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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner

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Posts: 38,097
11:25 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Champ - Quarters
Deadline: Oct 25th

dgeneratio vs clifton188

Can dgen beat three Uprising players in a row or will three not be a charm?
Posts: 38,097
11:26 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - 5 of US, 9, UK
Midnight UK time on 25th October 2015

Phoenix 8 vs 7 Professionals

_fresh_ vs dvz
miss_harriet vs silent_hill
legend_pot vs johnythefox
davybaumers vs andyw1
2pac786 vs crazy_greg
friendyboy vs bigcjl2
_payback_ vs dgeneratio
joeyy 8 vs 7 lateo1993

Uprising 48 vs 27 Professionals

erigert vs dvz
corsair 8 vs 7 triple_b
fran_ 11 vs 4 silent_hill
dv8 11 vs 4 vixen_xox
turtle1560 vs johnythefox
clifton188 vs andyw1
r1p0m4n_v2 11 vs 4 lateo1993
cgibson92 7 vs 8 _wales_lad_

Revolution 19 vs 11 Professionals

mr_magoo vs triple_b
tinie_v17 vs _wales_lad_
mikeybboy vs lateo1993
tip_doctor 10 vs 5 vixen_xox
poolbiird vs andyw1 (again lol)
lolumadbro 9 vs 6 silent_hill
fasteddie_ vs johnythefox
mrmagic vs dvz
Posts: 38,097
11:26 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - 5 of US, 9, UK
Midnight UK time on 25th October 2015

FPD 21 vs 9 Professionals

scottyjr 11 vs 4 vixen_xox
whocares8x8 vs andyw1
the__saint 10 vs 5 dgeneratio
_jesus_ vs triple_b
klien vs thegame26
king8ball vs lateo1993
watchinawe vs crazy_greg
ric_flair vs bigcjl2
Posts: 38,097
11:26 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League - 2 US,UK,9 - 1 Bonus for Events

Uprising A 13 vs 7 Pros A

_niall_ 5 vs 1 vixen_xox
fran_ 1 vs 5 dvz
turtle1560 vs silent_hill
horse10000 7 vs 1 triple_b

Pros A 13 vs 11 Dynamos A

dvz 5 vs 1 jasonb
triple_b 4 vs 2 blueberry
vixen_xox 2 vs 4 bulletzzzz
_wales_lad_ 2 vs 4 punkpoet

Pros A 12 vs 8 Revs A

triple_b 5 vs 1 poolbiird
vixen_xox vs veyron
dvz 6 vs 2 tinie_v17
silent_hill 1 vs 5 lolumadbro

Pros A 12 vs 6 FPD C

vixen_xox 4 vs 2 fasteddie_
sean_92 vs _jesus_
silent_hill 3 vs 3 ric_flair
dvz 5 vs 1 blackcabman7

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 18th October 2015

Note to myself: If you played your game for a team you can't sub into the other team.
Posts: 38,097
11:26 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League - 2 US,UK,9 - 1 Bonus for Events

Pros B 1 vs 5 Revs B

dgeneratio 1 vs 5 kris
lateo1993 vs quickshot (sub needed)
andyw1 vs mikeybboy
bigcjl2 vs mrmagic

Pros B 3 vs 10 Uprising B

andyw1 vs clifton188
lateo1993 2 vs 4 r1p0m4n_v2
dgeneratio 1 vs 6 erigert
bigcjl2 vs ritcho

Pros B 14 vs 6 Dynamos B

crazy_greg vs letsgochamp
dgeneratio 4 vs 2 the__priest
andyw1 6 vs 2 re_rack_jack
lateo1993 4 vs 2 _siber_man_

Pros B 8 vs 4 FPD C

andyw1 vs buckjam
crazy_greg vs _jesus_
dgeneratio 4 vs 2 ric_flair
lateo1993 4 vs 2 blackcabman7

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 18th October 2015

Note to myself: If you played your game for a team you can't sub into the other team.
Posts: 38,097
11:27 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL - 1st to 5 or 4-4 of your type, 2 frames of Straight
Deadline: 1st Nov (My Birthday )

Pocket Dynamos 2 v 0 The Professionals

8US jasonb v triple_b
8US _siber_man_ v crazy_greg
9US re_rack_jack 2 v 0 vixen_xox
9US bulletzzzz v silent_hill
8UK the__priest v andyw1
8UK ang3l v lateo1993
STR w_hoolahan v dgeneratio
STR punkpoet v dvz

FPD 0 v 2 The Professionals

8US blackcabman7 v crazy_greg
8US ric_flair v lateo1993
9US fr34k_pot 0 v 2 vixen_xox
9US watchinawe v toluca_is_bk
8UK whocares8x8 v triple_b
8UK bonfireheart v bigcjl2
STR klien v silent_hill
STR the__saint v dvz

