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21:57 Mon 24 Aug 15 (BST)
yeah i did the list while you guys were playing, least i can say i didn't peek first lol.
22:21 Mon 24 Aug 15 (BST)
Pros v Pocket Dynamos
dvz 8 - 7 w_hoolahan
bigcjl2 5 - 10 the__priest
triple_b 11 - 4 blueberry
dgeneratio 9 - 6 _siber_man_
_payback_ 10 - 5 fastboysam
alfie1966 8 - 7 hippesville
johnythefox 10 - 5 walktall
Pocket Dynamos vs Firestorm Phoenix
w_hoolahan 8 - 7 legend_pot
the__priest 5 - 10 _fresh_
punkpoet 9 - 6 _knightmare_
bulletzzzz 5 - 10 alex_lewis
marksmith 6 - 9 friendyboy
_siber_man_ 9 - 6 ghost_chili
jasonb 4 - 11 miss_harriet
dvz 8 - 7 w_hoolahan
bigcjl2 5 - 10 the__priest
triple_b 11 - 4 blueberry
dgeneratio 9 - 6 _siber_man_
_payback_ 10 - 5 fastboysam
alfie1966 8 - 7 hippesville
johnythefox 10 - 5 walktall
Pocket Dynamos vs Firestorm Phoenix
w_hoolahan 8 - 7 legend_pot
the__priest 5 - 10 _fresh_
punkpoet 9 - 6 _knightmare_
bulletzzzz 5 - 10 alex_lewis
marksmith 6 - 9 friendyboy
_siber_man_ 9 - 6 ghost_chili
jasonb 4 - 11 miss_harriet
22:23 Mon 24 Aug 15 (BST)
Pocket Dynamos v Funky Pool Devils
letsgochamp 9 v 6 _pot_luck_
punkpoet 6 - 9 klein
scarlets2k15 6 - 9 jacksealy21
blueberry 5 - 10 the__saint
toon_lad 3 - 12 whocares8x8
walktall 8 - 7 fasteddie_
ang3l 5 - 10 anoneeemouse
letsgochamp 9 v 6 _pot_luck_
punkpoet 6 - 9 klein
scarlets2k15 6 - 9 jacksealy21
blueberry 5 - 10 the__saint
toon_lad 3 - 12 whocares8x8
walktall 8 - 7 fasteddie_
ang3l 5 - 10 anoneeemouse
22:27 Mon 24 Aug 15 (BST)
derik_dalton 5 - 10 corsair
mrmagic 6 - 9 dv8
poolbiird 4 - 11 r1p0m4n_v2
tip_doctor 7 - 8 clifton188
tinie_v17 7 - 8 cgibson92
kris 6 - 9 _niall_
lolumadbro 6 - 9 erigert
veyron 9 - 6 strange_daze
The Revolution v Funky Pool Devils
mad_matt 6 - 9 aladdin_sane
chezz 6 - 9 scottyjr
mr_magoo 8 - 7 the_saint
thegreatone7 7 - 8 watchinawe
kingdadcool 9 - 6 buckjam
_equality_ - _huts24 _
tip_doctor 11 - 4 ferretlady
drewdt3 10 - 5 fatmikeee
The Revolution v Pros
tinie_v17 10 - 5 dgeneratio
lolumadbro - silent_hill (played)
derik_dalton 5 - 10 tension
kris 10 - 5 vixen_xox
poolbiird 9 - 6 triple_b
mrmagic 10 - 5 bigcjl2
veyron 9 - 6 nzym_visual
drewdt3 5- 10 crazy_greg
mrmagic 6 - 9 dv8
poolbiird 4 - 11 r1p0m4n_v2
tip_doctor 7 - 8 clifton188
tinie_v17 7 - 8 cgibson92
kris 6 - 9 _niall_
lolumadbro 6 - 9 erigert
veyron 9 - 6 strange_daze
The Revolution v Funky Pool Devils
mad_matt 6 - 9 aladdin_sane
chezz 6 - 9 scottyjr
mr_magoo 8 - 7 the_saint
thegreatone7 7 - 8 watchinawe
kingdadcool 9 - 6 buckjam
_equality_ - _huts24 _
tip_doctor 11 - 4 ferretlady
drewdt3 10 - 5 fatmikeee
The Revolution v Pros
tinie_v17 10 - 5 dgeneratio
lolumadbro - silent_hill (played)
derik_dalton 5 - 10 tension
kris 10 - 5 vixen_xox
poolbiird 9 - 6 triple_b
mrmagic 10 - 5 bigcjl2
veyron 9 - 6 nzym_visual
drewdt3 5- 10 crazy_greg
22:31 Mon 24 Aug 15 (BST)
Phoenix Nights vs Uprising
legend_pot 9 - 6 nike
davybaumers 5 - 10 corsair
_fresh_ 9 - 6 cgibson92
miss_harriet 8 - 7 dv8
joeyy 9- 6 clifton188
alex_lewis 5 - 10 r1p0m4n_v2
achpfsk 8 - 7 fran_
ghost_chili 4 - 11 turtle1560
Uprising v Funky Pool Devils
zantetsukenz 10 - 5 fasteddie_
_niall_ 10 - 5 jacksealy21
the_marine 8 - 7 aladdin_sane
ritcho vs _huts24_
horse10000 5 - 10 whocares8x8
erigert 9 - 6 klien
strange_daze 9 - 6 watchinawe
fran_ 10 - 5 _pot_luck_
legend_pot 9 - 6 nike
davybaumers 5 - 10 corsair
_fresh_ 9 - 6 cgibson92
miss_harriet 8 - 7 dv8
joeyy 9- 6 clifton188
alex_lewis 5 - 10 r1p0m4n_v2
achpfsk 8 - 7 fran_
ghost_chili 4 - 11 turtle1560
Uprising v Funky Pool Devils
zantetsukenz 10 - 5 fasteddie_
_niall_ 10 - 5 jacksealy21
the_marine 8 - 7 aladdin_sane
ritcho vs _huts24_
horse10000 5 - 10 whocares8x8
erigert 9 - 6 klien
strange_daze 9 - 6 watchinawe
fran_ 10 - 5 _pot_luck_
22:35 Mon 24 Aug 15 (BST)
miss_harriet 9 - 6 crazy_greg
