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Uprising XIII - FBL & GSC Champions

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13:17 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
DEADLINE FOR THIS IS SUNDAY NIGHT!! Make sure you've mailed your poonents!


fran_ vs corsair
dv8 vs silent_hill
horse10000 vs joeyy
alex_lewis vs nike

(31/08/15 to 13/09/15)
Posts: 10,109
13:18 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Set One

Phoenix Nights (36) v (39) Uprising

off_white v cgibson92
legend_pot v corsair
_fresh_ (9) v (6) nike
miss_harriet (10) v (5) dv8
joeyy (7) v (8) clifton188
alex_lewis (6) v (9) r1p0m4n_v2
achpfsk v fran_
ghost_chili (4) v (11) turtle1560

Uprising (64) v (41) Funky Pool Devils

zantetsukenz (10) v (5) fasteddie_
fran_ v anoneeemouse
turtle1560 (13) v (2) buckfast
ritcho (8) v (7) _huts24_
horse10000 (5) v (10) whocares8x8
goatboy (7) v (8) klien
strange_daze (10) v (5) watchinawe
_niall_ (11) v (4) _pot_luck_

The Revolution (31) v (59) Uprising

derik_dalton v corsair
lolumadbro (6) v (9) dv8
poolbiird (4) v (11) r1p0m4n_v2
tip_doctor (3) v (12) clifton188
tinie_v17 (9) v (6) cgibson92
kris (4) v (11) _niall_
mrmagic (5) v (10) erigert
veyron v strange_daze

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK time on 13th September 2015
Posts: 10,109
13:19 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Set 1

Uprising (9) v (3) Pocket Dynamos

8 US
_niall_ v _siber_man_
strange_daze (6) v (2) walktall
9 US
horse10000 (4) v (4) letsgochamp
ritcho (4) v (4) re_rack_jack
8 UK
r1p0m4n_v2 v bulletzzzz
zantetsukenz (4) v (4) w_hoolahan
clifton188 (2) v (0) punkpoet
dv8 (2) v (0) fastboysam

Funky Pool Devils (3) v (9) Uprising

8 US
ferretlady (1) v (5) horse10000
klien (2) v (6) strange_daze
9 US
blackcabman7 (3) v (5) faust
scottyjr (6) v (2) nike
8 UK
watchinawe (4) v (4) zantetsukenz
_huts24_ v _niall_
whocares8x8 v turtle1560
_psmon_ (0) v (2) erigert

Phoenix Nights (2) v (4) Uprising

8 US
miss_harriet v cgibson92
achpfsk (3) v (5) dv8
9 US
_payback_ v fran_
davybaumers v nike
8 UK
_fresh_ (6) v (2) r1p0m4n_v2
ghost_chili v corsair
legend_pot v turtle1560
joeyy (0) v (2) clifton188

Deadline: 20th September
Posts: 10,109
13:21 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Originals (3) v (3) Funky Pool Devils C

dv8 (3) v (3) _psmon_
corsair v fatmikee
cgibson92 v ferretlady
nike v buckjam

Phoenix Nights B v Originals

davybaumers v cgibson92
_payback_ v corsair
joeyy v dv8
ghost_chili v nike

Funky Pool Devils B (0) v (6) Originals

fasteddie_ (0) v (6) nike
_flukez_ v corsair
_pot_luck_ v cgibson92
watchinawe v dv8

Deadline - 27/09/15
Posts: 10,109
13:23 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  

The Revolution A (9) v (5) Ultras

veyron v r1p0m4n_v2
poolbiird (2) v (4) zantetsukenz
lolumadbro v erigert
tinie_v17 (7) v (1) ritcho

The Professionals A (7) v (6) Ultras

alfie1966 (4) v (3) erigert
vixen_xox (3) v (3) ritcho
triple_b v clifton188
dvz v r1p0m4n_v2

Originals (5) v (5) Ultras

cgibson92 (5) v (5) clifton188
corsair v r1p0m4n_v2
dv8 v ritcho
nike v zantetsukenz

Pocket Dynamos A (6) v (7) Ultras

toon_lad v clifton188
bulletzzzz (3) v (4) ritcho
punkpoet (3) v (3) zantetsukenz
blueberry v erigert

Deadline - 27/09/15
Posts: 10,109
13:23 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Unbeatables (2) v (5) Uprising Ultras

_niall_ (2) v (5) clifton188
horse10000 v r1p0m4n_v2
strange_daze v ritcho
turtle1560 v zantetsukenz

