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Uprising XIII - FBL & GSC Champions

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Posts: 10,109
03:12 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Unbeatables (34) v (41) Uprising

fran_ (10) v (5) irish_ninja
mrmagic v corsair
tension (8) v (7) zantetsukenz
strange_daze v _niall_
horse10000 v erigert
andyw1 (4) v (11) clifton188
slimeball (3) v (12) dv8
poolbiird (9) v (6) cgibson92

Fearless Knights (32) v (43) Uprising

legend_pot v graftonspile
crazykid v the_marine
friendyboy v corsair
_sachibub (7) v (8) ritcho
joeyy (4) v (11) clifton188
_fresh_ (9) v (6) cgibson92
_pacman (5) v (10) dv8
the__priest (7) v (8) erigert

The Professionals (45) v (30) Uprising

dvz (13) v (2) dv8
_payback_ (9) v (6) corsair
crazy_greg (6) v (9) _niall_
nike (7) v (8) zantetsukenz
miss_harriet v erigert
lll1lll1lll (10) v (5) clifton188
_wales_lad_ v irish_ninja
beenjammin v cgibson92

Deadline Sunday June 28th
Posts: 10,109
03:13 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League set 3

Uprising (16) v (15) Unbeat'A'bles

corsair (5) v (1) fran_
hahahaha (2) v (4) andyw1
cgibson92 (4) v (2) tension
_niall_ (2) v (5) mrmagic
irish_ninja (3) v (3) horse10000

Ultras (15) v (11) The Professionals

dv8 (3) v (4) miss_harriet
clifton188 (2) v (4) beenjammin
erigert v dvz
zantetsukenz (5) v (1) _payback_
ritcho (5) v (2) crazy_greg

Deadline Sunday 21st June
Posts: 10,109
03:13 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL - Fixture Set 4

Fearless Knights v Uprising

8 US
dark_chocco v cgibson92
the__priest v dv8
9 US
_pacman v irish_ninja
vixen_xox v the_marine
8 UK
_fresh_ v graftonspile
x_connor v zantetsukenz
joeyy v corsair
legend_pot v clifton188

The Professionals v Uprising

8 US
miss_harriet v dv8
beenjammin v cgibson92
9 US
crazy_greg v irish_ninja
dvz v ritcho
8 UK
_payback_ v _niall_
nike v erigert
lll1lll1lll v clifton188
tinie_v17 v corsair

Unbeatables v Uprising

8 US
liam_scfc v rubber_duck
hahahaha v _niall_
9 US
slimeball v the_marine
crazzymadman v zantetsukenz
8 UK
andyw1 v corsair
poolbiird v dv8
retraced v clifton188
fran_ v erigert

Deadline: 12th July 2015
Posts: 10,109
17:06 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Swap

miss_harriet v erigert
_wales_lad_ v irish_ninja

is now

miss_harriet v irish_ninja
_wales_lad_ v erigert
Posts: 14,736
17:25 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL vs Uprising
legend_pot vs graftonspile
bigcjl2 vs graftonspile

* legend_pot has permission to sub in ANY of the 3 remaining fixtures should he catch them online.

Hope that helps,
Posts: 10,109
17:37 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL vs Uprising
legend_pot vs graftonspile
bigcjl2 vs graftonspile

* legend_pot has permission to sub in ANY of the 3 remaining fixtures should he catch them online.

Hope that helps,

Thankyou! If you can give me any definite time CJL can play other than Saturday night, I'll ring Doug and get him online then!
Posts: 14,736
17:43 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
bigcjl2 has been messaged - as soon as I get a reply - will let you know. I know he's usually on Friday evenings.
Posts: 6,417
18:33 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
im 8-2 up vs Aled atm. he had to go again after i waited 30 minutes for him the first time
Posts: 6,417
19:26 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
erigert (3) - (3) dvz

8us: 1-1
9us: 2-0
8uk: 0-2

We both werent at our best. He missed a simple runout in 9us and i missed a good chance for a runout in the second frame of 8uk too. Ggs Dave
Posts: 10,109
20:27 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League set 3

Uprising (17) v (15) Unbeat'A'bles

corsair (5) v (1) fran_
hahahaha (2) v (4) andyw1
cgibson92 (4) v (2) tension
_niall_ (2) v (5) mrmagic
irish_ninja (4) v (3) horse10000

Ultras (18) v (14) The Professionals

dv8 (3) v (4) miss_harriet
clifton188 (2) v (4) beenjammin
erigert (3) v (3) dvz
zantetsukenz (5) v (1) _payback_
ritcho (5) v (2) crazy_greg

Deadline Sunday 21st June
Posts: 10,109
20:28 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
erigert (3) - (3) dvz

8us: 1-1
9us: 2-0
8uk: 0-2

We both werent at our best. He missed a simple runout in 9us and i missed a good chance for a runout in the second frame of 8uk too. Ggs Dave

Dave when not at his best is better than most people when they are at their best! Great result Terence!!!
Posts: 19,967
20:29 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 19,967
20:37 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
That puts Uprising top of both groups for the first time! The first trophy if the season is ours both sides impressively have a 100% record
Posts: 7,324
23:08 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Lost 5-3 to payback, quite literally handed him the first 4 with stupid fouls in every one of those games. Comeback came up short when he snookered me and I played a poor escape to leave him a clear in the last. ggs mate, sorry guys that was awful...again
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:52 Sat 20 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
The Marine reporting for duty sir

As a proud United States Marine, it is my duty to serve and protect this great nation and community of online sports. During my tenure here I have faced many battles, some I have overcome, some I have been swallowed whole. But they have always been tough, against enemy that is willing to sacrifice themselves to prevent the Marine from penetrating their armory.... but on this night, The Marine encountered the Vixen of Venezuela, A woman so tough that she frightens Madusa (the snake haired lady, and we thought dandruff was a problem heh?).... But The Marine took on his whiley Vixen and was not distracted by her evil beauty and her seductive ways to make the Marine jam his gun. the Marine was on top, for every round fired

the Marine 5-0 Vixen_xox

semper fi brother
Posts: 9,926
15:42 Sat 20 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Cup Semi-Finals

Games are released as follows...

Grand Slam Cup Plate Semi-Finals

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK on Sunday 12th July 2015.
Posts: 10,109
17:32 Sat 20 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Final

Uprising v The Professionals

cgibson92 v miss_harriet
corsair v dvz
dv8 v tinie_v17
erigert v crazy_greg
8 US
_niall_ v beenjammin
9 US
irish_ninja v nike
8 UK
ritcho v _payback_
clifton188 v lll1lll1lll

Deadline: 12th July 2015
Posts: 573
17:54 Sat 20 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Once is too many and i get him twice
Posts: 10,109
18:04 Sat 20 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Once is too many and i get him twice

Don't make his head any bigger!!!
Posts: 573
18:16 Sat 20 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
his 170 runs do that not me lol
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Uprising XIII - FBL & GSC Champions

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