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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner

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Posts: 1,617
01:18 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
triple b vs gbjibson
8us 3-2
8us 1-4
8uk 2-3

overall 9-6 to gibson , i started off well , got a bit unlucky in 9us tho, tho hes a very good potter and didn miss much , ggs
Posts: 38,097
01:24 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
still a nice result
Posts: 9,926
04:55 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season IX

Fixture Set 2 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 18th October 2015
Posts: 9,926
04:57 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship

Round 3 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 11th October 2015
Posts: 38,097
10:57 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship - Last 16

silent_hill vs whocares8x8
andyw1 vs miss_harriet
dgeneratio vs horse10000

Deadline: 11 Oct
Posts: 38,097
11:06 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League - 2 US,UK,9 - 1 Bonus for Events

Uprising A vs Pros A

_niall_ vs vixen_xox
fran_ vs dvz
turtle1560 vs silent_hill
horse10000 vs triple_b

Pros A vs Dynamos A

dvz vs jasonb
triple_b vs blueberry
vixen_xox vs bulletzzzz
_wales_lad_ vs punkpoet

Pros A vs Revs A

triple_b vs poolbiird
vixen_xox vs veyron
dvz vs tinie_v17
silent_hill vs lolumadbro

Pros A vs FPD C

vixen_xox vs fasteddie_
sean_92 vs _jesus_
silent_hill vs ric_flair
dvz vs blackcabman7

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 18th October 2015

Note to myself: If you played your game for a team you can't sub into the other team.

Edited at 10:23 Mon 28/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
11:13 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League - 2 US,UK,9 - 1 Bonus for Events

Pros B vs Revs B

dgeneratio vs mad_matt
lateo1993 vs quickshot
andyw1 vs mikeybboy
bigcjl2 vs mrmagic

Pros B vs Uprising B

andyw1 vs clifton188
lateo1993 vs r1p0m4n_v2
dgeneratio vs erigert
bigcjl2 vs ritcho

Pros B vs Dynamos B

crazy_greg vs letsgochamp
dgeneratio vs the__priest
andyw1 vs re_rack_jack
lateo1993 vs _siber_man_

Pros B vs FPD C

andyw1 vs fasteddie_
crazy_greg vs _jesus_
dgeneratio vs ric_flair
lateo1993 vs blackcabman7

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 18th October 2015

Note to myself: If you played your game for a team you can't sub into the other team.

Edited at 10:25 Mon 28/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
11:25 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 2
5 Frames of 8US, 9, 8UK

Deadline: 4th Oct

The Professionals 39 VS 66 Uprising

dgeneratio 3 vs 12 corsair
dvz 6 vs 9 dv8
crazy_greg vs zantetsukenz
bigcjl2 4 vs 11 clifton188
triple_b 6 vs 9 cgibson92
andyw1 6 vs 9 _niall_
silent_hill 7 vs 8 nike
vixen_xox 7 vs 8 turtle1560

The Professionals 61 VS 59 Pocket Dynamos

dvz 11 vs 4 the__priest
triple_b 5 vs 10 w_hoolahan
dgeneratio 8 vs 7 re_rack_jack
crazy_greg 10 vs 5 fastboysam
nzym_visual 5 vs 10 marksmith
silent_hill 9 vs 6 walktall
tension 6 vs 9 letsgochamp
johnythefox 7 vs 8 punkpoet

The Professionals 46 VS 42 Funky Pool Devils

dgeneratio 7 vs 8 klien
dvz/crazy_greg vs watchinawe
triple_b 12 vs 3 _pot_luck_
andyw1 11 vs 4 scottyjr
nzym_visual 4 vs 11 whocares8x8
vixen_xox 8 vs 7 _psmon_
silent_hill vs _jesus_
destroyer_v2 6 vs 9 buckjam

Edited at 11:49 Mon 28/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
11:27 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL SEASON 14 - FIXTURE SET 2 (20/09/15 to 11/10/15)

Uprising 9 v 1 The Professionals

8us: cgibson92 1 v 1 crazy_greg
8us: _niall_ v bigcjl2
9us: dv8 2 v 0 johnythefox
9us: horse10000 2 v 0 vixen_xox
8uk: corsair 2 v 0 andyw1
8uk: nike 2 v 0 dgeneratio
Str: clifton188 v sean_92
Str: turtle1560 v dvz

Funky Pool Devils 1 v 9 The Professionals

8us: bonfireheart 1 v 1 triple_b
8us: _psmon_ v johnythefox
9us: ric_flair 0 v 2 _wales_lad_
9us:watchinawe 0 v 2 vixen_xox
8uk: blackcabman7 v andyw1
8uk: king8ball 0 v 2 dgeneratio
Str: buckjam v dvz
Str: ferretlady 0 v 2 silent_hill

