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Evolutions - New Clan

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Posts: 2,588
10 years ago  [Link]  
Right then,

Been thinking about this for while, trying to figure out if there is space, and enough players, for another clan. After messaging round a few people it became apparent that there is a good few players without a clan for next season. Whether those players be ex-clan players, players in between clans and even players whom have not played in a clan before. There are more active players on Funky than some regular clan players realise (tips hat to faust for making me realise this).

This Clans Aim:
To recruit active and reliable players, not neccessarily through poaching, but with more of an aim of introducing and re-introducing players to clans. This doesn't necessarily mean all players outside of clans want to play clans, I realise this. But with clans being run how they currently are, with the aims of disrespecting some players because "they aren't good enough" or releasing players because "they would be better off elsewhere" and replacing them with "better options" is not the way clans should be run. This clan is aimed at recruiting reliability before quality. Should any player, that believes they are active and reliable enough for clans, want to join a clan for next season, and receive their fair share of games, instead of the team being carried by the few at the expense of the many. Then this is the clan for you.

Message me offline or in-game should you wish to join.
Thank you

Edited at 17:29 Sun 02/08/15 (BST)
Posts: 2,588
10 years ago  [Link]  
Evolutions Team List:

1) klien - Captain
2) derik_dalton
3) watchinawe
4) reserved / TBA
5) reserved / TBA
Posts: 1,361
10 years ago  [Link]  
Yay I finally have a thread to spam

Glad to be a part of this clan. Welcome also to derik_dalton
Posts: 6,417
10 years ago  [Link]  
U got Joe in the team??

Think this thread will be a lot of fun to read with him in this team

Good luck!
Posts: 3,846
10 years ago  [Link]  
Yay I finally have a thread to spam

Glad to be a part of this clan. Welcome also to derik_dalton

Thanks. I'll be active playing in next two week. Were hoping my new lappy was here before I go away to work tomorrow but unfortunately not. I'll be active on forums anyway
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
Wish you all the best with Evolutions Spoonie

New clan with a top captain
Posts: 2,588
10 years ago  [Link]  
Just to let you guys know, recruitment may be slow, but at least I / we have a couple of weeks to get some messages out before the next season.

Hoping this will work out etc. but until then I hope you realise this could be a slow process with the limited amount of players out there available.

On a side note, pictures etc. will be done in bulk after initial recruitment, as it would be unfair to bother the picture makers until we know this is 100% going to work

Edit: Appreciate your comment, thanks davy
Posts: 38,097
10 years ago  [Link]  
gl mate, played watchinawe other day and had a good laugh
Posts: 1,361
10 years ago  [Link]  
gl mate, played watchinawe other day and had a good laugh

Hope it wasn't at my terrible potting

Team anthem

Yeah, for those of you that want to know what we're all about
It's like this y'all come on

This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

Edited at 17:46 Sun 02/08/15 (BST)
Posts: 1,074
10 years ago  [Link]  
Good luck with this matey
Posts: 4,231
10 years ago  [Link]  
all the very best to you guys!

im very happy to see this happening. if u need any help, feel free to ask
Posts: 4,231
10 years ago  [Link]  
im liking this already :)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
gl m8 all the best with this
Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
Good Luck here,
Always good to see new teams, all the best klien & Co
Posts: 2,588
10 years ago  [Link]  
Evolutions Team List:

1) klien - Captain
2) derik_dalton
3) watchinawe
4) silent_hill
5) Reserved / TBA

Happy to announce silent_hill as a new signing for Evolutions. Great player who goes way back on this site. Used to be very active and reliable, so I have no doubt he will be the same again.
Posts: 38,097
10 years ago  [Link]  
Posts: 13,570
10 years ago  [Link]  
Great to see some fresh meat

Good luck
Posts: 2,588
10 years ago  [Link]  
Evolutions Team List:

1) klien - Captain
2) derik_dalton
3) watchinawe
4) silent_hill
5) Reserved / TBA

Happy to announce silent_hill as a new signing for Evolutions. Great player who goes way back on this site. Used to be very active and reliable, so I have no doubt he will be the same again.

I should also add that Phil doesn't have posting rights yet and therefore won't be able to post on the thread just yet, but feel free to message him to get to know him. He is a great guy, and im sure some of the old timers on here will already remember him from his username.

Thanks for all the well-wishers too
Posts: 3,359
10 years ago  [Link]  
Good luck Spoonie

hope this works out
Posts: 19,819
10 years ago  [Link]  
We needed a 7th clan really, gl :)
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Evolutions - New Clan

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