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Posts: 7,974
16:29 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
8 UK tension v the__priest

was hoping to get this game played at 8 pm as agreed

g2g been away need some sleep

my message last night isn't nasty, says nothing untoward
just a clear message, no malice nothing
so what is your problem ???

all this crap with a poodle is regard snooker how about taking it there instead of cluttering these pages with this drivel

I haven't a problem with tension or getting the game played

until the cheap sarcasm by this team, regards a SNOOKER game,

move on I will look forward to hearing from tension when he is back on, I'm sure it will be sorted
Posts: 7,974
16:32 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Sarah was 15 minutes late hardly a 'no show' just you chose to go offline when you had the chance to play.

as for Tension not showing three times, i can only apologise as i didn't know about it, If he no shows an arranged time again, let me know and i could sub him out.

Sub will be silent_hill if thats the case as from Wed or Thu i probably won't be here and could be debatable if i can be on for deadline weekend.

take your rubbish to snooker, regards a snooker game
think that's where it should be, or am I wrong

the pool game isn't a problem and never was, until your dumb posts earlier

maybe I should have posted on the snooker thread, hmmmmmm regards a pool game

bit silly eh
Posts: 38,097
16:36 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
i don't care which site its on, the discussion is on Pros so thats where it will remain, i'm not type of person to talk Snooks on Snooks and Pool on Pool, silly little grudge Pool has had on Snooks for years if you ask me.

If i want to talk Snooker on a Pool site then i will even if it annoys the whole Pool site. If people want to talk Pool on Snooker, we let them.

Anyways lets leave it there, i'm sure you can rearrange.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:40 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It should be really simple to arrange a clan game but it seems when you get drawn against the priest there's nothing but problems, then he has the nerve to spout his usual tripe about why clans aren't fun anymore, wake up and smell the coffee pal...

So Craig isn't prepared to wait 15mins later than the arranged time for his opponent but he seems to think It's fine to arrange 2 games for the same time and day lol.

Dgen, I wouldn't take Craig's word for it on tension not showing on 3 arranged times as most people know what he's like for making things up...
Posts: 7,974
16:41 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
i don't care which site its on, the discussion is on Pros so thats where it will remain, i'm not type of person to talk Snooks on Snooks and Pool on Pool, silly little grudge Pool has had on Snooks for years if you ask me.

If i want to talk Snooker on a Pool site then i will even if it annoys the whole Pool site. If people want to talk Pool on Snooker, we let them.

Anyways lets leave it there, i'm sure you can rearrange.

where did I mention anything to do with a snooker game ???? ,,,,,on my post regarding my game with tension, again there was no malice no nothing full stop

all I have had to endure is rubbish on here over a snooker game, which you, triple c and jonnythetree
decide to post silly comments

I was letting tension know I had gone
do you not get that
it was a very simple non crap post

all of this rubbish and insults is down to you and a snooker game, which has nothing to with PDz or this clan league

now please move on

again im sure both tension and I will sort the game
Posts: 38,097
16:43 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
when you mentioned Sarah not showing, Tension was irrelevant as i agreed with you.

my silly posting as you call it was about Sarah.
Posts: 136
16:47 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  

silent_hill vs walktall

4-1 8us
3-2 9us
2-3 8uk

9-6 to me overall.

Started in 8us I didn't attack much, stayed in defence mode, let him go for tough clears, when they didn't fall. I was left with fairly easy clearances to go 3-0 up. 4th game he hits a very nice run out. Then 5th game I stayed in defence mode. 9us begins. I stay in defence mode and went 2-0 up. 3rd game he flukes a combo. 4th game during a clear I stupidly went for a slice on the 9 ball knowing the white would go in but I still did it anyway. 5th game he broke off to leave a combo on after a difficult 1 ball. 8uk was probably the harshest on both. Despite him winning 3-2. I think that part of the result is correct. I went out of defence mode an into attack since I was 7-3 ahead at this point. Some shots just didn't go my way. Same with him! Some laughable moments that I can think of during those frames though based on the luck we both had.

Nicest chap on here, Good luck for the rest mate
Posts: 7,974
16:48 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
when you mentioned Sarah not showing, Tension was irrelevant as i agreed with you.

my silly posting as you call it was about Sarah.

no I mentioned Sarahh after the 2 posts that you and her made, hence I answered

now are you finished about a snooker game, that has nothing do with pool

thanks now for agreeing that the tension game has been sorted
Posts: 38,097
16:53 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
i'm finished yeah but as mentioned, if i want to talk snooker on a pool site i will
Posts: 38,097
16:54 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
well done Phil
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:54 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It should be really simple to arrange a clan game but it seems when you get drawn against the priest there's nothing but problems, then he has the nerve to spout his usual tripe about why clans aren't fun anymore, wake up and smell the coffee pal...

So Craig isn't prepared to wait 15mins later than the arranged time for his opponent but he seems to think It's fine to arrange 2 games for the same time and day lol.

Dgen, I wouldn't take Craig's word for it on tension not showing on 3 arranged times as most people know what he's like for making things up...

I bet the_pope has the last word on this as is his decree...

Got to say as a long time observer on pool I think you are being a bit harsh on craic...

ha ha ha ha

Anyway thought you poolers were known for banter......
Posts: 573
16:59 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can you all please just stop with the goading and the pettiness please your all like school children its getting seriously boring.
Posts: 2,327
17:02 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think James only mentioned snooker because you had a game there arranged with Sarah at the exact same time you had one arranged with tension on pool. I can see that, and I don't even have my glasses on!
Posts: 2,327
17:03 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Here here cliffy *blows huge bubblegum bubble*
Posts: 38,097
17:06 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Narrator: Dgen gets stuck
Dgen: ouch the gum is stuck to my hair
Dgen: get me down
Minions: Not until you stop fighting
Dgen: Meh ok, i am yours to command

Posts: 38,097
17:10 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can sense a timezone problem early so

FCL Swap
triple_b vs fastboysam
crazy_greg vs w_hoolahan


triple_b vs w_hoolahan
crazy_greg vs fastboysam
Posts: 38,097
17:12 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Will wait until next page before updating, games are on the link minus the above swap and phils result
Posts: 38,097
17:49 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Trats has been banned so will have subs shortly, just part glad it wasn't when my tower was in repair shop lol.
Posts: 38,097
17:59 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hope i got all of them, if i am missing any, please let me know


Trats vs Gibson
Triple_b vs Gibson

Trats vs Jack
Dgen vs Jack


Trats vs Derik
Johnythefox vs Derik

Trats vs Legend
Dvz vs Legend

Trats vs Destroyer
Sean_92 vs Destroyer
Posts: 2,327
18:15 Mon 14 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Good job, James. What a let down.
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