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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner

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Posts: 374
23:11 Fri 16 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
well after 10 years of playing it her him...defo whinges like a girl and i thought it was a i understand:)
Posts: 38,097
23:41 Fri 16 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Dgen 0-2 Legend

Score as predicted but in first, i was in control, one smash from winning the frame, i chose to smash rather than be disappointed in safety play. My Smash % is usually good but none went here. Felt i let this slip as he was rusty.

second i missed an acute angled middle but was outplayed as he made a 30+ showing what he can do.

as said hes a top player but let a draw slip, ggs pal
Posts: 1,169
23:41 Fri 16 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Lateo1993 vs tip_doctor

8US: 1 - 1
9US: 0 - 2
8UK: 0 - 2

Overall: 1 - 5

8US was all evens in both frames, could of been any score, should of won 9US first frame but got lag on 9 ball and hit a weak shot then in 2nd frame missed an easy green to hand frame over for 2-0 loss, in UK first frame, fouled white off a pot and that was it for that, needing to get a run out of golden break to end game at 3-4 i couldn't get it this time, sorry about this result, will get the win next time out
Posts: 38,097
23:43 Fri 16 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
no probs mate, ty
Posts: 1,111
23:47 Fri 16 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Dgen 0-2 Legend

Score as predicted but in first, i was in control, one smash from winning the frame, i chose to smash rather than be disappointed in safety play. My Smash % is usually good but none went here. Felt i let this slip as he was rusty.

second i missed an acute angled middle but was outplayed as he made a 30+ showing what he can do.

as said hes a top player but let a draw slip, ggs pal
couldn't agree more mate got away with the win here a draw would have been fair ggs man
Posts: 6,417
23:51 Fri 16 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
no idea lol, rarely check the profile, sounds like a she though

strange_daze might want to beat her too!
Posts: 38,097
23:52 Fri 16 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 374
00:15 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
andy v jesus
20 20 21
just crucified jesus(cudnt resist the pun)sry jesus...nice guy gas vil m8
51 andy
Posts: 38,097
00:20 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
well done mate
Posts: 38,097
01:07 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
sarah 4-2 jesus

thanks for escaping the bind i was in guys
Posts: 1,617
01:49 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
triple_b vs jesus , 6 frames

8us 2-0
9us 0-2
8uk 2-0

overall 4-2 to me , i played well in this while jesus had a bit of bad luck

triple_ vs jesus , 15 frames

8us 3-2
9us 4-1
8uk 2-3

over all 9-6 to me , again i was poting well while jesus again had some bad luck

Posts: 38,097
01:54 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
nice wins
Posts: 38,097
11:53 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - 5 of US, 9, UK
Midnight UK time on 25th October 2015

Phoenix 15 vs 15 Professionals

_fresh_ vs dvz
miss_harriet vs silent_hill
legend_pot vs johnythefox
davybaumers 7 vs 8 andyw1
2pac786 vs crazy_greg
friendyboy 3 vs 0 bigcjl2 TBC
_payback_ 2 vs 2 dgeneratio TBC
joeyy 8 vs 7 lateo1993

FPD 27 vs 18 Professionals

scottyjr 11 vs 4 vixen_xox
whocares8x8 vs andyw1
the__saint 10 vs 5 dgeneratio
_jesus_ 6 vs 9 triple_b
klien vs thegame26
king8ball vs lateo1993
watchinawe vs crazy_greg
ric_flair vs bigcjl2

Revolution 40 vs 35 Professionals

mr_magoo vs triple_b
tinie_v17 vs _wales_lad_
mikeybboy 7 vs 8 lateo1993
tip_doctor 10 vs 5 vixen_xox
poolbiird 10 vs 5 andyw1
lolumadbro 9 vs 6 silent_hill
fasteddie_ vs johnythefox
mrmagic 4 vs 11 dvz

^ not added Incomplete to scores
Posts: 38,097
11:55 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League - 2 US,UK,9 - 1 Bonus for Events

Uprising A 18 vs 9 Pros A

_niall_ 5 vs 1 vixen_xox
fran_ 1 vs 5 dvz
turtle1560 5 vs 2 silent_hill
horse10000 7 vs 1 triple_b

Pros A 13 vs 11 Dynamos A

dvz 5 vs 1 jasonb
triple_b 4 vs 2 blueberry
vixen_xox 2 vs 4 bulletzzzz
_wales_lad_ 2 vs 4 punkpoet

Pros A 12 vs 8 Revs A

triple_b 5 vs 1 poolbiird
vixen_xox 2 vs 3 veyron TBC
dvz 6 vs 2 tinie_v17
silent_hill 1 vs 5 lolumadbro

Pros A 16 vs 8 FPD C

vixen_xox 4 vs 2 fasteddie_
triple_b 4 vs 2 _jesus_
silent_hill 3 vs 3 ric_flair
dvz 5 vs 1 blackcabman7

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 18th October 2015

Note to myself: If you played your game for a team you can't sub into the other team.