Edited at 08:48 Mon 12/10/15 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
11:27 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL - 1st to 5 or 4-4 of your type, 2 frames of Straight
Deadline: 1st Nov (My Birthday )

Phoenix 0 v 0 The Professionals

8US friendyboy v crazy_greg
8US silent_hill v miss_harriet
9US _payback_ v vixen_xox
9US davybaumers v _wales_lad_
8UK _fresh_ v andyw1
8UK alex_lewis v lateo1993
STR legend_pot v dgeneratio
STR joeyy v dvz

Uprising 0 v 0 The Professionals

8US strange_daze v triple_b
8US corsair v bigcjl2
9US fran_ v vixen_xox
9US zantetsukenz v johnythefox
8UK _niall_ v _wales_lad_
8UK r1p0m4n_v2 v lateo1993
STR erigert v thegame26
STR turtle1560 v dvz
Posts: 38,097
11:35 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
By the way guys next season Pros will be continuing next season under a new name under new captaincy. I have also contemplated my league future and was dead set on quitting and revoke my own posting rights to prevent arguments. I felt it was the only way to proceed but the new captain had a condition that i remain in league as a player which i accepted.

I also let them know i don't want to make any decision regarding the clan as being a captain on pool is more stressful than it used to be so i want to relax next season and enjoy the league rather than have negative thoughts and not enjoy the league (like this season and part of last too).

Be good if you all stayed to help the new captain but if you made other arrangements, please let us know.
Posts: 4,046
19:58 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey James. _jesus_ will be on fri and sat to play his SL games. sean92 been off a while so is a sub possible for that. Hopefully he can catch greg on either of those days.
Posts: 38,097
20:21 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Will pm greg mate and will try and provide a sub for sean
Posts: 38,097
20:25 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Sub

sean_92 vs _jesus_
triple_b vs _jesus_

These can also sub in...

If you see _jesus_ on Friday or Saturday night, please sub in Thanks guys
Posts: 136
20:41 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

silent_hill vs klien

2-0 to me (straight)

Another poor performance from me, but I got the points somehow! Ggs unlucky mate
Posts: 374
20:42 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
sure i saw jesus in wales on friday night then i saw him on sat....i was totally intoxicated though so it could ov been some1 else
Posts: 38,097
20:47 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
well done Phil and Andy
Posts: 136
21:05 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
By the way guys next season Pros will be continuing next season under a new name under new captaincy. I have also contemplated my league future and was dead set on quitting and revoke my own posting rights to prevent arguments. I felt it was the only way to proceed but the new captain had a condition that i remain in league as a player which i accepted.

I also let them know i don't want to make any decision regarding the clan as being a captain on pool is more stressful than it used to be so i want to relax next season and enjoy the league rather than have negative thoughts and not enjoy the league (like this season and part of last too).

Be good if you all stayed to help the new captain but if you made other arrangements, please let us know.

Please explain this to me, in further detail please mate.
Posts: 38,097
21:17 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It means due to a certain clan and their captain, and the rows i had with them, to prevent fighting and risking a revoke or worse with admin watching i was going to quit the league at end of season, revoke my own posting rights and stick the main guys on ignore who gave me a hard time.

I was adamant or dead set on it and contemplated deactivating twice because of it as well. Most part of me isn't enjoying the league anymore but i do enjoy friendly competitions.

I'm not an argumentative person and since school i learned to keep my emotions in check but the rage builds in my mind and at times you want to let it out which i did several times on Facebook as i knew it wouldn't draw the attention of Staff.

The new captain spoke to me and zac, sarah as well, trying to get me to stay. After the season though on Pastebin i will put my feelings on there about what i felt this season (i wouldn't put it on funky as would be removed).

In end i decided to stay in the league and the clan but will be run by someone else as being a captain is almost like being a runner, lot of work, little reward
Posts: 529
22:16 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
greg 5 - 1 buckjam


we both made mistakes but I guess I made fewer in the end
Posts: 38,097
22:17 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
well done mate
Posts: 38,097
23:34 Mon 12 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
toluca beat awe 5-1, nice debut mate
Posts: 38,097
00:18 Tue 13 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
21:12 Mon 12/10/15
8 Ball Pool UK - dgeneratio broke and cleared up!
21:10 Mon 12/10/15
8 Ball Pool UK - dgeneratio broke and cleared up!
21:06 Mon 12/10/15
8 Ball Pool UK - dgeneratio broke and cleared up!

3 in a row and 101 runouts to you all, glad it was against you Rich mate, onto 9 ball now
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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner

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