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Fearless Knights - On the Upward Spiral

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Posts: 3,359
20:09 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 4 (3 Matches ONLY due to 1 Teams Removal)
Deadline: 5th July 2015

Fearless Knights (47) vs (58) Uprising

(s) legend_pot (9) vs (6) graftonspile (swp)
(swp) _sachibub (7) vs (8) ritcho
(s) friendyboy vs corsair (swp) (30/06)
(s) bigcjl2 (6) vs) 9) the_marine
joeyy (4) vs (11) clifton188
_fresh_ (9) vs (6) cgibson92
_pacman (5) vs (10) dv8
the__priest (7) vs (8) erigert

FCL Fix Set 4...cont
Deadline: 5th July 2015

Fearless Knights (28) vs (47) The Pros

legend_pot (11) vs (4) crazy_greg
(s) friendyboy vs beenjammin
(s) vixen_xox (4) vs (11) johnythefox
(s) _pacman/trats (4) vs (11) nike
joeyy (3) vs (12) lll1lll1lll
_fresh_ (6) vs (9) dvz
(s) bigcjl2 vs miss_harriet
the__priest vs _payback_

Fearless Knights (35) vs (40) Unbeatables

joeyy vs r1p0m4n_v2 (s) ???
_pacman (9) vs (6) retraced
friendyboy (5) vs (10) andyw1
_fresh_ (11) vs (4) horse10000 (s)
the__priest (2) vs (13) tension
(s) _knightmare_ vs hahahaha (s)
bigcjl2 (8) vs (7) liam_scfc
legend_pot vs fran_ (swp) (happy to swap with joeyy vs r1p0m4n_v2)
Posts: 3,359
20:10 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 4: DEADLINE: 12th July 2015

Fearless Knights (2) vs (8) Uprising

8us: (swp) friendyboy (3) vs (5) cgibson92
8us: the__priest (2) vs (5) dv8
9us: (swp) dark_chocco vs irish_ninja
9us: vixen_xox (0) vs (5) the_marine
8uk: _fresh_ (6) vs (2) graftonspile
8uk: x_connor vs zantetsukenz
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) corsair
Str: legend_pot vs clifton188

Fearless Knights (4) vs (0) Pros

8us: friendyboy vs miss_harriet
8us: joeyy vs beenjammin
9us: (s) _sachibub vs crazy_greg
9us: (s) _fresh_ (5) vs (3) johnythefox
8uk: (s) dark_chocco (5) vs (0) _payback_
8uk: the__priest vs nike
Str: legend_pot vs dvz
Str: (s) _knightmare_ vs lll1lll1lll

Fearless Knights (6) vs (6) Unbeatables

8us: bigcjl2 (5) vs (2) liam_scfc
8us: the__priest (2) vs (5) mrmagic (swp)
9us: dark_chocco (5) vs (3) horse10000
9us: _sachibub vs hahahaha (swp)
8uk: x_connor (2) vs (5) tension
8uk: _fresh_ (5) vs (0) andyw1
Str: (s) legend_pot vs fran_
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) strange_daze
Posts: 3,359
20:11 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Ash's mum isn't doing too well at present , i told him i would update his thread
Posts: 1,029
00:20 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
friendyboy 7 - 8 Beenjammin

8us 2-3
9us 2-3
8uk 3-2

Some great games here, went 1-0 up, then had a shot at 2-0 with a slightly difficult black but missed. Not many balls were missed throughout, with a few great frames from been especially in 9us,

Could been 8-7 either way, but happy to have played semi decent for once and against a FP legend.

GGs wp man.
Posts: 1,029
00:21 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks to Rich for posting the results up, much appreciated!!
Posts: 7,974
00:24 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks to Rich for posting the results up, much appreciated!!

class score there m8
7 great points

I felt I chucked this away
had chances to win this
but had to keep reading Dgens posts as I was playing
great advert for fair play

nike vs the__priest
Posts: 1,111
00:24 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
great 7 point result there friendy against a class opponent!
Posts: 14,736
01:46 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just thought I'd drop by and say well done to Alex and Craig, 2 brilliant results, Alex WOW vs beenjammin. Told you you're playing very well, and Craig, your opponent is a very good player too so not gonna grumble with a draw, well done.

Top stuff guys - cheers Rich again mate.

