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Chips n Gravy II - We dont play for defaults!!!

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Posts: 750
12:07 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 3

Chips n Gravy (22) vs (23) The Revolution

liam_scfc (8) vs (7) veyron
r1p0m4n_v2 vs fatmikee
_mich_ vs mad_matt
im_crap_adam (7) vs (8) kris
jimmy_efc vs amac3
foxhound (7) vs (8) kingdadcool
rubber_duck vs deluxe
strange_daze vs drewdt3

Fearless Knights (40) vs (35) Chips 'n' Gravy

_fresh_ vs kirk
the__priest (9) vs (6) liam_scfc
friendyboy vs r1p0m4n_v2
joeyy (8) vs (7) hahahaha
_pacman (7) vs (8) _mich_
bigcjl2 (7) vs (8) slimeball
dgeneratio (9) vs (6) obieeeeee
trats vs im_crap_adam

Chips n Gravy (50) v (40) Pocket Dynamos

hahahaha (6) v (9) letsgochamp
im_crap_adam v blueberry
jimmy_efc (8) v (7) punkpoet
foxhound v hippesville
mirrr (9) v (6) triple_b
_mich_ (11) v (4) the_killer
liam_scfc (11) v (4) scarlets2k15
crazzymadman (5) v (10) fastboysam

Deadline: 7th June 2015

Edited at 09:11 Mon 01/06/15 (BST)
Posts: 750
12:09 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 3

Undateables (4) vs (4) Chips n Gravy

horse10000 (0) vs (2) rubber_duck
mrmagic vs jimmy_efc
turtle1560 (2) vs (0) foxhound
fran_ (2) vs (0) hahahaha

poolbiird vs liam_scfc
andyw1 (0) vs (2) r1p0m4n_v2
tension vs _mich_
lethal_lures vs obieeeeee

Pocket Dynamos (1) vs (1) Chips n Gravy

letsgochamp vs sillybilly
toon_lad vs strange_daze
hippesville vs crazzymadman
the_killer vs mirrr
triple_b (1) vs (1) im_crap_adam
blueberry vs chalkie
fastboysam vs slimeball
punkpoet vs kirk

Good luck guys. Deadline is 14th June.

Edited at 10:34 Mon 01/06/15 (BST)
Posts: 750
12:11 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL sub.

Was: trats vs sillybilly
Now: trats vs im_crap_adam
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(IP Logged)
13:14 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Played Andy just before I left for work yesterday evening..
Andy (3) vs (5) r1p0m4n
Ggs mate, he got v ul a few times.
Posts: 750
13:34 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice win bro!
Posts: 14,736
14:52 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Convenient how somebody comes on 15 minutes after our player has gone offline....

Thanks for subbing in duckzilla and good win against Keith and nice and tight with Gaz! We'll ask on their thread in regards to deluxe, so hope you keep on playing mate!!
Nice draw with Sarah, crappy!
Unlucky Slimey, thanks for getting it done though fella.

Need some help from Mich and Jimmy otherwise I'm stepping down as VC...I didn't want to run a team again as I don't have the time when I'm not at work.

Convenient how a player down to play on deadline day can fit in a few friendly frames but can't play their opponent then watch it go to default, that's convenient.

_mich_ is having trouble with getting on to the Internet he has been in contact, so hopefully we can sort that issue for him. Jimmy did post it's his lady's birthday so didn't expect to see him online. Unfortunately no one were about apart from im_crap_adam who I spoke with in pm. rubber_duck were online later but he played two fixtures then posted what he did. So unfortunately due to priorities our fixture didn't get completed

Not your fault Jake, you're very helpful when online.
Posts: 750
15:04 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Convenient how a player down to play on deadline day can fit in a few friendly frames but can't play their opponent then watch it go to default, that's convenient.

