Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 9
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17:29 Mon 8 Jun 15 (BST)
FBL Fixture Set 3
Pocket Dynamos 6 v 8 Fearless Knights
8 US jasonb 4 v 4 trats
8 US letsgochamp 4 v 4 the__priest
9 US hippesville 5 v 0 joeyy
9 US scarlets2k15 3 v 5 sachibub
8 UK triple_b 4 v 4 friendyboy
8 UK blueberry v bigcjl2
STR marksmith 1 v 1 _fresh_
STR fastboysam 0 v 2 _pacman
Pocket Dynamos 7 v 7 Chips n Gravy
8 US letsgochamp 5 v 3 foxhound
8 US toon_lad 2 v 5 obieeeeee
9 US hippesville 4v4 jimmy_efc
9 US the_killer 5 v 3 mirrr
8 UK triple_b 4 v 4 im_crap_adam
8 UK blueberry 4 v 4 chalkie
STRfastboysamv slimeball
STR punkpoet 0 v 2 _mich_
8 racks of 8b 9b or 8buk, or 2 racks of str8
14th June
Players Champ Round 4
crazy_greg vs triple_b
fastboysam vs _huts24_
hippesville vs erigert
4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
14th June
SL Fixture set 3
Shadow Knights 9 v 9 Pocket Dynamos
joeyy 4 v 2 letsgochamp
trats v blueberry
the__priest 1 v 5 triple_b
_fresh_ v hippesville
crazykid 4 v 2 punkpoet
2 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
21st June
Pocket Dynamos 6 v 8 Fearless Knights
8 US jasonb 4 v 4 trats
8 US letsgochamp 4 v 4 the__priest
9 US hippesville 5 v 0 joeyy
9 US scarlets2k15 3 v 5 sachibub
8 UK triple_b 4 v 4 friendyboy
8 UK blueberry v bigcjl2
STR marksmith 1 v 1 _fresh_
STR fastboysam 0 v 2 _pacman
Pocket Dynamos 7 v 7 Chips n Gravy
8 US letsgochamp 5 v 3 foxhound
8 US toon_lad 2 v 5 obieeeeee
9 US hippesville 4v4 jimmy_efc
9 US the_killer 5 v 3 mirrr
8 UK triple_b 4 v 4 im_crap_adam
8 UK blueberry 4 v 4 chalkie
STRfastboysamv slimeball
STR punkpoet 0 v 2 _mich_
8 racks of 8b 9b or 8buk, or 2 racks of str8
14th June
Players Champ Round 4
crazy_greg vs triple_b
fastboysam vs _huts24_
hippesville vs erigert
4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
14th June
SL Fixture set 3
Shadow Knights 9 v 9 Pocket Dynamos
joeyy 4 v 2 letsgochamp
trats v blueberry
the__priest 1 v 5 triple_b
_fresh_ v hippesville
crazykid 4 v 2 punkpoet
2 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
21st June
17:30 Mon 8 Jun 15 (BST)
New FCL games incomming, just awaiting team sheets fom all clans, was only asked for last night.
17:33 Mon 8 Jun 15 (BST)
anyone know if fastboysam is likely to be on, we did arrange a daytime game but so far not managed to catch each other..
18:10 Mon 8 Jun 15 (BST)
Weekday daytime is his time... but i dont have any contact info.
Best idea is to message him and arrange a solid time.
anyone know if fastboysam is likely to be on, we did arrange a daytime game but so far not managed to catch each other..
Weekday daytime is his time... but i dont have any contact info.
Best idea is to message him and arrange a solid time.
18:13 Mon 8 Jun 15 (BST)
If you want you can play jasonb, hes online now.
will send him a message but cant get in game myself atm (on tab)
anyone know if fastboysam is likely to be on, we did arrange a daytime game but so far not managed to catch each other..
If you want you can play jasonb, hes online now.
will send him a message but cant get in game myself atm (on tab)
18:17 Mon 8 Jun 15 (BST)
Shrugs lol.
Was just an idea, can do it if you see him again.
I think sam will be on but you can play either... you caught me in a good mood lol.
can do but he just logged out :-)
Shrugs lol.
Was just an idea, can do it if you see him again.
I think sam will be on but you can play either... you caught me in a good mood lol.
18:19 Mon 8 Jun 15 (BST)
I can FB message him if needs be, if you like Zac ill FB you so you can keep in touch too.
18:20 Mon 8 Jun 15 (BST)
Has he got fb? Wouldnt mind adding him.
I can FB message him if needs be, if you like Zac ill FB you so you can keep in touch too.
Has he got fb? Wouldnt mind adding him.
18:22 Mon 8 Jun 15 (BST)
yep sure has, ill message you
EDIT: check your FB doesn't matter which
EDIT: check your FB doesn't matter which
18:47 Mon 8 Jun 15 (BST)
PC hippesville v erigert
DUFFED!!!! Wasn't playin great but the bad luck didn't help my cause. Enjoyable games anyway, tho the way my day has progressed it aint that surprising
Best of luck to gerty
DUFFED!!!! Wasn't playin great but the bad luck didn't help my cause. Enjoyable games anyway, tho the way my day has progressed it aint that surprising
Best of luck to gerty
02:32 Tue 9 Jun 15 (BST)
FCL Season 25
Final Fixture Set
Fixture Set 4 games can be found here...
Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 05th July 2015
Final Fixture Set
Fixture Set 4 games can be found here...
Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 05th July 2015
03:04 Tue 9 Jun 15 (BST)
FBL Fixture Set 3
Pocket Dynamos 6 v 8 Fearless Knights
8 US jasonb 4 v 4 trats
8 US letsgochamp 4 v 4 the__priest
9 US hippesville 5 v 0 joeyy
9 US scarlets2k15 3 v 5 sachibub
8 UK triple_b 4 v 4 friendyboy
8 UK blueberry v bigcjl2
STR marksmith 1 v 1 _fresh_
STR fastboysam 0 v 2 _pacman
Pocket Dynamos 7 v 7 Chips n Gravy
8 US letsgochamp 5 v 3 foxhound
8 US toon_lad 2 v 5 obieeeeee
9 US hippesville 4v4 jimmy_efc
9 US the_killer 5 v 3 mirrr
8 UK triple_b 4 v 4 im_crap_adam
8 UK blueberry 4 v 4 chalkie
STRfastboysamv slimeball
STR punkpoet 0 v 2 _mich_
8 racks of 8b 9b or 8buk, or 2 racks of str8
14th June
Players Champ Round 4
crazy_greg vs triple_b
fastboysam vs _huts24_
4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
14th June
SL Fixture set 3
Shadow Knights 9 v 9 Pocket Dynamos
joeyy 4 v 2 letsgochamp
trats v blueberry
the__priest 1 v 5 triple_b
_fresh_ v hippesville
crazykid 4 v 2 punkpoet
2 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
21st June
Pocket Dynamos 6 v 8 Fearless Knights
8 US jasonb 4 v 4 trats
8 US letsgochamp 4 v 4 the__priest
9 US hippesville 5 v 0 joeyy
9 US scarlets2k15 3 v 5 sachibub
8 UK triple_b 4 v 4 friendyboy
8 UK blueberry v bigcjl2
STR marksmith 1 v 1 _fresh_
STR fastboysam 0 v 2 _pacman
Pocket Dynamos 7 v 7 Chips n Gravy
8 US letsgochamp 5 v 3 foxhound
8 US toon_lad 2 v 5 obieeeeee
9 US hippesville 4v4 jimmy_efc
9 US the_killer 5 v 3 mirrr
8 UK triple_b 4 v 4 im_crap_adam
8 UK blueberry 4 v 4 chalkie
STRfastboysamv slimeball
STR punkpoet 0 v 2 _mich_
8 racks of 8b 9b or 8buk, or 2 racks of str8
14th June
Players Champ Round 4
crazy_greg vs triple_b
fastboysam vs _huts24_
4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
14th June
SL Fixture set 3
Shadow Knights 9 v 9 Pocket Dynamos
joeyy 4 v 2 letsgochamp
trats v blueberry
the__priest 1 v 5 triple_b
_fresh_ v hippesville
crazykid 4 v 2 punkpoet
2 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
21st June
03:09 Tue 9 Jun 15 (BST)
Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 The Revolution
jasonb v veyron
hippesville v james_h
letsgochamp v _siber_man_
triple_b v deluxe
scarlets2k15 v mad_matt
punkpoet v fatmikee
marksmith v kingdadcool
fastboysam v drewdt3
Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 F.P.D.
fastboysam v joe_willis
hippesville v anoneeemouse
punkpoet v kinglair1990
blueberry v re_rack_jack
the_killer v ferretlady
letsgochamp v jacksealy21
triple_b v aladdin_sane
toon_lad v whocares8x8
5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
5th July
jasonb v veyron
hippesville v james_h
letsgochamp v _siber_man_
triple_b v deluxe
scarlets2k15 v mad_matt
punkpoet v fatmikee
marksmith v kingdadcool
fastboysam v drewdt3
Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 F.P.D.
fastboysam v joe_willis
hippesville v anoneeemouse
punkpoet v kinglair1990
blueberry v re_rack_jack
the_killer v ferretlady
letsgochamp v jacksealy21
triple_b v aladdin_sane
toon_lad v whocares8x8
5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
5th July
03:11 Tue 9 Jun 15 (BST)
Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 Black Scorpions
triple_b v _huts24_
letsgochamp v w_hoolahan
blueberry v achpfsk
fastboysam v madmiketyson
toon_lad v klein
punkpoet v bulletzzzz
jasonb v walktall
hippesville v migzzz
5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
5th July
Edited at 00:15 Tue 09/06/15 (BST)
triple_b v _huts24_
letsgochamp v w_hoolahan
blueberry v achpfsk
fastboysam v madmiketyson
toon_lad v klein
punkpoet v bulletzzzz
jasonb v walktall
hippesville v migzzz
5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
5th July
Edited at 00:15 Tue 09/06/15 (BST)
03:12 Tue 9 Jun 15 (BST)
Why am I in two lol?
Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 Black Scorpions
triple_b v _huts24_
letsgochamp v w_hoolahan
blueberry v achpfsk
fastboysam v madmiketyson
letsgochamp v klein
punkpoet v bulletzzzz
jasonb v walktall
hippesville v migzzz
5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
5th July
triple_b v _huts24_
letsgochamp v w_hoolahan
blueberry v achpfsk
fastboysam v madmiketyson
letsgochamp v klein
punkpoet v bulletzzzz
jasonb v walktall
hippesville v migzzz
5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
5th July
Why am I in two lol?
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Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 9
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