slimeball 6 - 9 andyw1
davybaumers 5 - 10 dvz
achpfsk 8 - 7 _payback_
_fresh_ 10 - 5 alfie1966
legend_pot 8 - 7 tension
joeyy 9 - 6 silent_hill
friendyboy 8 - 7 johnythefox
slimeball 6 - 9 andyw1
davybaumers 5 - 10 dvz
achpfsk 8 - 7 _payback_
_fresh_ 10 - 5 alfie1966
legend_pot 8 - 7 tension
joeyy 9 - 6 silent_hill
friendyboy 8 - 7 johnythefox
23:46 Mon 24 Aug 15 (BST)
02:47 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)
FCL SEASON 26 - FIXTURE SET 1 (23/08/15 to 13/09/15)
Randy Pros v Pocket Dynamos
dvz v w_hoolahan
bigcjl2 v the__priest
triple_b v blueberry
vixen_xox v re_rack_jack (already played)
dgeneratio v _siber_man_
_payback_ v fastboysam
alfie1966 v hippesville
johnythefox v walktall
Pocket Dynamos vs Firestorm Phoenix
letsgochamp v slimeball (Played)
w_hoolahan v legend_pot
the__priest v _fresh_
punkpoet v _knightmare_
bulletzzzz v alex_lewis
marksmith v friendyboy
_siber_man_ v ghost_chili (Played)
jasonb v miss_harriet
Randy Pros v Pocket Dynamos
dvz v w_hoolahan
bigcjl2 v the__priest
triple_b v blueberry
vixen_xox v re_rack_jack (already played)
dgeneratio v _siber_man_
_payback_ v fastboysam
alfie1966 v hippesville
johnythefox v walktall
Pocket Dynamos vs Firestorm Phoenix
letsgochamp v slimeball (Played)
w_hoolahan v legend_pot
the__priest v _fresh_
punkpoet v _knightmare_
bulletzzzz v alex_lewis
marksmith v friendyboy
_siber_man_ v ghost_chili (Played)
jasonb v miss_harriet
02:48 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)
The Revolution vs Uprising
derik_dalton v corsair
mrmagic v dv8
poolbiird v r1p0m4n_v2
tip_doctor v clifton188
tinie_v17 v cgibson92
kris v _niall_
lolumadbro v erigert
veyron v strange_daze
The Revolution v Funky Pool Devils
mad_matt v aladdin_sane
chezz v scottyjr
mr_magoo v the_saint
thegreatone7 v watchinawe
kingdadcool v buckjam
_equality_ v _huts_24
tip_doctor v ferretlady
drewdt3 v fatmikeee
The Revolution v Randy Roosters
tinie_v17 v dgeneratio (played)
lolumadbro v silent_hill (played)
derik_dalton v tension
kris v vixen_xox
poolbiird v triple_b
mrmagic v bigcjl2
veyron v nzym_visual
drewdt3 v crazy_greg
derik_dalton v corsair
mrmagic v dv8
poolbiird v r1p0m4n_v2
tip_doctor v clifton188
tinie_v17 v cgibson92
kris v _niall_
lolumadbro v erigert
veyron v strange_daze
The Revolution v Funky Pool Devils
mad_matt v aladdin_sane
chezz v scottyjr
mr_magoo v the_saint
thegreatone7 v watchinawe
kingdadcool v buckjam
_equality_ v _huts_24
tip_doctor v ferretlady
drewdt3 v fatmikeee
The Revolution v Randy Roosters
tinie_v17 v dgeneratio (played)
lolumadbro v silent_hill (played)
derik_dalton v tension
kris v vixen_xox
poolbiird v triple_b
mrmagic v bigcjl2
veyron v nzym_visual
drewdt3 v crazy_greg
02:49 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)
Phoenix Nights vs Uprising
legend_pot vs nike
davybaumers vs corsair
_fresh_ vs cgibson92
miss_harriet vs dv8
joeyy vs clifton188
alex_lewis vs r1p0m4n_v2
achpfsk vs fran_
ghost_chili vs turtle1560
Uprising v Funky Pool Devils
zantetsukenz v fasteddie_
_niall_ v jacksealy21
the_marine v aladdin_sane
ritcho v _huts24_
horse10000 v whocares8x8
erigert v klien (played)
strange_daze v watchinawe
fran_ v _pot_luck_
legend_pot vs nike
davybaumers vs corsair
_fresh_ vs cgibson92
miss_harriet vs dv8
joeyy vs clifton188
alex_lewis vs r1p0m4n_v2
achpfsk vs fran_
ghost_chili vs turtle1560
Uprising v Funky Pool Devils
zantetsukenz v fasteddie_
_niall_ v jacksealy21
the_marine v aladdin_sane
ritcho v _huts24_
horse10000 v whocares8x8
erigert v klien (played)
strange_daze v watchinawe
fran_ v _pot_luck_
02:51 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)
Wouldnt it be better if everyone selected 10 games and then give predictions over those 10 games? The way youre doing it is a lot difficult as there are many games and some of them get played before everyone can give a prediction