^ Not added Incomplete
Posts: 38,097
11:57 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League - 2 US,UK,9 - 1 Bonus for Events

Pros B 4 vs 14 Revs B

dgeneratio 1 vs 5 kris
lateo1993 1 vs 5 tip_doctor
andyw1 2 vs 4 mikeybboy
bigcjl2 vs mrmagic

Pros B 7 vs 14 Uprising B

andyw1 4 vs 4 clifton188
lateo1993 2 vs 4 r1p0m4n_v2
dgeneratio 1 vs 6 erigert
bigcjl2 vs ritcho

Pros B 16 vs 10 Dynamos B

crazy_greg 2 vs 4 w_hoolahan
dgeneratio 4 vs 2 the__priest
andyw1 6 vs 2 re_rack_jack
lateo1993 4 vs 2 _siber_man_

Pros B 18 vs 6 FPD C

crazy_greg 5 vs 1 buckjam
andyw1 5 vs 1 _jesus_
dgeneratio 4 vs 2 ric_flair
lateo1993 4 vs 2 blackcabman7

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 18th October 2015

Note to myself: If you played your game for a team you can't sub into the other team.
Posts: 38,097
11:59 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL - 1st to 5 or 4-4 of your type, 2 frames of Straight
Deadline: 1st Nov (Dgen's Birthday )

Pocket Dynamos 4 v 4 The Professionals

8US jasonb 0 v 2 triple_b
8US _siber_man_ v crazy_greg
9US re_rack_jack 2 v 0 vixen_xox
9US bulletzzzz v silent_hill
8UK the__priest v andyw1
8UK ang3l v lateo1993
STR w_hoolahan 2 v 0 dgeneratio
STR punkpoet 0 v 2 dvz

FPD 0 v 4 The Professionals

8US blackcabman7 v crazy_greg
8US ric_flair v lateo1993
9US fr34k_pot 0 v 2 vixen_xox
9US watchinawe v toluca_is_bk (Replay from 19th please)
8UK whocares8x8 v triple_b
8UK bonfireheart v bigcjl2
STR klien 0 v 2 silent_hill
STR the__saint v dvz
Posts: 38,097
12:01 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL - 1st to 5 or 4-4 of your type, 2 frames of Straight
Deadline: 1st Nov (Dgen's Birthday )

Phoenix 2 v 2 The Professionals

8US friendyboy v crazy_greg
8US miss_harriet v silent_hill
9US _payback_ v vixen_xox
9US davybaumers v _wales_lad_
8UK _fresh_ v andyw1
8UK alex_lewis v lateo1993
STR legend_pot 2 v 0 dgeneratio
STR joeyy 0 v 2 dvz

Uprising 1 v 1 The Professionals

8US strange_daze v triple_b
8US corsair v bigcjl2
9US fran_ v vixen_xox
9US zantetsukenz v johnythefox
8UK _niall_ v _wales_lad_
8UK r1p0m4n_v2 1 v 1 lateo1993
STR erigert v thegame26
STR turtle1560 v dvz
Posts: 9,926
18:51 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season IX

I require team lists in from all teams for the third set of fixtures by Sunday night 18/10/15.
Posts: 38,097
19:58 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League

List sent, hope your all ready (especially team a) as players are low this set.

If you want more or less games let me know

Team A
dvz - 3 games
triple_b - 4 games
silent_hill - 2 games (can sub into other 2 A)
sean_92 - 0 games (charger broke)
vixen_xox - 4 games
chaulkmeup - 0 games (until she expressed she wants to play the sub rule goes against her)
_wales_lad_ - 3 games
johnythefox - 0 games (if he reactivates before tomorrow evening i can put him in one or two, atm it would be poor as a captain to place a deactivated player in fixtures)

Team B
destroyer_v2 - 0 games (problems)
andyw1 - 4 games
crazy_greg - 2 games
bigcjl2 - 1 game (would give more pal but you have a few to complete by weekend)
dgeneratio - 2 games
thegame26 - 0 games (Saving for sub potentially for A)
lateo1993 - 4 games
toluca_is_bk - 2 games (won't be able to play until day after release)

Posts: 38,097
22:46 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
9US zantetsukenz v johnythefox

Sub will be silent_hill but need kili's deactivation to expire before doing the sub, if he reactivates then still be kilis match.

As for FCL not sure who i would sub in but sub restriction gets lifted tomorrow so will check tomorrow evening, any dictation may mean no sub so be mindful how you talk to me.
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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner

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