Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 9
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16:41 Thu 28 May 15 (BST)
Not 4 bad m8
Rise and shine
All good pal
Not 4 bad m8
Rise and shine
All good pal
16:45 Thu 28 May 15 (BST)
letsgochamp 5 - 3 ben_tekkers
Awful games for the most part tbh, we had one good frame each, all the others were full of mistakes from both of us, neither of us deserve a win tbh should have been a draw as we both played equally as crap, but that's how it goes haha.
still ggs with a class bloke gl for the rest of the season pal!
letsgochamp 5 - 3 ben_tekkers
Awful games for the most part tbh, we had one good frame each, all the others were full of mistakes from both of us, neither of us deserve a win tbh should have been a draw as we both played equally as crap, but that's how it goes haha.
still ggs with a class bloke gl for the rest of the season pal!
16:57 Thu 28 May 15 (BST)
17:46 Thu 28 May 15 (BST)
WD pal
letsgochamp 5 - 3 ben_tekkers
Awful games for the most part tbh, we had one good frame each, all the others were full of mistakes from both of us, neither of us deserve a win tbh should have been a draw as we both played equally as crap, but that's how it goes haha.
still ggs with a class bloke gl for the rest of the season pal!
letsgochamp 5 - 3 ben_tekkers
Awful games for the most part tbh, we had one good frame each, all the others were full of mistakes from both of us, neither of us deserve a win tbh should have been a draw as we both played equally as crap, but that's how it goes haha.
still ggs with a class bloke gl for the rest of the season pal!
WD pal
17:46 Thu 28 May 15 (BST)
WD pal
letsgochamp 5 - 3 ben_tekkers
Awful games for the most part tbh, we had one good frame each, all the others were full of mistakes from both of us, neither of us deserve a win tbh should have been a draw as we both played equally as crap, but that's how it goes haha.
still ggs with a class bloke gl for the rest of the season pal!
letsgochamp 5 - 3 ben_tekkers
Awful games for the most part tbh, we had one good frame each, all the others were full of mistakes from both of us, neither of us deserve a win tbh should have been a draw as we both played equally as crap, but that's how it goes haha.
still ggs with a class bloke gl for the rest of the season pal!
WD pal
17:48 Thu 28 May 15 (BST)
Sl Fixture Set 2
Chips n Gravy 7 v 5 Pocket Dynamos
im_crap_adam v triple_b
liam_scfc 2 v 4 letsgochamp
mich 5 v 1 the_killer
jimmy_efc v hippesville
foxhound v blueberry
2 racks 8b 9b 8buk (bonuses for gb's or runouts)
31 May
Players Championship Round 3
corsair vs scarlets2k15
the_marine vs fastboysam
Through on a BYE
letsgochamp, hippesville, triple_b, the_killer.
4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
31st may
Chips n Gravy 7 v 5 Pocket Dynamos
im_crap_adam v triple_b
liam_scfc 2 v 4 letsgochamp
mich 5 v 1 the_killer
jimmy_efc v hippesville
foxhound v blueberry
2 racks 8b 9b 8buk (bonuses for gb's or runouts)
31 May
Players Championship Round 3
corsair vs scarlets2k15
the_marine vs fastboysam
Through on a BYE
letsgochamp, hippesville, triple_b, the_killer.