02:53 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)
Might be an idea mate, I am updating played games every few hours when I come on so hopefully there won't be any confusion but there is a hell of a lot of games lol
Wouldnt it be better if everyone selected 10 games and then give predictions over those 10 games? The way youre doing it is a lot difficult as there are many games and some of them get played before everyone can give a prediction
Might be an idea mate, I am updating played games every few hours when I come on so hopefully there won't be any confusion but there is a hell of a lot of games lol
02:53 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)
This is true. You should pick 10 games from every fixture set (try get a mixture, not just the best games) and then people can just guess those.
Wouldnt it be better if everyone selected 10 games and then give predictions over those 10 games? The way youre doing it is a lot difficult as there are many games and some of them get played before everyone can give a prediction
This is true. You should pick 10 games from every fixture set (try get a mixture, not just the best games) and then people can just guess those.
02:54 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)
Firestorm Phoenix vs X-Pros
miss_harriet vs crazy_greg
slimeball vs andyw1
davybaumers vs dvz
achpfsk vs _payback_
_fresh_ vs alfie1966 (played)
legend_pot vs tension
joeyy vs silent_hill
friendyboy vs johnythefox
miss_harriet vs crazy_greg
slimeball vs andyw1
davybaumers vs dvz
achpfsk vs _payback_
_fresh_ vs alfie1966 (played)
legend_pot vs tension
joeyy vs silent_hill
friendyboy vs johnythefox
12:21 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)
This is true. You should pick 10 games from every fixture set (try get a mixture, not just the best games) and then people can just guess those.
maybe four top games, four medium and two small?
Top like Seb vs Been
Medium like Dgen vs Tinie or close matchups
Small like Seb vs Hardy (or games you feel an opponent doesn't have a chance)
Wouldnt it be better if everyone selected 10 games and then give predictions over those 10 games? The way youre doing it is a lot difficult as there are many games and some of them get played before everyone can give a prediction
This is true. You should pick 10 games from every fixture set (try get a mixture, not just the best games) and then people can just guess those.
maybe four top games, four medium and two small?
Top like Seb vs Been
Medium like Dgen vs Tinie or close matchups
Small like Seb vs Hardy (or games you feel an opponent doesn't have a chance)
12:26 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)
15:09 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)
Would it not be a lot easier just to predict the overall match outcome? That way you don't have to worry about making 50 odd predictions each set, and don't have to worry about subs and swaps
E.G. huts prediction for Uprising vs Phoenix is 63-57 to Uprising
E.G. huts prediction for Uprising vs Phoenix is 63-57 to Uprising
15:36 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)
Might be an idea, I'm keeping an eye out and doing updates every few hours, I'll see how it goes and make changes if it gets too much lol
Would it not be a lot easier just to predict the overall match outcome? That way you don't have to worry about making 50 odd predictions each set, and don't have to worry about subs and swaps
E.G. huts prediction for Uprising vs Phoenix is 63-57 to Uprising
E.G. huts prediction for Uprising vs Phoenix is 63-57 to Uprising
Might be an idea, I'm keeping an eye out and doing updates every few hours, I'll see how it goes and make changes if it gets too much lol
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