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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner

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Posts: 2,327
03:18 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I was referring to THIS season, not his ability altogether as I know he can play. But every game he has played for his team for the league, this season, he has lost, therefore what I say was not inaccurate.
Posts: 1,029
03:25 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
And yeah ^ newborn babies often sleep because it's midnight,,.NOT.

She feeds at 2am and 6am, so yeah she is asleep at midnight :)

Regards to Ash statement, factual maybe, but still a put-down. Unnecesary one at that!
Posts: 14,736
03:25 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can you Release tension please, I cant be bothered to justify myself to anyone on this thread. Not worth my time nor effort tbh.

I do feel that a MOD (Dee in this instance) should know better and be more a role model for others to re-enact, slating a Captain over his results is not only an insult to me but my opponents too. I'll have you know my last 2 fixtures vs zante and jasonb respectively were very close and as long I felt I gave a good account of myself then that's all that matters.

Knowing I have the support and back up from a formidable team line up is very rewarding and also I know that whatever I do achieve will contribute positively towards an overall win. IF we fall short, we fall short but to beat the best you have to match them first. Pros is not in that category I'm afraid to say.

My intentions are never to ruin another team, we had tension at the beginning of this season then you pinched him. Unfortunately we have lost some quality with my best mate being banned so we needed an adequate replacement. Tension is a great player himself and one I've admired for a long time, so I'd be foolish not to ask him to join the great team I have assembled.

Posts: 2,327
03:29 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Wasn't a put down at all, I'm a captain on snooker and while I'm not THE best player I'm decent enough to have good enough scores to sign people who get the same and better. And I don't go poaching players to surround myself with awesomeness when I don't put myself in every fixture, other than the teams I think are easier to play against.

I was replying to my captain on our thread it's really none of your business, but you're entitled to post, and I'm entitled to answer.
Posts: 2,327
03:30 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It is down to James to release him but knowing the captain James is I'm fairly certain he won't hold a grudge or hold a player back in any way and will release him asap.
Posts: 2,327
03:33 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can you Release tension please, I cant be bothered to justify myself to anyone on this thread. Not worth my time nor effort tbh.

I do feel that a MOD (Dee in this instance) should know better and be more a role model for others to re-enact, slating a Captain over his results is not only an insult to me but my opponents too. I'll have you know my last 2 fixtures vs zante and jasonb respectively were very close and as long I felt I gave a good account of myself then that's all that matters.

Knowing I have the support and back up from a formidable team line up is very rewarding and also I know that whatever I do achieve will contribute positively towards an overall win. IF we fall short, we fall short but to beat the best you have to match them first. Pros is not in that category I'm afraid to say.

My intentions are never to ruin another team, we had tension at the beginning of this season then you pinched him. Unfortunately we have lost some quality with my best mate being banned so we needed an adequate replacement. Tension is a great player himself and one I've admired for a long time, so I'd be foolish not to ask him to join the great team I have assembled.


I'm sorry Ash but watching you spend the entire night whining and screaming because YOUR player chose to be decent and do a replay of a match, completely disregarding Ryans feelings, made me embarrassed for you.
You can name your expectations of a MOD all you like when you constantly put down other captains and the league runner. Sure apologise after, that makes it all better.
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04:58 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
would you be able to release me james please?, Thankyou For having me!, and I wish you guys all the best for the remainder of the season amongst many more hopefully!
Posts: 2,327
05:01 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think I can speak on James behalf (we're all vices here as often said) and say you're released, it's not a concentration camp everyone is welcome to go where they please. Thanks for the games you played
Posts: 4,046
05:16 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Great players don't need to be surrounded by great players, look at Dvz, now that's a player. Forget it James, get reliable people, if Ash is that desperate to win when he can't even win any of his own games then so be it. We'll make do with what we've got

A mod belittling a captain. Wow, you are pathetic excuse of a mod. And Ash has beaten players thanks.

P.S id rather have cabbie playing than you.