4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
31st may
17:49 Thu 28 May 15 (BST)
FCL Fixture Set 3
Black Scorpions 42 v 33 Pocket Dynamos
klien 7 v 8 fastboysam
ben_tekkers v jasonb
retraced 6 v 9 hippesville
achpfsk 7 v 8 marksmith
w_hoolahan 10 v 5 letsgochamp
madmiketyson 12 v 3 triple_b
migzzz v the_killer
_huts24_ v punkpoet
F.P.D. 24 v 21 Pocket Dynamos
whocares8x8 10 v 0 blueberry tbc
blackcabman7 v jasonb
dark_flame v letsgochamp
thegreatone7 10 v 5 the_killer
anoneeemouse v punkpoet
jacksealy21 v toon_lad
aladdin_sane 8 v 7 hippesville
canny_miss 6 v 9 triple_b
FCL Fixture set 3
Chips n Gravy 50 v 40 Pocket Dynamos
hahahaha 6 v 9 letsgochamp
im_crap_adam v blueberry
jimmy_efc 8 v 7 punkpoet
foxhound v hippesville
mirrr 9 v 6 triple_b
_mich_ 11 v 4 the_killer
liam_scfc 11 v 4 scarlets2k15
crazzymadman 5 v 10 fastboysam
5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
7th June
Black Scorpions 42 v 33 Pocket Dynamos
klien 7 v 8 fastboysam
ben_tekkers v jasonb
retraced 6 v 9 hippesville
achpfsk 7 v 8 marksmith
w_hoolahan 10 v 5 letsgochamp
madmiketyson 12 v 3 triple_b
migzzz v the_killer
_huts24_ v punkpoet
F.P.D. 24 v 21 Pocket Dynamos
whocares8x8 10 v 0 blueberry tbc
blackcabman7 v jasonb
dark_flame v letsgochamp
thegreatone7 10 v 5 the_killer
anoneeemouse v punkpoet
jacksealy21 v toon_lad
aladdin_sane 8 v 7 hippesville
canny_miss 6 v 9 triple_b
FCL Fixture set 3
Chips n Gravy 50 v 40 Pocket Dynamos
hahahaha 6 v 9 letsgochamp
im_crap_adam v blueberry
jimmy_efc 8 v 7 punkpoet
foxhound v hippesville
mirrr 9 v 6 triple_b
_mich_ 11 v 4 the_killer
liam_scfc 11 v 4 scarlets2k15
crazzymadman 5 v 10 fastboysam
5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
7th June
17:51 Thu 28 May 15 (BST)
FBL Fixture Set 3
Pocket Dynamos 3 v 5 Black Scorpions
8 US jasonb v achpfsk
8 US the_killer v _huts24_
9 US triple_b 3 v 5 bulletzzzz
9 US toon_lad 4 v 4 madmiketyson
8 UK blueberry v migzzz
8 UK letsgochamp 5 v 3 ben_tekkers
STR hippesville 0 v 2 walktall
STR punkpoet v w_hoolahan
Pocket Dynamos 1 v 1 Fearless Knights
8 US jasonb v trats
8 US letsgochamp 4 v 4 the__priest
9 US hippesville v joeyy
9 US scarlets2k15 v _sachibub
8 UK triple_b v friendyboy
8 UK blueberry v bigcjl2
STR marksmith 1 v 1 _fresh_
STR fastboysam v _pacman
8 racks of 8b 9b or 8buk, or 2 racks of str8
14th Jun
Edited at 17:26 Thu 28/05/15 (BST)
Pocket Dynamos 3 v 5 Black Scorpions
8 US jasonb v achpfsk
8 US the_killer v _huts24_
9 US triple_b 3 v 5 bulletzzzz
9 US toon_lad 4 v 4 madmiketyson
8 UK blueberry v migzzz
8 UK letsgochamp 5 v 3 ben_tekkers
STR hippesville 0 v 2 walktall
STR punkpoet v w_hoolahan
Pocket Dynamos 1 v 1 Fearless Knights
8 US jasonb v trats
8 US letsgochamp 4 v 4 the__priest
9 US hippesville v joeyy
9 US scarlets2k15 v _sachibub
8 UK triple_b v friendyboy
8 UK blueberry v bigcjl2
STR marksmith 1 v 1 _fresh_
STR fastboysam v _pacman
8 racks of 8b 9b or 8buk, or 2 racks of str8
14th Jun
Edited at 17:26 Thu 28/05/15 (BST)
17:51 Thu 28 May 15 (BST)
Pocket Dynamos 1 v 1 Chips n Gravy
8 US letsgochamp v sillybilly
8 US toon_lad v strange_daze
9 US hippesville v crazzymadman
9 US the_killer v mirrr
8 UK triple_b 4 v 4 im_crap_adam
8 UK blueberry v chalkie
STRfastboysamv slimeball
STR punkpoet v kirk
8 racks of 8b 9b or 8buk, or 2 racKs of str8
14th June
8 US letsgochamp v sillybilly
8 US toon_lad v strange_daze
9 US hippesville v crazzymadman
9 US the_killer v mirrr
8 UK triple_b 4 v 4 im_crap_adam
8 UK blueberry v chalkie
STRfastboysamv slimeball
STR punkpoet v kirk
8 racks of 8b 9b or 8buk, or 2 racKs of str8
14th June
19:55 Thu 28 May 15 (BST)
FBL Straight
hippesville 0 - 2 walktall
really enjoyed playin this. no major runs just maybe a 20+ each, but was played in great spirit and well john got me both times both games tight enough. think I scored 27 & 31
best of luck m8 and cheers for playin
hippesville 0 - 2 walktall
really enjoyed playin this. no major runs just maybe a 20+ each, but was played in great spirit and well john got me both times both games tight enough. think I scored 27 & 31
best of luck m8 and cheers for playin
20:25 Thu 28 May 15 (BST)
Oooh ul there pal
FBL Straight
hippesville 0 - 2 walktall
really enjoyed playin this. no major runs just maybe a 20+ each, but was played in great spirit and well john got me both times both games tight enough. think I scored 27 & 31
best of luck m8 and cheers for playin
hippesville 0 - 2 walktall
really enjoyed playin this. no major runs just maybe a 20+ each, but was played in great spirit and well john got me both times both games tight enough. think I scored 27 & 31
best of luck m8 and cheers for playin
Oooh ul there pal
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
15:14 Fri 29 May 15 (BST)
hi peeps
i have jasonb in fcl
when the swap was made i message him, he was off for few days came on didnt hear from him. now hes been off for 5days ...... im on hol next week wed-wed so only have today and mon, tues next week to play...... sub possible?