_mich_ is having trouble with getting on to the Internet he has been in contact, so hopefully we can sort that issue for him. Jimmy did post it's his lady's birthday so didn't expect to see him online. Unfortunately no one were about apart from im_crap_adam who I spoke with in pm. rubber_duck were online later but he played two fixtures then posted what he did. So unfortunately due to priorities our fixture didn't get completed

Not your fault Jake, you're very helpful when online.

I think you'll find, he was playing andy in an FBL match.....Just find it quite funny how he's had to arrange with 3 opponents and you refused to play him because you were playing 6 frames against clifton on the Sunday. It is just very coincidental how crazykid comes online 15 minutes after Imran says he can play till and then you demand a sub....but hey, we'll see how the default goes.
Posts: 14,736
15:29 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Very funny and convenient how me, Alex and others were online all evening and not one iota of assistance from this team.

I approached Adam. I approached _mich_ via other social media, we posted numerous times on this thread only to be ignored. So yeah crazykid logged on a little after r1p0m4n_v2 went to browsing that were just coincidence he also posted that he couldn't play afterwards due to his java plug in not working or did you miss that vital piece of information?

So we had myself, friendyboy online only for this team to have NO ONE show any interest in getting it played. Oh and yeah he played andyw1 I'm on about the frames vs Harry, look for yourself. When had given us the impression were only available in the evening. Correct me if I'm wrong but up till 5:30pm is not the evening.

Edited at 12:38 Mon 01/06/15 (BST)
Posts: 914
15:42 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh my god, its an online pool game ffs, Ash. Just because you've failed in the real world, don't try and be someone in a virtual one. Maybe if you kept a single player in a fixture for longer than 3 days then their opponent might have time to arrange with them.

If you wanna do a huts and play for defaults then go for it
Posts: 750
15:44 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Adam had already played in your fixture. Posting on our thread when there isn't anyone online isn't going to get much attention is it...Where has he posted that? I'm not being funny Ashley but Imran has had to try and arrange with 3 separate opponents. Karl quit your team, you subbed yourself in with NO intention of playing it and then you subbed in crazykid a day or two before deadline. When players have made arrangements to have social lives outside of FP (maybe you should try it?) only to have somebody else get subbed into their game at the last minute.

We've showed interest in getting it played, you could have played Imran before Sunday but you decided to leave it to the last minute and sub yourself out because you love dodging games.

Did you have anyone else online to play the SL match before he played Andy? If so, why didn't you sub them in? It's not his fault he was called into work, some of us have jobs, you know?
Posts: 317
16:02 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Very funny and convenient how me, Alex and others were online all evening and not one iota of assistance from this team.

I approached Adam. I approached _mich_ via other social media, we posted numerous times on this thread only to be ignored. So yeah crazykid logged on a little after r1p0m4n_v2 went to browsing that were just coincidence he also posted that he couldn't play afterwards due to his java plug in not working or did you miss that vital piece of information?

So we had myself, friendyboy online only for this team to have NO ONE show any interest in getting it played. Oh and yeah he played andyw1 I'm on about the frames vs Harry, look for yourself. When had given us the impression were only available in the evening. Correct me if I'm wrong but up till 5:30pm is not the evening.

Edited at 12:38 Mon 01/06/15 (BST)

I'm not sure why you mention that you were online, what use are you?????

If you weren't such removed word then the game could of been played ages ago.

Edited by forum moderator crazzymadman, at 20:56 Mon 01/06/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
16:06 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If there's so much on the outside real world then why take up a captaincy role in a virtual one?

Usual same drivel.

Oh and foxhound (Einstein) when I subbed myself in due to lfc12 deactivating I messaged Imran only to receive nothing back. So I posted on this thread about hopefully playing on Friday. He couldn't make that fair enough. I already had a match to turn up for over the weekend so subbed in crazykid.

Next time I'll just follow your routine and do sweet naff all over the weekends. I couldn't give a crap about whether you have such a perfect life, friends, responsibilities if you can't hack the virtual one and continually blame the real one then quit!
Posts: 38,097
16:07 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Ash Imran clearly gave enough notice that he could only play between 4:30 and 5:30, not his fault work decided they needed him. Unfortunately no sub was given but thats life.

