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Funkypool Fantasy Football

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Posts: 14,736
03:56 Mon 26 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funkypool Fantasy League

(Pos - Team Name - Assists - Goals - Points)

1st - Liams XI - 19 - 22 - 492
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - 16 - 21 - 484
3rd - Dynamo Kebab - 14 -16 - 447
4th - The Red Wings - 11 - 21 - 432
5th - Pigs Can Fly - 5 -18 - 421
6th - AFC Funky - 16 - 21 - 418
7th - Kuelovesthetoon - 10 - 15- 415
8th - Settle United - 10 - 20 - 407
9th - Black Scorpions - 11 - 12 - 398
10th - Game of Throw Ins - 10 - 16 - 383
11th - Hows Zlat - 4 - 22 - 375
12th - Egg Fried Reus - 11 - 19 - 373
13th - Alora Knights - 2 - 10 - 359
14th - Sarah Utd - 11 - 12 - 355
15th - Bayer Neverlosen - 6 - 15 - 328
16th - The Spoonz - 5 - 11 - 327
17th - Karlitos Utd - 10 - 10 - 318

Fantasy Premier League

1st - LeaveMyArcalona - 547
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - 499
3rd - Ritch Tea Biscuits - 488
4th - Bourneys best - 480
5th - TyrannoSuarez Rex - 477
6th - The Destroyers - 400
7th - The Red Wings - 397
8th - Fried Reus - 379
9th - Galaxy Eyes - 370

Head2Head League

1st - LeaveMyArcalona - 27
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - 21
3rd - Bourneys Best - 15
4th - TyrannoSuarez Rex - 12
5th - Fried Reus - 12
6th - The Red Wings - 9
7th - The Destroyers - 6
8th - Galaxy Eyes - 6
Posts: 19,262
10:20 Tue 3 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Undefeated #andstill
Posts: 4,230
17:45 Tue 3 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 15:55 Tue 03/11/15 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
18:17 Tue 3 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sky Sports Fantasy Football:
Pos - Team Name - Assists - Goals - Points

1st - Liam's XI - 20 - 24 - 569
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - 16 - 24 - 547
3rd - Dynamo Kebab - 14 -18 - 499
4th - Pigs Can Fly - 10 - 22 - 487
5th - The Red Wings - 14 -25 - 483
6th - Black Scorpions - 15 -14 - 458
7th - AFC Funky - 18 -23 - 454
8th - Kuelovesthetoon - 11 - 18 - 453
9th - Settle United - 12 -22 - 445
10th - Hows Zlat - 5 -23 - 408
11th - Game of Throw Ins - 11 -16 - 406
12th - Sarah Utd - 12 -12 - 401
13th - Alora Knights - 3 - 11 - 400
14th - Egg Fried Reus - 11 -21 - 398
15th - The Spoonz - 6 - 15 - 382
16th - Bayern Neverlosen - 7 - 15 - 337
17th - Karlitos Utd - 10 - 10 - 331

Scores Updated on: 03/11/2015

League Name: Funkypool Fantasy
League PIN: 8124347

The Top 9 are very close - A few quality performances and it could all change - Black Scorpions have made their move - must have made a few subs
Posts: 14,736
18:29 Tue 3 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Funky Classic
Pos - Team - Game Week Score - Overall Total

1st - LeaveMyArcalona - 67 - 614
2nd - Ritch Tea Biscuits - 78 - 566
3rd - Knightmare's Dream - 61 - 560
4th - TyrannoSuarez Rex - 65 - 542
5th - Bourneys Best - 60 - 540
6th - The Red Wings - 57 - 454
7th - The Destroyers - 53 - 453
8th - Fried Reus - 45 - 424
9th - Galaxy Eyes - 43 - 413

The Funky H2H League Table

1st - LeaveMyArcalona - W11 D0 L0 - 33 points
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - W7 D0 L4 - 21 Points
3rd - Bourneys Best - W7 D0 L4 - 21 Points (Go Away!!! LOL)
4th - TyrannoSuarez Rex - W5 D0 L6 - 15 Points
5th - The Red Wings - W5 D0 L6 - 15 Points
6th - Fried Reus - W4 D0 L7 - 12 Points
7th - Galaxy Eyes - W3 D0 L8 - 9 Points
8th - The Destroyers - W2 D0 L9 - 6 Points

Scores: 03/11/2015
Posts: 14,736
05:23 Wed 25 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sky Sports Fantasy Football:
Pos - Team Name - Points

