac786 vs walktall
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) re_rack_jack (7-1)
8uk: creek234 vs the__priest
Str: legend_pot vs fastboysam
Str: miss_harriet (1) vs (1) marksmith

Firestorm (8) vs (2) Pros
8us: friendyboy vs crazy_greg
8us: miss_harriet (2) vs (0) silent_hill (5-2)
9us: _payback_ vs vixen_xox
9us: davybaumers (2) vs (0) _wales_lad_ (5-3)
8uk: _fresh_ vs andyw1
8uk: alex_lewis (2) vs (0) lateo1993 (5-3)
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) dvz
Str: legend_pot (2) vs (0) dgeneratio

Firestorm (1) vs (1) Revs
8us: davybaumers vs derik_dalton
8us: miss_harriet vs veyron
9us: _knightmare_ vs tip_doctor
9us: 2pac786 vs lolumadbro
8uk: _fresh_ (1) vs (1) mrmagic (4-4)
8uk: nzym_visual vs poolbiird
Str: joeyy vs tinie_v17
Str: legend_pot vs mikeybboy

Good Luck Guys: 1st to 5 or 4-4, 2 x Straight ONLY.
Posts: 14,736
00:30 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
GSC Round One
Deadline: 1st November 2015

Firestorm (2) v (4) Uprising
FCL: (swp) miss_harriet vs dv8
FCL: davybaumers (0) vs (2) turtle1560 (3-12)
SL: joeyy (0) vs (2) erigert (3-10)
SL: 2pac786 vs r1p0m4n_v2
8us: (10 Racks) (swp) _fresh_ vs cgibson92
9us: (12 Racks) _payback_ (2) vs (0) fran_ 7(7-5)
8uk: (10 Racks) nzym_visual vs corsair
Str: (4 Racks) legend_pot vs clifton188

C'mon Firestorm - Every Frame/Rack Counts


Players Championship - Round 4

_fresh_ vs miss_harriet
davybaumers vs cgibson92

Deadline 25/10/2015

Good Luck to you all.
Posts: 14,736
00:30 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fix Set 3
Deadline: 08/11/2015

Firestorm A (2) vs (4) Pros B
davybaumers (2) vs (4) andyw1
_payback_ vs lateo1993
joeyy vs toluca_is_bk
friendyboy vs dgeneratio

Firestorm A vs PD's B
nzym_visual vs _siber_man_
_payback_ vs the__priest
davybaumers vs walktall
joeyy vs re_rack_jack

Firestorm A vs Rev's B
friendyboy vs welshnow18
_payback_ vs fasteddie_
nzym_visual vs poolbiird
davybaumers vs mikeybboy

Firestorm A vs Uprising B
davybaumers vs r1p0m4n_v2
_payback_ vs erigert
joeyy vs clifton188
friendyboy vs zantetsukenz

Firestorm A vs FPD C
_payback_ vs ferretlady
nzym_visual vs king8ball
joeyy vs blackcabman7
davybaumers vs mitch_bougi
Posts: 14,736
00:31 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fix Set 3
Deadline: 08/11/2015

Firestorm B vs Pros A
legend_pot vs dvz
_fresh_ vs vixen_xox
2pac786 vs triple_b
slimeball vs _wales_lad_

Firestorm B vs PD's A
_fresh_ vs bulletzzzz
2pac786 vs marksmith
_knightmare_ vs punkpoet
legend_pot vs jasonb

Firestorm B vs Rev's A
_fresh_ vs veyron
_knightmare_ vs tip_doctor
legend_pot vs mrmagic
2pac786 vs lolumadbro

Firestorm B vs FPD B
slimeball vs fr34k_p0t
_fresh_ vs bonfireheart
legend_pot vs ric_flair
2pac786 vs watchinawe

Firestorm B vs FPD C
_fresh_ vs ferretlady
2pac786 vs king8ball
_knightmare_ vs blackcabman7
slimeball vs mitch_bougi
Posts: 1,029
01:56 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Friendyboy 11-4 re_rack_jack

8us 4-1
9us 3-2
8uk 4-1

Started off in 8 ball, I made maybe two errors, Jack took one and missed the other. He had a connection issue of some description early on.
I was happy with my performance here.
9 ball, jacko went 2-0 up when I got a bit of bad luck on pos shot, but this was quickly wiped clean as I went for a combo off the object ball (very difficult) only to fluke into a pocket the other side. Then I went for an audacious combo, nailed it and half the balls on the table in one shot haha I then took the final game with a decent clear.
In uk, I had the better set ups with balls which gave me the upper hand in most frames, but jack was very unlucky on two or three occasions. In fact in one frame we both got bsed in the same frame!

