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Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 9

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02:52 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
hard luck zac

arranged play friendly boy omorrow night at 10pm
Posts: 670
13:18 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay well we lost 61-59 to fpd...
Well done to them, always like competition we will just have to beat the next time.

any info?

Ah well close enough they have some tough players too

Yeah Seb was the match winner really, not to be rude but looking at the table (first time I looked actually) and we should beat them in the table, and should get another crack.

Yeah tbh he's by far their best player, they have a few other good ones but seb can take at least 10 frames from pretty much anyone on a good day lol.
Posts: 670
13:20 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL hippesville v r1p0m4n_v2

8US: 4 - 1
9US: 3 - 2
8UK: 0 - 5

bit gutted I didn't get the win, but uk was a shambles
v ggs tho and pleasure to play, best of luck for the resta the season m8

ul r1p0 is an amazing UK player, kinda have to hope on picking up as many frames as you can before UK, and unfortunately you just fell short.
Posts: 13,570
13:46 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL hippesville v r1p0m4n_v2

8US: 4 - 1
9US: 3 - 2
8UK: 0 - 5

bit gutted I didn't get the win, but uk was a shambles
v ggs tho and pleasure to play, best of luck for the resta the season m8

ul r1p0 is an amazing UK player, kinda have to hope on picking up as many frames as you can before UK, and unfortunately you just fell short.

Shoulda had 1
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(IP Logged)
15:10 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
fbl result

jasonb 4 - 4 trats

have to say I didn't appreciate the massive unnecessary gap between frames, quite harsh on me.... (as per usual with the silly mind games) hey ho, at least the fixture has been completed now.
Posts: 750
15:59 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Alright guys, Adam said he can be on 6pm-ish onwards tonight if you can get hold of Col to see if he can make it?
Posts: 670
16:39 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL hippesville v r1p0m4n_v2

8US: 4 - 1
9US: 3 - 2
8UK: 0 - 5

bit gutted I didn't get the win, but uk was a shambles
v ggs tho and pleasure to play, best of luck for the resta the season m8

ul r1p0 is an amazing UK player, kinda have to hope on picking up as many frames as you can before UK, and unfortunately you just fell short.

Shoulda had 1

Too many times I've done well then get to 8uk and it all turns to disaster haha
Posts: 670
16:43 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
fbl result

jasonb 4 - 4 trats

have to say I didn't appreciate the massive unnecessary gap between frames, quite harsh on me.... (as per usual with the silly mind games) hey ho, at least the fixture has been completed now.

He seems to do that a lot, how anyone can be so desperate I will never know lol, good 4 points mate :)
Posts: 19,819
17:41 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Alright guys, Adam said he can be on 6pm-ish onwards tonight if you can get hold of Col to see if he can make it?

Think they spoke, i know col said he would try but 7 is better for him, sure he will get on as early as he can though.
Posts: 19,819
17:42 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL hippesville v r1p0m4n_v2

8US: 4 - 1
9US: 3 - 2
8UK: 0 - 5

bit gutted I didn't get the win, but uk was a shambles
v ggs tho and pleasure to play, best of luck for the resta the season m8

ul r1p0 is an amazing UK player, kinda have to hope on picking up as many frames as you can before UK, and unfortunately you just fell short.

Shoulda had 1

Too many times I've done well then get to 8uk and it all turns to disaster haha

last night i was 6-4 up and lost 8-7 we need 8buk lessons mate lol
Posts: 670
17:46 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL hippesville v r1p0m4n_v2

8US: 4 - 1
9US: 3 - 2
8UK: 0 - 5

bit gutted I didn't get the win, but uk was a shambles
v ggs tho and pleasure to play, best of luck for the resta the season m8

ul r1p0 is an amazing UK player, kinda have to hope on picking up as many frames as you can before UK, and unfortunately you just fell short.

Shoulda had 1

Too many times I've done well then get to 8uk and it all turns to disaster haha

last night i was 6-4 up and lost 8-7 we need 8buk lessons mate lol

Haha dunno why it's been letting me down lately, supposed to be my best game type
Posts: 19,819
17:51 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
fbl result

jasonb 4 - 4 trats

have to say I didn't appreciate the massive unnecessary gap between frames, quite harsh on me.... (as per usual with the silly mind games) hey ho, at least the fixture has been completed now.