1. Liams XI - 700
2. Knightmare's Dream - 648
3. Dynamo Kebab - 589

4. The Red Wings - 585
5. Pigs Can Fly - 572
6. Black Scorpions - 552
7. AFC Funky - 534
8. Settle United - 524
9. Kuelovesthetoon - 516
10. Egg Fried Reus - 471
11. Hows Zlat - 469
11. The Spoonz - 469
13. Game of Throw Ins - 463
14. Sarah Utd - 445
15. Alora Knights - 438
16. Karlitos Utd - 386
17. Bayer Neverlosen - 374
18. The Freaks Army - 126

Welcome: The Freaks Army
Updated: 25/11/2015
Posts: 38,097
14:15 Wed 25 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not touched my team in a while and doing ok, not last in H2H and last in main league but fairly pleased
Posts: 399
15:52 Wed 25 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm plodding away nicely!
Posts: 14,736
02:13 Thu 10 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funkypool Fantasy Football League

1st - Liam XI - 810 points
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - 766 points
3rd - Dynamo Kebab - 705 points
4th - The Red Wings - 694 points
5th - Pigs Can Fly - 680 points
6th - Black Scorpions - 670 points
7th - AFC Funky - 602 points
8th - Kuelovesthetoon - 580 points
9th - Settle United - 565 points
10th - Hows Zlat - 533 points
11th - The Spoonz - 532 points
12th - Game of Throw Ins - 525 points
13th - Alora Knights - 515 points
14th - Sarah Utd - 503 points
15th - Egg Fried Reus - 498 points
16th - Karlitos Utd - 443 points
17th - Bayer Neverlosen - 411 points
18th - The Freaks Army - 231 points

Updated: 10/12/2015
Posts: 14,736
02:14 Thu 10 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Funky Classic

1st - LeaveMyArcalona - 850
2nd - TyrannoSuarez Rex - 834
3rd - Ritch Tea Biscuits - 834
4th - Bourney's Best - 787
5th - Knightmare's Dream - 785
6th - The Red Wings - 680
7th - Fried Reus - 652
8th - The Destroyers - 613
9th - Galaxy Eyes - 574

Head2Head league

1st - LeaveMyArcalona - 36
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - 30
3rd - TyrannoSuarez Rex - 27
4th - Bourney's Best - 27
5th - The Red Wings - 21
6th - Fried Reus - 21
7th - The Destroyers - 9
8th - Galaxy Eyes - 9

Scores Updated: 10/12/2015
Posts: 19,262
15:42 Sat 12 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well my lead has slipped,was nice while it lasted
Posts: 14,736
14:19 Thu 17 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funkypool Fantasy Football League

1st - Liam XI - 849
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - 814
3rd - Dynamo Kebab - 746
4th - The Red Wings - 737
5th - Pigs Can Fly - 726
6th - Black Scorpions - 697
7th - AFC Funky - 636
8th - Kuelovesthetoon - 630
9th - Settle United - 587
10th - Hows Zlat - 562
10th - Game of Throw Ins - 562
12th - The Spoonz - 560
13th - Alora Knights - 559
14th - Sarah Utd - 535
15th - Egg Fried Reus - 511
16th - Karlitos Utd - 457
17th - Bayer Neverlosen - 416
18th - The Freaks Army - 278
Posts: 14,736
14:20 Thu 17 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Funky Classic

1st - LeaveMyArcalona - 923
2nd - Ritch Tea Biscuits - 904
3rd - TyrannoSuarez Rex - 875
4th - Bourney's Best - 855
5th - Knightmare's Dream - 840
6th - The Red Wings - 718
7th - Fried Reus - 713
8th - The Destroyers - 656
9th - Galaxy Eyes - 613

Head2Head League

1st - LeaveMyArcalona - 39
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - 33
3rd - Bourney's Best - 30
4th - TyrannoSuarez Rex - 27
5th - Fried Reus - 24
6th - The Red Wings - 21
7th - The Destroyers - 9
8th - Galaxy Eyes - 9

Updated: 17/12/2015

Players are doing very well in ALL Leagues - well done to fry_06 for being TOP of the Funky classic and Head2Head leagues so far. Also well done to Liam XI for being TOP of the Funkypool League - very close and still a fair way to go this season.

Thanks all for joining and keep up the great stuff.
Posts: 14,736
17:14 Wed 23 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funkypool Fantasy League

1st - Liam's XI - 911
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - 897
3rd - Dynamo Kebab - 801
4th - The Red Wings - 785
5th - Pigs Can Fly - 771
6th - Black Scorpions - 737
7th - Kuelovesthetoon - 685
8th - AFC Funky - 665
9th - Settle United - 604
10th - Game of Throw Ins - 603
11th - The Spoonz - 596
12th - Alora Knights - 595
13th - How's Zlat - 590
14th - Sarah Utd - 565
15th - Egg Fried Reus - 530
16th - Karlitos Utd - 463
17th - Bayer Neverlosen - 423
18th - Freaks Army - 319