Good see ya legend_pot mate, hope your holiday was awesome?
Posts: 14,736
01:51 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 4 (3 Matches ONLY due to 1 Teams Removal)
Deadline: 5th July 2015

Fearless Knights (47) vs (58) Uprising

(s) legend_pot (9) vs (6) graftonspile (swp)
(swp) _sachibub (7) vs (8) ritcho
(s) friendyboy vs corsair (swp) (30/06)
(s) bigcjl2 (6) vs) 9) the_marine
joeyy (4) vs (11) clifton188
_fresh_ (9) vs (6) cgibson92
_pacman (5) vs (10) dv8
the__priest (7) vs (8) erigert

FCL Fix Set 4...cont
Deadline: 5th July 2015

Fearless Knights (35) vs (55) The Pros

legend_pot (11) vs (4) crazy_greg
(s) friendyboy (7) vs (8) beenjammin
(s) vixen_xox (4) vs (11) johnythefox
(s) _pacman/trats (4) vs (11) nike
joeyy (3) vs (12) lll1lll1lll
_fresh_ (6) vs (9) dvz
(s) bigcjl2 vs miss_harriet
the__priest vs _payback_

Fearless Knights (35) vs (40) Unbeatables

joeyy vs r1p0m4n_v2 (s)
_pacman (9) vs (6) retraced
friendyboy (5) vs (10) andyw1
_fresh_ (11) vs (4) horse10000 (s)
the__priest (2) vs (13) tension
(s) _knightmare_ vs hahahaha (s)
bigcjl2 (8) vs (7) liam_scfc
legend_pot vs fran_ (swp)
Posts: 14,736
01:52 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 4: DEADLINE: 12th July 2015

Fearless Knights (2) vs (8) Uprising

8us: (swp) friendyboy (3) vs (5) cgibson92
8us: the__priest (2) vs (5) dv8
9us: (swp) dark_chocco vs irish_ninja
9us: vixen_xox (0) vs (5) the_marine
8uk: _fresh_ (6) vs (2) graftonspile
8uk: x_connor vs zantetsukenz
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) corsair
Str: legend_pot vs clifton188

Fearless Knights (5) vs (1) Pros

8us: friendyboy vs miss_harriet
8us: joeyy vs beenjammin
9us: (s) _sachibub vs crazy_greg
9us: (s) _fresh_ (5) vs (3) johnythefox
8uk: (s) dark_chocco (5) vs (0) _payback_
8uk: the__priest (4) vs (4) nike
Str: legend_pot vs dvz
Str: (s) _knightmare_ vs lll1lll1lll

Fearless Knights (6) vs (6) Unbeatables

8us: bigcjl2 (5) vs (2) liam_scfc
8us: the__priest (2) vs (5) mrmagic (swp)
9us: dark_chocco (5) vs (3) horse10000
9us: _sachibub vs hahahaha (swp)
8uk: x_connor (2) vs (5) tension
8uk: _fresh_ (5) vs (0) andyw1
Str: (s) legend_pot vs fran_
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) strange_daze
Posts: 1,111
02:02 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah it was great thanks ash, hope your mum is doing okay mate

just gotta celebrate leaving my seven year place of education for about 2 or 3 days coming up with the people from there then im all yours for any remaining games and all of next season
Posts: 14,736
02:10 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
She's been more 'compos mentis' today but still in the High Monitoring Unit attached to 3 drips 24/7, been more alert today so hopefully things will begin to pick up a bit. Not gonna rush anything - she's getting the help she needs and that's all that matters.

Wicked NEWS to be getting you back soon - enjoy the rest of your celebrations mate - see the team's got stronger as promised. Having you here this next season will be like having a new signing again - so it's AWESOME.

Posts: 1,111
02:27 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
ahh thats good signs, im sure she will be fine pal she seems like a fighter so theres no need to worry hopefully

pretty sick of alcohol after the holiday so probably will hate it knowing me lol yeah it will be interesting to see how we perfrom next season for sure
Posts: 14,736
02:50 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Ahh so you're been consuming alot then lol?
Next Season!! It's gonna be mental but gonna love it - Top Players, Top Team - what more do we need.

Team Killer: Sunday 5th July 9pm mate - just before it slips my mind. _fresh_ can make it too.
Posts: 14,736
03:16 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL vs Unbeatables
_knightmare_ vs hahahaha
_sachibub vs hahahaha

(legend_pot and _sachibub IF you see each others opponent online then feel free to swap - Deadline is Sunday - So it's rapidly approaching.

Good Luck and thanks.
Posts: 14,736
03:53 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can we make sure ALL FCL fixtures remaining are arranged ASAP, thanks and the best of luck. IF swaps are required to ensure fixtures get played then 'Go Ahead'

Nice One.
Posts: 2,327
11:56 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey I'm pretty sure I won't be needed in any remaining fixtures so could you officially 'release' me so I can help my new clan in games they actually want/need me for, ie today rather than Sunday, thanks!

Edited at 09:02 Thu 02/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
14:04 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
vixen_xox has permission to sub in vs hahahaha then after the Deadline has passed we will release as she's requested. (FCL vs Unbeatables)

The Deadline is Sunday, hence I have stated no player will be released until it's passed allowing/keeping the Team with as many options possible to get the remaining fixtures completed.

Posts: 14,736
14:05 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 14,736
14:05 Thu 2 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
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Fearless Knights - On the Upward Spiral

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