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The Revolution....we keep marching on

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Posts: 1,074
17:58 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm on my phone at the moment. Have ordered a disk to install the drivers, but I'm not 100% that will work, in the best interest of the clans, I'd rather sit out and fix my laptop properly, than feel I have to rush back. If I do get it up.and running again soon, I should be able to sub in any game, as I'm not on any others.

I'm broke anyways, so this.disk, at a fiver is the most I can afford. Otherwise, it's next Friday, when I get paid.
Posts: 851
22:22 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Some nice results coming in!!

I may struggle to get my game vs dv8 played as he's on the other side of the planet to me and I'm at work most of the times that he's online! Thursday I'm off work so will try my best to get on at his times then but if not this may need swapping or sub me out in week 3 or whatever needs to happen!
Posts: 9,926
23:36 Tue 25 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Will have to sub myself out of this one.reformatted laptop. Drivers gone as well.

Chezz vs scottyjr


Lolumadbro vs scottyjr

This sub is cancelled, you need to wait till week 3 for subs.
Posts: 4,775
01:38 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
poolbiird v triple_b

8us 4-1
9us 3-2
8uk 4-1

Posts: 998
06:55 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
*** FCL Fixture 1 ***

The Revolution (13) vs (17) Uprising

derik_dalton v corsair
mrmagic v dv8
poolbiird (4) v (11) r1p0m4n_v2
tip_doctor v clifton188
tinie_v17 (9) v (6) cgibson92
kris v _niall_
lolumadbro v erigert
veyron v strange_daze

The Revolution v Funky Pool Devils

mad_matt v aladdin_sane
chezz v scottyjr
mr_magoo v the_saint
thegreatone7 v watchinawe
kingdadcool v buckjam
_equality_ v _huts_24
tip_doctor v ferretlady
drewdt3 v fatmikeee

The Revolution (30) v (15) The Professionals

tinie_v17 (9) v (6) dgeneratio
lolumadbro (10) v (5) silent_hill
derik_dalton v tension
kris v vixen_xox
poolbiird (11) v (4) triple_b
mrmagic v bigcjl2
veyron v nzym_visual
drewdt3 v crazy_greg

Game Format : 15 racks (5 each of US8, US9 and UK8).

Deadline: Midnight UK time on 13th September 2015

Good luck folks!
Posts: 998
07:02 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks You tinie_v17 for typing up the fixture for FCL and updating -

Much Appreicated !
Posts: 998
08:41 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted Image

Hey Revolution - everyone who has a FCL tournament game please message your opponents to schedule a game time.

If you have already done so and have time scheduled please post here on the thread.

Big Thanks to all that have already played their FCL games - The results are Great !!! Keep it Up !!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:21 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
poolbiird v triple_b

8us 4-1
9us 3-2
8uk 4-1


Great result!!

I'm in contact with eri, will be played soon!!
Posts: 573
10:57 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Untag me in any future posts please. Thanks
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:31 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Untag me in any future posts please. Thanks

You could always untag yourself
Posts: 1,074
13:40 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Will have to sub myself out of this one.reformatted laptop. Drivers gone as well.

Chezz vs scottyjr


Lolumadbro vs scottyjr

This sub is cancelled, you need to wait till week 3 for subs.

Horse. I can get on for at least 2 weeks, what's the point in waiting. Give the fixture 3 weeks not 1 week, makes sense
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:35 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If your not gonna able play it m8 then I'll just try and arrange it next week for the third week.


What happens in situations like this, If there player is available for the first 2 weeks and then they are unavailable the third week? It seems a bit unfair that they would have to be subbed out after been available for the first 2 weeks of a fixture and having no opponent to play.
Posts: 1,074
15:40 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I can't get on for two weeks lol

That's my point bro, I'd rather have a fixture with 3 weeks to play, and not be delayed
Posts: 38,097
15:43 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If your not gonna able play it m8 then I'll just try and arrange it next week for the third week.


What happens in situations like this, If there player is available for the first 2 weeks and then they are unavailable the third week? It seems a bit unfair that they would have to be subbed out after been available for the first 2 weeks of a fixture and having no opponent to play.

would go against chezz mostly probably
Posts: 1,074
16:01 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
good job it's been fixed then eh

Apologies for the confusion, wasn't 100% i could get it working, so thought best to just make the sub
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:10 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Good to hear m8. If anything happens and you can't get it done in time then have a word with tinie_v17 and I'm sure he'll able sort something out for you
Posts: 1,074
16:18 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I should have the game played bt the end of the week

for the record;

lolumadbro vs scottyjr

is now

chezz vs scottyjr
Posts: 1,074
21:51 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Please welcome quickshot to the team, I know we are full, but changes will be made after this fixture

Previously pot_luck
A good player on snooker, quickpot_147, he's had time away, but form hasn't gone

Happy now??
Posts: 95
21:52 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
i may look bad at the moment but quickpot_147 on snooker

much better

Edited at 18:56 Wed 26/08/15 (BST)
Posts: 4,231
21:54 Wed 26 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
hey guys-gals! im back

good job by everyone and some amazing results!

lets keep it up

and thanks to every1 who helped out while i was away.
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The Revolution....we keep marching on

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