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The Funky Pool Devils "The New Beginning"

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Posts: 5,821
19:10 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
hey jamie, eddie seems to have left, do you have a sub?
hes still active hes not says he left
Posts: 4,046
19:25 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Eddie left. Apparently we fell out but I don't know when or why. He wanted to be released so I have done. Nice to have our thread back. Thank you.
Posts: 5,821
19:25 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
hi jamie i know u running this yourself but can we have up dates ob superleague games m8
Posts: 5,821
19:36 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
well i staying till end off season may not win any games but still part of a fun clan as buckham says at start of season win loose or draw we a fun clan
Posts: 38,097
22:30 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
hey guys is watchinawe coming on tonight, its our fault if game hasn't been played so i won't ask for subs.
Posts: 4,046
22:43 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Set 2

The Professionals 56 VS 49 Funky Pool Devils

dgeneratio (7) vs (8) klien
dvz/crazy_greg vs watchinawe
triple_b (12) vs (3) _pot_luck_
andyw1 (11) vs (4) scottyjr
nzym_visual (4) vs (11) whocares8x8
vixen_xox (8) vs (7) _psmon_
silent_hill (8) vs (7) the__saint
destroyer_v2 (6) vs (9) buckjam

Firestorm Phoenix (68) vs (37) F.P.D

miss_harriet (9) vs (6) the__saint
2pac786 (12) vs (3) blackcabman7
(swp) friendyboy (8) vs (7) buckjam (sub)_
(swp) alex_lewis vs whocares8x8
(swp) slimeball (5) vs (10) klien (s)
_fresh_ (13) vs (2) anoneeemouse
ghost_chili (11) vs (4) ferretlady
(s) legend_pot (10) vs (5) scottyjr

Funky Pool Devils (45) v (75) The Revolution

whocares8x8 (8) v (7)tinie_v17
klien (11) v (4) mr_magoo
ferretlady (2) v (13) veyron
buckjam (5) v (10) mrmagic
scottyjr (6) v (9) lolumadbro
wathinawe (7) v (8) poolbiird
blackcabman7 (4) v (11) kris
fasteddie_ (2) v (13) tip_doctor
Posts: 4,046
22:47 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Any of the four below can sub in to play anyone from The Pros who is eligible in the last game.


Play and i will do the sub later. Jamie
Posts: 38,097
23:07 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 4,046
23:18 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 2:

Funky Pool Devils 1 v 9 The Professionals

8us: bonfireheart 1 v 1 triple_b
8us: _psmon_ v johnythefox
9us: ric_flair 0 v 2 _wales_lad_
9us:watchinawe 0 v 2 vixen_xox
8uk: blackcabman7 v andyw1
8uk: king8ball 0 v 2 dgeneratio
Str: buckjam v dvz
Str: ferretlady 0 v 2 silent_hill

Firestorm (4) vs (6) FPD

8us: slimeball (0) vs (2) whocares8x8 (2-5)
8us: friendyboy vs klien
9us: _knightmare_ (0) vs (2) _jesus_
9us: 2pac786 (0) vs (2) scottyjr (3-5)
8uk: _payback_ vs fr34k_p0t
8uk: davybaumers (2) vs (0) _psmon_ (5-1)
Str: creek234 vs watchinawe
Str: legend_pot (2) vs (0) ric_flair

Funky Pool Devils (6) v (4) Pocket Dynamos

8 US bonfireheart v walktall
8 US scottyjr (2) v (0) _siber_man_
9 US klein v letsgochamp
9 US the__saint v bulletzzzz
8 UK anoneeemouse (1) v (1)the_priest
8 UK fr34k_p0t (1) v (1) re_rack_jack
STR whocares8x8 (1) v (1)w_hoolahan
STR _jesus_ (1) v (1) punkpoet

Deadline is Midnight UK on 11th October
Posts: 9,926
23:20 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Season 26

Fixture Set 3 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK time on 25th October 2015
Posts: 4,046
23:24 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fixture 2 Deadline 27/09/15 to 18/10/15

Firestorm Pheonix (5) Vs (1) FPD B

_fresh_ vs watchinawe
legend_pot (5) vs (1) bonfireheart
davybaumers vs king8ball
joeyy vs _psmon_

FPD A VS Firestorm Pheonix B

whocares8x8 vs tension
klein vs friendyboy
scottyjr (5) vs (3) 2pac786
fr34k_p0t vs _payback_

FPD A (12) vs (7) Pocket Dynamos A

klien (3) vs (4) jasonb
fr34k_p0t vs scarlets2k15
whocares8x8 (5) vs (1) bulletzzzz
scottyjr (4) vs (2)( punkpoet

Pocket Dynamos A (6) vs (12) FPD C

marksmith vs fasteddie_
blueberry (0) vs (6) _jesus_
bulletzzzz (3) vs (3) ric_flair
the__preist (3) vs (3) blackcabman7

FPD A (2) vs (4) Revs A

the__saint (2) vs (4) poolbiird
whocares8x8 vs veyron
scottyjr vs tinie_v17
fr34k_p0t vs lolumadbro

