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The Revolution....we keep marching on

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Posts: 851
01:53 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
mrmagic (10) vs (5) buckjam

8US 4 - 1 (i disconnected here before his break off and he was happy to replay it)
9US 4 - 1 (i disconnected again after jawing the 9 but he still refused to take the game here despite my insistence!)
8UK 2 - 3

Very sporting (and stubborn ) and was a pleasure to play against!
Posts: 4,231
02:07 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
fcl vs alex_lewis

8us 3-2
9us 3-2
8uk 3-2

total 9-6 kris

he was very unlucky at times but fought hard. pleasure to play, cant wait till the next time bro!

thanks and good luck in rest
Posts: 4,231
02:09 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
fcl vs bulletzzzz

8us 4-1 kris
8uk 3-2 kris
9us 2-3 bulletzzz

overall 9-6 kris

there was no luck for him there, but thats how it goes sometimes. i hope he will come bk anytime soon to finish it.

decent games, nothing too special. im happy we got it finished. thanks mate. see you at the tables!

Edited at 23:57 Sat 03/10/15 (BST)
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02:11 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
fcl vs bulletzzzz

8us 4-1 kris
8uk 2-0 kris

he quit after that.

there was no luck for him there, but thats how it goes sometimes. i hope he will come bk anytime soon to finish it.

I didn't quit,i told you I needed a little time out!
Posts: 851
02:22 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

mrmagic (1) vs (1) sean_92
Posts: 4,231
02:25 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

mrmagic (1) vs (1) sean_92

nice result!

any news about friendyboy?
Posts: 4,231
02:26 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Since our thread is capped still, will do writeup here soz kris.

Beat Magoo 5-3 at US (i got 2 7 balls)

I went 3-0 up after two 7 balls and he unlucky fouled the black, he had no willpower, i missed two pots in fourth and he plays well taking it to 3-2, unlucky not taking it to 3-3 so i went 4-2 up, he won the penultimate seventh for 4-3 (should be 4-3 him at this stage), he was overambitious in the last taking hard pot to corner rather than middle, missed and i mopped up. Draw was more fair and he did really well from the deficit he had.

ggs mate, gl for rest Revs

Was listening to Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Battle and just hearing it again its like i'm fighting Metal Gear again shooting RPG's to stop a nuclear launch in the time limit. For some reason kept me focused for duration.

no probs matey
Posts: 851
02:30 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Nah. Ash asked me to stay on to play him earlier (we'd arranged for tonight anyways) but he logged out after his game with buckjam and didn't come back. No dramas, i'm sure it wasn't intentional ;)
I might struggle to get on tomorrow though as i'm working in the day and have plans in the eve. If any of our subs see him, get it played.
Posts: 14,736
02:45 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Nah. Ash asked me to stay on to play him earlier (we'd arranged for tonight anyways) but he logged out after his game with buckjam and didn't come back. No dramas, i'm sure it wasn't intentional ;)
I might struggle to get on tomorrow though as i'm working in the day and have plans in the eve. If any of our subs see him, get it played.

I did mate unfortunately he said he had to go as was suffering from a chronic headache. I have asked 2pac786 to sub in tomorrow if he's available or friendyboy will play it. So sorry about that.
Posts: 4,231
02:54 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Nah. Ash asked me to stay on to play him earlier (we'd arranged for tonight anyways) but he logged out after his game with buckjam and didn't come back. No dramas, i'm sure it wasn't intentional ;)
I might struggle to get on tomorrow though as i'm working in the day and have plans in the eve. If any of our subs see him, get it played.

I did mate unfortunately he said he had to go as was suffering from a chronic headache. I have asked 2pac786 to sub in tomorrow if he's available or friendyboy will play it. So sorry about that.

i hope he gets better.
Posts: 4,231
02:59 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
mrmagic (10) vs (5) buckjam

8US 4 - 1 (i disconnected here before his break off and he was happy to replay it)
9US 4 - 1 (i disconnected again after jawing the 9 but he still refused to take the game here despite my insistence!)
8UK 2 - 3

Very sporting (and stubborn ) and was a pleasure to play against!

full marks to Jamie for that.
Great example to all of us here.
Posts: 4,231
03:05 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 2

Pocket Dynamos 46 v 59 The Revolution
w_hoolahan 12 v 3 lolumadbro
re_rack_jack 3 v 12 mrmagic
letsgochamp 7 v 8 tip_doctor
bulletzzzz 6 v 9 kris
_siber_man_ 9 v 6 poolbiird
walktall 0 v 15 tinie_v17
punkpoet 9 v 6 mr_magoo
the__priest v veyron-arranged for sunday

Funky Pool Devils (45) v (75) The Revolution- completed
whocares8x8 (8) v (7)tinie_v17
klien (11) v (4) mr_magoo
ferretlady (2) v (13) veyron
buckjam 5 v 10 mrmagic
scottyjr (6) v (9) lolumadbro
wathinawe (7) v (8) poolbiird
blackcabman7 (swap) (4) v (11) kris
fasteddie_ (2) v (13) tip_doctor

Firestorm Phoenix (51) vs (39) Revs
(swp) joeyy (12) vs (3) mad_matt
davybaumers (10) vs (5) tip_doctor
_payback_ (8) vs (7) tinie_v17
achpfsk (7) vs (8) poolbiird
legend_pot (8) vs (7) lolurmadbro
alex_lewis (6) vs (9) kris
(swp) _fresh_ vs veyron
friendyboy vs mrmagic
Posts: 4,231
07:07 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
please everyone welcome fasteddie_ to the clan!
Posts: 250
07:23 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
hey kris...thanks for allowing me to join...look forward to it... cheers Eddie
Posts: 4,231
07:27 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
hey kris...thanks for allowing me to join...look forward to it... cheers Eddie

no worries bro, great to have ya !
Posts: 4,231
08:04 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
fcl list sent.

now, is the break or make lads! Everything is possible!
Posts: 278
15:11 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Welcome to the clan fasteddie!

Posts: 7,974
18:45 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Rohan I was on from 10 till 12

i was back again at 2 m8
I did message you

7pm can you make it ???
I will be on and off
Posts: 14,736
20:12 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Do you have anyone online who can play in mrmagic's place?

We have dark_chocco online (sub)


Ignore this: friendyboy says he'll be on at 9:30 hopefully catch mrmagic.

Edited at 17:48 Sun 04/10/15 (BST)
Posts: 7,974
20:21 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
can anyone help out here
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The Revolution....we keep marching on

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