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Posts: 1,111
03:26 Tue 21 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm only entering teams as long as Keith is with us. Love that crazy noob but Keith is the real deal. Cheats get punished and rules get adhered to. And no one wants to see the team that won 4 out of 5 pack it up right? Imagine that sicko's reaction if they manage to win 2 out of 5???

Have you got time to play an online pool game with your hands full of young woman?

exactly what i was thinking tbh
Posts: 9,926
03:41 Tue 21 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm only entering teams as long as Keith is with us. Love that crazy noob but Keith is the real deal. Cheats get punished and rules get adhered to. And no one wants to see the team that won 4 out of 5 pack it up right? Imagine that sicko's reaction if they manage to win 2 out of 5???

No surprise there'd be lost without the League Runner or MODS being part of Uprising. Heaven forbid you'd have no influence... HELL nooo.

What difference is that making as the only person who can have any influence on things is me.....................

Oh yeah the biased card that you keep pulling out to cover up your own teams short comings and problems.
Posts: 10,109
11:20 Tue 21 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm only entering teams as long as Keith is with us. Love that crazy noob but Keith is the real deal. Cheats get punished and rules get adhered to. And no one wants to see the team that won 4 out of 5 pack it up right? Imagine that sicko's reaction if they manage to win 2 out of 5???

Have you got time to play an online pool game with your hands full of young woman?

exactly what i was thinking tbh

She returns to Jo'burg for 3 months in the very near future I should return with my usual happy demeanour throughout that time!
Posts: 38,097
14:30 Tue 21 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
The last few seasons there has always been 4 or 5 weeks between seasons. We have had 3 weeks so far and we have everyone going on about it. If noob wants to run the leagues he is welcome to it as i will only ever run it at my pace not by demands of others.

Fantastic. A response, thats all i needed. Im with Keith till the end of time or Funky. Whichever comes first.

ha me too, people are too quick to kick Keith out here. Just last season we almost had no runner at all and i think Stu convinced him to stay which at the time everyone was pleased about. Now there is a long break and people want him gone because they have to wait another week or two but Leagues take preparation and time.

people was bugging me to rush Snooker but i said no, i'll do it in my own time which was several days after. Even if league starts next week, i won't start coding SL until the 25th when my schedule is back to normal and would take at least a week and if my helpers haven't coded the parts in yellow then will take another week to code over them so in essence, If League starts early, you'll have to do without Excel for the first set until i can code the tables.

All i wanted from Keith was a time frame and got it last night which is around 2 weeks.

Posts: 38,097
14:33 Tue 21 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll help if ya need me. I wasn't trying to steal the league or anything. More just jumping in to keep it going if you went AWOL. If you're still running it then you're running it. I've had no issues with how you run it so its all the same to me.

If you have an email, message me mate so i can add you to excel contacts.

i have Harry, Bucky, Eri helping me out so far

Edited at 13:12 Tue 21/06/16 (BST)
Posts: 1,986
18:49 Tue 21 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Ash you have been nothing but trouble ever since you joined this site and i see no changes in you ever. Just a big pain. If you was to become a league runner everyone would leave.

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 19:20 Tue 21/06/16 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
19:31 Tue 21 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Ash you have been nothing but trouble ever since you joined this site and i see no changes in you ever. Just a big pain. If you was to become a league runner everyone would leave.

LOL - I'm really hurt by this...not! From such a vast array of players/members on here to scorn/critique me i'll survive with it comes from the likes of you.

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 19:20 Tue 21/06/16 (BST)
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19:58 Tue 21 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
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20:00 Tue 21 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
we know a few other players no I wasn't cheating even other mods and admin know but let the joke continue
Posts: 38,097
20:04 Tue 21 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
insulting the runner doesn't help

peace was nice while it lasted, oh its season time again.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:05 Tue 21 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
insulting the runner doesn't help

peace was nice while it lasted, oh its season time again.

do I care nope im already banned from leagues and done playing in them anyway ....
Posts: 14,736
22:47 Tue 21 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Ash you have been nothing but trouble ever since you joined this site and i see no changes in you ever. Just a big pain. If you was to become a league runner everyone would leave.

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 19:20 Tue 21/06/16 (BST)

Cheers for the great idea...if it means getting rid of you & other riff raff...i may explore it further. (LOL)
Posts: 9,926
01:23 Wed 22 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Require full team lists for any clan wishing to participate in the clan league next season by Sunday night.

Please message me offline and i require names only in a list form (No numbers or anything beside the names)

Posts: 38,097
01:32 Wed 22 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
that is quick! you're a speed demon now mate

i'll message Dee tomorrow, Noob and Jack should beat me to it.

Regarding Excel, i haven't got much time until Friday and the amount of coding that is required for Golden Cue and League Table can be large so motivation is low and drains my energy if i do it in a day or two but i will do it when i can, however the first set will have no table. If you're doing teamlists then need your email mate to give you access to edit.

Should be fine to do fixtures on excel as that is already coded. I also need access to Weebly so i can change your fixture sheets with my own unless you plan on doing tables manually.

Let me know your plans mate and i'll read tomorrow.

Posts: 9,926
02:02 Wed 22 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
that is quick! you're a speed demon now mate

i'll message Dee tomorrow, Noob and Jack should beat me to it.

Regarding Excel, i haven't got much time until Friday and the amount of coding that is required for Golden Cue and League Table can be large so motivation is low and drains my energy if i do it in a day or two but i will do it when i can, however the first set will have no table. If you're doing teamlists then need your email mate to give you access to edit.

Should be fine to do fixtures on excel as that is already coded. I also need access to Weebly so i can change your fixture sheets with my own unless you plan on doing tables manually.

Let me know your plans mate and i'll read tomorrow.


Team lists for now. Hopefully get schedule done and try and aim for the following weekend (3rd July) for first set release. Let me know if you are able to be ready for then or not and we can then decide how to go.

Posts: 4,046
02:04 Wed 22 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
May need a few days to catch everyone on. Im guessing that the list we give can be altered before the start of the season?
Posts: 14,736
02:05 Wed 22 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
No it's set in stone and 'thou shall not amend!'....Seriously ??? LOL
Posts: 9,926
02:14 Wed 22 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
May need a few days to catch everyone on. Im guessing that the list we give can be altered before the start of the season?

I will set a deadline after teams received as previous seasons where no more changes for first set will be allowed.
Posts: 9,926
02:19 Wed 22 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
No it's set in stone and 'thou shall not amend!'....Seriously ??? LOL

Another grown up post you are excelling yourself before the season starts.

I will also be standing by my previous post if captains / players want to continue to post rubbish and abuse other members or staff i will happily suspend or remove them from the leagues as they remove the enjoyment for all.
Posts: 14,736
02:24 Wed 22 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh lighten up jeez man.
What previous post?
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