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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner

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Posts: 1,617
12:13 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I can make it but I will be a sub :)
Posts: 38,097
12:29 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
GRAND SLAM CUP PLATE FINAL (29/11/15 to 13/12/15)

The Revolution 0 v 0 The Professionals

FCL welshnow18 v crazy_greg
FCL tip_doctor v lateo1993
SL derik_dalton v dgeneratio
SL mrmagic v silent_hill
8 US kris v triple_b
9 US veyron v vixen_xox
8 UK poolbiird v thegame26
STR lolumadbro v dvz

2 x FCL format games - a maximum of 15 racks in total and 5 racks of each game type (8 Ball, UK8 and 9 Ball)
2 x Super League format games - a maximum of 12 racks in total and 4 racks of each game type (8 Ball, UK8 and 9 Ball) with 'Event Bonuses' available for any Golden Break or Run Out achieved.
1 x FBL format 8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total
1 x FBL format UK8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total
1 x FBL format 9 Ball game - a maximum of 12 racks in total
1 x FBL format Straight game - a maximum of 4 games in total
Posts: 38,097
12:29 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Killer Cup Grand Final

Professionals v Pocket Dynamos v Uprising

Match will be played on the 06/12/15 @ 9.00pm

Maximum of 5 players per team.

Personally don't like that teams didn't get a choice on the time but who can make the above date? Will need at least 5 players (Pros Only).

Whos up for it?
Posts: 1,169
13:35 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
should be able to make the killer final, ah tip_doctor, for the 3rd time i think in not even half a season i have been put against him
Posts: 136
14:25 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Killer Cup Grand Final

Professionals v Pocket Dynamos v Uprising

Match will be played on the 06/12/15 @ 9.00pm

Maximum of 5 players per team.

Personally don't like that teams didn't get a choice on the time but who can make the above date? Will need at least 5 players (Pros Only).

Whos up for it?

I'll be there
Posts: 529
15:53 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
sorry thats the other night I can't do
Posts: 38,097
16:04 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
nps mate, i know you can't do Sundays, shame we couldn't arrange it ourselves but after the first round i understand why we don't get a choice this time.
Posts: 38,097
20:27 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Killer Cup Grand Final

Professionals v Pocket Dynamos v Uprising

Match will be played on the 06/12/15 @ 9.00pm

Maximum of 5 players per team.

Who can make the above date? Will need at least 5 players (Pros Only).

These will play unless more than 5 are listed

* Want dvz and thegame26 to play if possible

If no more than 5 is on below names can play

Edited at 21:15 Mon 30/11/15 (GMT)
Posts: 2,327
21:13 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll be there.
Posts: 3,072
23:13 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
if its sunday can play m8 :)
Posts: 38,097
23:15 Mon 30 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
sure is
Posts: 3,359
01:01 Tue 1 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
ill be there mate and will do my upmost to destroy my new team before i leave to join them
Posts: 1,169
01:05 Tue 1 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
playing tip_doctor in GSC plate final.. feeling way too unprepared for this, about 30 minutes play in last week or so
Posts: 1,169
01:33 Tue 1 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
GSC plate final:

Lateo1993 vs tip_doctor

8US: 1 - 4
9US: 1 - 4
8UK: 2 - 3

Overall 4 - 11

7 balled twice in 8US and potted black and white together, put me in a big hole, to be honest, he played well, i was just plain crap, simple as that, 20 minutes play in over a week is just not good enough, played poor, no excuse, just plain crap tonight

sorry guys, very well played tip_doctor
Posts: 38,097
02:00 Tue 1 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't worry mate, still 2-2 and all to play for
Posts: 1,169
02:56 Tue 1 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
hopefully we can win, been working myself through the ground in last week since coming off my week off, worked 66 hours in last week and that doesn't include all my voluntary work and things, i should of been better then that though

good luck rest of you to play
Posts: 3,359
23:23 Wed 2 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
smashed by ang sorry i havent had time to play at all

its the end of the road here for me im going to take a break until new season starts

wish you all the best
Posts: 38,097
23:30 Wed 2 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Killer Cup Grand Final

Professionals v Pocket Dynamos v Uprising

Match will be played on the 06/12/15 @ 9.00pm

Maximum of 5 players per team.

Who can make the above date? Will need at least 5 players (Pros Only).

These will play unless more than 5 are listed

* Want dvz and thegame26 to play if possible

If no more than 5 is on below names can play
Posts: 38,097
23:31 Wed 2 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
GRAND SLAM CUP PLATE FINAL (29/11/15 to 13/12/15)

The Revolution 4 v 2 The Professionals

FCL welshnow18 v crazy_greg
FCL tip_doctor 2 v 0 lateo1993
SL derik_dalton v dgeneratio
SL mrmagic v silent_hill
8 US kris v triple_b
9 US veyron v vixen_xox
8 UK poolbiird 2 v 0 thegame26
STR lolumadbro 0 v 2 dvz

2 x FCL format games - a maximum of 15 racks in total and 5 racks of each game type (8 Ball, UK8 and 9 Ball)
2 x Super League format games - a maximum of 12 racks in total and 4 racks of each game type (8 Ball, UK8 and 9 Ball) with 'Event Bonuses' available for any Golden Break or Run Out achieved.
1 x FBL format 8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total
1 x FBL format UK8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total
1 x FBL format 9 Ball game - a maximum of 12 racks in total
1 x FBL format Straight game - a maximum of 4 games in total
Posts: 38,097
23:31 Wed 2 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
smashed by ang sorry i havent had time to play at all

its the end of the road here for me im going to take a break until new season starts

wish you all the best

soz to see you go pal but good luck with Uprising
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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner

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