Ul pal
Posts: 19,819
17:51 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL hippesville v r1p0m4n_v2

8US: 4 - 1
9US: 3 - 2
8UK: 0 - 5

bit gutted I didn't get the win, but uk was a shambles
v ggs tho and pleasure to play, best of luck for the resta the season m8

ul r1p0 is an amazing UK player, kinda have to hope on picking up as many frames as you can before UK, and unfortunately you just fell short.

Shoulda had 1

Too many times I've done well then get to 8uk and it all turns to disaster haha

last night i was 6-4 up and lost 8-7 we need 8buk lessons mate lol

Haha dunno why it's been letting me down lately, supposed to be my best game type

Is it? Will have to give you it more lol
Posts: 670
18:23 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL hippesville v r1p0m4n_v2

8US: 4 - 1
9US: 3 - 2
8UK: 0 - 5

bit gutted I didn't get the win, but uk was a shambles
v ggs tho and pleasure to play, best of luck for the resta the season m8

ul r1p0 is an amazing UK player, kinda have to hope on picking up as many frames as you can before UK, and unfortunately you just fell short.

Shoulda had 1

Too many times I've done well then get to 8uk and it all turns to disaster haha

last night i was 6-4 up and lost 8-7 we need 8buk lessons mate lol

Haha dunno why it's been letting me down lately, supposed to be my best game type

Is it? Will have to give you it more lol

Haha supposed to be, not always the case though
Posts: 19,819
22:11 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Eh up no score updates.
didnt realise will be on in an hour to do them.
for now look at the next page.
Posts: 19,819
23:46 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture set 3

Chips n Gravy 71 v 49 Pocket Dynamos

hahahaha 6 v 9 letsgochamp
im_crap_adam 13 v 2 blueberry
jimmy_efc 8 v 7 punkpoet
r1p0m4n_v2 8 v 7 hippesville
mirrr 9 v 6 triple_b
_mich_ 11 v 4 the_killer
liam_scfc 11 v 4 scarlets2k15
crazzymadman 5 v 10 fastboysam

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
7th June

Ggs folks

Edited at 21:39 Thu 04/06/15 (BST)
Posts: 19,819
23:50 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 3

Pocket Dynamos 3 v 13 Black Scorpions
8 US jasonb 3 v 5 achpfsk
8 US the_killer 1 v 5 _huts24_
9 US triple_b 3 v 5 bulletzzzz
9 US toon_lad 4 v 4 madmiketyson
8 UK blueberry 2 v 5 migzzz
8 UK letsgochamp 5 v 3 ben_tekkers
STR hippesville 0 v 2 walktall
STR punkpoet 0 v 2 w_hoolahan

Pocket Dynamos 4 v 4 Fearless Knights
8 US jasonb 4 v 4 trats
8 US letsgochamp 4 v 4 the__priest
9 US hippesville 5 v 0 joeyy
9 US scarlets2k15 v _sachibub
8 UK triple_b v friendyboy
8 UK blueberry v bigcjl2
STR marksmith 1 v 1 _fresh_
STR fastboysam 0 v 2 _pacman

8 racks of 8b 9b or 8buk, or 2 racks of str8
14th June
Posts: 19,819
23:54 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 3
Pocket Dynamos 6 v 2 Chips n Gravy

8 US letsgochamp 5 v 3 foxhound
8 US toon_lad v obieeeeee
9 US hippesville 4v4 jimmy_efc
9 US the_killer 5 v 3 mirrr
8 UK triple_b 4 v 4 im_crap_adam
8 UK blueberry v chalkie
STRfastboysamv slimeball
STR punkpoet v kirk

8 racks of 8b 9b or 8buk, or 2 racks of str8
14th June

Players Champ Round 4

crazy_greg vs triple_b
fastboysam vs _huts24_
hippesville vs erigert

4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
14th June
Posts: 19,819
23:54 Thu 4 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fixture set 3
Shadow Knights 8 v 4 Pocket Dynamos

joeyy 4 v 2 letsgochamp
trats v blueberry
the__priest v triple_b
_fresh_ v hippesville
crazykid 4 v 2 punkpoet

2 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
21st June
Posts: 750
00:49 Fri 5 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers for the hassle free games guys. Closer than the score suggests. Good luck in the rest
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Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 9

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