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Posts: 3,846
02:13 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Faust and wellies records speak for themselves, and have both done terrific jobswith there respective clans, id just like to also throw fatmikkee into mix asa a top 3 captain, rejuvanated the eagles but then signed two clan killers, did a great job with sharks though, and now betweeen him and kris pulling results outer bag with revs, well done mikee
Posts: 38,097
11:18 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Mattywellie as much as i want to say Matty his real life has let him down a bit to be in my top 3.

Mikee wouldn't be in my top 5 as his previous clans was default prone just like cke1982.

My 3 choices would be Faust (led a clan from nothing to a threat on par with Pros), Richie (led pros to champions when Matty left, done a great job), last one was toughish but between Fran (done well with a struggling clan) and Harry (always been a decent captain).

Top 3 overall is Keith/Alan (say no more, ran the best clan perfectly for years), Seb (ran SS to several titles, favourite being Super League) and Chris/Jo (ran a clan all season with the minimum required to stay afloat)
Posts: 14,736
14:55 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
All depends of what criteria you're basing your bias and decision upon:

Success is not only achieved through winning titles or cups.
Posts: 6,417
15:42 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
All depends of what criteria you're basing your bias and decision upon:

Success is not only achieved through winning titles or cups.

How is it achieved then?

Who gets the most defaults? Lol
Posts: 14,736
17:27 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
We have had 2:

One due to your stubbornness and needing to be offline to watch the Eurovision Song Contest

Second the oppositions failure to act due to their player being inactive. Also a post clearly showed their Captain either has no idea what he's doing or simply is just out of their depth:

Around 10pm/11pm 'hoping <players name> still logs on' pahahahaha this being a daytime player. Lol

So I believe BS are leading the charts for defaults so once again, facts all wrong. One day Eri Gerti you might be right.
Posts: 38,097
17:48 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
He meant are defaults the criteria you meant i think.

Based on your post to me earlier, mine was an honest opinion, don't care on rivalries etc and not about titles and cups as you put it.

It isn't all about titles.

- Faust (led a clan from nothing to a threat on par with Pros)
- Last one was toughish but between Fran (done well with a struggling clan) and Harry (always been a decent captain)
- Chris/Jo (ran a clan all season with the minimum required to stay afloat)

Three explanations not involving titles.

Keith/Alan (say no more, ran the best clan perfectly for years) << this alone warrants a mention plus they would message players their games and efforts closer to deadline, sure its a little about titles here but mostly organisation.

Seb and Rich, more so about titles but in their first season led their clans well with few problems.

Those above i based it on titles a bit yes, those who win a few titles must have a successful captain running them which these guys are. I respect Seb/Rich more as Pros was on the verge of folding but thanks to Rich still going strong. Seb managed to do well with a clan only involving Snooker players (i achieved second once with Wipeout with some good Snooker players but wasn't familiar with Pool).

Normally when someone calls me biased it hurts my feelings personally as you can't run a Clan League for over four years while being biased.
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(IP Logged)
17:53 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't rate me I don't deserve to be mentioned at all.
I'd be lost without Keith and turtle,2 top captains.

All I am is the one to take the flack because it says captain after my name.
Posts: 38,097
17:58 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't rate me I don't deserve to be mentioned at all.
I'd be lost without Keith and turtle,2 top captains.

All I am is the one to take the flack because it says captain after my name.

Okay Sean has it then Keith has the MVP award already, top Captain though
Posts: 6,417
19:16 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
We have had 2:

One due to your stubbornness and needing to be offline to watch the Eurovision Song Contest

Second the oppositions failure to act due to their player being inactive. Also a post clearly showed their Captain either has no idea what he's doing or simply is just out of their depth:

Around 10pm/11pm 'hoping <players name> still logs on' pahahahaha this being a daytime player. Lol

So I believe BS are leading the charts for defaults so once again, facts all wrong. One day Eri Gerti you might be right.

I was right cause i won the default, now its your time to be right. But i doubt it lol
Posts: 19,819
19:46 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Personally think running a clan for 10 seasons deserves an honourable mention lol.
Id agree with Harry, and faust/eri, jo/chris did a great job, anoneeemouse was always good
Posts: 38,097
19:50 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
^ yeah forgot you Zachary in all that mist, could include myself in that list too but not that boasty lol.

well done too
Posts: 19,819
19:53 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
^ yeah forgot you Zachary in all that mist, could include myself in that list too but not that boasty lol.

well done too

Yeah I forhot you and Seb.
Sure theres a few others.
will post if i can think of more, re_rack_jack did a decent job.
Posts: 38,097
19:55 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
sure did, he would make a decent captain
Posts: 6,417
20:02 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think _knightmare_ has also done a terrific job as a captain. He is up there with the best. If he had the best players on his team he would have won a title, but as he says, titles arent that important. Playing games without defaults is the most important!!
Posts: 254
20:05 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Agreed on re_rack_jack

It was a pleasure watching his efforts to keep the clan afloat, despite circumstances going against success from the beginning.

Top job

I also think _knightmare_ captains with an absolute passion and goes the extra mile in regards to making efforts to keep his team happy and well organized.

Well played
Posts: 38,097
20:09 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
not sure on the second one
Posts: 14,736
20:26 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
P45 for James lol,
Posts: 254
20:32 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 14,736
21:10 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Dole queue is 2nd door on the left down the corridor lol Best times are 9am on a Monday where you'll be around the most mild, calm, content, well mannered people lol.
Posts: 13,570
03:08 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Aaron aka joker1986 I think at Wipeout.

Jay was terrible with top dogs.....signed me n then told me he didn't need me, then he regretted it. love reminding him lol
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