i have jasonb in fcl
when the swap was made i message him, he was off for few days came on didnt hear from him. now hes been off for 5days ...... im on hol next week wed-wed so only have today and mon, tues next week to play...... sub possible?
16:32 Fri 29 May 15 (BST)
SL sub
Was: foxhound vs blueberry
Now: foxhound vs fastboysam
Deadline is approaching and need to get the games done.
Was: foxhound vs blueberry
Now: foxhound vs fastboysam
Deadline is approaching and need to get the games done.
18:24 Fri 29 May 15 (BST)
He should be on over the weekend Ben.
What ae your general times?
Hey I can text him actually lol forgot i had his number.
hi peeps
i have jasonb in fcl
when the swap was made i message him, he was off for few days came on didnt hear from him. now hes been off for 5days ...... im on hol next week wed-wed so only have today and mon, tues next week to play...... sub possible?
i have jasonb in fcl
when the swap was made i message him, he was off for few days came on didnt hear from him. now hes been off for 5days ...... im on hol next week wed-wed so only have today and mon, tues next week to play...... sub possible?
He should be on over the weekend Ben.
What ae your general times?
Hey I can text him actually lol forgot i had his number.
19:45 Fri 29 May 15 (BST)
3-3 good games lads thanks for subbing in sam.
SL sub
Was: foxhound vs blueberry
Now: foxhound vs fastboysam
Deadline is approaching and need to get the games done.
Was: foxhound vs blueberry
Now: foxhound vs fastboysam
Deadline is approaching and need to get the games done.
3-3 good games lads thanks for subbing in sam.
19:54 Fri 29 May 15 (BST)
3-3 good games lads thanks for subbing in sam.
4-3 me mate (got a runout in UK) Sam played really and was mega unlucky to lose this. Thanks for subbing in Sam. Pleasure as always.
SL sub
Was: foxhound vs blueberry
Now: foxhound vs fastboysam
Deadline is approaching and need to get the games done.
Was: foxhound vs blueberry
Now: foxhound vs fastboysam
Deadline is approaching and need to get the games done.
3-3 good games lads thanks for subbing in sam.
4-3 me mate (got a runout in UK) Sam played really and was mega unlucky to lose this. Thanks for subbing in Sam. Pleasure as always.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
(IP Logged)
00:42 Sat 30 May 15 (BST)
dark_flame v letsgochamp
is now
buckjam v letsgochamp
(dark_flame has permission to sub back in if on)
dark_flame v letsgochamp
is now
buckjam v letsgochamp
(dark_flame has permission to sub back in if on)
01:18 Sat 30 May 15 (BST)
Sl Fixture Set 2
Chips n Gravy 11 v 8 Pocket Dynamos
im_crap_adam v triple_b
liam_scfc 2 v 4 letsgochamp
mich 5 v 1 the_killer
jimmy_efc v hippesville
foxhound 4 v 3 fastboysam
2 racks 8b 9b 8buk (bonuses for gb's or runouts)
31 May
Players Championship Round 3
corsair vs scarlets2k15
the_marine vs fastboysam
Through on a BYE
letsgochamp, hippesville, triple_b, the_killer.
4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
31st may
Chips n Gravy 11 v 8 Pocket Dynamos
im_crap_adam v triple_b
liam_scfc 2 v 4 letsgochamp
mich 5 v 1 the_killer
jimmy_efc v hippesville
foxhound 4 v 3 fastboysam
2 racks 8b 9b 8buk (bonuses for gb's or runouts)
31 May
Players Championship Round 3
corsair vs scarlets2k15
the_marine vs fastboysam
Through on a BYE
letsgochamp, hippesville, triple_b, the_killer.
4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
31st may
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Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 9
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