The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner
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01:10 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
unlucky dee but giving them a close match despite the score
just want lateo to arrange asap
just want lateo to arrange asap
01:10 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
Grand Slam Cup
Deadline: 22nd Nov @ Midnight
Professionals 0 vs 6 Uprising
FCL: crazy_greg vs turtle1560
FCL: lateo1993 vs dv8
SL: dgeneratio vs r1p0m4n_v2
SL: silent_hill 0 vs 2 erigert
8US: triple_b vs _niall_
9US: vixen_xox 0 vs 2 fran_
8UK: andyw1 0 vs 2 corsair
STR: dvz vs clifton188
Best of Luck and have fun doing it
Deadline: 22nd Nov @ Midnight
Professionals 0 vs 6 Uprising
FCL: crazy_greg vs turtle1560
FCL: lateo1993 vs dv8
SL: dgeneratio vs r1p0m4n_v2
SL: silent_hill 0 vs 2 erigert
8US: triple_b vs _niall_
9US: vixen_xox 0 vs 2 fran_
8UK: andyw1 0 vs 2 corsair
STR: dvz vs clifton188
Best of Luck and have fun doing it
2 x FCL format games - a maximum of 15 racks in total and 5 racks of each game type (8 Ball, UK8 and 9 Ball)
2 x Super League format games - a maximum of 12 racks in total and 4 racks of each game type (8 Ball, UK8 and 9 Ball) with 'Event Bonuses' available for any Golden Break or Run Out achieved.
1 x FBL format 8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total
1 x FBL format UK8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total
1 x FBL format 9 Ball game - a maximum of 12 racks in total
1 x FBL format Straight game - a maximum of 4 games in total
2 x Super League format games - a maximum of 12 racks in total and 4 racks of each game type (8 Ball, UK8 and 9 Ball) with 'Event Bonuses' available for any Golden Break or Run Out achieved.
1 x FBL format 8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total
1 x FBL format UK8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total
1 x FBL format 9 Ball game - a maximum of 12 racks in total
1 x FBL format Straight game - a maximum of 4 games in total
01:11 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
Thats this weekend right. The following weekend is default on the sunday so would suggest this weekend. Suggest mind..........not dictate I dont want Vix on my withered backside
yep, ill send those three at 9 pm ok with you mate?
Thats this weekend right. The following weekend is default on the sunday so would suggest this weekend. Suggest mind..........not dictate I dont want Vix on my withered backside
01:11 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
yes mate, i suggest this weekend too, lets do it
01:15 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
im doing what i can, not got a specific time/date off them yet, so hopefully be sorted soon
unlucky dee but giving them a close match despite the score
just want lateo to arrange asap
just want lateo to arrange asap
im doing what i can, not got a specific time/date off them yet, so hopefully be sorted soon
01:15 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
Times i sent:
Friday 13th (gulps lol) @ 9 pm
Saturday 14th @ 9 pm
Sunday 15th @ 9 pm
Not sure which will be chosen (i think me and jamie agreed Saturday). Hopefully the default time will be overturned
Friday 13th (gulps lol) @ 9 pm
Saturday 14th @ 9 pm
Sunday 15th @ 9 pm
Not sure which will be chosen (i think me and jamie agreed Saturday). Hopefully the default time will be overturned
01:16 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
im sure i can be available for all 3 dates if 9pm
01:17 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
im doing what i can, not got a specific time/date off them yet, so hopefully be sorted soon
cool pal, i'm holding off playing Imran just in case we need to swap as you suit Imran and i can suit Andy
unlucky dee but giving them a close match despite the score
just want lateo to arrange asap
just want lateo to arrange asap
im doing what i can, not got a specific time/date off them yet, so hopefully be sorted soon
cool pal, i'm holding off playing Imran just in case we need to swap as you suit Imran and i can suit Andy
01:37 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
Sorry guys, but I think you have your wires crossed. If all three teams cannot agree with a set date and time, then it does not get played until default time and date.