That final line. That was a dig at one of my players so now i should watch what your saying. As it goes i would rather have Cabbie playing for me than you and Ash and half of your glory hunting team. You see any victory you get this season will be hollow, just like the people you are.
Posts: 661
05:34 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Great players don't need to be surrounded by great players, look at Dvz, now that's a player. Forget it James, get reliable people, if Ash is that desperate to win when he can't even win any of his own games then so be it. We'll make do with what we've got

A mod belittling a captain. Wow, you are pathetic excuse of a mod. And Ash has beaten players thanks.

P.S id rather have cabbie playing than you.

That final line. That was a dig at one of my players so now i should watch what your saying. As it goes i would rather have Cabbie playing for me than you and Ash and half of your glory hunting team. You see any victory you get this season will be hollow, just like the people you are.

Glory hunting? We're going to win nothing. xD Uprising have the titles sealed up already.
Posts: 2,327
05:35 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Didnt uprising refuse you a place?
Posts: 661
05:38 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Didnt uprising refuse you a place?

I have an inbox full of clan offers. Including ones from Uprising.
Posts: 661
05:39 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Didnt uprising refuse you a place?

And I was in Pro's from the start.... Only one season out. It's pretty shocking, and sad to see the great clan now.
Posts: 2,327
05:41 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It's still a great clan, it's just sad that the 'best players' were so in doubt of their own ability they had to be surrounded by 'the best' players. No reward in that whatsoever.
Posts: 661
05:43 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It's still a great clan, it's just sad that the 'best players' were so in doubt of their own ability they had to be surrounded by 'the best' players. No reward in that whatsoever.

It's not a great clan. It was a great clan. Great clans win titles, and win matches.....

The 'best players' you talked about, were here a lot longer than 95% of your current team have been.
Posts: 2,327
05:46 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Uprising is a great clan, with loyal players. So far this season vs them I've drew 3-3 with ritcho and lost 8-7 to turtle, and you were so disgusted with the new signings you figured you'd be better off with a captain that gets much worse results than I do, or anyone else dgen signed. And I have it on a personal note Richie is pretty disgusted too.

So if Phoenix are that desperate for your hairy chin, good for them,. have at it.
Posts: 661
05:58 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Uprising is a great clan, with loyal players. So far this season vs them I've drew 3-3 with ritcho and lost 8-7 to turtle, and you were so disgusted with the new signings you figured you'd be better off with a captain that gets much worse results than I do, or anyone else dgen signed. And I have it on a personal note Richie is pretty disgusted too.

So if Phoenix are that desperate for your hairy chin, good for them,. have at it.

I'll come back to that offensive personal comment at the end.

As for the first part, yes, you're right in saying Uprising is a great clan. Even last season, the season before and the season before that, they were still a great clan.

We all had to start out somewhere in our clan career. I remember joining Funky in 2009, when a friend who ran the leagues at the time, suggested I do so. I've been on here ever since, and have only missed out on two clan seasons in that time. When I joined, MVP (the first time) were at the pinnacle of their existence. I remember dgen - who happened to be in the first clan I was in - saying 'if I can get all of the top 3 types up to 850 rating, MVP will give me a trial'. I went from clan to clan after, ended up playing for 4 before the Cobra's asked me to join. That was my first Div 1 title. After that, MVP offered me a place.... Then Pro's once MVP folded. Being in the best clan, you had to be a good player on here, like one of the top 20.
Posts: 661
06:01 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Now, it seems like Pro's were signing anyone...... In my head, that didn't sit right. Earning the right to be in Pro's was one of the hardest things in FunkyPool.

That's why I left.

Now to that personal comment - why? Just why?

You're a mod on this site, and you go round insulting people. What does that gain you?

I can assure you, if Rich does come back, and he wants me in the team - you won't be.
Posts: 661
06:02 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh, and just a side note, I shave every day.
Posts: 2,327
06:03 Sun 20 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Never said you werent a great player, just very disloyal. And dvz is the very essence of a GREAT player, because he wants to do well and is encouragable without having to jump ship like fleeing rats to something supposedly better.
You're in my snooker clan (you were) and out of 6 fixures you played one game.. Did I ride your butt once? No I didn't, I don't do that, anyone who wants to be in can be in and anyone who wants out can go.
Honestly if I had your ability, I wouldn't have gone anywhere, just like dvz didn't.
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