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Unbeatables, Ask faust for Sub

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Posts: 1,029
02:28 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  

I know you have messaged sach I wouldn't worry mate it's on them and I know u off this weekend I appreciate all the work you have put in for me and this team , mucho a lot pal.

Thanks for winning tonight too

I am literally roasted with the heat and I'm not even reading the dribble as it's all good lol

Iv been messaged by legend he is such a top lad why he plays for knights is beyond me.

Seems that you are quite good at brown nosing yourself fran ;) As they say, if you can't beat them, join them :)
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02:31 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  

I know you have messaged sach I wouldn't worry mate it's on them and I know u off this weekend I appreciate all the work you have put in for me and this team , mucho a lot pal.

Thanks for winning tonight too

I am literally roasted with the heat and I'm not even reading the dribble as it's all good lol

Iv been messaged by legend he is such a top lad why he plays for knights is beyond me.

Seems that you are quite good at brown nosing yourself fran ;) As they say, if you can't beat them, join them :)

Use a better at it told me 9 days ago to give it a few days and use will revaluate the situation..but still nothing.

Iv giving up now tbh sweat here. Enjoy your night
Posts: 14,736
02:47 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
We did sorry - slipped my mind with a lot going on..nevermind...he's back and active now - Deadline is Sunday - I'm sure you'll catch each other at some point over the weekend. Real Shame you're on your iphone as he's online now (in the chatroom)

He'll be online for the Team Killer 9pm on Sunday too so there's some timing in advance - I'm sure it's not gonna last all evening.
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02:53 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
im online now..

im not playing at silly hours..cause you hint at such..

good luck in default both games.
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02:55 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
oh is deadline killer this sunday?

i need to post that....(cop on fran)

well i should be here for killer but im not jumping for an fcl last day last minute game after have your nelly.
Posts: 14,736
03:18 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL vs Unbeatables
_knightmare_ vs hahahaha
_sachibub vs hahahaha

* legend_pot has permission to swap with _sachibub
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03:59 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
he has already declined so far to message hahaha back in FBL and hahaha will not be on this weekend for FCL.

it think its up to you that it happens..cause i will not sub my player on deadline weekend..
Posts: 13,570
04:05 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can someone do my fixtures ?

I can never do them on an iPhone melts my head please lads


Fs get with it ya big Jessie x
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04:06 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can someone do my fixtures ?

I can never do them on an iPhone melts my head please lads


Fs get with it ya big Jessie x

I will do it tomorrow mate the heat has me tortured lol
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04:29 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
there will be no subs on this side this weekend..

knights have had 4 weeks to get them done..they couldn't not UB

Messages from legend...iv been available..ash has issues..hahahaha has been available now another sub..nothing else will come from this team..well me.not done by friday hahaha stays in fixture as for me..well if im on im on if not...well post crap here then.

i can prove so much but iv been warned not to post as il be banned....i love that!
Posts: 317
04:51 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I could see it coming a mile away. If your leaving me in the fcl fixture fran I don't have much info for default as I'm always certain I'll get my games played so I'm not one for constantly sending messages, but my knights opponents have made no effort whatsoever trying to get the games done so I guess there can only be one outcome if any game goes to default.

Ash I hope things pick up for your mum soon, but until she starts to get better I think It's best leaving yourself out of games or your just going keep messing people around when It's completely unnecessary.
Posts: 14,736
04:54 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Are you for real?

*Original fixtures were trats vs fran and legend_pot vs crazzymadman
*trats deactivated and left us forcing us to make a sub straightaway so I subbed myself in vs crazzymadman. *Unfortunately that didnt happen due to different times being online.
*YOU being helpful and credit to crazzymadman subbed himself out and put in hahahaha (one of the players you were granted special permission to play due to the team suffering with low numbers, fair enough).
* Leaving the fixture as _knightmare_ vs hahahaha, me and him have spoken and had the match all arranged however, I did not anticipate having to attend hospital this week due to my mother being rushed under blue lights.
* YOU knew full well legend_pot's availability and he's kept to his word throughout he'd be available near the end.
* YOU've craftily offered to play me at silly o'clock in the morning on 2 occasions.
*legend_pot will be online this weekend, maybe even tomorrow (Thursday) so you have ample time to get it played.

It's highly unfortunate that you made the unnecessary swap in the first place, shame we were gracious enough to accept it when thought would encourage fixtures to be played. Highly unfortunate and unforeseen that my mothers health has rapidly deteriorated and she's now stuck in a hospital High Monitoring Unit making me unavailable.

So do what the Hell you want, you do any way!!! No need for Default!!!
Posts: 317
05:04 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm more than happy to be subbed even tho It's been impossible to get the game played, but It's obviously upto fran what he wants to do. I'm pretty sure you subbed yourself out against crazzy before I was subbed in then you subbed yourself in again after I was subbed in, then if I remember right you subbed crazykid in before subbing yourself back in again.
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05:06 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
trats deactivating...your teams fault..
special permission..wont win u anything here.
again ur issue
again i know..but ur fault leaving him in for 4 weeks. iv proof.
u still refused twice
u cant tell me iv ample time to play..when u had near 4 weeks.

all will not help you at all..have a good night
Posts: 317
05:11 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I should be on tonight anyway so hopefully someone is available. If not then no doubt I'll be bombarded with messages over the weekend when knowing I'm not available.

I can't sleep and I'm up in less than 3 and a half hours, this heat is killing me
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05:14 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
it's come to a point where ASH has what he thinks now a good team,.one capable of beating the top 3...PRO 1st UPs2nd and UB 3rd

now he finally has a team so he says, but last seasons was a class team..the one b4 that.the one b4 that?(if im right) but now with a clan and player decline and a site decline ash wants to win the FCL lol.. wont happen and wont be worthy either with no clans to beat lmao
Posts: 3,072
05:14 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
me neither hahaha if wanna play?
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05:15 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
il repost all of this tomorrow lol

as im right...the team is right and you are right...the heat is unbelievable
Posts: 317
05:20 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
me neither hahaha if wanna play?

It's well to late for me now m8. I'll be around tonight or it will have to be one night next week bud.
Posts: 3,072
05:20 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
ok m8 nps :)
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Unbeatables, Ask faust for Sub

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