I would usually be available Sunday evenings, but I am out of the country for a few weeks in Australia! :)
You can say we are trying to win at all costs and all that, but in reality, we actually will struggle to get players on for the time slots suggested.
I love a game of killer, especially after I won last season's qualifying round, not exactly a cream of the crop :P lol
Anyways, in regards to dictating we are not dictating, if you have a problem with the default time, blame horse as it has been set for all teams :) so please, even if you feel we dictate (name one time this season ;)), you would not be practising what you preach!
Anyways, good luck in the killer game everyone, should be a good'un!!
I would usually be available Sunday evenings, but I am out of the country for a few weeks in Australia! :)
You can say we are trying to win at all costs and all that, but in reality, we actually will struggle to get players on for the time slots suggested.
I love a game of killer, especially after I won last season's qualifying round, not exactly a cream of the crop :P lol
Anyways, in regards to dictating we are not dictating, if you have a problem with the default time, blame horse as it has been set for all teams :) so please, even if you feel we dictate (name one time this season ;)), you would not be practising what you preach!
Anyways, good luck in the killer game everyone, should be a good'un!!
01:50 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
dgeneratio hopefully playing dv8 friday at 10am, otherwise im off work all of next week so will be time
01:54 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
Very good luck! All matches have been extremely close so far, it'd be a crime if we didn't start winning a couple of points soon!
02:08 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
Gl mate I'll start arranging with imran tomorrow (technically today)
02:08 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
There seems to be a misunderstanding regarding the playing at default time. Clans are meant to ether agree a date amongst themselves, which really shouldn't be that difficult. Or if there is a difference of opinion they are meant to send a list of dates / times that they can play. It is then meant to be decided that if all teams are way out then default time will be used as a last resort but it is hoped that the three teams have some common ground and it is not required. It now appears that we have clans wanting to force it to be at default time which is not really in the spirit that it was introduced.
Sorry guys, but I think you have your wires crossed. If all three teams cannot agree with a set date and time, then it does not get played until default time and date.
I would usually be available Sunday evenings, but I am out of the country for a few weeks in Australia! :)
You can say we are trying to win at all costs and all that, but in reality, we actually will struggle to get players on for the time slots suggested.
I love a game of killer, especially after I won last season's qualifying round, not exactly a cream of the crop :P lol
Anyways, in regards to dictating we are not dictating, if you have a problem with the default time, blame horse as it has been set for all teams :) so please, even if you feel we dictate (name one time this season ;)), you would not be practising what you preach!
Anyways, good luck in the killer game everyone, should be a good'un!!
I would usually be available Sunday evenings, but I am out of the country for a few weeks in Australia! :)
You can say we are trying to win at all costs and all that, but in reality, we actually will struggle to get players on for the time slots suggested.
I love a game of killer, especially after I won last season's qualifying round, not exactly a cream of the crop :P lol
Anyways, in regards to dictating we are not dictating, if you have a problem with the default time, blame horse as it has been set for all teams :) so please, even if you feel we dictate (name one time this season ;)), you would not be practising what you preach!
Anyways, good luck in the killer game everyone, should be a good'un!!
There seems to be a misunderstanding regarding the playing at default time. Clans are meant to ether agree a date amongst themselves, which really shouldn't be that difficult. Or if there is a difference of opinion they are meant to send a list of dates / times that they can play. It is then meant to be decided that if all teams are way out then default time will be used as a last resort but it is hoped that the three teams have some common ground and it is not required. It now appears that we have clans wanting to force it to be at default time which is not really in the spirit that it was introduced.
02:13 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
There really isn't a problem between us and FPD, both teams have a few evenings and times we can agree upon .. It's the common denominator as usual that can only play on deadline day.
02:18 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
legend_pot, miss_harriet, fresh and joeyy apparently.
Vixen, you make me giggle you do. Your humour is so dry. Love it!!.