The Revolution 2 v 2 The Professionals

8us: lolumadbro v triple_b
8us: mr_magoo v nzym_visual (dgen can sub on week 3)
9us: veyron v _wales_lad_
9us: kris v destroyer_v2
8uk: poolbiird 1 v 1 andyw1
8uk: derik_dalton v vixen_xox
Str: tinie_v17 1 v 1 dvz
Str: mrmagic v sean_92

8 racks and 2 frames of Straight
Posts: 38,097
11:28 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League - 2 US,UK,9 - One Bonus for GB/RO

Pros A 13 vs 14 Uprising B

alfie1966 4 vs 3 erigert
vixen_xox 3 vs 3 ritcho
triple_b 3 vs 4 clifton188
dvz 3 vs 4 r1p0m4n_v2

Pros B 15 vs 4 FPD B

nzym_visual 4 vs 2 anoneeemouse
crazy_greg 7 vs 0 _psmon_
destroyer_v2 vs fasteddie_ (ferretlady can sub in)
tension 4 vs 2 watchinawe

Pros B 11 vs 17 Phoenix B

destroyer_v2 0 vs 7 davybaumers
crazy_greg 5 vs 2 _knightmare_
nzym_visual 2 vs 5 joeyy
tension 4 vs 3 ghost_chili

Pros B 17 vs 8 Pros A

_wales_lad_ 4 vs 2 dgeneratio
nzym_visual 3 vs 4 silent_hill
tension 5 vs 1 triple_b
andyw1 5 vs 1 vixen_xox

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK Tonight

Edited at 08:31 Mon 28/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
11:30 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League - 2 US,UK,9 - One Bonus for GB/RO

Pros A 9 vs 15 Revs B

vixen_xox 1 vs 5 mrmagic
dgeneratio 2 vs 4 tip_doctor
triple_b 2 vs 4 kris
silent_hill 4 vs 2 mr_magoo

Pros A 7 vs 18 Phoenix A

dvz 1 vs 6 legend_pot
triple_b 1 vs 5 _fresh_
vixen_xox 2 vs 5 achpfsk
silent_hill 4 vs 2 slimeball

FPD A 16 vs 9 Pros A

the__saint 5 vs 1 alfie1966
_huts24_ 2 vs 4 triple_b
klein 6 vs 0 vixen_xox
scottyjr 3 vs 4 sean_92

Revs A 17 vs 9 Pros B

tinie_v17 4 vs 2 nzym_visual
lolumadbro 4 vs 2 destroyer_v2
poolbiird 6 vs 2 andyw1
veyron 3 vs 3 bigcjl2

Uprising C 11 vs 9 Pros B

corsair 3 vs 4 andyw1
cgibson92 4 vs 3 crazy_greg
dv8 4 vs 2 bigcjl2
nike vs destroyer_v2 (game arranged between _wales_lad_ and Uprising)

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK Tonight
Posts: 38,097
11:32 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Team B vs FPD


chaulkmeup is also eligible if you can convince them to play

Sorry its not more but i think the members above aren't tracked
Posts: 38,097
11:44 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  


Subs who can play against _psmon_


Removed kili as i heard he deactivated then rich told me he has reactivated, as it stands kili can't play in current set but i have four hours to edit that post to cancel so if advised i will keep kili in the team and he can play if i edit in those four hours, if i don't edit then kili won't be eligible until FCL on Sunday as team changes here are updated all the time and not at end of the fixture

Edited at 10:35 Mon 28/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
14:17 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Post edited so johnythefox it remains vs _psmon_, if kili wishes to be removed then i will do the change.

Posts: 529
14:47 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
greg 10 - 5 fastboysam


i had a howler in 8uk which is a shame cos i played some of my best stuff especially early on. could and maybe should have been a big score. nothing against sam i just didn't give him any chance in most frames
Posts: 38,097
14:53 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Still got what was needed pal and good win in last three for Sam.

Feel bad for Dynamos, that shamble of a team () keeps getting close results which are good on paper but they get nothing to show for it
Posts: 1,169
15:44 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Lets go proooooooo's
Posts: 529
15:47 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
greg 9 - 6 zante


standard from both was really high. lots of good finishes. 8uk was bit harsh on me and should have lost 4-1 but they lagged with carry on black and fouled. bit disappointed i couldn't finish another big win with a 5-0 head start but they came back really well
Posts: 1,169
15:49 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done greg, great result that
Posts: 38,097
15:59 Mon 28 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
nice result greg and fixture was lost so class it as a fun win

hey lateo, nice to see you made it
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The Professionals - 7 times FCL Winner

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