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Fearless Knights - On the Upward Spiral

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Posts: 14,736
03:01 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Good - wasn't so difficult to give us an eligible player - you've been online all evening harping orders at me lol - what a waste of an evening.

Joeyy has said he'll be on at various times tomorrow, so keep a look out.
Posts: 14,736
03:01 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll try and be on at various times tomorrow. if the sub messages me a time I'll try my best to be on at that time
Posts: 14,736
03:02 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]
(Updated including Fix Set 3) - FCL/FBL - SL (Updated) (Now including Fix Set 2)

(To our new players - ALL our Fixtures are on the above links)

Fearless Knights - Fixtures and Deadines

SL Fix Set 2 - Deadline 31st May 2015 (This Sunday!!)
FCL - Fixture Set 3 - Deadline: 7th June 2015
FBL Fix Set 3 - Deadline: 14th June 2015

Posts: 7,974
03:03 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
lost 9-6
to klien
decent player
no excuses, he got v lucky in 9 ball
I goosed in 8 ball, should've been 4-1
but credit where its deserved
took his chances well

shame he is such a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
would gain more respect, if he had manners
however he has always been a >>>>>>>>>>>>
Posts: 2,588
03:05 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
GGs mate. Admittedly i did get lucky in the one frame on 9 ball. High quality games, especially in 8uk, and against you I would expect no less. Thank you.
Posts: 7,974
03:08 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
GGs mate. Admittedly i did get lucky in the one frame on 9 ball. High quality games, especially in 8uk, and against you I would expect no less. Thank you.

the games were as expected, agreed very high standard
just don't understand why you let yourself down
with your mouth

however, I got beat id say fair and square, I don't make excuses, this could've easily gone either way

gl with your season, maybe don't run your mouth as much, your better than that
Posts: 2,588
03:11 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Right back at ya mate

Posts: 14,736
03:13 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Good 6 points Craig - unlucky on the ones you lost, 9us is heavily based on luck and sorry hear you 'goosed' in 8us. Still a commendable result so cheers for playing it.

_fresh_ vs _huts24_ will be interesting to say the least -

C'mon trats we need the TBC vs w_hoolahan completed ASAP. (3 frames to play)
Posts: 7,974
03:39 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Good 6 points Craig - unlucky on the ones you lost, 9us is heavily based on luck and sorry hear you 'goosed' in 8us. Still a commendable result so cheers for playing it.

_fresh_ vs _huts24_ will be interesting to say the least -

C'mon trats we need the TBC vs w_hoolahan completed ASAP. (3 frames to play)

sorry I let you and the team down
truly I am
never ever have I had to endure crap like that
in my 9 years playing in clans
but hey
if you want me to step down, all you need to do is ask
my fcl has been decent all season
ive now lost 3
Veyron 9-6
mr magic 8-7
klien 9-6

beaten UPz and pros
but ive got to say, if this is now clan pool is now
I truly think I can do without clowns and the crap, they give out.
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03:48 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
You've had a much better season than me! Lol not that that says much.
Posts: 14,736
03:48 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Not at all mate - still a class player and one the team is very fortunate to have. Everyone loses now and again mate - it's all about picking yourself back up. Those defeats aren't thrashings and are very close score wise with some tough fine opposition. Take it as a compliment they had to raise their game a fraction more to beat you.

The unnecessary rubbish were simply that - forgotten about and just glad the match is now over and done with.

You're much appreciated on this team and long may it continue.

Posts: 2,588
03:51 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Everyone loses now and again mate - it's all about picking yourself back up.

Absolutely true Craig.

My first game I lost to turtle 13 - 2, admittedly i would probably still lose 13 - 2 to turtle now, but its how you bounce back. 9 - 6 isn't that bad of a defeat. They were quality games that - as you say - could have gone either way.
Posts: 1,111
03:54 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
unlucky craig, still having a good season mate
Posts: 14,736
03:58 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm looking forward too the end of June when we WILL have ALL our players available, legend_pot, dbno will be back - so i have absolutely NO INTENTIONS in losing anyone.

We started this season together, we finish it together. I accept some results haven't been to our usual high standard but we can turn that around. A very solid, strong, versatile group of players who just need to keep believing and the Teams resilience will return.

So Craig don't you dare even think about leaving us mate - You're one of us and your brilliant scores are just around the corner.

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04:05 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
yo yo yo brothers n mothers and sinners and quiters
Posts: 14,736
04:08 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL - no one is quitting.
Deleted User
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04:29 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Winners never quit and quitters never win.... maaaaannnnnn
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04:35 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
blup blup do i have any games i dont know ?
Posts: 2,588
04:36 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
blup blup do i have any games i dont know ?

Fancy a friendly FCL game so you can finally kick my butt?
Posts: 14,736
04:37 Sun 31 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
blup blup do i have any games i dont know ?

SL vs r1p0m4n_v2 mate (Deadline Tonight)
FBL (Straight) vs mrmagic
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Fearless Knights - On the Upward Spiral

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