Updated: 23/12/2015
Posts: 14,736
17:15 Wed 23 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Funky Classic

1st - LeaveMyArcalona - 998
2nd - Ritch Tea Biscuits - 977
3rd - TyrannoSuarez Rex - 949
4th - Bourney's Best - 928
5th - Knightmare's Dream - 908
6th - Fried Reus - 793
7th - The Red Wings - 768
8th - The Destroyers - 689
9th - Galaxy Eyes - 661

Head 2 Head League

1st - LeaveMyArcalona - 39
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - 36
3rd - TyrannoSuarez Rex - 30
4th - Bourney's Best - 30
5th - Fried Reus - 27
6th - The Red Wings - 24
7th - The Destroyers - 9
8th - Galaxy Eyes - 9

Updated: 23/12/2015 - *** MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ***
Posts: 14,736
18:14 Tue 29 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funkypool Fantasy Pool League:

1st - Liam's XI - 1009
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - 972
3rd - Dynamo Kebab - 860
4th - The Red Wings - 835
5th - Pigs Can Fly - 803
5th - Black Scorpions - 803

7th - Kuelovesthetoon - 741
8th - AFC Funky - 700
9th - Game of Throw Ins - 671
10th - The Spoonz - 668
11th - Settle United - 635
12th - Alora Knights - 625
13th - Hows Zlat - 624
14th - Sarah Utd - 601
15th - Egg Fried Reus - 558
16th - Karlitos Utd - 496
17th - Bayer Neverlosen - 446
18th - Freaks Army - 371

The Funky Classic

1st - LeaveMyArcalona - 1100
2nd - Ritch Tea Biscuits - 1079
3rd - TyrannoSuarez Rex - 1046

4th - Bourney's Best - 1027
5th - Knightmare's Dream - 979
6th - Fried Reus - 900
7th - The Red Wings - 838
8th - The Destroyers - 757
9th - Galaxy Eyes - 743

Head 2 Head League

1st - LeaveMyArcalona - 42
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - 36
3rd - TyrannoSuarez Rex - 33
4th - Bourney's best - 33

5th - Fried Reus - 30
6th - The Red Wings - 24
7th - The Destroyers - 9
8th - Galaxy Eyes - 9

Updated: 29/12/2015
Posts: 7,297
22:20 Sun 3 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im 4th now
Posts: 14,736
16:55 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funkypool Fantasy Football League:

1st - Liam XI - 1388
2nd - Knightmare's Dream - 1327
3rd - Dynamo Kebab - 1214
4th - Black Scorpions - 1179
5th - Pigs Can Fly - 1175
6th - The Red Wings - 1093
7th - Kuelovesthetoon - 1063
8th - Hows Zlat - 992
9th - Game of Throw Ins - 959
10th - The Spoonz - 953

11th - Alora Knights - 927
12th - AFC Funky - 915
13th - Settle United - 912
14th - Sarah Utd - 907
15th - Egg Fried Reus - 865
16th - The Freaks Army - 762
17th - Karlitos Utd - 733
18th - Bayer Neverlosen - 714

(Updated: 05/03/2016)
Posts: 14,736
17:04 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Funky Classic

1st - LeaveMyArcalona - 1564
2nd - Ritch Tea Biscuits - 1491
3rd - Bourney's Best - 1429

4th - Knightmare's Dream - 1422
5th - TyranoSuarez Rex - 1403
6th - Fried Reus - 1280
7th - The Red Wings - 1227
8th - The Destroyers - 1145
9th - Galaxy Eyes - 1085

Head 2 Head League

1st - Knightmare's Dream - 63
2nd - LeaveMyArcolona - 63
3rd - Borney's Best - 48
4th - Fried Reus - 48

5th - TyrannoSuarez Rex - 42
6th - The Red Wings - 37
7th - The Destroyers - 21
8th - Galaxy Eyes - 16

(Updated: 05/03/2016)
Posts: 14,736
15:59 Thu 21 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Updated 21st April 2016

Funkypool Sky Sports Fantasy Football

1. Liams XI - 1678
2. Knightmare's Dream - 1652
3. Dynamo Kebab - 1490
4. Pigs Can Fly - 1462
5. Black Scorpions - 1378
6. The Red Wings - 1306
7. Keulovesthetoon - 1247
8. Hows Zlat - 1151
9. Settle United - 1143
10. The Spoonz - 1134
11. Game of Throw Ins - 1127
12. Alora Knights - 1125
12. Sarah Utd - 1125
14. Egg Fried Reus - 1113
15. AFC Funky - 1064
16. The Freaks Army - 965
17. Bayer Nerverlosen - 929
18. Karlitos Utd - 877
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Funkypool Fantasy Football

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