Unbeatables v Funky Pool Devils C

_niall_ v buckjam
fran_ v _psmon_
strange_daze v blackabman7
turtle1560 v ferretlady

Phoenix Nights A v Unbeatables

legend_pot v _niall_
_fresh_ v horse10000
achpfsk v fran_
slimeball v turtle1560

Unbeatables v Uprising Originals

_niall_ v nike
fran_ v corsair
strange_daze v cgibson92
turtle1560 v dv8

Funky Pool Devils A v Unbeatables

scottyjr v horse10000
_huts24_ v fran_
whocares8x8 v strange_daze
klien v turtle1560

Deadline - 27/09/15
Posts: 14,736
14:23 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL vs Uprising
Was: legend_pot vs corsair
Now: friendyboy vs corsair

* To be played Sunday evening, legend_pot has permission to sub himself back in should he be online by Deadline.

Edited at 11:51 Sat 12/09/15 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:00 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I had arranged with corsair around a week ago, he logged in for browsing and logged out again. A swap is made and i have nike. I messaged nike 2 days ago and had no reply from him. Today another swap is made and i have to play cgibson92 now. I'm online too

Too many swaps are made from both teams and not any efforts from here to arrange a match against me

I stop with clans

All the best

I think you'll find you were actually pretty awkward to arrange with yourself as you were unavailable for most of the week - And when I logged in you were browsing too. I waited around for 20 odd minutes to see what was going on, but nevermind.

This info is not correct. Not sure if it was my profile which said browsing or something else? Ash can confirm i was logged in into the game. I was in a personal chat with him on the arranged time, waiting for you to log in which never happened!

Nevermind. All the best, whoever you play
Posts: 14,736
15:29 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I remember that conversation very well mate then the disgust at the end when noticed your opponent had just logged off without uttering a word to you.

Like you've said we were in PM and I was hopeful the match would have been played by now but it's not been. I think it best if we all move on and let's try and complete the matches by Deadline.

We have each other again next FCL so whereas me and faust have been cooperating nicely throughout it would be good to finish on a high ready for the next time our two great sides meet.

Corsair has messaged myself saying he'll be online Sunday evening. I'm sure we will have some players online too.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:30 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Spoke to shad via the magic of inbox ,
Posts: 14,736
16:00 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Due to Deadline tomorrow davybaumers has accepted to play vs cgibson92 so:

off_white vs cgibson92
Is Now:
davybaumers vs cgibson92
Posts: 4,231
16:33 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  

fcl sub
derik_dalton v corsair
now chezz v corsair
Posts: 2
17:34 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can anyone play now?
I won't be able to tomorrow as it'll be too late.
Sorry guys
Posts: 10,109
17:47 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can anyone play now?
I won't be able to tomorrow as it'll be too late.
Sorry guys

Sorry mate, both the last 2 fixtures are arranged.
Posts: 14,736
17:49 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
He can play in friendyboys place but not on Sunday - as Alex's partner is heavily pregnant and could give birth at any time. off_white is available as he's online.

Can you accommodate him please? Even if you get corsair online.

Thanks and sorry.
Posts: 10,109
18:00 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
He can play in friendyboys place but not on Sunday - as Alex's partner is heavily pregnant and could give birth at any time. off_white is available as he's online.

Can you accommodate him please? Even if you get corsair online.

Thanks and sorry.

I can't as I promised Jack he'd be playing Sunday night as arranged with you. It's doubtful he can get on today but I'll message him.
Posts: 10,109
18:02 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  

davybaumers (11) - (4) cgibson92

Chris lost a few frames to timeouts due to connection issues. Ruined what was going to be a great contest. One frame where Chris got booted Davy agreed to replay.

SL Results

davybaumers (3) - (4) cgibson92

After restarting his computer, Chris was able to compete again and pulled out a decent win. Wp mate!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:03 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for all the games cgibson92.

Very enjoyable games, a pleasure to play and a deserved win in SL. Good luck in the rest of your season.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:09 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I came 2-0, but i think he was in control to make 1-1, he had a random shot (i think he had already internet problems in this 2nd game). I came 3-0 because he had connection issues and i gave him a replay. Maybe Chris deserved 2 replays tbh.

Could be 3-2 otherwise instead of 4-1.

He was very good in the 8 ball games
Posts: 3,250
18:46 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
turtle 5-1 zante

8us 2-0
9us 2-0
8uk 1-1

He had a lovely 7balling off my break in uk, apart from that nothing went his way at all with cannons and position, although he did miss a sitter in 9ball

ggs mate
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Uprising XIII - FBL & GSC Champions

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