The way i see it is this. I have decided to put all the players not playing in the GSC or SL to play in the killer comp. Its supposed to be fun. I think the less famous players should all get a go, not the cream of the league.
Why not just send 3 times into Horse and he picks one. Then whoevers online gets to play. Its that simple. Out of 12-14 players in a team if you cant get 5 on there is something wrong aint there. Its not always about winning is it surely? I cant remember who won it last season, its a bit of fun, thats all.
Haha, I'm glad I amuse someone!
nevermind guys, can't win this one, guess we have to accept the default time.
who can make Nov 22 @ 9 pm?
who can make Nov 22 @ 9 pm?
legend_pot, miss_harriet, fresh and joeyy apparently.
Vixen, you make me giggle you do. Your humour is so dry. Love it!!.
The way i see it is this. I have decided to put all the players not playing in the GSC or SL to play in the killer comp. Its supposed to be fun. I think the less famous players should all get a go, not the cream of the league.
Why not just send 3 times into Horse and he picks one. Then whoevers online gets to play. Its that simple. Out of 12-14 players in a team if you cant get 5 on there is something wrong aint there. Its not always about winning is it surely? I cant remember who won it last season, its a bit of fun, thats all.
Haha, I'm glad I amuse someone!
02:34 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
Horse, are you for real? This exact same scenario occured last season where no agreement was made and default time applied. why have a default time and date? Of course if everyone agrees a time, then great. But your saying that because we cannot potentially meet the other two teams, who conveniently are being awkward to cause conflict (I suggest you read the past few pages) intentionally, you would give preferential treatment to them.....this is getting ridiculous that you are now suggesting overruling your own rule just to get some sort of vendetta over on us. Like we need it the amount we get through the season.
Making a mockery of it all.
Making a mockery of it all.
02:43 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
I'd say that the team who can only play ONE day out of an entire fixture period was the team that was being awkward, not the two teams that can play several different evenings. And using the deadline rule as a means to get your own way is what makes a mockery of it all.
02:44 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
Lol another one who plays the biased card and from the same clan as last time. There is one common factor in the issue this season and last season and it is not me. The rule was done for when clans do not match times as it stands phoenix have offered one time which is default day / time only. The other 2 clans have offered several dates / times which match but phoenix are not interested in trying to work with the other 2 clans. Now if I use the dates / times and information provided I can come up with a date / time easily that is not default time which not one of the clans should complain about, but I know one will. So instead of playing the poor hard done by card why not put some effort into trying to work together and get an agreed time / date with out all the rubbish. At least ash has messaged me and tried to find some common ground.
Horse, are you for real? This exact same scenario occured last season where no agreement was made and default time applied. why have a default time and date? Of course if everyone agrees a time, then great. But your saying that because we cannot potentially meet the other two teams, who conveniently are being awkward to cause conflict (I suggest you read the past few pages) intentionally, you would give preferential treatment to them.....this is getting ridiculous that you are now suggesting overruling your own rule just to get some sort of vendetta over on us. Like we need it the amount we get through the season.
Making a mockery of it all.
Making a mockery of it all.
Lol another one who plays the biased card and from the same clan as last time. There is one common factor in the issue this season and last season and it is not me. The rule was done for when clans do not match times as it stands phoenix have offered one time which is default day / time only. The other 2 clans have offered several dates / times which match but phoenix are not interested in trying to work with the other 2 clans. Now if I use the dates / times and information provided I can come up with a date / time easily that is not default time which not one of the clans should complain about, but I know one will. So instead of playing the poor hard done by card why not put some effort into trying to work together and get an agreed time / date with out all the rubbish. At least ash has messaged me and tried to find some common ground.
02:48 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)
How many from Pros can make this Sunday say 9pm? Ideally I'd like to avoid the default day tbh - but that was the time and date which it clearly stated IF all 3 Captains fail to come to an agreement that's the time to use.
I'll ask the same question on FPD's thread too.
I'll ask the same question on FPD's thread too.
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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner
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