Great games, enjoyed the chat too, a great funkypooler!
Look forward to our next encounter mate!

P.s just so you all know, the game was a little late kicking off as I locked me, my gf and baby outside our own house, delaying our shopping trip by half an hour :D

Edited at 23:02 Mon 19/10/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
01:58 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Top result mate - re_rack's been playing very well this season and tournaments so great to see you achieve an emphatic scoreline. Told ya you were playing very well too - so well played and that now makes it 71-34 with 1 FCL to go.

Let's push on the Revs one's next
Posts: 14,736
04:33 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL vs Revs
Was: legend_pot vs fasteddie_ & joeyy vs poolbiird
Now: joeyy vs fasteddie_ & legend_pot vs poolbiird
Posts: 433
04:51 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
joeyy 5 vs 1 blackcabman7


I fouled black early in 1st frame then managed to pick up the rest
Posts: 14,736
04:54 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well played joeyy mate - great result - unlucky fouling the 8 ball in frame 1 what are ya like lol.
Posts: 14,736
04:55 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 3
Deadline: 25/10/2015

Firestorm (31) vs (29) Pros
_fresh_ (4) vs (11) dvz
miss_harriet (12) vs (3) silent_hill
legend_pot vs johnythefox
(s) davybaumers (7) vs (8) andyw1
(swp) 2pac786 vs crazy_greg
friendyboy vs bigcjl2 (TBC 3-0)
_payback_ vs dgeneratio (TBC - 2-2)
(swp) joeyy (8) vs (7) lateo1993

Firestorm (71) vs (34) Pocket Dynamos
slimeball (6) vs (9) jasonb
_fresh_ (12) vs (3) bulletzzzz
(s) davybaumers vs punkpoet (s)
miss_harriet (12) vs (3) marksmith
nzym_visual (13) vs (2) _siber_man_
joeyy (10) vs (5) the__priest
2pac786 (7) vs (8) w_hoolahan
friendyboy (11) vs (4) re_rack_jack

Firestorm (63) vs (42) FPDs
miss_harriet (12) vs (3) klien
legend_pot (10) vs (5) scottyjr
(s) davybaumers (4) vs (11) whocares8x8
alex_lewis (5) vs (10) the__saint
_knightmare_ (10) vs (5) _jesus_
nzym_visual (7) vs (8) king8ball
_payback_ vs fr34k_p0t
_fresh_ (15) vs (0) bonfireheart

Firestorm (32) vs (13) Revs
_fresh_ (11) vs (4) kris
miss_harriet (7) vs (8) mikeybboy
(swp) joeyy (14) vs (1) fasteddie_ (s)
2pac786 vs veyron
(swp) legend_pot vs poolbiird
friendyboy vs mrmagic
_payback_ vs lolumadbro
(s) davybaumers vs tip_doctor

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us & 8uk
Good Luck

Edited at 02:48 Tue 20/10/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
04:56 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 3
Deadline 01/11/15

Firestorm (5) vs (3) Uprising
8us: joeyy vs cgibson92
8us: miss_harriet (1) vs (1) dv8 (4-4)
9us: _payback_ (2) vs (0) fran_ (5-2)
9us: 2pac786 (2) vs (0) horse10000 (5-1)
8uk: _fresh_ vs corsair
8uk: davybaumers vs r1p0m4n_v2
Str: legend_pot vs turtle1560
Str: creek234 (0) vs (2) clifton188

Firestorm (4) vs (2) Pocket Dynamos
8us: nzym_visual (4) vs (4) jasonb
8us: friendyboy vs _siber_man_
9us: alex_lewis vs bulletzzzz
9us: 2pac786 vs walktall
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) re_rack_jack (7-1)
8uk: creek234 vs the__priest
Str: legend_pot vs fastboysam
Str: miss_harriet (1) vs (1) marksmith

Firestorm (8) vs (2) Pros
8us: friendyboy vs crazy_greg
8us: miss_harriet (2) vs (0) silent_hill (5-2)
9us: _payback_ vs vixen_xox
9us: davybaumers (2) vs (0) _wales_lad_ (5-3)
8uk: _fresh_ vs andyw1
8uk: alex_lewis (2) vs (0) lateo1993 (5-3)
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) dvz
Str: legend_pot (2) vs (0) dgeneratio

