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Uprising XIII - FBL & GSC Champions

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01:34 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I presumed it would have been someone better to be fair!!

kimarcher_gy turned us down, so I got the next best thing!!

Can't get every player to join with the wages you pay!
Posts: 3,250
01:40 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
OK! To signal the end of our recruitment for next season, we're going to give a new up and coming player a chance at Uprising. He's pretty green so give him a chance - please welcome turtle1560 the the gang! Welcome aboard mate, FINALLY!

haha cheers stu. Considering you first asked me in my first season in clans, it was only a matter of time

Good to see some familiar faces too
Posts: 6,417
01:42 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Damn we will now be accused for cheating again now that we have an aimbot in tbe team!

But welcome Sean, about time u joined us :)
Posts: 9,926
03:49 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for having me mate, plenty of familiar faces as well I see
Posts: 19,967
03:51 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
2 aimbots and 3 mods, we are a force

Welcome to the new boys, sure you'll all do us proud!
Deleted User
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04:03 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Looking great guys, could be the new pro's me thinks!!
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04:13 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
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04:25 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I know, the thought of uprising winning everything, could you imagine the bitterness
Posts: 14,736
05:26 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Pretty sad really when the Captain here is the first person to whine, whinge & moan about the lack of teams and their Captains respectively. The last three players announced are players perfectly capable to run their own teams.

Oh well, when the leagues have only got 2 or 3 sides or the sites dead he can always remind himself about contributing to its demise.

Well done...Bravo!
Posts: 10,109
05:33 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Pretty sad really when the Captain here is the first person to whine, whinge & moan about the lack of teams and their Captains respectively. The last three players announced are players perfectly capable to run their own teams.

Oh well, when the leagues have only got 2 or 3 sides or the sites dead he can always remind himself about contributing to its demise.

Well done...Bravo!

Oh how this is my favourite post of the year!!! How sour ARE those grapes? You cry into your bedsheets Ash, as everyone is finding your jealousy hilarious!!

Oh, and the last 3 players we signed was from the clan that folded because no-one had the time, or wanted to captain a clan. So even if you was trying to make a point and not just weeping - it's a nonsense!

I actually advised UB's not to fold and hoped with every ounce that they wouldn't, and I waited until they'd folded before recruiting any of them. Is it just Black Magic and Ballbreakers you destroyed Little miss Clankiller?
Posts: 14,736
05:51 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Not jealous at all, what have I got to be jealous about? You signing the League Runner.. Lol...gentle_giant based in NZ?

Nah perfectly content with the players I have, could do with knowing when the season starts but till then you keep building your team.

You lost competitions last season and now you need the League Runner to help you along. Are you hoping to win all your defaults now are we lol. S A D!
Posts: 10,109
05:58 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Not jealous at all, what have I got to be jealous about? You signing the League Runner.. Lol...gentle_giant based in NZ?

Nah perfectly content with the players I have, could do with knowing when the season starts but till then you keep building your team.

You lost competitions last season and now you need the League Runner to help you along. Are you hoping to win all your defaults now are we lol. S A D!

We win our defaults anyway Ash, because we don't leave inactive players in fixtures!

Everyone can see you're jealous, petulant and pathetic with your recents posts. I implore you to keep it up!

And why the dig at Johnny? Why did you try so hard to sign him if you had a problem with his location, or his old account? You should start up a winery, I've never seen so many sour grapes!! lol
Posts: 14,736
06:04 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Correct I tried to sign him but when I'm told one thing and they do another (with regards to prev accounts and lost passwords) I'd rather not bother. Very good player, think the location in hindsight might be an issue.

Edited at 04:34 Mon 10/08/15 (BST)
Posts: 647
07:49 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Correct I tried to sign him but when I'm told one thing and they do another (with regards to prev accounts and lost passwords) I'd rather not bother. Very good player, think the location in hindsight might be an issue.

Edited at 04:34 Mon 10/08/15 (BST)

Sure if any effort is put in then games will be arranged as my efforts have shown. So you cant say the location may be an issue.
Posts: 6,417
11:04 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Ash, please dont make a suicide now.

If u had signed strange_daze then he would have been the best player in your eyes. Now that he has t accepted your offer, he is just an unreliable player lol.
Posts: 7,297
11:08 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Not jealous at all, what have I got to be jealous about? You signing the League Runner.. Lol...gentle_giant based in NZ?

Nah perfectly content with the players I have, could do with knowing when the season starts but till then you keep building your team.

You lost competitions last season and now you need the League Runner to help you along. Are you hoping to win all your defaults now are we lol. S A D!

Must admit its not good reading when you see the league runner joining 1 of the favourites . My view a league runner shouldnt be involved playing in any clans as he cant be 100% honest and fair .

Sad to see . Also he shouldnt be allowed to be near defaults my opionion.
Posts: 38,097
13:10 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Huts, running and playing are two different entities, Keith is well capable of running the league and playing for a clan fairly.

On Snooks me and Seb has ran D&C and the Clan League for 5 years and once through a default i cost D&C the title by 1 point to Globe Potters.
Posts: 38,097
13:20 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Ash, I have sour grapes over Sean as we wanted him too, do i moan? no, i just posted a banteristic comment.

Uprising will be big favourites next season for sure but signings Richie has acquired we have a lot of potential (still yet to make my 1st signing ).

Let's flip this, the signings you have acquired also could have potential to run their own teams, do we moan? no.

It is up to the players who they play for.

As for Runner bending rules to help Upr? don't believe it for a second, it's funny though, out of top 5 teams only Knights didn't win a title.

Pros won FCL, Super League and Killer
Upr won FBL and Grand Slam
Ub won GSC Plate
Fk won ?
Bs won Division Two

May feel harsh and it could be but your dig at Uprising started this.
Posts: 4,046
14:19 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
You lost competitions last season and now you need the League Runner to help you along. Are you hoping to win all your defaults now are we lol. S A D!

So, by this statement you are claiming that the person running the leage is not going to be impartial when playing for a team, so will possibly cheat when his side is involved in defaults. Thats a grave accusation in my mind!

So now, he can spend his free time organizing the league and all that goes with it , but he cannot play in case he decides to cheat? Beyond stupid and childish imo.

Quite obviously jealous and decided to express it. Very, very embarrassing! Once again a credit to the site
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:29 Mon 10 Aug 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol @ the bitterness, what's really sad???
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