5:30 could be evening in the winter as i class evening when its dark, others from dinner/tea onwards (5 pm).

either way Imran posted ahead of time that he couldn't play
Posts: 6,417
16:09 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Adam had already played in your fixture. Posting on our thread when there isn't anyone online isn't going to get much attention is it...Where has he posted that? I'm not being funny Ashley but Imran has had to try and arrange with 3 separate opponents. Karl quit your team, you subbed yourself in with NO intention of playing it and then you subbed in crazykid a day or two before deadline. When players have made arrangements to have social lives outside of FP (maybe you should try it?) only to have somebody else get subbed into their game at the last minute.

We've showed interest in getting it played, you could have played Imran before Sunday but you decided to leave it to the last minute and sub yourself out because you love dodging games.

Did you have anyone else online to play the SL match before he played Andy? If so, why didn't you sub them in? It's not his fault he was called into work, some of us have jobs, you know?

Ash didnt play Imran as he couldnt afford to lose another game 8-0
Posts: 750
16:14 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Next time I'll just follow your routine and do sweet naff all over the weekends. I couldn't give a crap about whether you have such a perfect life, friends, responsibilities if you can't hack the virtual one and continually blame the real one then quit!

I haven't taken up captaincy, I'm a VC who's only really here to update fixtures but had to do a little more to help out as Jimmy and Mich have been busy. As you know, I can only play when I'm at work and I certainly wouldn't be on the game I wasn't able to do so.

You had 6 frames to turn up for? 6 frames that lasted all of, what, 20 minutes maximum? (Probably quicker than that seeing as cliffy shafted you!!) What do you think every other player does who have 3 or 4 matches to play? "Sorry, can't play this day because I've already got 6 frames to play"....What an excuse haha.

I don't do sweet naff all over weekends, I'm a very busy man with a very busy life. I don't just sit at home like you do all day everyday trawling through every thread on here and dodging games. I can't hack the virtual life....boohooo....guess I'll go back to living the perfect one with my missus, family, mates, job and hobbies instead of trying to live a fantasy one
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:44 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I didn't reply to you as I want no interaction with you.. your a hypocrite, I've dealt with you before and you've shown me that clearly so I was never gonna message you back because you were never gonna play me anyway (just like last time). As James said, I told everyone about my times on the thread and made sure it was kept up to date, I also kept my word and got on to play at the right times. I was on Sunday morning and yes did play a few friendlies with Harry but ultimately I was checking if anyone was on. Harry knew I'd be leaving at 12 for football and he mentioned it to you via social media too. Coincidentally crazykid came on at 11.50 asking to play on your threads and you told him I was on playing.. that's just funny! Pmsl
So, do me a favour next time I'm in the fixture with your team, don't bother and leave it to someone like James to sort my game out as your a muppet to deal with. I have nothing more to say to you and never will, adios!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:46 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Lmfao, and on his profile at the bottom it's got a question mark on whether he is playing me or not.. A total tool.
Posts: 750
18:35 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL sub:

Was hippesville vs foxhound
Now hippesville vs r1p0m4n_v2

Me and Gaz don't look likely to catch each other.

FBL sub:

Was letsgochamp vs sillybilly
Now letsgochamp vs foxhound

Edited at 15:38 Mon 01/06/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
18:47 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Not worthy of a reply - just reverse everything you've said back in your own direction - Inadequate tool!

Thank God don't have to deal with someone as incompetent as you again - hallelujah
Posts: 750
18:53 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Lmao....Yeah, Imran, get your priorities straight!! Because sitting indoors playing an online pool game is waaaaaaaaaay more important that getting outside, socialising and playing some sport to keep you fit and healthy....

Shows you how much this game means to people and how it's their whole entire life. Sad really

Edit: Surprise, surprise, he's edited his post. Deleting is cheating
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Chips n Gravy II - We dont play for defaults!!!

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