Firestorm (1) vs (1) Revs
8us: davybaumers vs derik_dalton
8us: miss_harriet vs veyron
9us: _knightmare_ vs tip_doctor
9us: 2pac786 vs lolumadbro
8uk: _fresh_ (1) vs (1) mrmagic (4-4)
8uk: nzym_visual vs poolbiird
Str: joeyy vs tinie_v17
Str: legend_pot vs mikeybboy

Good Luck Guys: 1st to 5 or 4-4, 2 x Straight ONLY.
Posts: 14,736
04:57 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
GSC Round One
Deadline: 1st November 2015

Firestorm (2) v (4) Uprising
FCL: (swp) miss_harriet vs dv8
FCL: davybaumers (0) vs (2) turtle1560 (3-12)
SL: joeyy (0) vs (2) erigert (3-10)
SL: 2pac786 vs r1p0m4n_v2
8us: (10 Racks) (swp) _fresh_ vs cgibson92
9us: (12 Racks) _payback_ (2) vs (0) fran_ 7(7-5)
8uk: (10 Racks) nzym_visual vs corsair
Str: (4 Racks) legend_pot vs clifton188

C'mon Firestorm - Every Frame/Rack Counts


Players Championship - Round 4

_fresh_ vs miss_harriet
davybaumers vs cgibson92

Deadline 25/10/2015

Good Luck to you all.
Posts: 14,736
04:58 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fix Set 3
Deadline: 08/11/2015

Firestorm A (4) vs (8) Pros B
davybaumers (2) vs (4) andyw1
_payback_ (2) vs (4) lateo1993
joeyy vs toluca_is_bk
friendyboy vs dgeneratio

Firestorm A vs PD's B
nzym_visual vs _siber_man_
_payback_ vs the__priest
davybaumers vs walktall
joeyy vs re_rack_jack

Firestorm A vs Rev's B
friendyboy vs welshnow18
_payback_ vs fasteddie_
nzym_visual vs poolbiird
davybaumers vs mikeybboy

Firestorm A vs Uprising B
davybaumers vs r1p0m4n_v2
_payback_ vs erigert
joeyy vs clifton188
friendyboy vs zantetsukenz

Firestorm A (5) vs (1) FPD C
_payback_ vs ferretlady
nzym_visual vs king8ball
joeyy (5) vs (1) blackcabman7
davybaumers vs mitch_bougi
Posts: 14,736
04:58 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fix Set 3
Deadline: 08/11/2015

Firestorm B vs Pros A
legend_pot vs dvz
_fresh_ vs vixen_xox
2pac786 vs triple_b
slimeball vs _wales_lad_

Firestorm B vs PD's A
_fresh_ vs bulletzzzz
2pac786 vs marksmith
_knightmare_ vs punkpoet
legend_pot vs jasonb

Firestorm B vs Rev's A
_fresh_ vs veyron
_knightmare_ vs tip_doctor
legend_pot vs mrmagic
2pac786 vs lolumadbro

Firestorm B vs FPD B
slimeball vs fr34k_p0t
_fresh_ vs bonfireheart
legend_pot vs ric_flair
2pac786 vs watchinawe

Firestorm B vs FPD C
_fresh_ vs ferretlady
2pac786 vs king8ball
_knightmare_ vs blackcabman7
slimeball vs mitch_bougi
Posts: 433
05:40 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
joeyy 14 vs 1 fasteddie_


I played pretty well mostly. the one he won he fluked the 9, saying that he had mastered losing from winning positions today. 4 or 5 times he just misjudged a shot when he had nearly won the frame or got unlucky at crucial times including fouling the black in the 3rd frame. scoreline flatters me here he deserved a few more
Posts: 14,736
05:43 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Great result joeyy mate - sounds like he had a lot of misfortune but you did what you do best and that's punish and win at all costs. Top result for the team mate so very well done.
Posts: 871
14:21 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Quality results Alex and joeyy, well done!
Posts: 14,736
15:58 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah some nice results mine and _payback_s were good too lol

Any Updates on the FCL team? Don't want to go into the weekend with anymore than 2/3 needing to be played. We have an active group of players, opponents maybe not so but we can always make swaps to accommodate you and your own availability.

Posts: 1,029
16:14 Tue 20 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Quality results Alex and joeyy, well done!

Cheers mate :)
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Firestorm Phoenix: Turning Up the Heat! :)

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