FPD B vs Revs B

watchinawe vs mad_matt
bonfireheart vs quickshot
king8ball (1) vs (5) mikeybboy
_psmon_ vs mrmagic
Posts: 4,046
23:26 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Pros B (10) vs (2) FPD C

andyw1 vs fasteddie_
crazy_greg vs _jesus_
dgeneratio (4) vs (2) ric_flair
latteo1993 (6) vs (0) blackcabman7

Pros A (9) vs (3) FPD C

vixen_xox (4) vs (2) fasteddie_
sean_92 vs _jesus_
silent_hill (3) vs (3) ric_flair
dvz (5) vs (1) blackcabman7

Uprising B (4) vs (2) FPD B

ritcho vs watcinawe
erigert (4) vs (2) bonfireheart
clifton188 (4) vs (2) king8ball
zantetsukenz vs _psmon_

Pocket Dynamos B VS FPD C

walktall vs fasteddie_
re_rack_jack (3) vs (4) _jesus_
w_hoolahan (4) vs (2) ric_flair
scarlets2k15 vs blackcabman7

Message your opponents (please keep messages) and arrange your games as soon as possible. Keep us informed if you have any issues.

Good luck everyone

Edited at 21:20 Sun 04/10/15 (BST)

Edited at 21:33 Sun 04/10/15 (BST)
Posts: 573
23:28 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I know im fantastic Jay but you don't need to tag me after i have played my game bud
Posts: 4,046
23:31 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I know im fantastic Jay but you don't need to tag me after i have played my game bud

I would tag even if your not playing bud. Thats how good you are

Posts: 14,736
23:42 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Was: Str: creek234 vs watchinawe
Now: Str: miss_harriet vs watchinawe
Posts: 305
00:03 Mon 5 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Wooooooo We are live for WAR GAMES 2015
Ric Flair Vs The Silent Assassin
Welcome to WAR GAMES. I'm Bobby The Brain ..Rick and the Assassin are in the center of the ring they are staring each other down Ric throws a chop Assassin catches it and nails Ric in the the mid section Irish whips him and nails him with the clothes line from hell 1,2, And Rick puts his leg on the rope to stop the 3 count. You got to love that from the dirtiest player in the game.. Assassin can't believe picks Rick up signals for his finisher and Flair reverses it and 1 chop , 2 chop 3 , 4...8, 9, 10 Chops!! Ric has evened things up 1-1 8us Now things are getting interesting the ref has been knocked out Flair is on fire !! Looks like this could be a runout he signals for the figure four and out of the stands comes The Assassin's manager and hits Flair in the head with a chair Flair is out ! Assassin is grabbing the ref to wake him up ref is awake and Assassin gets Flair up and suplexes him and he now has Flair in the sleeper hold this does not look good for Slick Ric.. 2-0 9us
The fans are cheering for Ric he is feeding off this crowd Ric hits the Assassin in the JEWELS ! Down goes The Assassin!! Flair Locks on the figure four and Assassin looks like he is going to tap!! 2-0 8uk But he gets to the rope!! Ref breaks the hold ,, Ric throws him into the corner up the ropes they go OMG A superplex outside of the ring they both go! 1,2,..8,9 10 Double count out We have a Draw

Posts: 305
00:04 Mon 5 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Wooooooooo had to re-post

Silent hill


3-3 Done a while ago ! Woooooooooooooo
Posts: 305
00:09 Mon 5 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Let's get the facts right punkpoet:

That post is totally out of order and like many on the previous page should be moderated too.

I did not avoid your 'conveniently swapped' player - I personally have zero time to waste with the player you swapped so I counteracted it and swapped to play fastboysam. It's also common knowledge I'm having problems with playing my game atm and legend_pot is the teams Straight pool player so have decided it be best to sub him in. (will be done tomorrow)

So it's perfectly practical and purely just common sense to sub in a player who can play that type and is available.

So kindly stop your whining, you're worse than a little girl in a Claire's Accessories shop - jeez.

Wooooooooooo I'm a jet flying limousine riding suit wearing kiss stealing wheeling dealing son of a gun! Wooooooo And knightmare is none of those!! Woooooooo!! What Knightmare says " Im a pool crying back stabbin all night whining fake it till you make it captain!! Woooooooooo!!!!!!!!! This is Flair country
Posts: 4,046
00:19 Mon 5 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Lmao Ric. You do make me laugh buddy. Thankyou for clearing that up cause ive been looking for your game vs alex_lewis who is the silent assasin
Posts: 4,046
00:36 Mon 5 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture 3

Firestorm vs FPDs

miss_harriet vs klien
legend_pot vs scottyjr
tension vs whocares8x8
alex_lewis vs the__saint
_knightmare_ vs _jesus_
nzym_visual vs king8ball
_payback_ vs fr34k_p0t
_fresh_ vs bonfireheart

FPD vs Professionals

scottyjr vs vixen_xox
whocares8x8 vs andyw1
the__saint vs dgeneratio
_jesus_ vs triple_b
klien vs thegame26
king8ball vs lateo1993
watchinawe vs crazy_greg
ric_flair vs bigcjl2

Deadline 25/10/2015 5 of 8bus. 9bus and 8buk
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The Funky Pool Devils "The New Beginning"

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