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Fearless Knights - On the Upward Spiral

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
If you were confident you wouldn't be begging for an immediate sub 3 weeks from deadline.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
3 weeks u sure?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
Sub for legend

The public knowledge of his inactivity is apparent now

Im available he is not and im going camping with my kids soon, a few hours this qeekend is not an active opponent .

Sub needed asap.

If i had him in unbeatables squad no doubt you would be banging down my thread since fixture release
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
Maybe we can sort out a swap at the weekend as before the initial change was made you were fully aware of the available times and accepted them. I'm sure of that wealth of players you now have available at least one can play legend at the weekend.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
He is basically unavailable

Ash posted and posted till he got his subs

Cause lethal is offline

Sub requested and no swap will be made as I'm available more the legend. I accept he is doing exams, so should use. And sub him

Sub please
Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
No sub on these grounds:

1. The original fixtures were: legend_pot vs crazzymadman & trats vs fran_
2. You swapped as couldn't see yourself being online the same time as trats, fair enough. (Accepted on the previso you were made aware the lack of availability legend_pot would be due to his exams by myself via private message)
3. You accepted what I said and said it was okay.
4. Now after a few results and also knowing well in advance legend_pot will be online this weekend coming you demand a sub.
5. Swap by all means if you cannot make the fixture with legend_pot, just bear in mind his availability and the fact you've already accepted it beforehand.
6. legend_pot will be online this weekend, IF you cannot make the same time then I suggest you sub out.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
There have been times this season that you were only available for a day or two and had no problem staying in fixtures and making opponents play on tight schedules. No reason why you or your team can't do the same.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  

I know what was said

Do u think a player active for a few hours this weekend is an active player in a 4 week fixture?

I think not

Results or score lines don't come into it, I request a sub for a player who has been inactive to date, and will be for most of the fixture remaining

Thanks sub.
Posts: 7,974
10 years ago  [Link]  
its better to watch me than read this thread
its a clan game
I'm better than you all
check this shot out

Posted Image

yeahhhhhhhhhhhh how good am i
Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 4 (3 Matches ONLY due to 1 Teams Removal)
Deadline: 5th July 2015

Fearless Knights (32) vs (43) Uprising

legend_pot vs corsair
(swp) _sachibub (7) vs (8) ritcho
(s) friendyboy vs graftonspile
(swp) crazykid vs the_marine
joeyy (4) vs (11) clifton188
_fresh_ (9) vs (6) cgibson92
_pacman (5) vs (10) dv8
the__priest (7) vs (8) erigert

FCL Fix Set 4...cont
Deadline: 5th July 2015

Fearless Knights (8) vs (22) The Pros

legend_pot vs crazy_greg
(s) friendyboy vs beenjammin
(s) vixen_xox (4) vs (11) johnythefox
(s) _pacman/trats (4) vs (11) nike
joeyy vs lll1lll1lll
_fresh_ vs dvz
crazykid vs miss_harriet
the__priest vs _payback_

Fearless Knights (20) vs (10) Unbeatables

joeyy vs r1p0m4n_v2 (s)
_pacman (9) vs (6) retraced
friendyboy vs andyw1
_fresh_ (11) vs (4) horse10000 (s)
the__priest vs tension *
(s) _knightmare_ vs crazzymadman (swp) (Thurs Day)
bigcjl2 vs liam_scfc (Thursday evening)
legend_pot vs fran_ (swp)


Players Champ - Rnd 5:
Deadline: 28/06

_fresh_ vs erigert
Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
FCL vs Uprising: Result
_sachibub (7) vs (8) ritcho

8us: 4-1
9us: 3-2
8uk: 0-5

Great 7 points here mate against a very capable player - unlucky in 8uk - ritcho is very good at that type as you just saw. Thanks for playing the match and there aren't many who will take 7 points from this player.

Nice one.
Posts: 10,109
10 years ago  [Link]  
No sub on these grounds:

1. The original fixtures were: legend_pot vs crazzymadman & trats vs fran_
2. You swapped as couldn't see yourself being online the same time as trats, fair enough. (Accepted on the previso you were made aware the lack of availability legend_pot would be due to his exams by myself via private message)
3. You accepted what I said and said it was okay.
4. Now after a few results and also knowing well in advance legend_pot will be online this weekend coming you demand a sub.
5. Swap by all means if you cannot make the fixture with legend_pot, just bear in mind his availability and the fact you've already accepted it beforehand.
6. legend_pot will be online this weekend, IF you cannot make the same time then I suggest you sub out.


Certainly not causing trouble here, but any player that is only available for a couple of hours in a 3 week fixture will lose if the game goes to default. Because I don't like defaults, we'll (Uprising) do everything in our power to make sure we have someone available to play legend_pot on Sunday night, but if I was thinking tactically - I'd just avoid the guy and reap the points AND take your best player out the fixture. If this game gets played, it will be because Fran is accommodating your players tiny window of time - and that would be a favour rather than a requisite IMO.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
Good job bub ul on the slight loss but nice points!!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
its better to watch me than read this thread
its a clan game
I'm better than you all
check this shot out

Posted Image

yeahhhhhhhhhhhh how good am i

Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
Fearless Knights

1. _knightmare_ (CC)
2. friendyboy (CC)
3. joeyy (VC)
4. _pacman (VC)
5. _fresh_
6. the__priest
7. legend_pot
8. crazykid
9. _sachibub
10. dbno
11. bigcjl2
12. rynocov
13. vixen_xox
14. x_connor
15. TBC
16. TBC

* davybaumers (mental coach) Welcome aboard Davy.

Edited at 00:12 Thu 18/06/15 (BST)
Posts: 7,974
10 years ago  [Link]  
blaaaaaah BB B BBBBBBBBB B
defaults again, chill out who cares
why does it always come down to defaults
who cares, its an online game
chill out or meet the funky court
I'm having as many problems getting my game played
just relax, I'm sure it will be played
does it always have to be splattered all over the threads
discuss it like adults, via offline
do we need to read crap daily

Posted Image
Posts: 7,974
10 years ago  [Link]  
well first time I've seen that

vice captain

well done m8,,,
Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
It was posted:
Idea: As you're having difficulty with your fixture - why not swap fran with tension? You're both active and maybe we can ensure tension is online over the weekend etc.

Just a thought.
Posts: 7,297
10 years ago  [Link]  
Hope klaus is not a banned player under a new account as it seems strange that this new account started whe cng players were banned.
Posts: 871
10 years ago  [Link]  
Welcome klaus glad to have you on board, played a few times against this guy and he's very capable.

Great signing skip
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Fearless Knights - On the Upward Spiral

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